Influence of national and international organizations activities on the process of the development of professional journalists’ training in US higher institutions
Study of the functioning of media organizations in the United States. Formation of professional competencies of future journalists. Improving information and digital literacy of students. Development of scientific and research activities of universities.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.08.2023 |
Размер файла | 21,1 K |
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Lviv Polytechnic National University
Influence of national and international organizations activities on the process of the development of professional journalists' training in us higher institutions
Martsikhiv K. R. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages
Peculiarities of media organizations functioning in the US system of higher education are considered. It is proved that international and national organizations significantly influence the formation and development of journalism education. Based on research, it is concluded that the organizations play an important role in forming the professional activities of future journalists, namely monitoring the quality of education, considering accreditation in accordance with international standards and introducing the latest methods of quality education.
According to the results of the study of professional journalist's training, five provisions analyzing the achievement of a high level of information literacy proposed by the Association of Research Libraries have been analyzed.
The activity of US universities in educational and professional media organizations is described. The main functions of these organizations are highlighted, namely the development of normative documents that form the national policy of professional education and requires institutions to comply with clear criteria and principles for ensuring the quality of education; introduction of educational laws and provision of financial assistance to students; promotion of the university research activities and results, defending the ideas of the states and the federal government.
It has been studied that each state in the United States has its own ministries or departments of education and is divided into counties where educational organizations operate to solve problems that arise at the local level. Depending on the state, these councils are overseen by inspectors, education secretaries, or public members elected by the local population. Legislation in the states is represented by educational acts, laws, and regulations of local councils or commissions.
Key words: journalism education, USA, professional training, organizations, international activity.
Вплив діяльності національних та міжнародних організацій на процес формування професійної підготовки журналістів у закладах вищої освіти Сша
Марціхів Х. Р.
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Львів
Розглянуто особливості функціонування медійних організацій у системі вищої освіти США. Доведено, що міжнародні та національні організації значною мірою впливають на формування та розвиток журналістської освіти.
На основі досліджень зазначено, що організації відіграють важливу роль у формуванні професійної діяльності майбутніх фахівців у галузі журналістики, а саме здійснюють контроль над показниками якості освіти, розглядають питання акредитації відповідно до світових стандартів та запроваджують новітні методи забезпечення якості освіти у закладах вищої освіти США.
За результатами дослідження професійної підготовки журналістів проаналізовано п'ять положень, що визначають досягнення високого рівня інформаційної грамотності, запропонованих Асоціацією дослідницьких бібліотек. Охарактеризовано діяльність університетів США в освітніх та професійних медійних організаціях. Виокремлено основні функції цих організацій, а саме розробка нормативних документів, що формують національну політику з питань професійної освіти та вимагає від закладів дотримання чітких критеріїв та принципів для забезпечення якості освіти; запровадження освітніх законів та надання фінансової допомоги студентам; пропаганда науково-дослідної діяльності університетів та популяризація результатів наукових досліджень, відстоюючи ідеї штатів та федерального уряду.
Досліджено, що кожен штат у США має власні міністерства чи департаменти освіти та поділений на округи, де функціонують освітні організації для розв'язання проблем, які виникають на локальному рівні. Залежно від штату ці ради контролюються інспекторами, секретарями освіти або представниками громадськості, яких вибирає місцеве населення. Законодавство у штатах представлене освітніми актами, законами та положеннями місцевих рад або комісій.
Ключові слова: журналістська освіта, США, професійна підготовка, організації, міжнародна діяльність.
Formulation of the problem. It is important to emphasize on the fact that globalized processes taking place around the world considerably influence all spheres, namely education. It has been researched that the US appeared to be one of the leading countries where journalism education is of high quality.
On the basis of the research it is proved that international and national organizations significantly impact the development of journalism education in the United States, help overcome cultural barriers in the professional training of future journalists, introduce innovative teaching methods, monitor education quality indicators, consider accreditation and international recognition of educational courses and programs, develop terminology according to international standards.
Analysis of recent research and publications. It is necessary to point out that the theme regarding functioning of national and international organizations in the US journalism higher education has been studied by foreign and domestic scholars. Significant contribution to the analysis of integrational and globalized processes has been done by such modern scientists O. Barabash, M. Busko, K. Istomina, I. Lytovchenko, and N. Mukan.
The issues of professional journalists' training in the US are considered to be a concern of T. Khitrova, V. Rizun, S. Maier, I. Mykhailyn, and S. Tucker. Comparative aspect of the US journalism higher education has been researched by M. Bratko, O.Lytsenko, L. Polyvana, and O. Tarasova. Practical aspects of professional training in the sphere of journalism are a matter of C. Berret & C. Phillips, B. Gyori & M. Charles, and D. Hallin & P. Mancini.
The peculiarities of various media organizations in the US have been analyzed by A. Bykov, J. Folkerts, Lynch, V. Vynnychenko, L. Shesterkina and others.
It is important to stress on the fact that the role and influence of various organizations on the development of professional journalist's training has not been thoroughly investigated yet.
The purpose of the article is to analyze peculiarities of organizations' functioning in the US journalism higher education.
Main material
To start with, it is significant to note that in the US there are a lot of various media institutions, organizations that tightly cooperate with educational system and greatly influence the professional journalist's training.
Initially, it is worth paying attention to the Association of College & Research Libraries which has established information literacy standards for future journalists in the United States and other countries. According to the results of research and analysis of professional training of bachelors in journalism, the Association of Research Libraries has proposed five provisions that determine the achievement of a high level of information literacy. First of all, the standard provides the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to implement the work plan of future journalists during the search and material processing, presentation of a report covering current issues. The provision on the use of effective search strategies implies the availability of skills and abilities necessary to expand the range of research through the use of thematic vocabulary of a certain direction and consideration of certain concepts and terms in their narrow and broad sense. Particular attention is paid to the ability and skills of future journalists to find the main facts in the collected information check their accuracy, truthfulness and relevance, convey messages in clear and accessible language, synthesis of basic ideas for new knowledge. It is important to have knowledge, skills and abilities to prepare a report, the content of which corresponds to its format and purpose, to effectively apply the principles of graphic design and visual communication. Equally important is the observance of ethical and legal norms by journalists, namely the recognition and application of intellectual property rights, participation in online discussions on a particular topic, seeking expert opinion through various mechanisms, legal receipt, preservation and dissemination of text, data etc. Understanding the problem of plagiarism is thought to be significant, so future journalists are faced with the task of never presenting work that doesn't belong to them [7].
It is needed to state that improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process for bachelors in journalism is carried out, mainly through the latest forms and methods of teaching and application of an individual approach. As a result, in the 21st century a lot of media organizations appeared in the US and started to cooperate with higher establishments: Center for Media Education, Center for Media Literacy, Educational Video Center, Strategies for Media Literacy, National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture [2].
Analyzing the US higher journalism education, it is necessary to stress on the role of organization that participate in the accreditation of education quality. The Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Kansas accredits its journalism program at US universities. According to static data from 2012, there are 109 accredited programs in journalism and communication in 40 US states [8].
The system of higher education in the United States is the most diverse in the world and is characterized by autonomy and independence of institutions. The United States do not have a centralized Department of Education to implement national standards, quality assurance in education is provided by federal and state agencies, government NGOs, and commercial services.
The quality of education in the United States has traditionally been assessed by a “triad” that includes the federal government, regional accreditation agencies, and state governments. To effectively assess the quality of higher education institutions in the United States, the National Assessment of Education Progress Council has been established, which is responsible for providing the appropriate technical conditions for testing students' knowledge. This organization reports on student achievement most often in the following subjects: mathematics, reading, science and writing. At the University of Manchester, there is “Assessment Management Group” division, whose main responsibilities are the organization and monitoring of the student assessment system. Oregon State University also has a University Assessment Council, which seeks to involve all faculties in the evaluation of student learning outcomes [11].
In 2006, the head of the US Department of Education established the Commission for the Study of Higher Education Prospects. In its report, the Commission criticized accreditation and the higher education system. However, it should be noted that it was the Commission's report that had a significant impact on further empowerment through the Higher Education Act and the decisions taken in 2009, 2010 and 2011. As a result of the revision of the law, the government's powers to conduct the accreditation process have been expanded [4].
The Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication hosted a congress to discuss the state of journalism education at the present stage and what changes will take place by 2025. For example, representatives of Allbright College asserted that the key professional qualities of a journalist are the ability to listen, observe events, show curiosity, determination, not be afraid to ask difficult questions, work with information until the individual understands it completely, correctly apply messaging techniques, etc. La Salle University highlighted the following traits that a future journalist needs to master: “meticulousness” about the facts; the ability to interview anyone, communicate and write clearly and accurately, use the latest technology and realize their limitations. Representatives of Hiram College assured that the ability to write their own report on a real event that happened to them is considered to be important in the training of future journalists. Editing and publishing this information is central and key in journalism education. Students- journalists must also have a deep understanding of the laws and ethics of the media, the basic legal principles of the media and how to apply them in professional activities [10, p. 11-18].
Summing up the work of the Congress of Representatives of various US universities, it can be stated that in 2025, the future journalist should be able to properly organize information, clearly, accurately and concisely convey it to the audience. This is the main component of the model of professional competence of journalists, which was proposed by American Professor David Mold: the European professional model, which is based on writing a thesis, includes practical courses related to the rules of professional ethics, legislation for journalists, promotes the development of skills in working with various types of information; short courses that develop skills for university graduates with an educational level in other subject areas; two types of master's programs: one covers courses that help develop intercultural communication skills and respect for different nations, the other is designed mainly for experienced journalists and is based on political, social, economic and cultural aspects of journalism, provides theoretical understanding of media and interconnected media effects, develops academic research skills; conducting trainings, lectures, seminars for journalists with the participation of various media organizations, such as UNESCO's International Development and Communication Program (IPDC), the BBC, Internet news and others [3]. media journalist student digital literacy
Researching the US education system, it is proved that American universities are members of various educational and professional associations that support and ensure the quality of education at a high level in accordance with modern norms and standards. The Association of American Universities plays an important role in developing regulations that shape national professional education policy and requires institutions to adhere to clear criteria and principles for ensuring the quality of education. Also, influential organizations are the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, which deal with taxation, implementation of educational laws and financial assistance to students. The National Research Council promotes university research by advocating for state and federal government ideas [1].
On the basis of the research it is significant to draw attention to The Strategic Plan for the Development of Higher Education in America “Goal 2025” proposed by Lumina Foundation in 2015. According to the plan, the country's economy requires Americans to develop the skills necessary for a globalized and competitive environment. As a result, increasing the number of students pursuing higher education is important for the country's economy. For a long time, the United States provided employment for the middle class, from whom society did not require a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities. Due to globalization, the middle class remained unemployed. As a result, people who do not have the skills cannot get high-paid jobs, quality health care services and the opportunity to provide higher education for their own children. That is why the completion of a higher education institution is now necessary for the middle class [5].
Taking into consideration the fact that reporting to the public on achievements in higher education will become increasingly important, a number of changes need to be made in the field of accreditation. If government control extends to academia, it will reduce the role of higher education institutions themselves. Therefore, higher education is faced with the question of how to ensure public accountability while maintaining the benefits of accreditation, which will be based on a system of peer review, institutional autonomy and academic freedom [5].
Lumina's goal is to make education more accessible to all, including adults and low-income students, and to increase the percentage of students who obtain a university degree from 39% to 60%. The mission of this organization is called the “big goal” is based on achieving three results. The first is high-quality academic training for students, which is possible if states and institutes create “transparency” in the higher education system: improving educational standards and assessment, supporting successful strategies to overcome cultural and social barriers for students from other countries. It is also success, which consists in the study of the development of alternative career opportunities, providing truthful information about the quality of education in particular higher institution establishments, determining and measuring student learning outcomes, their adaptation to the labor market. The last, no less important point of the strategy is productivity, which is based on the introduction of new approaches, innovative methods to improve professional education in higher education institutions [9].
Finally, it is necessary to state that education is viewed as a powerful resource used for political, economic, social and cultural development of society. That is why the United States is reviewing existing standards in the professional education system. The National Committee on Educational Standards and Education Improvement has been established to rethink national educational goals. The committee reviews and approves standards based on specific quality criteria. The National Committee under the President, the State Department of Education, and the US Congress has also been established. The tasks of the committee are also to study and analyze the work related to the standardization of education in the country. The US government's legislative documents describe the role of local education authorities in creating regional standards quite clearly [6, p. 8-13].
Based on the analysis of regulations and legislation, we conclude that the US higher education system is characterized by decentralization and autonomy of institutions. There is no single system of unified national standards in the United States that regulates the educational process and the provision of educational services. It has been studied that the federal government, regional agencies and state administrations monitor the quality of education in accordance with educational and professional standards. It was also found that educational standards are formed on the basis of state laws and university decisions, and professional standards in turn outline the requirements for a particular profession and clearly define the knowledge, skills and abilities that a specialist must have to perform his duties.
Functioning and cooperation of various organizations with US higher education has been analyzed and for the future should be investigated in a detailed way.
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4. Eaton, J.S. (2012). The future of accreditation. Planning for higher Education. Vol. 40(3). P. 8-15 [in English].
5. Eaton, J.S. (2012). What future for accreditation: The challenge and opportunity of the accreditation- federal government relationship. Inquiry, evidence, and excellence: The promise and practice of quality assurance. P. 77-88 [in English].
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11. University Assessment Council. Oregon State University (2017). Retrieved from: https://studentaffairs. [in English].
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