• Study of topical issues of strategic personnel management at modern enterprises. Analyzes Huawei's concepts and tools for building a strategic human resources system based on its theoretical concepts, core contents, and importance in enterprises.

    статья (239,2 K)
  • Motivation as the activation or energization of goal-orientated behavior. The academic theories about motivation. The contribution of Rensis Likert. Frederick Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory. Vroom’s Valence Expectancy and Reinforcement theory.

    реферат (18,0 K)
  • The scientific management approach. Applying scientific management to today’s conditions. Weber’s bureaucratic approach. Features of application of administrative, human relations’, organism and contingency theories of the firm. Socio-technical systems.

    курсовая работа (470,3 K)
  • The analysis of the humanistic management culture, its features and key factors of development in the conditions of industrialism. The study of social phenomena and processes, the fundamental provisions of the theory and history of management culture.

    статья (144,2 K)
  • Achieving a higher degree of control over their time using time management techniques. Learning the basic skills of personal effectiveness. Time management role in the organization and personal life. 10 most amportant common time management mistakes.

    реферат (561,8 K)
  • Characteristics of conditions for optimal construction of communicative competence, analysis of the most important components. Consideration of current trends in the formation of communicative competencies of future managers of socio-cultural activities.

    статья (65,9 K)
  • The result is that natural disasters or episodic diseases and pandemics may cause, especially for insufficiently reassured insurers, significant problems with solvency. The effect may be a situation when many farmers cannot afford to pay a premium.

    статья (28,7 K)
  • Становление и развитие менеджмента качества. Классификация методов и средств управления качеством. Концепция Всеобщего Управления Качеством (TQM). Пять звезд качества. Проблемы, возникающие при внедрении принципов всеобщего управления качеством.

    курсовая работа (42,3 K)
  • Corporate transparency as factor to increment governance quality. Тhe relationship between corporate transparency and firm value. Transparency index and descriptive statistics. The transparency of Chinese companies by principles of corporate governance.

    курсовая работа (1,8 M)
  • A charter party is a document of contract by which a shipowner agrees to lease, and the charterer agrees to hire, a vessel or all the cargo space, on terms and conditions forth in the charter party. The main types of charter parties are Bareboat Charter.

    реферат (19,5 K)
  • Enterprise as an entity. Consideration types of enterprises according to ownership, type of activity, number of employees. Association in cooperatives. Industry classification and company profile determined the products produced or services provided.

    эссе (18,4 K)
  • The definition of financial risks, their classification and description of species. Criteria for the qualitative and quantitative assessments of the probability of occurrence of financial losses. Control mechanisms and eliminate the threat of risk.

    реферат (23,0 K)
  • The objective of this paper is to archive change management techniques in organizational context based on the findings presented in various published research papers on the areas and propositions presented in various theories related to change management.

    статья (251,1 K)
  • Increasing corporate social responsibility in the Lithuanian public sector, business and society. Formation of ethical and social responsibility, environmental consciousness and behavior among ordinary employees and managers of hotel companies in Kaunas.

    статья (277,8 K)
  • Peculiarities of using biorhythms in shipping companies, advantages and disadvantages of this approach. Evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation to increase the level of safety and optimize the operation of sea and inland water transport.

    статья (3,3 M)
  • The feasibility of using a strategic approach in the process of mass layoffs has been determined. The developed countries' experience of tackling the mass layoffs has been analyzed and the implementation of a rapid response strategy on Ukrainian market.

    статья (21,6 K)
  • Motivation refers to the important functions of the enterprise management. It encourages employees and managers to meet their own needs and the objectives of the enterprise, forming system of incentive motivation, providing with benefits, extra payments.

    статья (127,7 K)
  • Research process optimization using one of the principles of total quality management. Analysis of its role and importance for making effective decisions that are based only on reliable data. The impact on the competitiveness of the organization.

    статья (101,8 K)
  • Analysis of sources of improving the financial support of innovative activity. The selection of structural characteristics of venture capital, and the functional features of venture financing for the strategic development of innovative businesses.

    статья (55,6 K)
  • Consideration of the problem of designing the information system of scientific research management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine based on the Internet. Advantages of implementing the "Scientific Research" information system.

    статья (19,7 K)
  • Key factors that influence viewers’ preference. The survey of digital piracy factors in the field of series. The factors impacting the aspiration to watch series whether through streaming services, or illegal sources of pirated content in Russia.

    дипломная работа (1,9 M)
  • Description of subjects, approaches and relationships of jobs in order to meet the technological and organizational needs. Extension related duties without additional responsibility and accountability. The need for a certain social status in society.

    доклад (29,0 K)
  • Study the coding and interpretation of disclosed human resources information in the annual reports of bank companies. The relationship between the types of labor organization systems and preferences in the choice of human resource management practices.

    статья (221,7 K)
  • The concept, nature and importance of humor in the workplace. The use of humour by managers as a device to exchange information. The place and role of laughter in a possible increase of competitive advantages of the organization, unification team.

    реферат (16,9 K)
  • А. Файоль как французский горный инженер, теоретик менеджмента, основатель административной школы управления: краткая биография, анализ основных работ. Характеристика общих принципов администрирования. Рассмотрение способов организации предприятия.

    реферат (191,9 K)
  • Применение методов системотехники и контроля качества как альтернативы традиционным методам проверок и испытаний. Успехи А. Фейгенбаума в повышении качества авиационных двигателей. Фундаментальные перемены в теории и практике обеспечения качества.

    реферат (35,3 K)
  • Краткий очерк жизни, этапы личностного становления известного американского психолога А. Маслоу, формирование его взглядов и истоки теорий. Принципы гуманистической психологии. Мотивация: иерархия потребностей. Характеристики самоактуализирующихся людей.

    реферат (45,9 K)
  • Исследование жизненного пути и научных воззрений Абрахама Маслоу. Изучение его работ в сфере гуманистической психологии. Анализ позитивной теории мотивации. Обзор места модели иерархии потребностей в построении теорий мотивации и поведения потребителей.

    доклад (89,8 K)
  • Иерархия потребностей: абсолютные и относительные личные потребности, физиологические потребности. Социальные потребности. Структура, функции и организация оптовых ярмарок. Международные ярмарки. Ценные бумаги и рынок ценных бумаг как объект маркетинга.

    контрольная работа (28,7 K)
  • Характеристика и особенности основных этапов становления, развития научной школы криминалистики Академии управления МВД России. Анализ вклада ученых данной школы, ее роли и значения в развитии науки криминалистики, взаимодействие с научными школами.

    статья (19,0 K)