Information and computer technologies in physical education and sports

Modern requirements for the athlete in game sports. The search for effective means and methods of teaching basketball. Creation of a computer system for accounting and analysis of training loads. Control over the level of physical fitness of the players.

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National University «Lviv Polytechnic»

Information and computer technologies in physical education and sports

Koryahin V.M.


Basketball is an athletics game that places high demands on the physical fitness of athletes [1] - [5]. Participation in the game requires the athlete to mobilize his physical and functional capabilities. The physical training of basketball players in modern basketball is of particular importance due to the expansion of the range of their game activities, an increase in tension in the game, which requires athletes to maximize muscle effort in situations that change rapidly during the game [6] - [8].

In order to effectively increase the physical capabilities of athletes, in particular basketball players, it is necessary to know the following: what requirements the game itself puts on the individual functions of the body and the physical qualities of basketball players, how great are these requirements, what are the physical capabilities of basketball players, what physical and functional qualities in the first place it is necessary to pay attention in the process of training, what means and methods of training are most effective for the development of certain qualities, how to rationally build a training process [5], [6]. Therefore, the question of establishing criteria functions and physical qualities of basketball players is very important in order to manage effectively the training process. Moreover, effective management of the training process is impossible if the following tasks are not solved [1]:

1. Creation of a unified system of accounting and analysis of training loads.

2. Determination of the most effective means and methods of training.

3. Optimization of the training process construction.

4. Development and unification of the system of control over the training of basketball players and the level of their physical preparedness.

This work discusses issues related to the development and unification of the system of control over the physical preparedness of basketball players.

Presentation of the main material

Studies have shown that monitoring the special physical preparedness of basketball players is very important for effective planning of the athletes' training process [9], [10]. When planning the training process of basketball players for certain short or long-term (several years) periods, the question of choosing criteria by which it is possible to determine the course of training in the context of changes in the physical fitness of athletes becomes important. These issues are constantly in the field of view of specialists [9] - [23]. Nevertheless, modern basketball requires the implementation of new approaches in this process, the use of modern, fundamentally new approaches to the problems of test control, the need to take into account the development of information and communication technologies. Integration of innovative approaches to control the physical fitness of athletes is a requirement of today. Development and unification of means and methods of control of physical fitness in sports games is a powerful means of increasing the efficiency of the training process [1], [15], [24], [25], [26].

For a long time, the question of finding methods for determining the level of special physical fitness has been the focus of many researchers [9] - [13], [15], [18].

The development and unification of the basketball players' training monitoring system has been the subject of research by many scientists and practitioners in this field of sports [11], [17], [20], [21], [23]. In basketball, a certain system of control over the athletes' fitness has been created [6]. Tests are usually used for the following purposes:

1. Identifying the level of development of certain qualities and skills in basketball players of one or different qualifications, one or different age groups.

2. Monitoring the effectiveness of training tools and methods.

3. Control over the dynamics of basketball players' sports skills during a certain period.

4. Selection to a sports section or team.

5. Control over the training of basketball players in the process of preparing for competitions. This makes it easier to create training programs and more efficiently manage the training process.

Theoretical basis of research

It should be noted that in the historical aspect, the proposed tests and, most importantly, the methods of determining the parameters of basketball players' preparedness have been improved over the decades due to technological progress. At the beginning, ordinary roulette, stopwatches, etc. were used for such tests [1], [10], [11], [14]. Then electronic stopwatches, photofinishing devices were used [6], [7], [30]. The use of these more technically improved devices has affected the quality and accuracy of the results of research. Nevertheless, one of the promising areas of improvement of control is the development and practical implementation of new, highly effective means, methods, and technologies of integrated control and management of this process. The need to implement these innovations, fundamentally new approaches to the development of the theory of test control in sports and, in particular, in basketball, which would meet modern scientific ideas, is due to the requirements of innovative development, and the global development of information and communication technologies causes the need for significant changes in the forms of organization of test control over the training of basketball players [5], [6], [28]. Therefore, on the basis of modern nanotechnology and microprocessor systems, a new system for determining such parameters of physical fitness as: assessment of special speed endurance, speed-power capabilities, movement techniques and special endurance of basketball players has been developed and implemented into basketball theory and practice.

The method of pedagogical observations, graphic analysis method, and mathematical statistics were used in the researches. For calculating the indicators of 20 m running, the formulas proposed by Trafmon [27] were used, as well as modern nanotechnology and microprocessor systems to determine various parameters of basketball players' physical fitness. Capacitive sensor devices based on the combination of modern nanotechnology and microprocessor systems were used [27] - [29].

Results of research

The existing methods of determining various parameters of physical preparedness of athletes do not meet the modern requirements of scientific and technological progress. A number of tests are offered to determine speed-power capabilities, special speed and special endurance based on the use of modern nanotechnology and microprocessor systems

Method of determining motor quality "speed". Success in many sports and especially in sports games is ensured by not only a high level of technical, tactical, psychological, but also physical preparedness of athletes. The speed of the athlete's actions plays an important role in the aspect of physical training.

It is clear that the effective conduct of the game of basketball, volleyball, football, handball and other gaming sports at a high pace requires appropriate physical training, including speed. The effectiveness of the game actions of athletes largely depends on the speed of simple and complex motor reactions, the speed of movement when performing of game [4], [13], [14], [16], [23], [25].

An important element in the process of training of athletes in game sports is not only the method of speed training, including special, but also the method of determining the level of development of this quality.

In sports games and, in particular, in basketball, a simple procedure for determining the level of speed development using a stopwatch has been used for a long time. A significant step forward, especially in basketball, was the method of determining the speed offered by V.Danilov [7] using a photofinishing device. With the help of this device, you can register a number of indicators that to some extent characterize the speed and power capabilities of athletes. This method has been widely used in basketball [6], [30], [31].

The main disadvantage of this method, despite its progressiveness, is the insufficient accuracy of the measurement, which was not able to provide the equipment of that time. athlete sport basketball training computer

The task of our work was to develop a device using modern technologies to determine the speed and power capabilities of athletes.

When creating a device for controlling speed and power abilities, we needed to ensure the possibility of fixation with an accuracy of thousands of seconds of time of overcoming certain intervals of distance. The developed device for determining the level of development of speed abilities (Fig. 1) includes: starting pads, three installations that are able to record and quickly transmit to a personal computer information about the time of overcoming distance intervals, with a resolution of 0.01 s.

Fig. 1. Constructive scheme of the means of speed control:

1 - subject of control; 2 - capacitive motion sensors;

3 - microcontroller; 4 - PC

Capacitive motion sensors are placed on the starting pads, along the distance at the installations and on the object itself. An informative signal between two sensors that occurs when the subject passes the distance, allows you to register the start time, the time of overcoming each interval of the distance and the finish. The signal received by the sensors is transmitted to the microcontroller, where it is processed and transmitted to a personal computer through wireless communication devices (Bluetooth).

The use of the developed device makes it possible to increase significantly the accuracy of the test results of speed control. Obtaining information with a high degree of accuracy allows not only to determine the time of overcoming the intervals of the distance, but also to calculate the speed of the starting acceleration, the maximum speed of movement and the starting force. On the basis of the results of mathematical calculations of indicators, it is possible to accurately and differentiately estimate the speed-power abilities [7].

Therefore, based on the dispositions of the integrated approach, we propose to calculate other important characteristics using the method of mathematical statistics on the basis of the information obtained by the control, along with determining the time of overcoming the distance segments.

This is necessary because overcoming short distances (20, 30, 40, 50, 100 m) with maximum speed is considered an insufficiently informative indicator of the level of development of speed-power abilities. It is important to characterize the level of development of these abilities to determine such characteristics as the speed of starting acceleration (Kc), the maximum running speed at the distance (Vm) and the starting force (F). The exponential nature of the interdependence between speed and time in such exercises makes it possible to find a mathematical assessment of these indicators. To calculate the starting acceleration (Kc) we use the exponential formula:

where Yi і Y2 - speed on distances from 3 to 5 m or from 3 to 6 m and on distances from 5 or up to 20 m, or up to 30,40,50 m depending on the chosen length of distance;

ti і t2 - time of overcoming the relevant distances.

The following equation was used to calculate the maximum speed of running at the distance

Vt - speed reached by the time t,

k - speed constant that characterizes the starting acceleration;

е - the basis of natural logarithms.

The following formula was used to determine the starting force (F)

The indicators obtained from these mathematical calculations make it possible to carry out a differentiated and objective assessment of speed-power abilities.

Assessment of special speed endurance. The basketball player starts from the front line and runs to the opposite front line of the basketball court. Touching this front line with one foot, the athlete turns around and runs in the opposite direction, performing this cycle for 40 sec.

The exercises are performed with the maximum possible intensity 3 times after 1 minute of rest. The number of meters that a basketball player runs in 120 s (3 x 40, after 1 minute of rest) is an indicator of the level of development of speed endurance of basketball players.

Before the test, the basketball court between the front lines is divided into 28 parts, 1 meter each, and special devices that transmit a signal to a personal computer when running a distance, are installed on each segment, which allows, you to determine with high accuracy the number of meters overcome in 40 s of running. The principle of using modern nanotechnology and microprocessor systems is described above in the section "Methodology for determining the motor quality "speed".

Control of special endurance and movement techniques of basketball players. To determine the special endurance and technique of movement of basketball players, the test "Movement of a basketball player in the rack" was used [6].The test provides for control of the time and distance that the subject overcame (fixed segments), and touching the platform, by which the dynamics of tiredness is established. In accordance with the task, a movement control device has been developed. Fig. 2. shows the structural diagram of the constructive solution of the special speed endurance control system.

Fig. 2. Structural diagram of the design solution of the device for control of special speed endurance: 1 - subject of control, 2 - stationary measuring unit, 3 - motion trajectories, 4 - PC, 5, 6 - the first and second mobile measuring unit, respectively

The developed device consists of two mobile and one stationary measuring units (Fig. 3). Both the first and the second mobile measuring units contain a control-registering device and a transmitter. Stationary measuring unit (2) consists of a control-registering device, microcontroller, receiver, indication unit, interface unit (personal computer).

Fig. 3. Structural diagram of the device

The operation of the device is determined by a stationary measuring unit that exchanges information with the mobile measuring units, and generates the results of measurements based on the signals received from them. The results are displayed on LCD display of the personal computer, which also performs their analysis in accordance with the algorithm of functioning of the internal software. In addition to prompt display of the results, the device allows storing their values in the internal memory or transferring them to the indication unit for additional analysis and visualization.

The device is developed on the basis of multifunctional microcontroller platforms.

Using the developed movement control device, a method of control of special speed endurance is proposed: on signal, the tested person touches the stationary measuring unit with his hand, begins to move along the trajectory towards the mobile unit at a distance of 5 m, touches it, returns to the stationary measuring unit, touches it with his hand and begins to move along the trajectory to the mobile unit, touches it with the hand and returns along the trajectory at a distance of 5 m to the stationary measuring unit, touches it with a hand and goes to the mobile unit along the trajectory. These movements are made until giving up. Digital informative signals are recorded in measuring units and transmitted through the infrared line to the personal computer, where their graphic visualization is provided. According to the obtained results, the dynamics of tiredness is calculated, which gives an idea of the level of special speed endurance.


Monitoring of special physical fitness of basketball players using modern nanotechnology and microprocessor systems to assess special speed endurance, speed-power capabilities and special endurance in the "Movement technique" test allow to effectively, with high accuracy determine these qualities.

1. Establishing criteria for determining individual functions and special physical fitness is very important in order to manage effectively the basketball players' training process.

2. The use of modern nanotechnology and microprocessor systems, namely: capacitive sensory devices, personal computers, using graphic analysis methods and mathematical statistics, allow to raise to a better level scientific research when evaluating various aspects of athletes' training using these data in the practical activities of trainers.


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Информационные и компьютерные технологии в физическом воспитании и спорте

Баскетбол - это легкоатлетическая игра, которая предъявляет высокие требования к физической подготовке спортсменов [1] - [5]. Участие в игре требует от спортсмена мобилизации своих физических и функциональных возможностей. Физическая подготовка баскетболистов в современном баскетболе приобретает особое значение в связи с расширением спектра их игровой деятельности, повышением напряжения в игре, что требует от спортсменов максимальных мышечных усилий в ситуациях, быстро меняющихся во время игры [6] - [8].

Для того чтобы эффективно повышать физические возможности спортсменов, в частности баскетболистов, необходимо знать следующее: какие требования сама игра предъявляет к индивидуальным функциям организма и физическим качествам баскетболистов, насколько велики эти требования, каковы физические возможности баскетболистов, на какие физические и функциональные качества в первую очередь необходимо обращать внимание в процессе тренировок, какие средства и методы тренировки наиболее эффективны для развития тех или иных качеств, как рационально выстроить тренировочный процесс [5], [6]. Поэтому вопрос установления критериев функций и физических качеств баскетболистов очень важен для того, чтобы эффективно управлять тренировочным процессом. Более того, эффективное управление тренировочным процессом невозможно, если не будут решены следующие задачи [1]:

1. Создание единой системы учета и анализа тренировочных нагрузок.

2. Определение наиболее эффективных средств и методов обучения.

3. Оптимизация построения тренировочного процесса.

4. Разработка и унификация системы контроля за тренировками баскетболистов и уровнем их физической подготовленности.

В данной работе рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с разработкой и унификацией системы контроля за физической подготовленностью баскетболистов.

Разработанное устройство состоит из двух мобильных и одного стационарного измерительных блоков (рис. 3). Как первый, так и второй мобильные измерительные блоки содержат контрольно-регистрирующее устройство и передатчик. Стационарный измерительный блок (2) состоит из контрольно-регистрирующего устройства, микроконтроллера, приемника, блока индикации, блока интерфейса (персонального компьютера).

Работа устройства определяется стационарным измерительным блоком, который обменивается информацией с мобильными измерительными блоками и генерирует результаты измерений на основе полученных от них сигналов. Результаты отображаются на жидкокристаллическом дисплее персонального компьютера, который также выполняет их анализ в соответствии с алгоритмом функционирования встроенного программного обеспечения. Помимо оперативного отображения результатов, устройство позволяет сохранять их значения во внутренней памяти или передавать на блок индикации для дополнительного анализа и визуализации.

Устройство разработано на базе многофункциональных микроконтроллерных платформ.

С использованием разработанного устройства управления движением предложен способ контроля специальной скоростной выносливости: по сигналу испытуемый прикасается рукой к стационарному измерительному блоку, начинает движение по траектории в сторону мобильного блока на расстоянии 5 м, дотрагивается до него, возвращается на место стационарный измерительный блок, касается его рукой и начинает двигаться по траектории к мобильному блоку, касается его рукой и возвращается по траектории на расстояние 5 м к стационарному измерительному блоку, касается его рукой и направляется к мобильному блоку по траектории. Эти движения выполняются до тех пор, пока не прекратятся. Цифровые информативные сигналы регистрируются в измерительных приборах и передаются по инфракрасной линии на персональный компьютер, где обеспечивается их графическая визуализация. По полученным результатам рассчитывается динамика утомления, которая дает представление об уровне специальной скоростной выносливости.

Выводы. Мониторинг специальной физической подготовленности баскетболистов с использованием современных нанотехнологий и микропроцессорных систем для оценки специальной скоростной выносливости, скоростно-силовых возможностей и специальной выносливости в тесте "Техника движения" позволяет эффективно, с высокой точностью определять эти качества.

1. Установление критериев для определения индивидуальных функций и специальной физической подготовленности очень важно для эффективного управления тренировочным процессом баскетболистов.

2. Использование современных нанотехнологий и микропроцессорных систем, а именно: емкостных сенсорных устройств, персональных компьютеров, использование методов графического анализа и математической статистики, позволяют поднять на более высокий уровень научные исследования при оценке различных аспектов подготовки спортсменов, используя эти данные в практической деятельности тренеров.

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