- 241. PR-кампания
Имидж менеджера и организации. Профессиональная этика руководителя. Организационные способности менеджера в корпоративной культуре организации. Задачи PR-кампании. Разработка PR обращения. Составление корпоративное послание к сотрудникам организации.
Діяльність продюсера в культурно-мистецькому просторі ХХІ століття. PR-стратегії як метод просування музичних груп і артистів на арену шоу-бізнеса. Напрями формування іміджу виконавців: робота з пресою, організація концертів, створення бренду, рейтинги.
Сущность и научно-теоретические основы деятельности PR, как формы пропаганды, призванная создать общественное мнение о товаре, изготовителе, продавце и стране, в которой они находятся. Лингвистические исследования в области связей с общественностью.
Понятие и функции антикризисного менеджмента. Состав и назначение команды по кризисному управлению на предприятии. Методы решения кризисных ситуаций. Конфликтные PR как частный случай антикризисных PR и одна из функций антикризисного менеджмента.
- 245. Probabilistic graphical models in customer analytics: comparison with classical predictive models
This paper presents the application of different methods in order to have a complex vision on customers’ churn problem. It detects which algorithms can be used not only for churn prediction but also for churn prevention issues. Churn prevention analysis.
Consideration of information systems of land management. Identify the obvious problems of information support for the process of resource management based on the analysis. Proposals for the improvement of information systems using modern technologies.
The procedure for applying incentives to employees of local self -government bodies and its definition. The procedure for their application to local government employees is directly related to the sequence of making certain management decisions.
Procurement from both process approach. Effect the procurement process on supply base performance improvement. ‘As-is’ and ‘to-be’ procurement process modeling. Approach to estimate the influence of the capabilities on the supplier portfolio improvement.
The main approaches of scientists to defining the content of the concepts of "project", "project activity". Substantiation of the importance of project activity. The essence of the project and project activity of the enterprise, their features.
Понятие и значение, виды и характеристики PR-коммуникаций, их опыт и традиции. Совершенствование системы управления учреждениями образования и кафедры промышленной теплоэнергетики. Подача пресс-релизов в местные печатные издания, разработка и дизайн.
Study of the main aspects of a psychological nature inherent in consulting activities. Characteristics of the importance of mutual understanding between the consultant and the client for a successful consulting process and achieving the set goals.
Characteristics of the audit as a control mechanism for the implementation of the program to improve the quality of products and services in enterprises. The content of the production quality management system in accordance with ISO 8402 and ISO 9001.
Exploring the unique benefits of using machine learning models based on hidden factors. Recommended system approaches. An overview of popular travel advisory approaches. Performance metrics. Matrix factorization models. K-models of nearest neighbors.
Recommender system approaches: core algorithms and respective applications. Overview of popular travel recommender system approaches. Major recommender system issues and their common solutions. Matrix factorisation and к-nearest-neighbours models.
Definition of the term "human risk". Characteristic of employer risk and some methods of its limitation. Study of social and personal, technical and economic risks. Analysis of the main sources and methods of recruitment and human risk minimization.
A look at strategic processes from historical of view. A comparative analysis of schools of strategic management. The relationship between the choice of the accounting and management strategy of the company, its creation by predicting the future.
Analysis of the results of the study of the compliance of elements of reputation with the components of the management system; and organizational development of socially oriented business enterprises in the context of their connection with certain stages.
Improvement of motivation methods, taking into account today's operating conditions of organizations, their structural subdivisions, selection of competencies and dominant non-material motivation methods, research of motivation methods is presented.
A comprehensive series of tests of new civil aircraft before delivery to the customer. Troubleshooting before operating aircraft. The significance of testing for aircraft production. Prospects for the development of aircraft testing in the future.
Analysis of the prerequisites for the emergence and principles of business process reengineering in the economic environment. Reengineering business processes of real estate enterprises according to the state of development of real estate in China.
The concepts the burden of a foreigner and the burden of external origin occupy one of the central places in the study of international business. These types of "burdens" can create both obstacles and opportunities for managing companies and businesses.
Consideration of theoretical aspects of the implementation of state regulation projects for the development of innovation clusters. Building a scheme for the risk management model of state regulation projects for the development of innovative clusters.
Понятие room service (сервис по расширенной программе), общая характеристика услуг. Плюсы, минусы и проблемные вопросы room service. Описание функций состава службы: менеджера, супервайзера, официанта и сотрудника mini bar. Правила предлагающей продажи.
- 264. Security management
The policy and organization of information security. The lack of detection systems on enterprise. Classification and management of technology resources. Understanding the need of controlling process. Problems in security management and their solutions.
Organizational structure of the enterprise and. The basic directions of activity and functional purpose of services and departments. Distribution responsibilities between managers and staff services and departments, job descriptions of hotel " Samir".
Development of a single methodical information accounting system for the current provision of accountants and managers. Creation of a system of criteria, generalized features and advantages of use. Development of the system at the legislative level.
Characteristic of the trends of humanization of the economic life and intellectualization of the society. Study of the role of socialization as a motivational policy factor. Analysis of the tasks of the enterprise social policy and motivational tools.
- 268. SPACE-анализ
Метод конструктивного анализа – SPACE-анализ. Анализ стратегического положения и оценка действий компании. Факторы конкурентных преимуществ. Матрица стратегического положения и оценки действий. Графическое представление разных стратегических состояний.
Ensuring social progress, economic, political and cultural development of Ukraine. Creation of institutional and legislative forms of implementation of Ukrainian policy in the aspect of European integration. Formation and preservation of human capital.
Comprehensive analysis of the external components of risk along with the methodology for decreasing risks. Concept of increasing the quality of information and analytical support for investment decisions that would enhance the efficiency of organization