- 301. Homo Ludens
Характер гри як явища культури. Сутність ігрової концепції культури, яка була сформульована нідерландським істориком і філософом ідеалістом Йоханом Хейзінгом. Тема гри у творчості іспанського філософа Х. Ортегу-і-Гассета. Герман Гессе "Гра в бісер".
Цель и функции техники, ее место в антропологии или антропологической интерпретации. "Основания философии техники" Эрнста Каппа. Технические возможности и их связь с эволюцией людей и окружающей их средой. Совместимость техники с человеческим началом.
Результати соціально-філософського дослідження проблеми людини в католицькому екзистенціалізмі Г. Марселя. Особистий пошук людини і створення власного духовного світу. Обґрунтування необхідності євангелізації душі як шляху подолання антропоцентризму.
A comprehensive study of the issues of manifestation and development of modalities in Avicenna's logic. Characteristics of the religion of Islam as a context for the emergence of interest in logical thought. Acquaintance with Aristotelian philosophy.
- 305. How doing philosophy with children enhances proprioception of thinking and emotional intelligence
Application of proprioception of thinking in philosophizing with children. Characteristics of thinking as a process in philosophizing with children. Features of philosophizing with children in a dialogue form. Development of emotional intelligence.
Philosophical looks of the German philosopher, sociologist, composer and music theorist, Adorno Theodor W. invocatory an audience to see, what hidden reports in our televisional shows and programs, covered evil-minded to support a capitalist regime.
The author proceedes from the nature of the superficial interpretation of the human image in Islam, according to which a human is often expounded as a "slave of Allah", neglecting the multidimensionality of the metaphysical status of a human in Islam.
The development thesis of Karl Marx`s Theory of History. Joshua Cohen`s impressive critical notice of KMTH. The Rational Adaptive Practices view of the development of the forces. Child autonomous tendency to grow up. Problem of class-specific rationality.
Skepticism and criticism of the idea of a transcendental justification philosophy. The concept of natural and phenomenological attitude. Transcendental idealism and a statement of the problem of intersubjectivity "Cartesian meditations" Husserl.
Husserl as the founder of the modern theory of semantic categories and critic of skepticism and relativism. Decision epistemological question of the relationship between subject and object. Consideration of the method of "phenomenological reduction."
Difference between Foucault and Hazard in a method of the analysis of intellectual history. The "episteme" - the structure of all knowledge of a period. A generality of history of the man and ideas. Rejection of category of change as anthropology parts.
Study of the process of personality transformation in the context of the ontology of society. Demarcation of the anthropological concepts "man", "individual", "individuality" in social epistemology. Development of the post-global model of Homo Spiritus.
Heidegger made the distinction between ontical and ontological. The history of ontology in in Heidegger's terms is ontical, and ontology ought to designate fundamental ontology. It is from this distinction he developed his project of fundamental ontology.
Understanding the philosophy of Kant by Andrei Bely. Kant laid firm foundations for the analysis of thought. Formation by Kant of clear foundations for building knowledge of the world and philosophical understanding of both history and symbolism.
Description of teaching of analytic philosophy at Cambridge, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw and Lviv. American influence on European philosophy. Comparative analysis philosophical conception of the students of Cambridge - G.E. Moore and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Analysis of the Hungarian dissertation of I. Lakatos on the historical sociology of science, his ideas on the philosophy of science. Development of a general sociology of scientific knowledge with Marxist foundations and idea of an "inexhaustible atom".
Reflections of the philosopher Yu.M. Bohensky on the topic of the meaning of life in the community. Analysis of Ukrainian society from the point of view of individual and social meaning. Reasons for the unsuccessful search for the Ukrainian national idea.
The particular case study of the School of astrology in Istanbul. The symbolic script of astrology. Explicit differentiation between the planetary skies in their corporeal or visible reality and that which corresponds to them in the subtle order.
Revealing a common theoretical basis for the study of human life as capital and unconditional highest value. Critical analysis of the concepts of capital as the embodiment of social expectations. Unconditional relevance of the value of human life.
Conducting a comprehensive study of principles that can be used to combine different approaches to describing the emergence and transformation of human identity. A starting point for discussing the emergence and transformation of the concept of identity.
Particular cases of interaction. Real implemented connectionist models that show how "new associationism" of the neural network approach may not only surpass Humean limitations, but, as well, realistically explain abstraction, inference and prediction.
Analysis of interpretations of the essence of the information environment in the cultural concepts of philosophers of the twentieth century. Features of information environment interpretation in the concepts of P. Sorokin, E. Toynby, N. Danilevsky.
The epistemological difficulties in constructing integral concepts of legal understanding, suggest solutions for them, justify the option of integrative understanding of law based on a combination of dialectical and need-based methodological approaches.
The mental natures of an individual's mental states and events. The theory that propositional mental-state and even kinds are nonindividualsitically individuated. Intentional mental states and events, that are individuated in terms of cognitive value.
Pluralistic and individualistic societies, who deconstructed parts of their own culture to be filled by "imported" believes and habits from Outside, especially from the East. The study of exceptional states of consciousness led from Wilhelm Wundt’s.
Philosophical discussions about the nature of humanitarian knowledge and the ways in which one can study the inner reality of man as the theoretical background for the formation of the Jaspers' concept. A self-consciousness like a mental process.
A brief overview of the origins and directions of the philosophy of communication. Analysis of the philosophical texts of Kierkegaard. Features and prerequisites for dialogical existence. Necessity and importance of dialogue with God for human existence.
The contradictions of transcendental-phenomenological and communicative theories of intersujectivity, which treat intersubjectivity as equality and symmetry of ego and alter ego. Equality of communicative partners. Reciprocity instead of equality.
Reconstruction of the dialogues of philosophers G. Simmel and A. Bergson. Understanding the design of the future and its modern interpretation. Difficulties in linguistic stabilization and documentation of the future and temporal nature of the project.
Several philosophers have questioned the possibility of a genetic epistemology with the developmental transitions between successive states of knowledge in the individual person. A distinction between the genesis of an idea and its justification.