Individualized education as an important factor for the effective research of future professionals in higher educational institutions

The essence of the individualization of research activities of future specialists. Stimulation of the development of human individuality, intellectual and creative growth and self-realization, formation of their professional and personal position.

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Дата добавления 03.12.2022
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Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Mathematics Zaporizhzhia National University

Postgraduate student of the Department of Pre-school and Primary School Education

Zaporizhzhia National University

Individualized education as an important factor for the effective research of future professionals in higher educational institutions

О.G. Spytsia, А.V. Khodakovska


The article analyses the concept of «individualized education». It is established that individualized research of future professionals stimulates the development of human identity, intellectual and creative growth and selfrealization, professional and personal attitudes. It is found out that students' individualized research in higher education is focused on the formation of a holistic personality taking into account their cognitive interests and needs. Therefore, each educational problem is solved through personality-oriented prism based on spiritual pedagogy.

It is proved that research is a driving force of progress, a determining factor in the development of education, improving the well-being of society members, their spiritual and intellectual growth. Improving the quality of training of future professionals contributes to their participation in research, because it is one of the main sources of recruiting competent professionals for educational institutions, an important factor in the comprehensive development of creative and intellectual qualities of students.

The study shows that personality-oriented approach is characterized by differentiation and individualization of learning. Personality-oriented approach improves students' professional competence, stimulates their comprehensive personal development, taking into account their specific features, intellectual and professional development, learning didactic knowledge, mastering the appropriate skills and the abilities to apply them creatively solving new problems. The result of individualized learning depends directly on the specification of the immediate tasks, skilful organization of educational material, flexibility of the chosen methodology, education background and pedagogical skills of the teacher.

The study substantiates that research activities of future professionals in higher education institutions should be based on the principle of individualization, because creative individual style can be formed taking into account specific professional orientation, professional abilities and other individual and personal factors.

Key words: individualized education, research, development, higher education seeker.


Спиця О. Г., Ходаковська А. В. Індивідуалізація як важливий чинник результативної науково- дослідницької діяльності майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти

У статті проаналізовано сутність поняття «індивідуалізація». Установлено, що індивідуалізація науково-дослідницької діяльності майбутніх фахівців стимулює розвиток людської індивідуальності, інтелектуально-творче зростання й самореалізацію, формування їхньої професійно-особистісної позиції. З'ясовано: індивідуалізація науково-дослідницької діяльності здобувачів вищої освіти зорієнтовано на формування цілісної особистості із врахуванням їхніх пізнавальних інтересів, запитів і кожна освітня проблема розв'язується крізь призму особистісно орієнтованої освіти на засадах педагогіки духовності.

Доведено, що наука є рушійною силою прогресу, визначальним фактором розвитку освіти, підвищення добробуту членів суспільства, їхнього духовного та інтелектуального зростання. Підвищенню якості підготовки майбутніх фахівців сприяє їхня участь у науково-дослідній роботі, тому що саме вона є одним із головних джерел поповнення закладів освіти компетентними фахівцями й фактором всебічного розвитку творчих та інтелектуальних якостей студентства.

У дослідженні визначено, що особистісно орієнтований підхід характеризується диференціацією та індивідуалізацією навчання і є засобом реалізації цього підходу, який сприяє підвищенню рівня професійної майстерності здобувачів вищої освіти, стимулює всебічний розвиток особистості кожного з них на основі забезпечення оптимального, з урахуванням його особливостей, інтелектуального, професійного розвитку, свідомого й міцного засвоєння дидактичних знань, оволодіння уміннями їх застосовувати на практиці та творчо використовувати при розв'язанні нових проблем. Результат індивідуалізованого навчання безпосередньо залежить від конкретизації найближчих завдань, від умілої організації навчального матеріалу, гнучкості обраної методики, рівня освіченості та педагогічної майстерності викладача.

Науково обґрунтовано: організація науково-дослідницької діяльності майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти має базуватися на принципі індивідуалізації, тому що творчий індивідуальний стиль діяльності формується з урахуванням фахової спрямованості, професійних здібностей та інших індивідуально-особистісних чинників.

Ключові слова: індивідуалізація, науково-дослідницька діяльність, розвиток, здобувач вищої освіти.

Dramatic social, spiritual and economic changes in Ukraine today require a radical transformation of higher education, focused on integration with the global educational space. Many countries of the world intensively improve the content, forms, methods in education with an aim to satisfy students' individual interests. Higher education is designed to give young people a holistic view of the modern science picture of the world, lay theoretical foundation for their future professional activity, promote creative personality development and the right choice of individual life program based on the knowledge of human characteristics, needs and capabilities.

In this regard, the issues of utmost importance in higher educational institutions are as follows: the development of research activity and involving students into it, teaching them methodological culture, increasing the requirements for research results to ensure high efficiency and competitiveness of scientific output.

Research activity of higher education seekers is considered an important means of professional improvement, an essential ability to apply creatively the latest achievements of scientific, technical and cultural progress.

The overview of the academic literature on the topic under study shows that scholars pay due attention to organizing research of future professionals, in particular in such aspects as:

theoretical principles of organization of scientific and pedagogical research (V. Buriak, S. Honcharenko, V. Zagviazynskyi, V. Kraievskyi, I. Lerner, V. Maiboroda, O. Moroz, O. Savchenko);

research as a component of future teachers' training (O. Artemenko, P. Horkunenko, N. Demianenko, I. Yermakova, H. Klovak, O. Mykytiuk, N. Puzyreva, S. Pekhota, A. Solohub, L. Sushchenko);

research as a resource for the development of creative potential of students' personality (V. Baranivskyi, O. Volkova, P. Davydov, N. Zhuravskaia, K. Korsak, S. Sysoieva, V. Trush);

research creative activity (O. Barbitova, A. Bar- vinskyi, V. Verbets, H. Dresvianskyi, V. Lytovchenko, F. Orekhov, Ya. Ponomarev, S. Smyrnov);

culture of academic communication as a means of personality intellectual development (O. Andriiets,

Bilodid, S. Yermolenko, I. Klochkov, M. Maksiuta, L. Matsko, H. Onkovych, N. Taranenko).

The purpose of the article is to characterize and analyse scientific approaches to defining the concept of “individualized education” in pedagogical theory; to prove the importance of individualization in training process as an important factor in the effective research of future professionals.

The involvement of higher education students in research improves the quality of training, because it is one of the main sources of recruiting competent professionals for educational institutions and an effective factor in the comprehensive development of creative and intellectual qualities of students.

First of all, it is proved that science is the driving force of progress, a determining factor in the development of education, it improves the well-being of society members, stimulates their spiritual and intellectual growth.

Training a highly educated and competitive individual capable of creative activity is one of the top priorities of the state.

Modern higher education should ensure comprehensive development of students as personalities, promote identification and development of their abilities, taking into account individual differences, develop independence, creativity, perseverance and responsibility. But all the above aspects can be taken into account only on condition of an individual approach to each student applied. The student's personality as a future specialist should be the main value guideline for higher educational institutions. professional intellectual creative individuality

Human development is characterized by general and special features. General features are inherent in all people of a certain age; special features distinguish an individual. Special personality features are called individual, a personality with pronounced special features is called an individuality.

Individuality is characterized by a set of intellectual, volitional, moral, social and other human traits that distinguish one person from another. Each person is unique in his or her individuality.

Therefore, research activity requires taking into consideration individual psychological characteristics, which are formed and manifested in the research process.

Outstanding domestic and foreign philosophers and educators of the past (M. Berdiaev, M. Montessori,

Piaget, J. G. Pestalozzi, S. Rusova, H. Skovoroda, L. Tolstoi, K. Ushinskyi, V. Frankl, F. Froebel, C. Freinet) emphasized the need to value each person, learn their individual differences, develop the appropriate pedagogical qualities, respect exceptional features and create the most comfortable conditions for teaching and educating each individual.

Individual form of education is one of the forms of training process organization, aimed at education organization taking into account individual differences and characteristics of each of the applicants for higher education, their formation as individuals.

The ideas of I. Bekh, M. Boryshevska, I. Dubrovina, O. Kononko, V. Kudriavtseva, O. Shahraieva, et al. can be considered decisive for understanding the aspect of personal formation.

The priority purpose of individual training in higher education is not only the achievement of high results in students' knowledge acquisition, but the development of individual qualities, formation of future specialist as personalities. Today the issue of individualized education is not sufficiently developed and substantiated in primary and higher schools. A number of important aspects remain unclear. An integrated theory of research management for individualized education has not been developed, the concepts of “individualized education”, “individual approach”, “personality individualization” are not clearly distinguished.

Training a modern specialist, able to self-improvement, self-education, self-realization, in accordance with the requirements of the state and society, should take into account students' individual characteristics, create the appropriate conditions for development and improvement of students' psychological and physiological potential. All this indicates the need for individualized research in higher education, which will ensure the implementation of all these requirements.

When talking about the individualization of higher education, we constantly refer to the concepts of individuality and personality, which are not identical. From a philosophical point of view, the concept of “personality” is associated with the deeper essence of the human race and at the same time with the most significant individual characteristics of a particular person. An individual becomes a personality only when he/she joins the system of existing social relations, acquiring a new quality, becoming a society element.

In psychology, the term “personality” is interpreted differently, depending on the concepts it includes. In particular, it is defined as a vital formative, individually unique set of psychophysiological systems; personality traits, which determine the uniqueness of thinking and behaviour.

According to the advocates of the activity approach in psychology, personality is the most complete expression of the subjective pole of activity, which is generated by the activity and the system of relations with other people. The main personality traits are as follows: abilities, temperament, character, emotions and feelings, motivation, and will. Everyone builds their personality independently in the process of activity and communication with other people. Personality is a unique unity of physiological and psychological qualities. Regarding the consideration of the concept of “individuality, there are two approaches to its interpretation. Proponents of the first approach suggest considering individuality as a set of unique features and characteristics that distinguishes one person from another or a set of properties and characteristics of each creature that distinguish him/her from other beings of the same species.

Proponents of the second approach consider “individuality” as a person with unique characteristics, a certain direction of personality development, accompanied by the emergence of new properties for certain reasons.

A scholar P. Blonskyi considered individuality as a certain combination of individual inherited traits. He grouped these traits into dominant and subordinate. According to his theory, if innate traits are not developed under the influence of a stimulus, they atrophy.

In the early twentieth century on the basis of scientific and experimental facts it was found that the development of individuality is carried out gradually and consistently, it is not a straightforward process, it can allow deviations and breaks; there is an inseparable link between spiritual and physical characteristics, as well as between individual areas (psychological-emotional, volitional, mental); different aspects of the mental state develop differently in pace and force for different reasons.

Investigating the subject, academician A. Petrovskyi defines “individuality” as one of the aspects of personality with a unique set of psychological characteristics. This set includes “character, temperament, mental processes, feelings and motives, formed abilities”.

Keeping in mind that the main activity of higher education seekers is learning, aimed at not only knowledge acquisition and skills formation, but also the fostering of abilities, attitudes, volitional and emotional qualities, therefore, the development is holistic, it involves individual as an integrity with all sides and qualities. Thus, speaking about the development of personality in the process of research, we primarily mean students' self-development. Under these conditions, individualized higher education creates all the opportunities that contribute to the development of students as individuals and their formation as personalities.

The overview of psychological and pedagogical research on various aspects of the above mentioned issues shows that there is still no single interpretation of the concepts of “individual approach”, “individual work”, “individualized education”, their meaning is incomplete, there is certain disorder and some discrepancies in definitions, presented by different authors. The development of these concepts in the historical context, in our opinion, can be characterized differently and grouped into two main directions. The first direction is represented by the scholars interpreting individual approach as: “a foundation” (Ya. Komenskyi), “a rule” (F. Disterweg), “an approach” (B. Yesypov, N. Honcharov, V. Haluzynskyi), “a method” (V. Yurkevich, L. Kondrashova), “personal and collective pedagogical means of influence” (M. Portnov), “one of the forms of educator - student communication” (K. Hurevych), “an important component of educational methodology” (H. Kostiuk), “a principle of pedagogy” (H. Shchukina, I. Ohorodnikov, Yu. Herbeiev, V. Lozova, S. Honcharenko, Yu. Babanskyi, et al.).

Some researchers attribute individual approach to such partial concepts as regulations and principles (N. Levitov), minimize it to individual differences of students (L. Musialyk), narrow its meaning, correlate it with the requirements for methods and forms in educational process (L. Kovalov).

Indeed, it is necessary to apply individual approach in close connection with other didactic principles, because a relatively isolated consideration of this principle is possible only within a reasonable abstraction, which facilitates understanding and practical implementation in a single holistic educational process.

On the one hand, it serves to specify other principles that demonstrate social typical requirements for teaching and education, and on the other hand, it determines the requirements for the content of education, methods and organizational forms in order to form student's creative personality. Its implementation involves partial, temporary changes in the immediate tasks and individual aspects of educational content, constant changes in methods and organizational forms.

Thus, despite differences in opinions among the researchers, they identify individual approach as the most important principle for organization of students' research, which should be carried out in close combination with other principles and different ways.

Scholars also interpret the terms “individual work” and “individualized education” ambiguously. Individual work is understood as “one of the forms of organization of training” (A. Kondratiuk, B. Yesypov); “implementation of an individual approach to learning” (M. Danylov, M. Skatkin, Ye. Rabunskyi); “form of cognitive activity” (L. Kondrashova, V. Buriak, L. Haponenko); “the most important form of education” (V. Yurkevych); “independent work” (Yu. Babanskyi).

The concept of “individualized education” came into usage in domestic pedagogical literature in the 1960's, and attracted more and more attention later on. Individualized education is considered as a choice of forms, methods and techniques in terms of training process. It is seen as the design of curricula and programs, and choice of educational literature with reference to the content of education. It refers to the formation of different types of educational institutions, groups and classes in terms of education system development.

The second direction in the development of the concepts “individual approach”, “individual work”, “individualized education” is characterized by the selection of various priority features with a tendency to intensify in the process of their development up to the present time.

Thus, researchers identify such features of an individual approach as: humanity, promoting collectivism, activity, focus on each higher education seeker, dynamism, continuity and prospects, bilateral nature, versatile implementation, implementation at certain stages, quality (not quantity) assessment, driving forces, uniform requirements.

Most researchers associate the concept of “individualized education” with the training process. Based on this, we can, in our opinion, structure the features of individualized education (in terms of teaching and learning process) and common features (which can be attributed to each of these groups). The features that characterize individualized education include: “assistance in rating students' knowledge and development”, “diverse completeness and depth of learning”, “diverse number and complexity of tasks”, “joint individual educational programs”.

Among the features that characterize individualized research we can mention: “optimal involvement of students in the classroom”, “reasonable mental stress”, “dependence on the readiness and students' pace of work”, “challenging and attractive for everybody cognitive activity”, “typologically customized groups”, “specific approach to each group”, “development of individual features”, “tasks of varying complexity”, “learning the necessary techniques for cognitive activity”, “individual pace and style”, “in all forms and methods”, “optimal organization of educational process”, “special organization of educational process”, “in a team”.

Common features include the following aspects: “sets and solves specific learning objectives”, “meets the purpose and real cognitive abilities”, “can be applied at all stages”, “meets the requirements of individual approach”. Sometimes individualized education is interpreted taking into account teacher's individual characteristics, the formation of an individual teaching style.

The abovementioned considerations and literature overview show a trend of increasing attention to these concepts in recent decades, in particular they are given clearer definitions. Individualized education is also considered a special organization of learning process, which covers all its parts. The need for individualization as a special organization of learning is due to the fact that the level of training and development of learning abilities is not the same for everyone.

Thus, the result of individualized students' research directly depends on the specification of the immediate tasks, skilful organization of educational material, flexibility of selected methods, education background and pedagogical skills of the teacher. The main criterion of effectiveness is the progress rate towards cognitive interest, higher levels of success and cognitive independence.


Thus, the analysis of academic theoretical heritage suggests that individualized education as a special way of students' research organization has its advantages and specific features. Individualized education is a systematic and consistent activity, which involves partial, temporary changes in the immediate tasks and individual aspects of research; systematic and consistent study of students, their strengths, weaknesses, and specific features. Individualized education suggests mandatory adaptation of the goals and content of research to the students' background, i. e. the focus is on each individual.

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