- 181. Basketball game a way of adapting and socially integrating students with intellectual disabilities
Carefully watching - the path that the student goes through with a deficiency of intellect from his entry into the school. Physical education teachers - specialists that have a duty to initiate sports activities to contributing to a social insertion.
Active use of the latest information and communication technologies, as well as the World Wide Web. The problem of expediency of introducing pedagogical innovations, in particular a detailed analysis of educational applicants in the online format.
Selection of available online resources of high didactic and pedagogical value that could facilitate English for academic purposes learning. Investigation of biology students evaluation of internet resources tutorial channels on Youtube, Quizlet, Kahoot.
Summarizing the results of the study of the experience of cooperation between teachers and students in the educational process of an educational institution. Disclosure of the theoretical and methodological foundations of blended learning technologies.
Elaborating the scenario for organization of the students’ qualitative self-study, based on blended learning models: rotation, flex, self-blend and on-line driver models. The examples of their use. The most suitable concepts for full-time students.
Понятие, признаки и характерные черты "обучающей технологии". Цель и планируемые результаты освоения программы повышения квалификации учителей "Медийная и информационная грамотность учителя" Пример практических заданий на учебной платформе moodle.
Details on the approach to remote learning Web 2.0 in graduate students of informatics at the Graz University of Technology. The influence of didactic concepts and technical implementations to increase training and teaching in educational institutions.
- 188. Bocce as an effective means of socialization and mental development for children with special needs
The importance of physical education and sports for children with special needs and describes the personal experience of using bocce as a means of mental development of children and their active socialization. The results of the presented research.
Practical and social aspects of distance education, mechanisms of its effective organization, prospects and stages of implementation. Distance and blended learning experience of teachers of the Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk.
The article is devoted to analyzing the essence and practical objectives of Academic language education and cultural understanding of research and academic world abroad, in English speaking countries in order to develop global awareness for PhD students.
Consideration of problems of training and educationsuccessful member of society means encouraging students toactive social life. The idea of informing parents about the ways to make students successful is really worth using. Value assessment in learning.
Describes the organization of the work process on the principles of flexible development and flexible learning, presents the results of experimental research, which showed an increase in the level of professional competencies in software development.
Analysis of the needs of society in artistic and aesthetic education. Rehabilitation of teaching systems for future teachers of artistic disciplines, including music and choreography. Description of the hermeneutic approach in artistic education.
The use of case study method in teaching of Organizational Behavior in Ukraine. Organizational Behavior as a discipline that explores human behavior in a work environment and examines its impact on job performance, communication, motivation, leadership.
Study of the role of the case study method in teaching organizational behavior in Ukraine. The essence of organizational behavior as a discipline. Analysis of Ukrainian textbooks and curriculum for obstetrics. Application of the case-steel teacher method.
Сущность и роль технологии case-study в формировании у бакалавров и магистров педагогического образования универсальных, общепрофессиональных и профессиональных компетенций. Обоснование целесообразности ее использования case-study на современном этапе.
Использование технологии Case study для подготовки будущих учителей к выработке решений на основе педагогической импровизации и интуиции. Определение зависимости конфликтов по межличностной коммуникации участников от характера содержания событий.
Analysis of the categorical apparatus of primary school teacher training within the framework of specialist formation. Development of professional potential, competence as components of readiness for activity in the conditions of inclusive education.
Use of information and communication technologies integrated into education. Training of an information literate specialist at a university. Analysis and development of the higher education system based on information and communication technologies.
Continuing medical education as a condition for the successful development of clinical medicine. The role of self-study, the relationship of the feedback process and active learning. Modern educational technologies and new media in medical universities.
The organization of education of foreign students at the Dnipro University of Technology. Intensification of the development of contacts between countries, development of educational programs in English and adaptive capacity of foreign students.
Analysis of the process of teaching/learning maritime English. Studying the changes, problems, and ideas that remote (online mode) brings to the process of learning maritime English. Prospects for the development of methods of teaching maritime English.
- 203. Child development
The stages of child development, from the prenatal period to the early years of life. The principles of child rearing in the present conditions, the approaches to the process and the evaluation of its effectiveness. Social and cognitive development.
Twists and turns of the Chinese state policy toward scholars and students living abroad since 1978. Overseas Chinese sholars and students as a new social elite group. Analyse of statistical data on students going abroad and returning to China country.
Choosing a profession for a school leaver. Gender inequality, working Holidays and career prospects. Topic: "My future profession – programmer, economist, interpreter". Youth and unemployment. What the differences in career aspirations of boys and girls.
Understanding of civic of education. Benefits and barriers of citizens Participation. Effective Teaching of Citizenship Education in Primary Schools in Ghana. Civic education and the mobilization of political participation in developing democracies.
A plan is a summary of the English language course of professional guidance for students of the specialty "Sociology", devoted to the theme of the values of the modern world. Discussion of the values оf modern world and their own vital priorities.
The role of content and language integrated learning for students of non-linguistic specialties. Two basic principles of organizing CLIL work - co-creation of new knowledge and depth, significance and relevance of the information to be remembered.
Analysis of the problem of joint education of children of different sex. The historical rationale for the different employment orientation in the education of men and women. The impact of the adoption of the joint schooling in different countries.
Article overviews the research on the complex relationship between bilingualism and cognitive development and the important implications of this relationship for bilingual education. Bilingual education as a means of cognitive development of children.