- 241. Contextualizing Rosenzweig’s and Levinas’ notions of the Оther by Derrida’s construal of difference
Comparison the stances of Franz Rosenzweig and Emmanuel Levinas on the notion of the Other based on the metaphysica of modernity. Revealing the prerequisites their attitude to metaphysics in whole and from the perspective of Jacques Derrida’s philosophy.
The philosophical heritage of the outstanding French philosopher, economist and psychoanalyst of Greek origin Kastoriadis. A study of the evolution of French post-war thought. Kastoriadis as an independent thinker who has revived interest in philosophy.
Analyze correlation of nature and technology in the life of a modern human in connection with the technical process. Role natural and technique phenomena in cultural communication. The role of computer games in the realities of post-industrial society.
Analysis of the ideas of Hannah Arendt’s republicanism and A. von Humboldt’s cosmopolitanism. Both ways of thinking are seen as alternatives to a republican-biocentric perspective to the current problematic areas of the political and ecological crises.
The physical picture of the world - one of the factors that reveal the principle of creativity in the processes of self-organization and self-development of matter. The problem of creativity in the philosophical reflection on a person-world relations.
Analysis 9 civilization branches identifying their cultural features. Substantiation of civilization division according to the cultural principal and characteristic of every civilization branch identifying the main cultural specific point of the socium.
Basic features of philosophy of the German philosopher, composer and theorist of music of T. Adorno. Research of Adorno of "authoritarian personality" as social-psychological pre-condition of fascism. Contradiction of tendencies is in a mass culture.
Динамический характер процесса мышления в эпоху Английского Возрождения. Формирование понятийного аппарата английской философии под влиянием английских авторов периода Возрождения и Нового времени. Расширение состава английской философской лексики.
Использование аббревиатуры NBIC для обозначения конвергенции нанотехнологии, биотехнологии, информационной технологии и когнитивистики и формирование общей CKTS платформы. Феномен NBICS-конвергенции как радикально новый этап научно-технического прогресса.
The essence of D. Bell's understanding of post-industrial society. It turned out that the he understood it as an "analytical construction", and not a characteristic of a particular society, focusing on the large-scale growth of "intellectual technology".
Key to understanding the paradox of Descartes’ way of philosophizing during the recourse to the text of "early writings". The forms of transition to modern methodology. The role of art as form of expressing Descartes’ worldview in the "early writings".
Differences and the Place of the Ethical and Institutional in Derrida. Mandela and the Deconstructive Laws of Reflection. Derrida, Dewey and the Double Bind of Postmodern Criticism. Dewey’s Copernican Revolution: Decentering the metaphysics of presence.
According to Foucault's critical analyses, the traditional ethics of intellectual activity is little more than a deception justifying service to the status quo, and thus leads to a re-examination of the methods, purposes and effects of that activity.
The technological revolution and its impact on social systems is one of the main problems of social philosophy. Sharp criticism of industrial society in "One-Dimensional Man" by Marcuse. The influence of digital society on the principle of human.
Анализ концепта "человеческое достоинство" в контексте философской и правовой экзистенции. Рассмотрение взглядов современных философов и юристов на природу и роль достоинства по отношению к правам человека. Критический рационализм и правовой реализм.
Reconstruction of the teachings of Empedocles from the standpoint of philosophical anthropology. Determining the difference between human and divine. Purification of the soul and mastering the magic of the elements. Penetration of the Blessed Isles.
The paper aims at substantiating the meaningful relationship between Descartes’ and Pascal’s positions as two variants in responding to the demand of the era in the development of anthropology. The existence of the doctrine of human nature by Descartes.
Principles of structural and functional structure, perspectives for the disclosure of sanogenic-therapeutic means of communication, mechanisms for achieving spiritual health and perfection of soul’s smart power in the ideological system of anthropology.
Sanogenical interrelation and perspective of practical explanation of components of cogitative soul power were shown. Particularly, semantic features of their sanogenical reproduction from the standpoint of disclosure of essential and dynamic principle.
Strong argument for theological fatalism in the book "Freedom of the Will" written by J. Edwards. Discussion between Fatalists and Anti-Fatalists in the 20th century in the context ofthe most powerful argument for fatalism, introduced by Nelson Pike.
The intersubjectivity - a concept invented by Edmund Husserl in "Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and a Phenomenological Philosophy". The origin of sciences according to Descartes. The link between human and world - the problem of philosophy.
A number of scientific examples drawing on principles of classical physics, quantum physics, probability theory, and economics. Einstein’s ecumenical concepts of the nature of religion and its social expressions, as evidenced in his correspondence.
Characteristics of the provisions of pragmatism. Investigation of the theories that preceded it. Early Pragmatists and Emerson's Philosophy. Stages of the revival of pragmatism. The definition of pragmatism in Rorty's book The Consequences of Pragmatism.
- 264. Empathy, intentionality and "other mind": from phenomenology to contemporary versions of naturalism
Discusses researching the nature and basic structure of acts of empathy. The research is based on the problems set by the phenomenological tradition and the developed analytical philosophy, which found their continuation in the philosophy of mind.
- 265. Epistemic Paradox
Paradoxes as recourses for understanding deep and subtle features of language and concepts. Categories of the best known epistemic paradoxes. Intriguing paradox derived from an example of A. Prior’s. Problem in use of nonfactive propositional predicates.
Science as a standard of epistemic progress. Discrediting philosophical judgments in general. Refutation of any first-order evidence supporting their philosophical views. A level of agreement between scientists that is not found among philosophers.
The role of knowledge in the information society, it's status and legitimacy in the postmodern model era. Different types of language games and their pragmatics. Nature of social relations and the prospect of post-modern philosopher Lyotard's book.
The critical theorists' analyses of the dialectic of enlightenment. Marx's critique of political economy to instrumental reason. The context for critical theory. Marx's dialectical materialism. Nietzsche's genealogy of morals. Critical contradictions.
Husserl's "epoch" and "phenomenological reduction" and early Heidegger's "fear" and "fear" are discussed from conceptual and terminological points of view. The basis for comparing "epoche" and "fear" is their main function of neutralizing the world.
A hostile analysis by Wyndham Lewis of what he called the time-cult - the network of similarities and influences dominating his culture. In his book "The revolutionary Simpleton" he finds in modern art the concrete evidence of a time-obsessed Zeitgeist.