Studying the system of education in Britain. Descriptions of English school syllabus. The elementary education in the Great Britain. Features of infant and junior schools. Analysis the categories of comprehensive academy, private and higher education.
- 932. School mathematics education in the USA as an example of modeling the developmental environment
The analysis of aspects relating to the introduction of standards of mathematical education in the United States of America. An analysis of the content of these standards in terms of episteme, the discovery and justification of key areas of study.
- 933. Scientific and methodological problems of the training of physical education and sports specialists
Comparison of different approaches to training athletes. Scientific problems of a general nature in the international sports community regarding this issue. Development of ways to improve the scientific and methodological basis of the training process.
Detailed consideration of the problem of formation of search and information competence in the system of professional training of future biomedical engineers and economists in foreign language classes. Development of electronic language didactics.
- 935. Secondary education
Primary school, incomplete secondary education, upper secondary school and complete secondary education. Basics of the Belarusian and Russian languages, mathematics, nature study, initial knowledge about society, and national history and culture.
- 936. Self-assesment table as a tool for developing future primary school teachers’ strategic competence
Assessment tables encourage students to broaden their knowledge; increase motivation to language learning; develop students' autonomy through the development of skills of reflection, self-evaluation and planning of their own independent activities.
Grammatical knowledge as an effective means of foreign language learning. Self and peer assessment practices that furnish with the strategies to make observations of grammar phenomena. The raising grammatical awareness in students majoring in Philology.
The problem of organizational, methodological support of independent educational activity of future teachers of physics in the process of preparation for innovative activity. A frame from a video that is dedicated to innovative product "Demo capacitor".
Analysis of scientific views on the interpretation of the phenomenon of self-improvement of students. Determination of approaches to the scientific and methodological training of teachers for the use of information technologies in the educational process.
Objective analysis of professional social - pedagogical activity. The aspects of self-reflection application, forming professional identity of future pedagogues. Analysis of the role of self-reflection application in the process of future pedagogues.
The role of self-selection by students of the simultaneous translation course. The result of a psycholinguistic experiment on the topic "Why did I decide to choose a course in simultaneous translation". Factors in choosing this direction of study.
This article examines methods of the updated teaching of physical education in a general education organization. New ideological constructs based on blended learning are information-enriching, educational-integrative, organizational-stimulating.
A summary of results of the practical research of sense sphere of the death young people. The analysys of the results of the students study in the specialized (correctional) boarding-school for death and children with hearing disturbance in Stavropol.
Overview of innovative approaches to teaching and learning; consideration of 21st century skills that will contribute to the future successful career of students in general and effective communication; analysis of students' educational activities.
The importance of teaching Slovak as a foreign language to overcome the problem of foreign students in the course of studying professional subjects. Directions for the development of an individual course of mixed learning material on the Moodle platform.
Дослідження розвитку освіти в сучасному інформаційному суспільстві. Використання технологічних інновацій та Інтернет-ресурсів в навчальному просторі України. Впровадження комунікаційних, віртуальних і Smart-технологій в учбових навчальних закладах.
The pecularitis of the smart education. The concept of smart technologies and the list of the main smart learning technologies used in higher education. The requirements for smart technologies: availability, efficiency, economy, aggregativity, complexity.
Инновационные технологии в организации учебного процесса на основе SMART-технологий при обучении биологии. Вовлечение учеников в проектную деятельность, повышение мотивации к учебе. Современное использование в самостоятельной работе SMART-технологий.
Рассмотрение феномена смарт-технологий в современном образовании с позиций развития универсальных и профессиональных компетенций. Обобщение особенностей включения данного инструментария в обучение по направлениям "Лингвистика" и "Рекламная деятельность".
Визначення важливості цифрової грамотності й компетентності для формування smart-технологій у професійній діяльності майбутніх спеціалістів медичної галузі. Комплексне теоретичне обґрунтування проблеми зі здобуття необхідних цифрових компетентностей.
Дослідження доцільності застосування SMART-технологій в ході організації освітнього процесу в Україні. Мотивація майбутніх психологів до творчої діяльності, самовдосконалення та саморозвитку. Підвищення інтересу студентів до природничо-наукових знань.
Overcoming the gap between the educational process of training translation students and future professional activity as a problem of improving the quality of higher education. Sociocultural approach to the professional training of translation students.
History of domestic pedagogy. The experience of outstanding teachers of the past, their importance in the development of the state. Socio-cultural dimensions of the development of education in Galicia and the Dnieper region in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
Soft-skills are an attribute of a successful engineering career. Organizational behavior is a discipline that complements engineering qualifications with social skills. Introduction of the course into the curriculum of master training of engineers.
Важливість формування в майбутніх фахівців soft skills, що дає змогу забезпечувати успіх їхньої професійної діяльності. На основі аналізу сутності поняття "компетенції" обґрунтовано необхідність розвитку особистісних характеристик майбутніх випускників.
- 956. Softskills як умова ефективної професіоналізації майбутніх педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти
Сучасні вимоги до вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти України. Мотивація особистості студентів до професійного самовдосконалення, командної роботи та фахової самореалізації. Фактори та засоби, що активізують оволодіння майбутніми педагогами softskills.
The analysis of one of the main interactive methods which allows bringing the learning process as close as possible to practice - the case method. The examines the peculiarities of using the case method in the process of teaching a foreign language.
Compositional thinking as a kind of mental activity. The role of this knowledge in the process of evaluation by future artists or architects of the aesthetic and creative value of compositional works. Influence on development of creative potential.
Analysis of the law on education. The tasks that face the entities the Polish educational system in terms of taking effective measures to protect mental health of children and adolescents, including health promotion, prevention of mental disorders.
The various aspects of state regulation of higher education. The approaches and methods of education management are determined, the disadvantages of excessive regulation are identified. The Ministry of Education, quality assurance in higher education.