• Market research of the cosmetics and skin care industries. Consumers of cosmetic products and their preferences. Review and analysis of consumer survey results, development of recommendations for Asian brands operating in the market or entering it.

    дипломная работа (297,2 K)
  • Characteristic the impact of digital marketing on the communication of football clubs and to make suggestions for the improvement of communication. has shown that digital marketing is a very broad concept, encompassing many different online tools.

    статья (24,2 K)
  • Characteristics of the various methods used by advertisers to create effective ads, to maximize the attractiveness of the target group of users, informing readers about the benefits of the product. Develop an advertising slogan to promote the brand.

    реферат (14,7 K)
  • Marketing is a general term used to describe all the various activities involved in transferring goods and services from producers to consumers. Macro- and micro-marketing. The target marketing concept. Competitive Strategies. Internet marketing.

    реферат (11,3 K)
  • The characteristics of market research services. The features of the demand for spa services. The functional components of the resort enterprises and features of organization of spa business. Government regulation of resorts, tourism and distributors.

    статья (256,6 K)
  • The perception and attitude of millennials to storytelling in advertising. Identification of general quantitative trends, as well as to refute or confirm the previously formulated hypotheses. Identifying commercials that have the most emotional effect.

    дипломная работа (3,6 M)
  • Features of the advertising industry in the people's Republic of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Institutions regulating advertising markets in the regions, analysis of television advertising. Place and role of TV advertising in the advertising sphere.

    дипломная работа (281,1 K)
  • Native advertising - the way to pay attention to the particular brand in the context of the site and user interests. Influencers - one of the main instruments for pushing brands to change their assumptions about how to engage the target audience.

    дипломная работа (616,3 K)
  • A study of the role of persuasion in the advertising message. The different techniques of persuasion, their impact on the audience. The role of persuasion in creating advertising messages that stay in the customer's mind and influence their choices.

    статья (4,4 M)
  • The research company's relentless pursuit to implement the innovative marketing elements in production and marketing services to quickly reach the customer and meet needs according to the quality standards, the appropriate cost, and delivery speed.

    статья (61,0 K)
  • The basic approaches of distribution channels formation of enterprise. Stages of sale channel strategy development. The processes of development, maintaining and usage of customers databases are considered in order to establish contacts with them.

    статья (761,8 K)
  • The peculiarities of the use of Facebook for marketing purposes by SMEs. Consideration of the basic ways to determine the barriers that prevent SMEs to use Facebook for their own marketing purposes. The essence of the concept of "diversification".

    статья (387,1 K)
  • The role of the construction industry in the development of the national economy. The choice of marketing strategy as a key to the marketing opportunities of real estate companies. Proposals for expanding sales of real estate and construction companies.

    статья (150,7 K)
  • Market segmentation of hotel services has been investigated as the base of determination of the goals which will be the objects of further marketing investigations. The assessment of segmentation criterion: segment capacity, segment essentiality.

    статья (104,7 K)
  • Analysis of the changes that took place in the Chinese advertising poster during the ХХ century. The connection between the cultural and political context and the visual content of messages, the influence of historical and cultural processes on them.

    статья (22,2 K)
  • Research of tendencies of development of the market of logistic services in the conditions of the global environment. Study of the concept of logistics as a new paradigm of the world market. Identification of trends in the market of logistics services.

    статья (108,0 K)
  • Basic Types of international marketing strategies. Marketing strategies used by online TV services. Peculiarities of Netflix and Amazon Prime Video marketing strategies in India and services comparison. Netflix and Amazon Prime performances in India.

    курсовая работа (976,1 K)
  • Характеристики мікроблогінгу Twitter як частини загальної системи інтернет-маркетингу, його особливості, інструменти та методи. Стан проникнення Twitter у життя населення України та головні риси його функціонування. Принципи просування твіттер-каналу.

    статья (46,8 K)
  • Интернет как платформа многочисленных возможностей для продвижения компании, улучшения ее финансовых результатов. Социальные сети - каналы связи, которые помогают фирмам в достижении различных организационных целей в области маркетинга и рекламы.

    дипломная работа (125,1 K)
  • Integration processes lead to the strengthening of interaction between the national economies of countries in the field of trade and economic relations, which also manifests itself in the interaction of representatives of large and small businesses

    статья (18,4 K)
  • Consequences of Russian large-scale military aggression for Ukraine's foreign trade in goods in 2022. Trends, changes in the geographical and commodity structure of domestic exports and imports. Product groups with the largest drop in deliveries.

    статья (53,7 K)
  • Increase the purchase amount that, on average, per user - one of the main reasons for the growing popularity of e-Commerce market. Analysis of the comparative advantages, challenges of launching a multi channel retailing system through online stores.

    статья (13,2 K)
  • Cross-cultural categories influencing the process of creative expression. The commercial video materials produced by international brands. To examine the degree to which companies adapt their advertising to cultural realms of different countries.

    дипломная работа (80,5 K)
  • Wal-Mart Stores - the largest retail network not only in the US but also in the world. The history of Wal-Mart, a success story of its founder - Sam Walton. The basic principle that has made Wal-Mart Stores Inc. prosperous. Profile of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

    презентация (122,8 K)
  • The analysis of the place and the role of the Web-culture as a component of the company's intellectual capital. Refining of the structure of the company's Web-culture. Essence and the systematization of the main methods of company's Internet activity.

    статья (331,9 K)
  • Автоматизация работы складского хозяйства. Понятие, цели и задачи WMS-системы управления складом. Классификация и принцип работы. WMS-система как инструмент повышения эффективности складской логистики и средство оптимизации бизнес-процессов на складе.

    курсовая работа (68,6 K)
  • Особенности феномена Word of Mouth (WOM), уровень доверия потребителей традиционной рекламе. Маркетинг "сарафанного радио". Описание содержательных блоков маркетинговых стратегий WOM. Интернет-пространство как основная площадка для реализации WOM.

    курсовая работа (1,9 M)
  • Сущность и понятие бизнеса. Анализ факторов, определяющих рыночную стоимость компаний. Условия долгосрочного успеха и получения гарантированной прибыли. Оценка стратегических перспектив предприятия. Выявление и анализ значения монополистических методов.

    книга (240,9 K)
  • Характеристика и история возникновения знаменитой австрийской компании по производству энергетических напитков. Основные обороты продукции в компании. Философия маркетинговых усилий бренда. Вирусный маркетинг компании "по Матешицу" и его характеристика.

    доклад (17,9 K)
  • Дослідження ділової репутації торговельного підприємства з метою визначення шляхів підвищення її рівня та розвитку. Портфель заходів з підвищення рівня ділової репутації. Науково-методичний підхід до їх оцінки, до посилення автентичності торгової фірми.

    статья (124,6 K)