Justification of the need to revise outdated positions in educational Ukrainian programs, modify learning outcomes in harmony with European standards. Study of key topics from the Latin language by students of the "Veterinary Medicine" specialty.
Assessment of video game opportunities as a means of learning, assessment of their effectiveness. Identifying popular types of games that improve players' language skills. Advantages of games that use some level of communication over other types.
The main advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the Virtual Learning Environment during distance learning of Ukrainian as a foreign language in a group of fourth-year foreign students at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic".
The introduction of lifelong learning is an urgent need for human survival in the context of a civilization that seeks sustainable development or coevolution with nature. A study of the transformation of a classical university into a virtual one.
Reformation of learning technologies in the conditions of modern civilization. Search for the optimal model of a virtual university, its advantages and disadvantages. Consideration of the features of the organization of the cloud educational environment.
The main feature of attracting a multilingual approach to teaching foreign languages. Identification of the main functions of visual literacy in classes in a foreign language. Analysis of the formation and improvement of educational skills of students.
The possibilities of using the latest forms and methods of teaching students in the basic discipline @Human Anatomy@ at the stage of preclinical professional training of future doctors of various specialties in institutions of higher medical education.
The problem of using video materials among professional educational teachers, the creation of educational materials among professional educational teachers and technological ones. Classical methods of navchannya disciplines "Systemic keruvannya content".
The purpose of the study is about vocabulary teaching in foreign language and about old and modern teaching techniques. The history of development of vocabulary teaching started with the grammar-translation method. Modern techniques in language teaching.
Formation and evaluation of social and cultural abilities in the fourth grade level. Psycho-pedagogical features of pupils. The use of a questionnaire as a method of estimating the motivation of students. Ways of evaluating sociocultural abilities.
The use of gaming technologies in modern preschool education. Development of attention, memory and logical thinking in adolescents. Methodical techniques of media educational activity. Development of game and creative tasks for preschool children.
Involving students in the process of specially organized communication training - a method of solving the problem of forming the communicative competence of future lawyers. Dynamism, unpredictability - a characteristic feature of a lawyer's activity.
Features of teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions with special learning conditions, primarily in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The main factors related to the goals, conditions and content of training.
In research different points of view on the importance of motivation in the learning process are presented. Theoretical and experimental studies of the problem of motivation show that motivation has a decisive role in teaching a foreign language.
Views on the importance of motivation in the learning process are presented. Types of motivation are considered, their relationship with the learning process is determined. Problems and potential ways of improving students' knowledge are identified.
Analysis of level of English proficiency of university students majoring in therapy and rehabilitation at the time of university admission and after studying for 4 semesters. Describe ways to improve it. Effective methods of learning foreign languages.
Системы дистанционного обучения в интернет. Основные возможности системы онлайнового обучения. Основные способы представления информации. Типовая структура системы онлайнового обучения. Основные формы дистанционного обучения посредством интернет.
Analysis and reveals the problem of professional online tutor preparation and the opportunities for implementation of online education. Highlights teacher's skills in English language teaching, peculiarities and opportunities for virtual education.
The word-formation complexity of educational texts as a system of measurements showing the variety of word-formation methods at different levels, from simple to advanced. The relationship between complexity and the mistakes that make in word formation.
Дослідження теоретичних та практичних аспектів використання workshop в процесі професійної підготовки. Ознайомлення з досвідом застосування workshop для розробки Регіональної програми розвитку підприємництва. Вивчення теоретичних праць фахівців.
Analysis of world experience on the problems of realizing the practice of physical culture lessons online. Use live broadcasts and recorded videos for classes with students. Studying the forms of organization of distance learning in China, Italy, USA.
Formation of students' value-motivational attitude to pedagogical activities in conditions of joint education of children with typical and impaired development. Development of a system of special knowledge for the implementation of inclusive education.
Explanation of all the steps in the process of writing a thesis: table of contents title page, writing a term paper. A comparison of term papers and dissertations. Metaphors for Dissertation Writing. The Stages in Writing аnd Defending Dissertation.
Дослідження особливостей використання формату дистанційного Zoom-навчання та його впливу на виснаження і втому публічних службовців в Україні у системі післядипломної освіти. Аналіз впливу емоційної, зорової, соціальної, мотиваційної та загальної втоми.
Семья Макаренко и его детские, школьные и юношеские годы. Педагогические курсы и преподавание в школе, статус лучшего студента института. Преподавание истории русского языка, ведение внешкольной и внеклассной работы, новые пути обучения в педагогике.
Рассмотрение теории коллектива выдающегося советского педагога А.С. Макаренко. Характеристика основных положений и принципов воспитания подрастающего поколения, выдвинутых Макаренко. Применение данных принципов в современной педагогической практике.
Исследование особенностей программно-целевого управления в различных социальных сферах. Анализ возможностей его использования в системе образования. Изучение сущности и значения программно-целевого управления для создания системы социального воспитания.
Рассмотрение особенностей программно-целевого управления в различных социальных сферах и возможностей его использования в системе образования. Значение программно-целевого подхода для создания системы социального воспитания в теории и практике Макаренко.
Актуальність проблеми толерантності та терпимого ставлення людей один до одного. Гуманістичні цінності у процесі виховання та навчання в системі сучасної освіти. Розкриття змісту педагогічного оптимізму вихователя на основі творів А.С. Макаренко.
Досвід А. Макаренка щодо виховання бадьорої, енергійної, оптимістичної молоді. Визначення шляхів формування успішної особистості молодшого школяра. Аналіз гри як виду діяльності, що допомагає здійснювати розвиток та гармонізацію особистості дитини.