Involvement of system management to achieve global goals of sustainable development in Ukraine

The expansion of functions like a feature of the practice of functioning of rural green tourism enterprises in European countries. Factors influencing the application of system management for the introduction of sustainable development in Ukraine.

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Involvement of system management to achieve global goals of sustainable development in Ukraine

Velichko Tatiana


Предметом дослідження є теоретико-методичні аспекти залучення системного менеджменту для досягнення цілей сталого розвитку та практичні напрями його реалізації в Україні.

Метою статті є подальший розвиток напрямів та складових системного менеджменту для досягнення глобальних цілей сталого розвитку в Україні з врахуванням принципів соціальної відповідальності й процесів та можливостей діджиталізації діяльності населення.

Методологічною основою статті стали теоретичні та методологічні положення економіки природокористування, регіональної економіки, демографії, екології; міжнародні й національні нормативно-законодавчі акти, нормативи, ініціативи із сталого розвитку. В якості основоположного методологічного підходу у статті використано системно-структурний аналіз і синтез, а також історичний, монографічний, статистико-економічний, проблемно-цільовий методи.

Результати статті. У статті висвітлені концепції та ідеї сталого розвитку, визначені особливості системного менеджменту щодо їх досягнення та пріоритетні напрями розвитку для України з урахуванням рейтингів країни у світовій спільноті та їх динаміки. Визначено особливості системного менеджменту для цілей сталого розвитку; визначено його пріоритетні напрями в Україні з врахуванням її рейтингових оцінок у світовому вимірі.

Галузь застосування результатів. У вищих навчальних закладах при викладанні економіки природокористування, регіональної економіки та сталого розвитку, у школах, природоохоронних урядових та неурядових організаціях.

Висновки. Визначено, що найбільш суттєвою особливістю теорії й практики функціонування підприємств сільського зеленого туризму у європейських країнах є розширення їх функцій з суто бізнесових до більш суспільно необхідних та значимих - як інструментів збереження та відтворення сільських територій, у т.ч. депресивних. Це забезпечує більшу їх підтримку на рівні місцевих громад, державної влади, що доцільно на всіляке використання. Також доцільно використовувати апробовані механізми й форми туристичної діяльності на селі.

Ключові слова: системний менеджмент, сталий розвиток, глобальні цілі, індикатори, програми, стратегічні пріоритети.


Предметом исследования является теоретико-методические аспекты привлечения системного менеджмента для достижения целей устойчивого развития и практические направления его реализации в Украине.

Целью статьи является дальнейшее развитие направлений и составляющих системного менеджмента для достижения глобальных целей устойчивого развития в Украине с учетом принципов социальной ответственности и процессов и возможностей диджитализации деятельности населения.

Методологической основой статьи стали теоретические и методологические положения экономики природопользования, региональной экономики, демографии, экологии; международные и национальные нормативно-законодательные акты, нормативы, инициативы по устойчивому развитию. В качестве основополагающего методологического подхода в статье использованы системно-структурный анализ и синтез, а также исторический, монографический, статистикоэкономический, проблемно-целевой методы.

Результаты статьи. В статье освещены концепции и идеи устойчивого развития, определены особенности системного менеджмента по их достижению и приоритетные направления развития для Украины с учетом рейтингов страны в мировом сообществе и их динамики. Определены особенности системного менеджмента для целей устойчивого развития; определены его приоритетные направления в Украине с учетом ее рейтинговых оценок в мировом измерении.

Область применения результатов. В высших учебных заведениях при преподавании экономики природопользования, региональной экономики и устойчивого развития, в школах, природоохранных правительственных и неправительственных организациях.

Выводы. Определено, что наиболее существенной особенностью теории и практики функционирования предприятий сельского зеленого туризма в европейских странах является расширение их функций от бизнесных к более общественно необходимых и значимых - как инструментов сохранения и воспроизводства сельских территорий, в т.ч. депрессивных. Это обеспечивает большую их поддержку на уровне местных общин, государственной власти, целесообразно на всемерное использование. Также целесообразно использовать апробированные механизмы и формы туристической деятельности на селе.

Ключевые слова: системный менеджмент, устойчивое развитие, глобальные цели, индикаторы, программы, стратегические приоритеты.

The subject of research is the theoretical and methodological aspects of involving system management to achieve the goals of sustainable development and practical areas of its implementation in Ukraine.

The purpose of the article is the further development of areas and components of system management to achieve global goals of sustainable development in Ukraine, taking into account the principles of social responsibility and processes and opportunities for digitalization of the population.

The methodological basis of the article were the theoretical and methodological provisions of economics of nature management, regional economy, demography, ecology; international and national normative-legislative acts, norms, initiatives on sustainable development. As a fundamental methodological approach, the article uses system-structural analysis and synthesis, as well as historical, monographic, statistical-economic, problem-target methods.

The results of the article. The article highlights the concepts and ideas of sustainable development, identifies the features of system management for their achievement and priority areas for development for Ukraine, taking into account the country's ratings in the world community and their dynamics. Features of system management for the purposes of sustainable development are defined; identified its priority areas in Ukraine, taking into account its ratings in the global dimension.

Field of application of results. In higher education institutions in the teaching of environmental economics, regional economics and sustainable development, in schools, environmental governmental and nongovernmental organizations.

Conclusions. It is determined that the most significant feature of the theory and practice of rural green tourism enterprises in European countries is the expansion of their functions from purely business to more socially necessary and significant - as tools for preservation and reproduction of rural areas, including depressed. This provides greater support at the level of local communities, government, which is appropriate for all uses. It is also advisable to use proven mechanisms and forms of tourism in the countryside.

Key words: system management, sustainable development, global goals, indicators, programs, strategic priorities.

Formulation of the problem

system management sustainable development

Sustainable development issues and their solutions have been among the fundamental ones in the world dimension for the last 40-50 years. They are explained by the energy and materialintensive type of functioning of modern civilization, when its undoubted and impressive scientific, technical and other achievements are accompanied by significant exploitation of natural resources, insufficient control over mineral development and depletion of their deposits, deterioration of natural habitats, local and global problems. In these circumstances, it is important not only to implement and enforce the Global Agreements on Sustainable Development, starting with the official proclamation of its paradigm, concepts, ideas, mechanisms, etc. in 1982 in Rio de Janeiro at the International Conference on Environment and development (Earth Summit), but also the rationale for system management of their implementation, taking into account its latest theoretical positions and practical methods.

Based on the content of adopted international and national documents, a significant role in achieving the goals of sustainable development is given to system management. In general, this is a very difficult task, which has its own characteristics depending on the level and characteristics of management in each country, traditions and environmental education, self-awareness of each person, corporate social responsibility, the effectiveness of management decisions. This fully applies to Ukraine. However, in recent decades, the term «sustainable development» is often used in domestic research as a fashionable term, with a declarative meaning, when the presented research has little in common with its postulates. Therefore, there is a great theoretical and practical need for constant clarification and further justification of its system components and support mechanisms.

Analysis of recent research and publications

It should be noted that the problems of sustainable development and their study are related to the works of well-known foreign and domestic scientists - representatives of economic theory, regional economy, economics and management. These are G. Daly, P. Drucker, R. V. Cates, T. M. Perris, J. M. Huls, O. Belarus, I. Burkinsky, B. Danylyshyn, Z. Gerasymchuk, M. Ihnatenko, A. Kovalenko, L. Levkivska, L. Marmul, G. Obykhod, M. Khvesyk, Y. Shpylyova and others. scientists.

In the publications of these and other scientists, much attention is paid to the theory and methodology of research on sustainable development, its problems and components, mechanisms and tools to achieve. However, the harmonization of levels and the introduction of elements of system management in the practice of achieving its goals requires the continuation of scientific justifications and applied developments.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of the article is the further development of areas and components of system management to achieve global goals of sustainable development in Ukraine, taking into account the principles of social responsibility and processes and opportunities for digitalization of the population.

Presentation of the main research material

Sustainable development is understood as the systematically managed development of the present generation without harming future generations. In such a broad definition, it is his paradigm that marks the development of individual countries and in the global dimension throughout the XXI century. With the deepening of scientific research, the theory of sustainable development is considered the most promising and should displace other, fragmentary theories. The basis of its manageability is a system-structural approach and digital technologies that allow monitoring, evaluation and diagnosis of results, modeling the necessary options and directions and avoid risks and possible problems and negative consequences.

However, it is necessary to take into account the existing realities that accompany the functioning and development of different countries. Some of them, as a rule, with a high level of development and living of the population, accumulated national wealth and well-managed, have long implemented and continue to implement the principles of sustainable development. Other, less developed countries implement some aspects of it. The poorest and poorest countries have a completely different strategic goal - to solve food and demographic problems, problems of military conflicts, terrorism, migration. In this case, they have a significant negative impact on neighboring countries and their regions, especially those bordering. These limitations must be taken into account in the implementation of systemic management of sustainable development.

In general, the paradigm of sustainable development contains requirements for nature protection and compliance with the proper environmental situation; absence of racial and national discrimination of the population and ensuring the principles of social justice; achieving the proper level and quality of life of people without harming the present and future generations. In countries or regions where these requirements are ignored, in the practice of management and even in the theory of research try to invest in it a different meaning: a mechanical increase in management, volume and income of industries and regions, even individual enterprises (eg hotels and restaurants) or restrictions only on environmental requirements. This indicates the substitution of certain categories (sustainable development and financial and economic stability of enterprises), their profanation, mutual devaluation and harm to management [1].

The paradigm of sustainable development is formed by five basic concepts: humanity has the appropriate conditions and resources for the harmonious development of the present generation without harming the future; restrictions in the field of energy and resource use are relative, i.e. inherent in the current stage of public life and can be eliminated; it is necessary to meet the basic living needs of all people and eliminate poverty as a cause of environmental and other disasters; it is necessary to reconcile the lives of the richest people with the ecological possibilities of the planet; the size and rate of population growth must be commensurate with the economic capabilities of the Earth's global ecosystem.

It should be noted that in modern conditions there are many examples of implementing the concepts of sustainable development. This includes deforestation, construction of roads, accompanied by new forest and protective plantations; mining is accompanied by land reclamation; chemical reclamation in agriculture is being replaced by biological reclamation. In the personal aspect, it is employment, obtaining adequate income in order to ensure quality consumption and reproduction, preservation of the gene pool of nations on a global scale. It is the safety of medicines and services for the health of both present and future generations.

Determining certain mechanisms of system management of the implementation of these concepts, it is necessary, first of all, to understand their content components and levels of implementation, as well as to specify the objectives. Thus, the concepts of sustainable development have economic (focused on production and services, costs and revenues, financial and economic sustainability, etc.), social (focused on man and population, social justice, conflict reduction, preservation of social and cultural spheres), environmental (environmental protection), natural resources, avoidance of environmental disasters, etc.) components. Of course, they are not abstracted from each other, but are closely intertwined with each other and interact to form synergistic effects.

The concepts of sustainable development are aimed at achieving its global 17 goals, which meet 169 fundamental objectives. The term of their achievement is defined for the period of 2015-2030. In order of importance their list covers the following: overcoming poverty; overcoming hunger, development of agriculture; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and proper sanitation; available and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduction of inequality; sustainable development of cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; climate change mitigation; conservation of marine resources; protection and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems; peace, justice and strong institutions; partnership for sustainable development.

It should be noted that such comprehensiveness, complexity and diversity components of sustainable development determines the various methods and indicators of its measurements and assessments. Currently, 60 quantitative indicators are recommended for monitoring and evaluation. They are also manifested not only in the global dimension, at the level of countries, industries and regions, but also at the level of individual enterprises and even jobs («green» jobs). Therefore, systemic management of sustainable development should be mutually conditioned and coordinated, starting from the workplace, individual enterprise, industry or region and ending at the national and international level. Accordingly, the mechanisms and tools of systems management have different scales and content [2, р. 25].

We are talking about the development of «conscious consumption» at the level of individuals and households, and at the level of large projects and areas of sustainable development at the level of individual regions and countries. It should be noted that in today's urbanized and high-tech world, more than 1 billion people live on less than $ 1.25. USA per day, has no electricity and centralized water supply. Water scarcity affects the lives of more than 40.0% of people worldwide. Nearly 800 million people are chronically malnourished, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Despite some progress by the world community in overcoming hunger and water scarcity, material inequality is still enormous [3, р. 80].

Thus, 10.0% of the richest people on the planet concentrate more than 40.0% of the world's wealth, and 10.0% of the poorest - only 2.0-7.0% according to various estimates. More than half of the world's population lives in cities. This leads to the formation of multimillion-dollar cities. In the vast majority of cases, they are centers of significant environmental pollution due to significant anthropogenic and man-made load on it. Carbon emissions continue to rise, causing climate change in the direction of significant warming and the greenhouse effect. Fish stocks decreased by 30.0%, and ocean acidification increased due to discharges of hazardous substances, acid rain and garbage by 26.0%. That is why strong institutions and the efforts of the world community for sustainable development are needed.

A number of research institutions have been established to support research, development and implementation of sustainable development concepts in the world and in individual countries. In Ukraine, it is, first of all, the State Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development» of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It was created in 2010. on the basis of the Council for the Study of Productive Forces Ukraine of NASU in Kyiv by the Resolution of the Presidium of NASU. The Institute carries out scientific and methodological activities on sustainable development, is engaged in the development of its priority projects and programs, training of highly qualified personnel in sustainable development, basic work, publication of scientific periodicals. A number of other research institutions, universities and public organizations are working in this direction.

It should be noted that according to world rankings, Ukraine ranked the world average in 2019 on most indices and indicators. Thus, in 2019, Ukraine ranked 135th in the ranking of economic freedoms among 162 countries, and in terms of volume and growth (36.6%) of earnings of freelancers entered the top five countries in the world, ahead of the United States, Britain, Brazil and Pakistan. With a competitiveness rating, the country has lost 10 positions in the last decade and is in 54th place, and according to the global competitiveness rating among 167 countries in general ranks 85th, located between Sri Lanka and Moldova. The country ranks one of the last in Europe in terms of living standards - 62nd out of 71.

According to foreign researchers, Ukraine is showing intense economic stress, ranking in the top ten most unfortunate countries in Europe, with 6th place between Spain and Greece. At the same time, the country ranks consistently high in terms of education - 40-41st place in world rankings. The 350 best universities in Europe include 20 Ukrainian universities, but in their global ranking - TOP - 500 is stable only at the National University. Taras Shevchenko, being in the group 301-500. In terms of environmental indicators, the country is in 5th place in Europe out of 19 countries that use modern wind turbines. However, unfavorable conditions for the environment and human life are created near them.

Among the 58 countries that are effectively fighting climate change, Ukraine ranks 17th, the country is 49th in terms of clean air, and the capital Kyiv is 45th. However, over the last 2-3 years, Kyiv has been one of the three most polluted air capitals in the world with unenviable regularity. This is mostly due to the excessive number of cars on the streets of the capital, unregulated city traffic, windless weather, high humidity and low pressure. Therefore, the environmental component of sustainable development requires increased attention of its system management. Otherwise, it threatens not only significant reputational risks, but also danger to the lives of the population.

As for the ranking of the strongest passports in the world, the domestic passport ranks, according to various estimates, 23rd or 43rd place, and in the index of citizenship Ukrainian is 75th among more than 200 countries. In terms of gender equality, Ukraine is 59th among 150 countries. Finally, among the most powerful countries on Earth, Ukraine is 39th after Mexico and ahead of Finland. The United States is recognized as the most powerful. Russia and China [INVESTORYNEVS, Telegram Channel]. However, according to domestic statistics, the share of the processing industry in the structure of gross domestic product (GDP) is 12.8%, and the leading in its provision are the service sector, agriculture, food industry. However, without precision engineering, IT modernization and progress in other areas is difficult. Therefore, it is equally important to fulfill the task of investment attractiveness of the national economy in the process of system management of sustainable development.

Given the significant stratification of the country's population in terms of income and accumulated wealth over the past 20-30 years, the emergence and operation of large multinational corporations and agricultural holdings, it is important to implement the principles of corporate social responsibility for sustainable development. Patronage, good neighborly assistance and support have always been in the traditions of the Ukrainian people. Therefore, such organizational and production structures, receiving profits and placing them offshore with a small tax burden should take a more active part in the protection and reproduction of natural resources, rural areas, the development of medicine and recreation, tourism infrastructure. This will contribute to the establishment of social justice, optimism and joy of life in a large number of people [4, p. 10].

To this end, the management of enterprises and corporations must be well acquainted with and focused on the ideas of sustainable development. It should be borne in mind that in the context of global and regional crises, the competitiveness of the entities managed by it can also be problematic in the vast majority of cases [5, p. 7128]. All the more they will not be able to get away from them descendants of even the richest owners and managers are born. This applies not only to the environment, but also to gender equality, access to education and health services, overcoming corruption and shadow economic schemes.


Sustainable development has been proclaimed the leading ideology of human life in the XXI century. For the period 2015-2030, 17 global goals have been identified, which can be adjusted. National tasks, indicators for monitoring the implementation of tasks and targets for its achievement for the period up to 2030. reflected in the National Report: «Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine» [6]. A national system of objectives and indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals has been created, which provides a solid basis for further comprehensive monitoring of the country. In total, 17 goals and 86 national tasks are incorporated in 145 regulations of the Government.

1052 tasks and 3465 measures set forth in these acts are aimed at their implementation. On September 30, 2019, the President of Ukraine issued a Decree «On the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine until 2030» [7], taking into account the content of the National Report on their adaptation and specifics our country. At the governmental level, an interdepartmental working group is being set up on their implementation, examination and monitoring. In the long run, knowledge on sustainable development should be systematically and consistently taught in schools, universities and disseminated to the population. His ideas must become everyone's beliefs and be supported by everyone. Only then will all other system management measures have the expected results.


Ihnatenko M. M., Marmul L. O. (2017). Accounting, evaluation and diagnosis of financial and economic results of activities in the strategic management of enterprises and organizations. Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management, 6 (11). URL:

1. Danylyshyn B., Kutsenko V. (2010). Social security - the basis of sustainable development. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1. 20-28.

2. Ihnatenko M. M. (2015). Theoretical principles and practical directions of formation of corporate social responsibility of agrarian and food enterprises. Economics of agro-industrial complex, 1. 78-83.

3. Malik M. J., Hvesik M. A. (2010). Sustainable development of rural areas on the basis of regional nature management and environmentally friendly agro-industrial production. Economics of agro-industrial complex, 5. 3-12.

4. Ihnatenko M., Antoshkin V., Krukovska O., Malyshko V., Marmul L. (2019). Social Investments As The Highest Manifestation of Implementation of Social Responsibility of The Agribusiness Companies. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (3). 7124-7132.

5. National Report «Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine». URL: http://un. org. ua/images/SDGs_NationalReportUA_Web_1.pdf

6. Presidential Decree «On the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine until 2030». URL:

Список використаних джерел

system management sustainable development

1. Ігнатенко М. М., Мармуль Л. О. Облік, оцінка й діагностика фінансово-економічних результатів діяльності у стратегічному менеджменті підприємств і організацій. Східна Європа: економіка, бізнес та управління. 2017. Вип. 6(11). URL: http://

2. Данилишин Б., Куценко В. Соціальна безпека-підґрунтя сталого розвитку. Вісник національної академії наук України. № 1. 2010. С. 20-28.

3. Ігнатенко М. М. Теоретичні засади та практичні напрями формування корпоративної соціальної відповідальності аграрних і харчових підприємств. Економіка АПК. 2015. № 1. С. 78-83.

4. Малік М. Й, Хвесик М. А. Сталий розвиток сільських територій на засадах регіонального природокористування та екологобезпечного агропромислового виробництва. Економіка АПК. 2010. № 5. С. 3-12.

5. Ihnatenko M., Antoshkin V., Krukovska O., Malyshko V., Marmul L. Social Investments As The Highest Manifestation of Implementation of Social Responsibility of The Companies of Agribusiness. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 2019, pp. 7124-7132.

6. Національна доповідь «Цілі сталого розвитку: Україна». URL: http://un. org. ua/images/SDGs_NationalReportUA_ Web_1.pdf

7. Указ Президента «Про Цілі сталого розвитку України на період до 2030 року». URL:

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  • Definition of management. The aim of all managers. Their levels: executives, mid-managers and supervisors. The content and value of basic components of management: planning, organizing, coordinating, staffing, directing, controlling and evaluating.

    презентация [414,2 K], добавлен 16.12.2014

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