Agricultural schools as a form of profile training school
Exploration the psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on the school education. Developing technological profile based on selection criteria of content. Theoretical justification agricultural schools as a form of profile training school.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.10.2012 |
Размер файла | 53,3 K |
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Chapter 1. Theoretical justification agricultural schools as a form of profile training school
1.1 Organization preprofile training as particularly agricultural schools
1.2 Profile education in agricultural schools
Chapter 2. Ways and means of agricultural schools
2.1 The bases of the agricultural schools
2.2 Design of school education in rural schools
Currently, the role of education is increasing rapidly, increasing its impact on all spheres of social life. The transition from an industrial society to a post-industrial and information means that the creation and dissemination of knowledge are the key. Strengthening the role of knowledge in social development, the gradual transformation of information into the fixed capital is fundamentally changing the role of education in the structure of social life of the modern world.
The further fate of the economy is largely determined by the course of events in the village, to effectively manage the land, or the food will increase dependence on Western Europe and America.
Of rural school largely depends the way of further development of the agricultural sector, the formation of the new thinking in students. It is known that the future of the people begins at school. Therefore, in different areas and regions of the country heads of schools, teachers, scientists, educators are looking for rational and tested ways and methods of forming the students' knowledge and skills in basic agricultural technology.
At the same time greatly increases the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of not only the economy but also society in general.
Specifics of the current education system is that it must be able not only to equip the student knowledge, but also to shape it the need for continuous independent and creative approach to learn new knowledge. Modern trends of socio-economic development of Russia forced to rethink the purpose of schooling, respectively, to reframe and planned educational outcomes.
Intensification of educational processes must occur in close association with the demands of real life. New types of agricultural enterprises (joint stock companies, the peasant collective associations, and others) require psychological adjustment and qualitatively new relationship with agricultural work in the school. Experts believe that the Russian students surpass foreign students by level of theoretical knowledge, but they are less prepared to participate in the production.
Savings on hardware of the school has led to major losses in the practical work of the graduates. Our school lacks the orientation of students to local needs through their early involvement in productive labor. High school students participated in the labor force provides them with a desire for self-acquisition of knowledge and skills. This, in turn, develops observation, the ability to generalize the analysis of the facts of the immediate life, to plan the future of their family, making his own household.
One of the areas of modernization is profiling senior high secondary school, the implementation of which, in turn, necessitated the introduction of additional innovations in school practice.
Among the more innovative changes include:
- The introduction of elective courses within preprofile training;
- The organization of information and profile targeting high school students in preparation for the selection profile learning;
- Change the order and procedures for the certification of students completing the second stage of basic education;
- Building-rated student entering the special school, which includes mandatory exams, exams by choice, elected by the appropriate profile, all of this is complemented by a portfolio of individual achievements - "portfolio".
In the present work is to study the "Study of theoretical justification agricultural schools as school education."
Research objectives:
- Explore the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the school education.
- Develop Agrotechnological profile based on selection criteria of content.
- Dismantle an elective course for high school students preparing to work in the market for agro-economic profile.
Object of study: the learning process at school.
The subject of study: professional technological training school students.
Chapter 1. THEORETICAL BASIS AS agricultural schools school education
Critical social requirement for school, stated in the Concept of modernization of Russian education, for the period up to 2010 and the Concept of school education in institutions of secondary education is the focus of education is not only the absorption of studying a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of his personality, cognitive and creative abilities, the successful socialization and active adaptation to the labor market. The strategic document says the new role of career guidance as a condition for the psychological support of youth, in identifying occupational interests, aptitudes, define the real opportunities in the development of the profession.
Introduction to Special Education and training of students preprofile is an essential prerequisite for the development and application of new pedagogical practices of orientation to work with students in the earlier stages of age due to the fact that the situation profile selection and training areas for further education there is in his final year secondary school.
Defining the goals, objectives and content of preprofile preparation, discussion of its range of possible problems with the teaching community revealed a significant number of complex issues, one of which is the orientation and the projects implemented with adolescents. However, it is clear that without the full orientational component preprofile preparation will reduced to "acquisition", "selection", "selection" without taking into account the student's individual request and without his readiness to form the query. The significance of the problem and increases the likelihood that the reform of high school education profile itself in high school in some regions will be partly virtual, "floating", not free to more stable version. There is also a significant risk; lies in the fact that the profiling of high school can be used as a means of personal subordination imperatives of state and public structures. At the same time, have a chance to use the resources of school education in the upper grades to graduate school could overcome alienation substance from externally defined goals and values, reveal that "self-image", which initially contained within it, to cultivate the ability to search their own social and professional "format", look for the answer to the question why this is the content of education is necessary to me. [20, 3]
The history of labor and technological training in the Baikal region.
Labor Education in the 18 - 20 centuries.
Education and employment in the Transbaikal began with the growth of the mining industry. The need for competent people most acutely conscious of the factory administration, who were required to "relentless" increase in smelting silver. In 1724 there was the first Nerchinsk miners.
December 12, 1763 bosses Nerchinsk plant has provided only one school at Nerchinsk plant. The school is established to teach children "reading books and writing, arithmetic and geometry, composing drawings factory buildings, machinery and others."
"Assay case and burning silver Nerchinsk students had to study in the plant laboratory, getting acquainted with all belonging to the post and surveying a measured."
In 1764, the number of adopted children increased from employees received 150., Soldiers and orphans - 70. As the complexity of subjects increased salaries and provisions pupils. Also took into account social class children, "the ministers' workshops are taught reading and writing, arithmetic and geometry, trigonometry, mechanics, and surveying assay arts. Officers' children and "servants of the clerks," in addition, German, hydraulics and all mountain sciences.
Also common were the fathers of their children learning metallurgical production and also provided for a staff position.
Nerchinsk factory school gradually transformed from primary to secondary school with vocational bias. Of youth literacy, schooling, mining and metallurgical staff with personnel, "artisan", office workers.
In 1820, it was decided to create the Mining Council primary school at the main Nerchinsk plant, which students were to be kept by the Treasury and continue their education at St. Petergskom Mining Cadet Corps.
Burnashev TS, chief Nerchinsk plants analyzed shortcomings of the old system of education, and offered to provide training students not by the Treasury, and to provide salaries and supplies. Education, he proposed to divide into three phases of two years each, the next program of courses designed as a continuation and extension of the knowledge, skills and abilities. AI engineer Kulibin developed a position on the School of Mines and the school system with him.
This school was the only special education institution, address issues of training skilled workers for the mining industry, and represents an opportunity to pursue higher education in the Russian capital.
In 1907, the adoption of new rules on the primary schools for inogorodtsev where urged to teach crafts and manual labor in accordance with the local needs and requirements.
In 1911, in the Chita apprenticeship named Nicholas 2, there were two branches: woodwork turning, forging and plumbing and three special class. School was different well-equipped, located on the ground floor workshops where machines operated by a steam engine, electric lighting was supplied from its own dynamo.
The further development of vocational education related to the creation and activities of the Chita Art and Design School (1913 - 1923 gg.). The school worked two workshops. For 10 years she has done a lot to improve the crafts and trades in Transbaikalia. Much attention was paid to processing of wood and wool. In addition to a qualified expert, for 10 years of school 400 people. received a general education.
Professional schools appear railway stations Amazar, Zilovo and others. discovery of these special schools due to the completion of the Trans-Baikal Railway and the preparation of railway workers. Open craft department at the elementary schools. Railway School appear in sufficient quantity.
The development of industry, agriculture, and the completion of the railway caused a lot of excitement in the field of public education, and in particular labor training Transbaikalia.
Career training schools in the post-revolutionary period to the 90-ies of the XX century
After 1917, the whole territory of the Chita region was engulfed in flames of civil war and before completion of education was stopped. In January 1921, hosted the first conference of Eastern State. According to the decision of the conference in the region was carried out for the introduction of the reform of the Unified Labor School.
Of particular importance was the study in the schools of scientific bases of agriculture, which was to make them breeding grounds for practical agricultural information among the peasant population. Since 1925, both theoretical and practical training in agriculture were included in the program of summer courses and teachers' pedagogical colleges. Agricultural issues have occupied an important place in the curriculum of rural schools. Systematically arranged exhibition of student works on agriculture, all schools participated in celebration of the harvest and the Day of the forest. This helped to develop the students' powers of observation, initiative and independence. Not by chance, in 1924 the school peasant youth (SHKM) gained wide popularity among the rural population.
In the first years after the revolution, a lot of attention of state and social organizations was drawn to the school factory training (trade schools), a new type of professional education institutions. Their function was to prepare qualified young workers based on compounds of general education with special technical skills and production work.
In 1958, the country adopted a law "On the strengthening of ties between the school's life and future development of the system of public education in the USSR." In connection with this law in the secondary schools of the region entered an apprenticeship. Born - the movement of student production brigades mostly in rural areas.
First Brigade in Transbaikalia was created in 1958 out of high school students Maletinskoy school-based farm "Victory." They were selected and assigned a team some land, on which students grew potatoes, corn, treated "plots of grain." They received the crop and take it to the farm. At school production team then was not his technique, so work on the farming and cultivation of crops carried out either manually or farm mechanization with students. In the end, students are not able to clearly identify the results of their work.
Gradually the student's production team is made out in an independent production team, and in 1966 it gained full independence. For it was assigned land, equipment, seeds and fertilizer were allocated, was given to the production target between the collective farm and the school is a contract that defines the mutual obligations. Brigade undertook to comply strictly with their agricultural practices, careful use of fixed her technique, observe safety and make the best use of organic and mineral fertilizers, etc.
Team in conjunction with the production target and led test work on the school grounds, grew vegetables, studied the effect of fertilizers on the yield of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage. Guys shave sheep, worked for haymaking, where they met with the device and the action of various machinery and equipment.
Such student production brigades were established throughout the region, they have been combined 23 thousand students.
Until 1965, the school has developed a certain system: student production brigades in their fields cultivated good harvest is generally higher than in the collective farms, the graduates receive professional knowledge and, after graduating from school, many were willing to work in collective farms and state farms. In the future, each school had to adapt in their own way, many people began to look for ways to continue the training of children. In accordance with the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of 27 June 1969 from the academic 1969/70, in rural secondary schools with the necessary conditions, began teaching students 10.9 cl. work on tractors, combines and other agricultural machinery. After graduation students were given the right profession. In the Chita region, such training was conducted in 26 schools.
Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers "On further improvement of training, education and secondary school students preparing for work obligated to assign to every secondary school basic enterprise (organization), collective farms, which will create new training workshops and sites.
Good links were established between schools and labor groups in the villages, as TPP Chita, Sherlovaya Gore Darasun, Pervomaisky Zilovo etc. In the practice of their work included: patronage shops, sites and individuals of the children foremost, the selection of managers and technical clubs, sports clubs from the craftsmen, creating the necessary conditions for the organization of targeted educational work, the organization of the guys on the shop floor practices of patronage enterprises in the field. After that, almost all the students received certificates of competency, and half of them then went to work in the field of the sphere of material production.
Was first discovered in an open area in the 1978 rural school industrial complex (CPC), covering high school located close Alhanayskoy, Uzonskoy, Tabtanayskoy Duldurginskoy and secondary schools. In the first year of the plant studied 320 students. Furthermore CPC are widespread in the region. Special attention was paid to them in equipping classrooms training equipment for practical classes. Allocate necessary vehicles, tractors, agricultural machinery, etc.
At last role provided training and production plant in the guidance of students. For high school students organized demonstrations, not only in the field of educational films studied in the CPC, and documentaries about the occupations of different branches of the economy, the search for the calling and the problems of choice of profession.
In many schools, career guidance was carried out in four stages: pupils and parents, education of the children respect for the trades, production information students; advice about choosing a career. Important meetings with representatives of various professions. Play a role in the tour company. Established contacts with students TU.
First there was the part-time acquaintance, an interesting story about the school, their future profession, and then hike to the one at the station.
Also in the career guidance included joint training and evenings, quizzes, open days. Focused career-oriented work contributed to a questionnaire. Studying such surveys can help you choose a specific direction in the professions, because often the desire to be someone not to do so to the conditions.
Career Center is an educational and methodological studies, which were created in schools. The pupils were collected and made out material to albums by enterprises of the plan: the history of the company, the best people, products, and professional staffing. Were decorated wall newspapers, posters, folders with materials: the professions in our country, the heroes of labor, institutes, colleges. Organized presentations of educational institutions in the classroom. Practiced readers' conferences for those professions that did not exist in the city.
Every young person can freely choose a profession to which he has an addiction.
And guidance was aimed at ensuring that this tendency did not appear spontaneously, and as a result managed educational impact, taking into account the social needs and individual characteristics of the person.
In production training school some mistakes were made. Specification of industrial training was too fractional and not address the needs for personnel in the field. In many enterprises, which were sent to the students for industrial training, do not have the necessary base. Often the practice of students performed passively.
Still, the introduction of labor and polytechnical education broadened the scope and strengthen the base of studying the principles of science, provide comprehensive technical education students, "broadened the foundation for scientific education" and raised the comprehensive school to a new stage of its development. The school is largely approached secondary special educational institutions.
Approximate position of agricultural schools.
1. Main tasks:
1.1. Create conditions for the development of intellectual and volitional personality, conscious choice of life through the introduction of various electives, courses.
1.2. The technique used for identifying individual abilities, interests and needs of the individual.
1.3. Develop the landlord's motivation, which forms the basis of agriculture and embodies the connection of property, liability, management functions, personal interest in the production of agricultural products.
1.4. To ensure the development of a special agro-ecological thinking necessary for direct and permanent contact with nature, and on this basis to provide training skills and techniques of farming and animal husbandry.
1.5. To provide social security to get a free education to all sections of the population to use all forms of education: distance learning, evening school, external, full-time training.
1.6. The benchmark of educational work to do universal human values, to form a spiritual and moral personality.
1.7. Use health-saving techniques and technologies.
2. The educational process.
2.1. In the educational process of the school, provides:
- In elementary school - the development of general and creative abilities of children by identifying their interests and aptitudes through the introduction of integrated subjects, extracurricular activities, recreational forms of creative activity.
- In high school en-based interests, aptitudes and self-identity are uneven extracurricular activities.
- In high school - differentiation on the basis of students' learning and in-depth training, individual work, participation in high school and educational associations.
2.2. After-school, after-school work is organized through the work of creative associations.
We study the dynamics of development of the students, their aptitude, interest, diagnosis abilities. Based diagnostics are developed psycho-educational advice to students, teachers and parents.
3. Experimental work of agricultural schools.
- Study and implementation of best teaching practices.
- The creation of experimental sites.
- Development and implementation of programs profiling and training of students.
- Expansion of variable part of the curriculum of the school.
4. The technological education and career counseling of students.
4.1. The school creates employment students (part-time self-financing facilities).
4.2. The purpose of creation - the empowerment of the students' participation in social production, improvement of labor education, training and vocational guidance in the transition to new economic relations and management practices.
4.3. The composition may include students, teachers, professionals economy, parents.
4.4. To perform work using the time taken for socially useful productive work and leisure time.
4.5. Agroobedinenie may consist of units of teams, sites, workshops, individual industries.
4.6. Students are employed on personal application with the consent of a parent, based on the Regulation on the procedure and conditions of voluntary work of secondary school students in their free time.
4.7. Agroobedineniya principal activities is the production and sale of agricultural products, consumer goods, services, etc.
4.8. Mode sets Council workforce in accordance with the law for students. Students are allowed to work after a medical examination and a doctor of health, training in safe methods of work.
4.9. Remuneration in carried out in accordance with the applicable labor legislation.
4.10. While on vacation can operate in a mode of LTO (financing and maintenance in accordance with Regulation LTO)
5. Staffing.
5.1. Staffing of the school developed independently on the basis of the Charter School and School Development Program and approved by the Committee on Education.
5.2. The salaries of employees of the school are set based on the ETS.
5.3. Compensation of employees of schools is within the salary fund established in accordance with the staffing and additional appropriation for experimental work.
6. Mode of agricultural schools.
6.1. Mode consists of classes, elective courses, creative and specialized training, individual counseling sessions with the same interests in creative associations.
6.2. The school works to 5 or 6 - day school week, the duration of lessons and 40 minutes.
7. Management.
7.1. The entire organizational and teaching activities regulated program of the school, the school rules, the memorandum of association, the Law "On Education" and other laws and regulations.
7.2. Managing agricultural schools implementing school director on the principles of unity of command.
8. Financial activity agricultural schools.
8.1. Financial activity is agricultural schools in regulatory planning and economic independence.
8.2. Sources of income agricultural schools are:
- Budget allocations;
- Voluntary contributions and transmitted values;
- Revenue from the rental of premises and equipment;
- Performance of contract work (with / x work);
- Other income (% per credit, profit from investing in banks, etc.).
8.3. The school has the right to:
- Cooperate on a contract basis, material and financial resources with other organizations, enterprises, institutions;
- Use bank loans in the prescribed manner;
- To approve the establishment of the structure, staffing, salaries in accordance with the schemes within the fund of wages;
- To introduce a differentiated pay and allowances for employees to set high creative and production achievements in the work and expense within the payroll. Allowances should be determined according to the individual contribution of each employee, income growth;
- Set fee for the combination of professions, expanding coverage or increase in amount of work, excluding the combined list of occupations, but within a single payroll.
1.1 Organization profile training as particularly agricultural schools
"The idea of the specialization of upper secondary graduates puts the main stage to have to commit responsible choice - preliminary determination in respect of areas have their own activities"
"The concept of school education to upper secondary general education"
Preprofile training in ninth grade will be as new to the Russian school educational system, which is to have a special place in the whole learning process.
The essence preprofile training - to create educational environment that promotes self-determination of the student's ninth grade, through the organization of elective courses, information work and profile orientation. Preprofile training - this is not a standalone system. It is a subset of professional education of high school and performs a preparatory function. It is in order to help students make a choice of the future profile of learning. [13, 22]
Objectives preprofile training. First, consider the general notion goals goal - a specific, characterized qualitatively and, where possible, quantify and correct image of the desired (expected) result that could actually achieve a certain time. The desired result is to, if:
- In terms of content to the needs of the most and has the motivating force for stakeholders;
- It is possible to obtain it;
- The deadlines for its production;
- He asked operationally, that is, in such a way that its achievement can be measured.
What is the content of training objectives preprofile and how it differs from the goals in-depth subjects and objectives of vocational guidance? The main goal is to prepare students preprofile their self-determination in relation to choice of the profile of the future of training in 10 - 11 classes. Therefore, training should form preprofile students' ability to objectively assess their ability to learn in different purposes of carrying out the selection profile, the respective abilities and interests, and a willingness to make an effort for the students get a quality education, that is a high level of academic motivation for training in the chosen profile . If the school has achieved these results, its work on preprofile learning can be considered successful.
In order for these results became targets of a particular school or municipal education system, it is necessary to assess the possibility to implement them, to determine the terms of their achievements over time and in relation to students. Objectives define the principles according to which the ninth-based learning. [14, 21]
First of all, it is the variability and choice of elective courses students. With these principles of self-determination of students to be held, the formation of their personal responsibility for the selection. It is assumed that the training system provides students the opportunity to try out various ways. During the school year, visiting preprofile courses, each ninth-able to meet what awaits him at the senior level of education. At will, he can take courses corresponding to different profiles.
Specialized education be based on individualization of the learning process, which is provided by training in small groups and individual study plans.
Another principle of compulsory education - this activity students. Self-determination on the future profile of training will take place at specific sample heuristic.
New to the school principle of the system is its openness. Measuring the success of students will be carried out by independent experts from the school, and be documented, for example, a special certificate. Preprofile education system is integrated into a larger system - the municipal education network. That network will meet the challenges before preprofile learning task.
Educational process preprofile training will be on the curriculum, according to which the study courses do not necessarily have 1 hour a week. The plan included other options. Students will study courses in the mode that is more appropriate for the successful completion of the program It could be many hours of training sessions in one week or study material in sessions during the school year, with breaks for individual work of students. Such organization of the educational process allows extensive use of various innovative techniques: CSR, project method, modular technology, research methods, etc.
Each individual educational system is integrated into a larger system - the municipal and inter-municipal education networks.
Network - a new concept in education.
What is the municipal education network? In the formation of the concept of "network" in recent times was used in the science and practice only in connection with the municipal education networks. Municipal networks include pre-school, primary and secondary education. Network - a set of institutions with a common purpose, the resources to achieve them, and a single point of control. Network is made for the need to share resources to achieve this goal.
Assumed that the network preprofile training will include many different types of educational institutions. First of all, school. Their tasks will include an interdisciplinary subject and elective courses, organization of events to generate information in the portfolio. To fulfill this function, it is advisable to install a supplementary educational and vocational training (college, technical school, college, etc.), resources for preprofile and school education, as well as various types of rating events. In addition to educational institutions, the network will include municipal methodical and psychological services. They will be assigned to various support functions, such as training and advisory assistance to students and parents.
Educational networks preprofile training should provide all students with an equal opportunity to choose the profile of education in high school. Therefore, municipal networks have to meet certain requirements.
Requirements for municipal education network.
1. In power. The network should have sufficient power to get preprofile training all students grade 9. In this regard, the number of seats in the institutions network should match the number of 9th grade students with the methods of teaching courses and requirements for filling groups, and whether the students opportunities to choose from. This means that for the most popular courses, the number of seats must be large.
2. The completeness of services offered. List of educational services in the network should be complete. This means that in the curriculum preprofile training should include elective courses of all three species, the subject, and interdisciplinary orientation, all elected student learning profiles of high school.
3. On biodiversity. The network must have the number of elective courses, so that students had the choice of location, the duration of the course, program of instruction, training content should be offered to redundant.
4. On availability. Educational services to the network accessible, institutions conducting training preprofile students chosen must be in the immediate vicinity of the place of residence or school "approach" to them with other technologies, for example, you can arrange delivery of students on courses. Access to education is also provided it for free.
5. For flexibility. Network to be flexible, there should be opportunities for rapid and economic restructuring, according to the variability of the situation. It is provided and variability different network that provides an opportunity to have a "spare", "safety" options.
6. The reliability of the network. By no means reliability failures in the network: the maximum quality and meet the educational needs of students. Reliability of the network is provided, in turn, its flexibility. The larger the network of safety and back-up that can be used in the event of failure (illness or layoff teachers, lack of transportation), the more flexible and variable are the network.
7. On the validity of selected forms of networking. The network should be appropriate to its own particular form of interaction between educational institutions. This means that the form chosen by the collaborative work of the networks will vary depending on the size, density, staffing, network facilities with the equipment, etc.
8. According to rational allocation of seats for preprofile training area (district, city, county, etc.). Networks must ensure the availability of venues preprofile training for all students who wish to receive it. This is determined by the size of the network, its power density, differentiation and variability.
Designing educational network.
One of the most urgent tasks for managers is the creation of the municipal education networks.
Network - is a complex phenomenon. It is not created once and is constantly evolving, not a static dead some education. In network design leaders are three basic steps:
The first stage - preparatory or prognostic. This phase of managers includes the definition of a list of institutions that will be included in the network and their intended functions. At this stage, the possible architecture built network connections, its density, and also determines the size. That is, the network is projected and developed virtually. Carried out:
- The development of school curricula with suggestions for students and the general, that is, the network of the plan;
- Development of educational maps of territories;
- A brochure with information for students;
- Preparation of information events for students to be aware of any network.
The second stage - the creation of real active network. At this stage, informing students and parents about the possibilities preprofile training. Carried out "advertising campaign" to educate the network preprofile courses. Student selects the content of education and their individual builds the trajectory of the network. Feedback from students all the information is processed and analyzed. Based on it, lining up options (primary and alternate) of the network impact of institutions. Determines the type of network. Choose the form of networking among agencies and relevant features of the method of network management.
The third stage - the launch of the network. At this stage the and tested version of the schedule of training sessions. Introduce some form of networking facilities. Check the reliability of safety mechanisms function. Refined and adjusted the forms and methods of work.
Let us examine each of the stages of a network in more detail. The first stage. Development of predictive network option. Network design - prognostic stage activities. To predict future educational network, you must at least know about what courses students choose to study. Identify the preferences of students by using questionnaires.
The orientation of the fact that most prefer to ninth-will determine what educational institutions appropriate to include in the network and form a reasonable proposals in their curricula. To determine the list of institutions that will have to enter the network, can be used in the following table. It allows you to define that the agencies, which is objectively necessary for the performance of tasks online.
In the first step, the development of proposals for students in preprofile rates. School curricula, as well as the overall network plan must meet the following requirements:
- Correspond to the concept preprofile training;
- Include the most complete set of elective courses;
- To be provided in terms of resources;
- Courses must be redundant and provide students the opportunity to choose;
- Included in the curriculum of courses should be different incentive and be interesting to the students.
Plans for educational institutions are encouraged to develop the following form:
Form to develop proposals for a network curriculum
This form contains information about the names of courses and recommended mode of their conduct. It will facilitate the selection of courses by students and will be useful for the generation of the future network training schedule. Similarly, the school plan is developed and the network curriculum, which is the basis for the selection of courses.
In addition to the curriculum contains a list of courses, students should be given the educational map of the district. It is a schematic map terrain, which is marked all secondary schools, institutions of further education, vocational schools and other organizations and institutions on the basis of which it is supposed to carry out preprofile training and specialized education to help ninth graders in choosing and building their own individual path training. They are:
- Number and type of institution;
- Contact telephone facilities;
- The distance between the educational institutions;
- Transport and travel time;
- The learning environment (availability of food, libraries, etc.);
- Profiles in high school.
"Educational Card" can be made and published in the form of brochures, leaflets, posters. It can be presented in electronic form RONO and individual schools. Inform students about opportunities for professional education will allow them to make a more informed choice of content in high school.
Booklets and educational card should not be the sole source of information for students. Thus, it is assumed various events, such as open houses, open mic, presentation courses, fairs, etc. To do this in the curriculum of training preprofile allocated special time. In addition, can be used the media, various types of outdoor advertising. Students should be familiar with the schedule of activities that are carried on the network in order to promote training courses preprofile. The form of such a timetable could be:
The schedule includes all the information you need to visit these events students.
Thus, at the first stage the primary goal of education as preprofile organizers in the district (city), and at school, the problem becomes more fully inform students about its possibilities.
The second stage - is, in fact, the creation of the municipal network. At the second stage of the educational institutions introduce students with the curriculum and course preprofile training. To save time, be held a forum, or fair, which was presented at the same time courses of all educational institutions. Upon completion of dating is an option for students their learning paths. The simplest option is to collect the forms with details of the student and his chosen elective courses. Curriculum for one student may not exceed federal standards. This means that during the school year, every student will be able to take only a certain number of courses on 8, 12 and 36 hours.
Feedback from students information is processed, resulting in and formed the final curriculum preprofile training. He called up a network of collaborating institutions. It provides the necessary information network coordinator to schedule classes, is the data of selected courses with the number of students and the number of the school.
Thus, an educational network begins to form only in the second stage. The result can be created map showing how the network of collaborating institutions.
The third stage - the launch of the network. The network - is to ensure the work starts. The purpose of this step is to clarify the details of the project network (convenience schedule delivery forms students), ie check the reliability of the operation of the established network and identify its weaknesses.
The most difficult job at this stage could be scheduling. If the networks involve movement of students, in order to facilitate this process, it is recommended to allocate the total for all the educational institutions of the time that will be preprofile training. It may be one or two days a week, full-time, as well as his first or second half. For example, preprofile learning can be allocated all of Tuesday and Thursday of the second half, etc.
Management of municipal education network
Like any other social system, municipal network preprofile preparation needs to be managed. Which control system is required, depending on the network. Network management can be both centralized and decentralized. Centralized management requires network-wide management center, which receives commands mandatory for all institutions network. Centralized networks are common to all institutions curriculum, general schedule, the network of teachers, coordinators of the network, a system of training. If there is no single center, control preprofile preparation by each educational institution independently. In this case, significantly increases the amount of coordination. Each agency should be self coordinate with others. Both have their place. [14, 3]
Planning for the introduction of training preprofile
One of the first tasks to be carried out to managers, will be the task of planning for the introduction of preprofile training. What is the purpose of the plan, the role they play in the life or production scenario?
Plans are needed for several purposes. First of all, in order to be sure that we know what we really want (what are our goals) and how to achieve it (which it needs to do). The plan serves to check whether the selected goals and actions. If our actions no longer comply with our plan, then acting on it, the desired result we reach. It is needed as soon as possible to respond to adverse changes.
Particularly important plan becomes when the work involved is not one person but a group. Then it becomes a means to harmonize and coordinate their actions.
As a result, the plan saves a lot of resources and most of all - time. Spontaneous process, as opposed to planned, less economical, as it contains more uncertainties.
So, the plan - is a means of control objectives and definitions necessary for this activity. Good is the plan that qualitatively performing well. Purpose of the plan in practice manager has the following requirements for the quality of planning.
Indicators to assess the quality of the plans:
1. Completeness of action - Ensure that the plan all the necessary and sufficient to achieve the goals.
2. Integrity and coherence of action - action ensures consistency between educational institutions is on the content and timing.
3. Balanced and realistic for all resources: human, scientific, methodological, logistical, financial - is provided by the planning of all resources necessary to provide other resources, and in the end - to achieve the goals.
4. Accountability - provides an opportunity to assess the intermediate and final goals through concrete actions planned, their operator and the allocation in terms of the control points.
5. Sensitivity to failure - is the ability to promptly identify and correct failures in the implementation of the target. Provided by:
- Controlled intermediate and final results;
- Sets the time that is given in terms of the individual actions;
- Back-up time required to troubleshoot, ie correction plan.
6. Realistic plan in terms of the timing of - provides sufficient time to complete the planned activities and correction plan.
7. Planning flexibility - provides sensitivity plan to fail, it controlled, as well as variability.
For administration preprofile training you will need three types of plans: strategic, tactical and operational plans for the month, week, day:
1. A strategic plan for a system preprofile training.
2. Development plan system preprofile training.
3. Plans to implement the system in phases preprofile learning activities.
4. The curriculum and program of elective courses preprofile learning.
5. Calendar-case and the lesson planning for teachers at the school and class on preprofile learning.
The content of training preprofile
Preprofile education system includes a number of new Russian school of pedagogical ideas. Their implementation in practice, essentially lead to a radical change in the educational process, to construction of a new education system graders. We list the main ideas training:
- Introduction by the school component of elective courses: substantive, interdisciplinary and orientation;
- The introduction of active teaching elective courses;
- The passage of all students in grades 9-profile selection of courses of education;
- The introduction of the funded evaluation of the learning achievements of students, the type of "portfolio";
- Enrollment in the 10th grade profile based solutions municipal examination committee, taking into account the "weight" of the achievements of "portfolio" of student;
- A unified state exam for students of 9th class (low SST);
- Transition to independent of the school and the teacher student learning outcomes assessment, exhibited by external experts and confirmed by documents;
- Provide training graders outside their own school: at the municipal and inter-municipal educational networks, educational resource centers, etc.
- Use preprofile training part-time forms of distance education;
- Teaching students in small groups;
- Training in a group of students from different schools;
- The introduction of short-term 8 - 36 hour courses preprofile training;
- The introduction of a new system of allocation of time, the training course during the school week, a quarter of the year in which it is assumed that a training course is not required reading for one hour a week;
- Evaluation of the work of teachers and students in terms of selecting the correct profile of education in grades 10-11;
- The rating of competitions, contests, marathons and other activities with students, allows to use "portfolio."
Combining all the ideas in one process forms an entirely new educational system of education. This system should create the conditions for self-determination of peoples: to provide an opportunity to carry out tests, given the right to choose the education profile, a willingness to take responsibility for your selection. Each of these ideas in its implementation in practice will require refining and finalizing. [14, 16]
From the base model to the school curriculum and the network
Transition to preprofile learning in high school, the main aims of the graduate level of education with the need of responsible choice. Already in the ninth grade primary school student has to obtain information on possible ways of continuing education, to assess their strength and make a responsible decision. The importance of preparation for this option determines the value preprofile preparation graders.
Preprofile prepare students to carry out at the basic model of the curriculum. The base model plan developed based on a model curriculum in regular school BUP-98. Its implementation is a prerequisite to maintain a single educational standard.
Operating today curricula of secondary schools can be categorized into four types: subject, highlighting the core, with the release of educational spheres and subject-level. Preprofile plan preparation is the subject-tier. Of all types of plans, it is the greatest opportunity for creativity, the individual needs of students and working conditions of educational institutions. Curriculum preprofile training as part of the state standard, establishes the following basic standards:
- Duration of training in hours per year;
- The types of courses and their approximate content identified common goals preprofile training;
- The minimum and maximum number of hours devoted to the study of individual courses.
The remaining parameters of the plan will be able to develop their own school.
Based on an analysis of existing curricula (BUP-98 pilot training plans), on preprofile preparation can be spent from about 68 to 272 hours of study time per year. The basic model provides that training should preprofile was 102 hours, the rate of 3 hours of study at 34 weeks of training a year. On preprofile preparation was assigned hours school component and the subject "Technology". The table contains the basic provisions of the curriculum that schools can use for preprofile training.
With a shortage of hours, if the school, for example, is working on a 5-day school week and cannot be used to prepare preprofile "technology" can go to the interim version of the curriculum. To do this, you can option to a 5-day training plan to add, for example, 1 hour per week, thus bringing the amount preprofile training to the recommended basic minimum - 3 class hours a week.
Curriculum preprofile training is nonrigid structure. It includes three components. Of the existing 102-hours recommended most of the time (approximately two thirds), ie 2 hours per week at a special take short-term (one to six months) elective courses. Assumed that the content of these courses will primarily contribute to self-determination with respect to the profile of the student learning in high school.
1/3 of preprofile training, which is about 30-35 hours for the year is expected to draw information work, familiarity with the institutions in which to continue their education after the 9th grade, learning abilities of their educational programs, reception conditions, etc. . as well as vocational guidance activities character; samples, psycho-educational assessment, counseling. Thus, time management curriculum preprofile preparation is as follows:
It is recommended to limit the short-term courses 36 hours. The minimum duration of the courses should be 8 hours. Thus, students in the course of the year may take a few courses. The greatest potential for self-determination provide curricula six-week study.
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