Experimental research of thе effectiveness of health-saving competence development of future food processing engineers

Development of health-preserving competence of future engineers-technologists of the food industry. Evaluation of criteria and indicators of effectiveness of methods of formation of health care knowledge and skills in the process of professional training.

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Дата добавления 19.09.2024
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Department of food technologies, light industry and design

Ukrainian academy of engineering and pedagogy

Experimental research of thе effectiveness of health-saving competence development of future food processing engineers

Blahyi O., C. Ped. Sci., Ass. Professor


The study is devoted to the problem of increasing the level of competence the development of future food process engineers. An experimental test of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving testifies to the effectiveness of the developed methods of development of health-saving competence of future engineers-technologists of the food industry. The results of the forming stage of the experiment showed that in the experimental group, the average values of the indicators are in the range of 2.12-2.22, which is above the average level, while in the control group, the average values are in the range of 1.71-1.79, which is below average. The increase in the average values of indicators of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving in the experimental group about the control group ranged from 19.27% to 19.37%.

Key words: Vocational Training, Future Food Process Engineers, Health-Saving Competence, Vocationally-Oriented Tasks.


Експериментальне дослідження результативності формування здоров'язбережувальної компетентності майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової галузі

Благий О.С., к.п.н., доцент кафедри харчових технологій, легкої промисловості і дизайну, Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія

Проблема дослідження - підвищення рівня сформованості здоров'язбережувальної компетентності майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової галузі в процесі їхньої професійної підготовки.

Метою дослідження є експериментальна перевірка результативності формування здоров'язбережувальної компетентності майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової промисловості, зокрема розвитку знань і навичок здоров'язбереження.

Методи дослідження. Емпіричні методи дослідження: педагогічне спостереження за діяльністю майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової промисловості в процесі формування здоров'язбережувальної компетентності, опитування, тестування, бесіди з викладачами та студентами - для діагностики рівня сформованості знань і вмінь зі здоров'язбереження майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової промисловості.

Статистичні методи дослідження: методи математичної статистики (критерії Стьюдента, Фішера) для кількісного та якісного аналізу емпіричних даних, обчислення середнього арифметичного показників для доведення достовірності результатів експерименту.

Основні результати дослідження. В дослідженні взяли участь 213 студентів за спеціальністю «Професійна освіта. Харчові технології» Української інженерно-педагогічної академії та «Харчові технології та інженерія» Харківського торговельно-економічного інституту Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету. Педагогічний експеримент проводився у три етапи: констатуючий, формувальний та порівняльний протягом 2015-2018 років. Метою констатуючого етапу педагогічного дослідження є перевірка ефективності традиційних методик підготовки майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової галузі. Формувальний експеримент проводився з метою перевірки гіпотези, яка полягала в тому, що рівень сформованості знань і навичок здоров'язбереження майбутніх інженерів- технологів харчової галузі підвищуватиметься при розробці та впровадженні методики, яка базується на інтеграції медико-фізіологічної, біологічної та технологічної складових здоров'язбережувальної компетентності. На порівняльному етапі педагогічного експерименту, який тривав у 2017-2018 рр., було перевірено статистичну гіпотезу дослідження. Проведено порівняльний аналіз традиційних методик підготовки майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової галузі та методики формування здоров'язбережувальної компетентності цих фахівців.

Наукова новизна результатів дослідження. Результати експериментальної перевірки сформованості знань і вмінь здоров'язбереження свідчать про ефективність розробленої методики формування здоров'язбережувальної компетентності майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової галузі. Результати формувального етапу експерименту показали, що в дослідній групі середні значення показників в межах 2,12...2,22, що вище за середній рівень, тоді як у контрольній групі середні значення в діапазоні 1,71..1,79, що нижче середнього. Приріст середніх значень показників сформованості знань і навичок здоров'язбереження в експериментальній групі по відношенню до контрольної становив від 19,27% до 19,37%.

Висновки та конкретні пропозиції автора. Результати педагогічного експерименту підтвердили гіпотезу про підвищення рівня сформованості знань і вмінь здоров'язбереження майбутніх інженерів-технологів харчової галузі за умови розроблення та впровадження відповідної методики, яка базується на інтеграції медико-фізіологічної, біологічної та технологічної складових здоров'язбережувальної компетентності.

Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, майбутні інженери-технологи харчової галузі, здоров'язбережувальна компетентність, професійно орієнтовані задачі.


Increasing the dynamics of morbidity in the population of Ukraine causes the development of Wellness industry products to improve the health of consumers, improve their quality of life, and preservation of the gene pool of the nation [1, 2]. One of the areas of vocational activity of future engineers-technologists of the food industry is the development of such wellness products that will contribute to the preservation and restoration of the health of consumers, providing their bodies with basic nutrients both during the prevention of diseases and in their treatment [3, 4, 5]. Thus, the modernization of vocational training of future engineers-technologists of the food industry requires the development of knowledge, skills and vocationally important qualities of health-saving. This activates the need for the development and implementation of appropriate methods of forming health-saving competence of future food process engineers [6]. At the same time, the introduction of such a technique requires testing the developed theoretical provisions experimentally. To do this, use a pedagogical experiment.

So, the study hypothesises that the level of knowledge and skills on health-saving of future engineers- technologists of the food industry will increase with the development and implementation of methodology based on the integration of medical and physiological, biological and technological components of health-saving competence.

Recent studies review. The analysis of literature sources [8-13] allowed us to clarify the essence of the health-saving competence of future engineers-technologists of the food industry, which consists of the integrative ability of specialists to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in vocational activities aimed at preserving, developing and improving the health of consumers by developing and introducing Wellness food products into production. At the same time, it is established that the structure of health-saving competence of future engineers- technologists of the food industry contains three components: medical and physiological, biological and technological. The medical and physiological component ensures that the physiological needs of consumers of food substances are taken into account during the development of health products, depending on their age, physical activity and the state of organs and systems of the human body. The biological component involves choosing the optimal composition of nutrients and food additives, and determining their health -improving properties. At the same time, the technological component ensures the preservation and strengthening of the useful propertie s of raw materials in the process of developing the recipe and production technology of products.

Purpose. The aim of the study is experimental verification of the effectiveness of the development of health-saving competence of future food process engineers, in particular the development of knowledge and skills in health-saving.

The main objectives of the experimental study of the effectiveness of the development health -saving of competence of future food process engineers are:

- establishing the sequence of stages of the experiment;

- definition of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the development of health-saving competence of future food process engineers;

- evaluation of traditional methods of training future food process engineers

- experimental verification of the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the development of health-saving competence of future food process engineers.

The object of study is the vocational training of future food process engineers.

The subject of the study is the methodology for the development of health-saving competence of future food process engineers.

Empirical research methods: pedagogical observation of the activity of future food process engineers in the process of development of health-saving competence, questioning, testing, and interviews with teachers and students - to diagnose the level of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving of future food process engineers.

Statistical research methods: methods of mathematical statistics (student criteria, Fisher) for quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data, the calculation of the arithmetic mean of indicators to bring the reliability of the results of the experiment.

Participants: The pedagogical experiment was conducted based on the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy and Kharkiv Trade and Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University during 2015-2018. The experimental work involved 213 students who studied in the speciality 015 «Vocational education. Food technologies» and 181 «Food technologies and engineering».

Organization of the research

The pedagogical experiment was conducted in three stages: ascertaining, forming and comparing.

For the realization of the ascertaining stage of pedagogical research, the program of experimenting consisted of the definition of the purpose and tasks of the experiment, independent and dependent variables of experimental research, conditions of carrying out, the establishment of criteria and indicators of an assessment of efficiency of a technique of training, the definition of term and methods of research, receiving the actual material, its processing, the mathematical analysis and interpretation of results of the experiment was developed.

The purpose of the ascertaining stage of pedagogical research is to check the effectiveness of traditional methods of training future food process engineers.

According to the aim, the following tasks were set for the ascertaining stage of the study:

- to form a control group of students with approximately the same level of vocational training;

- identify the existing condition and level of development of knowledge, and skills of health-saving students in the control group.

Independent variables set goals, content, methods and means of training future food process engineers. Dependent variables are the criteria and indicators of the development of knowledge and skills for the health-saving of future specialists. Vocationally-oriented tasks of reproductive, productive and creative levels [14] were chosen as methods of research of indicators on the criterion of development of knowledge and skills on health -saving.

In the ascertaining stage of the study were involved 86 people, including 14 students of the Kharkiv Trade and Economic Institute of the Kyiv national trade and Economic University and 72 students of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy.

Verification of the effectiveness of traditional methods of training carried out after the study of student's disciplines «Fundamentals of health-saving», «Technology products and organization of enterprises of the restaurant industry», «Technology and organization of the food industry », «Innovative technologies in the food industry» during 2015-2016. The term of the ascertaining stage of the study corresponds to the duration of the study of disciplines and is one year.

The molding experiment was carried out to test the hypothesis, which was that the level of development of knowledge and skills in health-saving of future food process engineers will increase in the development and implementation of methods based on the integration of medical and physiological, biological and technological components of health-saving competence.

The main objectives of the molding phase of the study are:

- to form control and experimental groups of future food process engineers with approximately the same composition and level of vocational training;

- implement the developed methodology of developing health-saving competence in the experimental group and determine the effectiveness of the development of knowledge and skills in health -saving of future specialists.

The goals, content, methods and means of traditional methods of training future food process engineers are determined by independent variables for the control group. health preserving competence food engineer technologist

Independent variables for the experimental group determined the goals, content, methods and means of the developed methodology for the development of health-saving competence of future food process engineers [14].

Dependent variables are the criteria and indicators of the development of knowledge and skills for the health-saving of future food process engineers. Vocationally-oriented tasks of reproductive, productive and creative levels were chosen to establish the level of students' knowledge and skills in health-saving [14].

127 students took part in the moulding experiment, including 50 students of the Kharkiv Trade and Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University and 77 students of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy. At the same time, 62 students were involved in the control group, and 65 students in the experimental group.

In the process of the forming stage of the study, the developed methodology for the development of health saving competence of future food process engineers is implemented on the medical and physiological component during the training of the discipline «Fundamentals of health-saving», on biological and technological components - in the study of disciplines «Technology products and organization of enterprises of the restaurant industry», «Technology and organization of the food industry». At the same time, the integration of certain components of the content is implemented in the discipline «Innovative technologies in the food industry». The term formative experiment coincides with the term of the ascertaining experiment and is one year (2016-2017).

Statistical analysis of the results of the experiment was conducted in the environment of electronic tables MS Excel with the function «one-way ANOVA data» and computed the F-test-Fisher distribution.

At the comparative stage of the pedagogical experiment, which lasted from 2017-2018, the statistical hypothesis of the study was tested. Was conducted a comparative analysis of traditional methods of training future food process engineers and methods of forming health-saving competence of these vocational s.

The process of organizing the pedagogical experiment complied with the requirements of reliability, probability and validity [15].

The effectiveness of the developed method of development of health-saving competence involves the growth of the quality of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of future food process engineers, as well as the level of development of vocationally important qualities. Therefore, according to the developed methodology, the criteria of experimental research are defined: the criterion of development of knowledge and skills on health - saving; the criterion of development of motivational and target qualities; the criterion of development of cognitive qualities; the criterion of development of ideological qualities; the criterion of development of organizational and activity qualities.

In this study, we consider the indicators, methods and results of the study on the criterion of development of knowledge and skills in health-saving. Thus, the indicators of the development of knowledge and skills in health saving:

- indicator of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at the reproductive level;

- indicator of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at the productive level;

- indicator of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at the creative level.

Thus, we assess the development of knowledge and skills in health-saving at the reproductive, productive and creative levels.

To study the development of knowledge and skills in health-saving, students were offered to solve vocationally-oriented tasks of reproductive, productive and creative levels [14]. Thus, vocationally -oriented tasks of reproductive level have been developed, namely:

1. Tasks involving the reproduction of medical and physiological, biological and technological knowledge.

2. Tasks involving simple mental actions for the development of Wellness products.

To study the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at a productive level, vocationally-oriented tasks were developed, namely:

1. Tasks involving complex mental operations for the development of Wellness products.

2. Tasks involving the generalization and integration of medical and physiological, biological and technological knowledge.

3. Tasks that involve productive thinking on the development of Wellness products.

Determination of the level of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at the creative level was carried out thanks to the developed vocationally-oriented tasks:

1. Tasks for the heuristic search formulation and technology development of Wellness products by logical thinking.

2. Objectives for the construction of strategies for joint and individual solutions to problem situations in the development of Wellness products.

At the same time, the content and conditions of vocationally-oriented tasks took into account the real vocational activity of future specialists in the development of Wellness products.


At the ascertainment stage of the study of the development of health-saving competence, the results of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving with the traditional method of training future food process engineers are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

The efficiency of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving according to the traditional method of training future food process engineers

№ з/п

Indicators of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving

Number of students, %


low level

average level

high level


Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the reproductive level

38 (44,19)

29 (34,52)

19 (21,29)



Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the productive level

36 (40,47)

34 (40,48)

16 (19,05)



Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health saving at the creative level

39 (45,35)

32 (37,21)

15 (17,44)


The obtained average values of indicators according to the traditional method of training future specialists are in the range of 1.72...1.78, which corresponds to the low level of knowledge acquisition and development of skills of health-saving of future food process engineers. Thus, the participants of the experiment demonstrate a mainly reproductive and partially productive level of knowledge assimilation, a lack of systematic knowledge on medical and physiological, biological and technological components of competence. This reduces the level of training future food process engineers for health-saving activities.

The results of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at the moulding stage of the pedagogical experiment in the control groups of future food process engineers will be presented in Table 2.

Table 2

The efficiency of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at the development stage of the study in the control groups of future food process engineers

№ з/п

Indicators of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving

Number of students, %


low level

average level

high level


Indicator of the development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the reproductive level

25 (40,32)

25 (40,32)

12 (19,36)



Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the productive level

27 (43,55)

23 (37,1)

12 (19,35)



Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health saving at the creative level

28 (45,16)

24 (38,71)

10 (16,13)


The average values of indicators of development of knowledge and skills of health -saving of future specialists according to Table 2 are below average and are in the range of 1.71...1.79. That is, the results of the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment in the control groups indicate insufficient development of health - saving competence of future food process engineers and the low efficiency of traditional methods of its development. The results confirmed the relevance and expediency of the chosen research topic.

Table 3 presents the results of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at the development stage of the study in the experimental groups of future food process engineers.

Table 3

The efficiency of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving at the development stage of research in experimental groups, of future food process engineers

№ з/п

Indicators of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving

Number of students, %


low level

average level

high level


Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the reproductive level

13 (20,00)

25 (38,46)

27 (41,54)



Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the productive level

15 (23,08)

23 (35,38)

27 (41,54)



Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health saving at the creative level

12 (18,46)

33 (50,77)

20 (30,77)


The results show that the average values in the experimental groups in terms of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving are much higher than in the control groups. These values are in the range of 2.12...2.22 (Table. 3). Thus, the introduction of the developed method of development of health-saving competence of future food process engineers has increased the level of knowledge and skills of health-saving, which confirms its effectiveness.

Growth of average values of indicators of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving are given in Table 4.

Table 4

The growth of average values of indicators of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving of future food process engineers

№ з/п

Indicators of the development of knowledge and skills of health saving


Increment, %




Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the reproductive level





Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the productive level





Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health saving at the creative level




The analysis of experimental data in Table 4 revealed the dynamics of growth of indicators of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving in students of experimental groups. Thus, the increase in the average values of indicators in the experimental group about the control group ranged from 19.27% to 19.37%. That is, the students of the experimental group have formed knowledge and skills of health-saving at a higher level, which will allow these specialists to successfully develop and implement Wellness food products in their future vocational activities.

In Table 5 we present the results of the analysis of the dispersion of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving of future food process engineers.

Table 5

Results of the dispersion analysis of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving of future food process engineers

Source of variation





F critical

Between groups






Inside the group




It should be noted that the statistical significance of the average values of the indicators of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving in the control and experimental groups of future specialists is significant. Thus, it is determined that the current value of the Fisher criterion is 115.2 at the critical value of the Fisher criterion Fcr = 7,7, F>Fcr. Such data confirmed the statistical significance of differences in the indicators of control and experimental groups of students of pedagogical experiments.

The results of the comparative stage of the study of the development of knowledge and skills of health - saving of future food process engineers will be presented in Table 6.

At the comparative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the growth of indicators of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving of future food process engineers on the developed method of development of health-saving competence in comparison with the traditional method of their training is established (table 6). Thus, the average values in the experimental groups of students above the average level are 2.12...2.22 at initial mean values of control groups - 1.71... 1.79, which corresponded to a low level.

Thus, the results of the comparative stage of the pedagogical experiment indicate an increase in the level of development of knowledge and skills if health-saving in future food process engineers, provided the development and implementation of appropriate methods, which is based on the integration of medical and physiological, biological and technological components of health-saving competence.

Table 6

The results of experimental verification of the development of knowledge and skills of health saving of future food process engineers

№ з/п

Indicators of development of the knowledge and skills of health-saving


Increment, %




Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the reproductive level





Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health-saving at the productive level





Indicator of development of knowledge and skills on health saving at the creative level





The pedagogical experiment carried out at the ascertainment stage allows us to establish essential shortcomings of the traditional method of training future food process engineers:

- development of vocational knowledge and skills of students does not meet the requirements of modern production of Wellness food products;

- there is no system of development of knowledge and skills if health-saving, so the traditional teaching methods cannot fully ensure the development of health-saving competence of future food process engineers.

The effectiveness of traditional methods for the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving of future food process engineers is low. Therefore, there is a need for the development and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the methods of forming health-saving competence of future food process engineers, in particular, the development of knowledge and skills if health-saving. Thus, the essence of the health-saving competence of engineers-technologists of the food industry is the integrative ability of specialists to apply their acquired knowledge, skills, formed vocationally important qualities in vocational activities aimed at the preservation, development and improvement of consumers through the development and implementation in the production of Wellness food products. It is established that the structure of health-saving competence of engineers-technologists of the food industry contains three components: medical and physiological, biological and technological.

The medical and physiological component provides the account of the development of improving the production of physiological needs for nutrients depending on their age, physical activity and the condition of bodies and systems of a human body. The biological component involves the selection of the optimal composition of nutrients and food additives, and the definition of their health properties. At the same time, the technological component ensures the preservation and strengthening of the useful properties of raw materials in the process of developing formulation and production technology.

Experimental verification of the development of knowledge and skills of health-saving evidence of the effectiveness of the developed technique of development health-saving competence of future food process engineers. The results of the forming stage of the experiment showed that in the experimental group, the average values of the indicators are in the range of 2.12-2.22, which is above the average level, while in the control group, the average values are in the range of 1.71-1.79, which is below average. The increase in the average values of indicators of development of knowledge and skills of health-saving in the experimental group about the control group ranged from 19.27% to 19.37%. The reliability of the statistical heterogeneity of the values of the indicators of the pedagogical experiment is confirmed by the results of the dispersion analysis of data carried out in the Microsoft Excel program, which is based on the calculation of the student's criterion and Fisher's F -distribution.

According to the results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the hypothesis about the improvement of the level of knowledge and skills of health-saving of future food process engineers through the development and implementation of an appropriate methodology that is based on the integration of medical and physiological, biological and technological components of health-saving competence.


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10. Kononets, N., Zhamardiy, V., Shkola, O., Vdovych, S., Kyzim, P., Batieieva, N., & Vasylenko, O. (2021). Development of health saving competence of future fitness trainers through theintensification of their research work. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, 12(4), 80-89.

11. Burlakova, I., Sheviakov, O., & Kondes, T. (2021). Psychological predictors of the development of health-preserving competentness of future specialists. Public Administration and Law Review, (4), 74-79.

12. Panachev, V., Zelenin, L., Opletin, A., Legotkin, A., & Kusekova, R. (2018). Development of Health Saving Competence for University Students. Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 10(5), 226-233.

13. Boichuk, Yu.D. (2011). Kompetentsiinyi pidkhid [Competence approach]. Naukovi pidkhody do naukovykh pedahohichnykh doslidzhen - Scientific approaches to scientific and pedagogical research. V.I. Lozova (Ed.). (pp. 188-216). Kharkiv: Apostrof. [in Ukrainian].

14. Lazarieva, T., & Blahyi, O. (2018). Theoretical frameworks of maintaining the basis of health-saving for the future food process engineers. Pedagogical and psychological sciences: development prospects in countries of Europe at the beginning of the third millennium (1st ed., pp. 259-275). Riga, Litva: Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing».

15. Sysoieva, S.O., & Krystopchuk, T.Ye. (2013). Metodolohiia naukovo-pedahohichnykh doslidzhen [Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research]. Rivne, Ukraine: Volynski oberihy. [in Ukrainian].

16. Lazarev, M.I. (2004). Eksperymentalne vyznachennia efektyvnosti poliizomorfnykh didaktychnykh zasobiv predstavlenia zmistu inzhenernykh dyscyplin [Experimental determination of the effectiveness of polyisomorphic didactic means of presenting the content of engineering disciplines]. Problemy inzhenerno-pedahohichnoi osvity - Problems of engineering and pedagogical education, 74-81. [in Ukrainian].

17. Lazarev, M.I., & Ruban, N.P. (2009). Zakony evoliutsii tekhnichnykh system yak filosofska osnova metodyk kreatyvnoho navchannia studentiv tekhnichnykh dyscyplin [Laws of the evolution of technical systems as a philosophical basis for methods of creative teaching of students of technical disciplines]. Problemy inzhenerno-pedahohichnoi osvity - Problems of engineering and pedagogical education, 262-270. [in Ukrainian].

Список використаної літератури

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7. Khatuntseva, S., Kabus, N., Portyan, M., Zhernovnykova, O., Kara, S., & Knysh, S. (2020). The Method of Forming the Health-Saving Competence of Pedagogical Universities' Students. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(1), 185-197.

8. Donchenko, V.I., Zhamardiy, V.O., Shkola, O.M., Kabatska, O.V., Fomenko, V.H. (2020). Health-saving competencies in physical education of students. Wiadomosci Lekarskie, 73(1), 145-150.

9. Demesheva, G., Kaldybaeva, A., Mukhanbetzhanova, A., Sydykbekova, M., & Naimanova, N. (2021). Formation of the basics of health-saving competence in children of senior preschool age. Laplage em Revista (International), 7(D), 629-645.

10. Kononets, N., Zhamardiy, V., Shkola, O., Vdovych, S., Kyzim, P., Batieieva, N., & Vasylenko, O. (2021). Development of health saving competence of future fitness trainers through theintensification of their research work. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, 12(4), 80-89.

11. Burlakova, I., Sheviakov, O., & Kondes, T. (2021). Psychological predictors of the development of healthpreserving competentness of future specialists. Public Administration and Law Review, (4), 74-79.

12. Panachev, V., Zelenin, L., Opletin, A., Legotkin, A., & Kusekova, R. (2018). Development of Health Saving Competence for University Students. Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 10(5), 226-233.

13. Boichuk, Yu.D. (2011). Kompetentsiinyi pidkhid [Competence approach]. Naukovi pidkhody do naukovykh pedahohichnykh doslidzhen - Scientific approaches to scientific and pedagogical research. V.I. Lozova (Ed.). (pp. 188-216). Kharkiv: Apostrof. [in Ukrainian].

14. Lazarieva, T., & Blahyi, O. (2018). Theoretical frameworks of maintaining the basis of health-saving for the future food process engineers. Pedagogical and psychological sciences: development prospects in countries of Europe at the beginning of the third millennium (1st ed., pp. 259-275). Riga, Litva: Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing».

15. Sysoieva, S.O., & Krystopchuk, T.Ye. (2013). Metodolohiia naukovo-pedahohichnykh doslidzhen [Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research]. Rivne, Ukraine: Volynski oberihy. [in Ukrainian].

16. Lazarev, M.I. (2004). Eksperymentalne vyznachennia efektyvnosti poliizomorfnykh didaktychnykh zasobiv predstavlenia zmistu inzhenernykh dyscyplin [Experimental determination of the effectiveness of polyisomorphic didactic means of presenting the content of engineering disciplines]. Problemy inzhenerno-pedahohichnoi osvity - Problems of engineering and pedagogical education, 74-81. [in Ukrainian].

17. Lazarev, M.I., & Ruban, N.P. (2009). Zakony evoliutsii tekhnichnykh system yak filosofska osnova metodyk kreatyvnoho navchannia studentiv tekhnichnykh dyscyplin [Laws of the evolution of technical systems as a philosophical basis for methods of creative teaching of students of technical disciplines]. Problemy inzhenerno-pedahohichnoi osvity - Problems of engineering and pedagogical education, 262-270. [in Ukrainian].

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