Detailed disclosure of the importance of the cultural component in teaching English to students of humanities majors. Acquisition of intercultural communicative competence is a necessary condition for comprehensive professional training of students.
The content cultural of education as a part of osvitology and discipline. The relationship of the concepts of "culture" and "education". Principles underlying the Culturology of Education. Interdisciplinary training program "Culturology of Education".
The main principles of the training of foreign language teachers for professional activities. The factors of influence teachers’ professional development. Building students’ ability in foreign language communication within specific academic situations.
Transformation the content of education, implementation of the European experience of learning foreign languages, introduction of universal levels of acquired foreign language competence, taking into account the recommendations of the Council of Europe.
Weak training of graduates and their ignorance of modern hotel business. Comprehensive analysis of trends and global experience of professional training of hotel business specialists. The problem of modernization of higher professional education.
Активізація методів оволодіння знаннями. Типи позааудиторної роботи. Мотивація, організація, форми самостійної роботи студентів. Напрями побудови навчального процесу. Умови розвитку інтелектуальної ініціативи і мислення. Методичне забезпечення і контроль.
Современные исследования самоэффективности, проактивности и жизнестойкости как ресурсов личности, их роль в учебной деятельности студентов. Описание модели влияния самодетерминации личности, её влияние на успеваемость и академические интересы студентов.
Совокупность педагогических, организационно-управленческих ресурсов, создаваемых на единых ценностно-целевых основаниях, обеспечивающих успешную социализацию и профориентационную компетентность старшеклассников. Профессиональное становление молодежи.
Изучение отношения студенческой молодежи к рекреативно-оздоровительной деятельности. Анализ условий формирования рекреативно-оздоровительной деятельности студенческой молодежи посредством его внедрения в деятельность физкультурно-оздоровительного клуба.
Особливості соціалізуючих впливів на особистість студентів-першокурсників. Критерії, відповідні їм показники та рівні соціалізованості студентів-першокурсників. Налагодження життя та побуту, організація змістовного дозвілля, вміння планувати вільний час.
Характеристика девиантого поведения детей младшего школьного возраста. Характеристика подростковых девиаций: детские, подростковые, девиации периода взрослости. Экспериментальная деятельность по диагностике девиантного поведения подростков 8 класса.
Определение понятия "сценарий русского речевого взаимодействия" как макроединицы дискурса и как свернутой когнитивной структуры языкового сознания человека. Принципы классификации сценариев речевого взаимодействия на основе теории речевых актов.
Concept of deep practice (deliberate practice, error-focused practice) which is increasingly widely used in teaching different disciplines. Main characteristics, rules and the possibilities of its application in the sphere of learning foreign languages.
Pedagogical techniques and methods of formation of professional foreign language communicative competence in future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Development of language standards, lexical usage, pronunciation and other linguistic aspects.
Students learn grammar by perceiving material. A shift from a traditional paradigm based on exercises and teacher-oriented instructions to a rethinking of grammar teaching. A comprehensive study of the features of the traditional teaching paradigm.
Discussion of the process of designing and developing an inverted learning environment as the models of blended learning in order to expand its capabilities by integrating a discussion environment. Application of WordPress content management system.
The article highlights the process of designing the distance course - "Media literacy in art classes" for teachers of general secondary education institutions that teach the disciplines of the art cycle, in particular the integrated course "Art".
Discussion in academic literature of academic achievements of adult students. Emerging educational systems. Research and characteristic of the main process from enrollment campaign to learning outcomes and academic achievements of adult students.
Identification of criteria for assessing professional competence and establishing indicators. The need for monitoring of changes in the process of professional development. Postgraduate education in the conditions of education reform in Ukraine.
Criteria and levels of development of professional competence of Foreign Language teachers, their essence and significance. Characteristics of professional competence levels of Foreign Language teachers. Criteria for assessing professional competence.
Analysis of approaches to the organization of remote training of users in digital competences in institutions of higher education. Formation of the "user road map" from the identification of the necessary competencies to their qualitative mastery.
The influence of the development of personal creativity on the expansion of the boundaries of educational and research activities of the student. The professional training of future teachers of professional training for research and creative activities.
Assessment of the opportunities of developing digital competence in pre-school children. The definition of digital competence in scientific sources. The analysis of education documents, highlighting the importance of digital competence in early childhood.
How emotional intelligence (EI) is explored in writings in the different fields of science. Determination of the level of future English teachers’ EI using self-assessment before a drama project and after its completion. Analysis of the structure of EI.
The issue of boosting oral competency in EFL classrooms based on the creative content which comes from the teacher and learner. Student-centred and task-led communicative approaches. Creativity an utmost role in teaching and learning a foreign language.
The concept of discourse competence and its role as a component of communicative competence. Benefits of storytelling and storytelling as a tool of developing spoken discourse competence. Developing primary students’ spoken discourse competence.
Development of reading skills as one of the key goals of the professional English language course. Research of the "inverted classroom" approach, its significant potential for updating the educational process, increasing its effectiveness and enrichment.
- 298. Developing test tasks to assess the components of prospective philologists’ translation competence
Research of promising ways and potential opportunities for objective test control of the level of formation of translation competence in general and certain of its components in particular among future philologists. Analysis of examples of test tasks.
- 299. Developing university students' communicative and cognitive competence in the english classroom
Formation of communicative and cognitive competence of students that are foreign-speaking. It is noted that the integration of Ukraine into the scientific space is impossible without improving the system of foreign language training of specialists.
- 300. Development and implementation guidelines for professional training of indigenous peoples in Canada
Cultural relevance as the important tool of dominant ideology that promotes understanding of what it means to be a successful member of the modern society. The continuous education - one of the guiding principles of the learning continuum in Canada.