Experience of methodical activity as a factor of professional development of future teachers in the conditions of institutions of higher education
Determination of the purpose, tasks, content, principles, methods, means and forms of methodical training of future teachers. Isolation and characterization of the epistemological, information-communication and transformative functions of experience.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 20,2 K |
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I.А. Knyazheva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Pedagogy,
State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky»
The article is devoted to defining the essence and proving the importance of methodological experience for the professional development of future teachers in the process of professional training in higher education. It is noted that the problem of professional, including methodological training of future teachers in professional training in higher education is widely represented in domestic and foreign studies, which highlight general approaches to determining the purpose, objectives, content, principles, methods, tools and forms of its implementation. The necessity of awareness of the importance and specifics of methodical activity, acquisition of experience by future teachers of its implementation as a factor of their professional development is proved. During the study it was determined that the methodological activities of future teachers involve gaining their own experience necessary for cultural development as an analysis, selection and implementation of existing methodological arsenal, finding new cultural meanings of its appropriate use and cultural creation. The result of such activities is the creation of new methodological products. The epistemological (reflects the understanding of experience as a means of cognition of the environment, awareness of new connections in professional activities, refracted in the individual consciousness of man, living by him in the process of obtaining truth as comprehension of meanings), information and communication (determines the ability to promote and the transfer of information about the results of pedagogical activities, emphasizes the role of communication as complicity in experience in the process of obtaining it) and transformative (manifested in the fact that as a result of changes in the properties and qualitative characteristics of its object) functions of experience. The study showed that gaining personal experience becomes feasible only through the inclusion of future teachers in the period of pedagogical practice, practical training, independent work, etc. in activities related to the objectification of its inherent tools, methods, technologies, understanding the logic of educational process as a way of interpreting sociocultural experience.
Key words: experience, functions, methodical activity, future teachers, professional development, institution of higher education.
Княжева І.А.
Досвід методичної діяльності як чинник професійного становлення майбутніх педагогів в умовах закладу вищої освіти.
Статтю присвячено визначенню сутності та доведенню значення досвіду методичної діяльності для професійного становлення майбутніх педагогів у процесі фахової підготовки у закладі вищої освіти. Відзначено, що проблема професійної, зокрема й методичної підготовки майбутніх педагогів в умовах фахової підготовки в закладі вищої освіти широко представлена у вітчизняних і зарубіжних дослідженнях, у яких висвітлено загальні підходи щодо визначення мети, завдань, змісту, принципів, методів, засобів і форм її здійснення. Доведено необхідність усвідомлення важливості та специфіки методичної діяльності, набуття майбутніми педагогами досвіду її здійснення як чинника їхнього професійного становлення. У ході дослідження було визначено, що методична діяльність майбутніх педагогів передбачає набуття ними власного досвіду, необхідного для культуроосвоєння як аналізу, відбору й упровадження наявного методичного арсеналу, пошуку нових культурних смислів його доцільного використання і культуротворення. Результатом такої діяльності є створення нових методичних продуктів. Виокремлено і схарактеризовано гносеологічну (відбиває розуміння досвіду як засобу пізнання довколишнього, усвідомлення нових зв'язків у професійній діяльності, що заломлюються в індивідуальній свідомості людини, проживаються нею у процесі здобуття істини як осягнення смислів), інформаційно-комунікаційну (визначає здатність сприяти фіксації, збереженню і переданню інформації про результати педагогічної діяльності, наголошує на ролі спілкування як співучасті в досвіді в процесі його здобуття) та перетворювальну (виявляється в тому, що внаслідок діяльності відбувається зміна властивостей та якісних характеристик її об'єкта) функції досвіду. Проведене дослідження довело, що набуття особистого досвіду стає здійсненним лише завдяки включенню майбутніх педагогів у період педагогічної практики, навчальних практичних занять, самостійної роботи тощо в діяльність, пов'язану з об'єктивізацією притаманних їй засобів, методів, технологій, осягненням логіки організації освітнього процесу як способу інтерпретації соціокультурного досвіду.
Ключові слова: досвід, функції, методична діяльність, майбутні педагоги, професійне становлення, заклад вищої освіти.
Formulation of the problem
The humanitarian and economic transformations taking place in our country and around the world, Ukraine's integration into the European educational space, modernization and development of the national education system testify to the need of society for developed individuals capable of successfully operating in a changing world. Under these conditions, the main purpose of higher pedagogical education is the training and professional development of competitive highly qualified, competent professionals. This determines the importance of methodological training of future teachers, because today there is no doubt that insufficient attention to this problem leads to a decline in the quality of teaching, reducing its effectiveness, to the manifestation of other various problems.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Addressing the problem of professional development of future teachers, content and technologies of their methodological activities and its allocation among the current areas of theory and practice of higher education was the result of understanding the specifics of teaching, the importance of its methodological component.
Various aspects of professional and pedagogical, including methodological training of future teachers are revealed in the research of S.I. Arkhangelsky, V.I. Bondar, S.S. Vitvytska, N.V. Guziy, O.A. Dubasenyuk, M.B. Yevtukha, N.V. Kichuk, Z.N. Kurland, V.I. Lozova, V.I. Lugovoi, N.G. Nychkalo, R.M. Prima, V.O. Slastyonin, R.I. Khmelyuk and other scientists. They reveal the purpose, objectives, content, principles, methods, tools, forms of organization of students' educational activities, monitoring the quality of their professional training, including methodological.
It was found that the methodological training of future teachers can be presented as a set of methodological knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities. In the study of V.D. Sharko proved the systemic unity of methodological training and professional and methodological activities, which is considered as a didactic process, which is characterized by purpose, content, pedagogical tools and results [13]. methodical training teacher epistemological
K.B. Avramenko [1] characterizes methodical training as a system-forming component of professional training of a teacher, a specific independent, dynamic complex system that reflects its content, structure and functions; as a result that determines the level of mastering methodological and integrative knowledge and skills, the formation of professional and methodological skills.
Revealing various aspects of a complex phenomenon, which is methodological training, L.G. Talanova [12] focuses on his research as a process of formation and enrichment of guidelines, knowledge and skills needed by those who study and acquire the profession of «teacher» for adequate professionally oriented methodical tasks.
The humanistic orientation of methodical training of future teachers is proved, which provides its alternative, introduction of various components of educational content, providing opportunities and preconditions for a wide choice of forms, methods, means of teaching and education that would meet the spiritual and educational needs of the individual. This should ensure: affirmation of the priority of universal values; general cultural development of the personality of the future teacher, able to turn it into a socio-cultural program of individual development; formation of creative personality of future teachers, formation of their ability to self-development, self-realization and self-education; approval of the applicant as a subject of the educational process, its active and conscious participant, which will contribute to the active and effective professional development of future teachers at the stage of higher education.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the problem of professional development of future teachers in terms of professional training in higher education, clarifying the importance of gaining experience in methodological activities, its functions in this process while in research is not sufficient and requires further theoretical development and practical development.
The purpose of the article is to defining the essence, proving the meaning and clarifying the functions of future teachers gaining experience in methodological activities to intensify and improve the quality of their professional development in the process of professional training in higher education.
Presenting main material
The professional development of future teachers in a higher education institution is ensured by finding personal meanings and practical value of pedagogical activities that are mastered during training. The condition for such a stay is to gain personal experience necessary for cultural development as an analysis, selection and implementation of existing methodological arsenal, search for new cultural meanings of its appropriate use and cultural creation as an activity resulting in the creation of new methodological products. We define such activity as methodical activity of the teacher. In fact, new methodological products are an experience described in the time frame of the future.
The professional development of the future teacher in the process of professional training in a higher education institution requires the consolidation at the subjective level of objective normative ideas about the goals, meanings, content, methods of organization and implementation of pedagogical activities. This is due to their inclusion in the system of their own ideas, personal experience. This consolidation is based on the results of understanding the pedagogical culture of society, which reveals a concentrated, organized social experience of pedagogical activities. Finding its meanings is due to the acquisition of individual experience, because «everything that belongs to the world, all spatial and temporal being is significant and exists for me because I know it in experience, perceive, remember it, think about it, appreciate it, want it etc. This makes sense. Everything gets meaning only from my experience, from my thoughts, assessments, ideas, actions» [6, p. 178].
In scientific research, experience is interpreted as a set of practically acquired human knowledge, skills, abilities; as a reflection in the human consciousness of the objective world, obtained through perception; reflection of social practice aimed at changing the world; as the reproduction of a phenomenon, the creation of something new in certain conditions for research, testing; as an attempt to accomplish something, a trial execution of something [5, p. 102].
Modern researchers consider experience as a multifaceted and multifunctional process in which the life path of a person is «packed» (M.K. Mamardashvili's statement), thanks to which he acquires the ability to more or less successfully navigate the world and himself. Thus, experience is an unconditional value of the individual, the source of his knowledge about himself and the world. Its essence, according to І. Kant, is to combine sensuality and reason, empirical and logical, diversity and unity [9, p. 105].
It is important for our study to understand that the experience of the individual can not be considered outside of social ties, outside of culture, because it combines culture (as a practice of past, present, future) and personality [14, p. 78]. The practice of the past is, using the logic and terminology of the French philosopher J. Derrida [8], «expressed» experience, the practice of the present is an experience that is experienced. They create the possibility of emergence and to some extent determine the content of future experience.
Experience is known to be able to perform an epistemological function, acting as a means of cognition, and information and communication, helping to capture, store and transmit information about the results of pedagogical activities. Its transformative function is manifested not only in the fact that as a result of the activity changes the properties and qualitative characteristics of its object, but also the subject [10], promotes the development of its methodological culture as an indicator of professional development in professional training.
Experience, performing an epistemological function, is a means of cognition. «Wisdom is the daughter of experience» - said Leonardo da Vinci [7, p. 11]), and M. Montaigne argued that the truth is derived from the facts established by experience. Experience, performing an epistemological function, is a means of cognition, - admitted J. Locke [2, p. 154].
G. Hegel emphasized that since the achieved result of activity does not always coincide with the set goal, in the process of comparing the desired with the achieved there is a transformation of views on the subject, ie there is new knowledge about it [4].
Such new knowledge, new variations in the perception of the subject appears due to the understanding of its semantic structures, interpretation and reflection. Interpretation in our case is understood as a procedure that brings pedagogical reality closer as a subject of knowledge with the personal experience of the graduate, which contributes to the assimilation of social meanings and their reconstruction in order to increase their compliance with personal meanings [2]. It is this process of movement of consciousness, which sets and solves a certain goal, is the experience of the individual.
The epistemological function of experience reflects its understanding as a means of knowing the environment, awareness of new connections in professional activities that are refracted in the individual consciousness, lived by him in the process of obtaining truth as the comprehension of meanings. After all, the acquisition of knowledge (the first and necessary element of social experience) as one of the ways of cognition is a mechanism for the transition of the objective content of social experience into personal content. And this transition takes place in the process of purposeful practical activity of the subject of knowledge. This means that mastering pedagogical culture is possible through the analysis of the experience of applying existing pedagogical knowledge in the process of organizing their own pedagogical activities.
Thus, gaining personal experience becomes feasible only through the inclusion of future teachers in activities related to the objectification of its inherent tools, methods, technologies, understanding the logic of the educational process as a way of interpreting sociocultural experience, which allows them to turn into their own constructive options. implementation of this activity. These methodological products are culturally defined schemes that mean certain actions of the teacher, his activity and subject area, are the basis for organizing the educational process and understanding, identifying and creating a new reality, especially the reality of personal experience. Based on the models of understanding the reality provided by culture, the individual creates their own schemes and scenarios, their own methodological products.
Experience provides a basis for reflection, without which it is impossible to create methodological products, to identify cause and effect relationships that have not yet been realized by future teachers. It is known that the cause lies in the past, and the result belongs to the future, so finding out the cause and effect allows you to connect the past and present, and is a bridge to the future. In turn, the new results allow us to determine the meaning of the previous ones.
Finding personal meanings of professional activity determines, on the one hand, the prospects for its development and improvement, and on the other - contributes to the development of the subject of activity. This happens in the process of awareness of professional activity in the period of pedagogical practice, practical training, independent work, when the future teacher, using the acquired skills and abilities to carry out this activity, his own capabilities, some positive results, feels joy, inspiration, confidence and more. Gradually, as this activity becomes more perfect, there is a transition from direct feelings to conscious motives of pedagogical activity as an important factor that determines the emergence of self-regulation. It is the development of self-regulation of activity allows us to argue that it acquires for the individual the meaning of its meaning.
The information and communication function of experience determines its ability to promote the fixation, storage and transmission of information about the results of pedagogical activities, emphasizes the role of communication as participation in the experience in the process of obtaining it. In the process of communicating with other individuals, carriers of other experiences, there is self-knowledge, which always includes reflective assessment and self-esteem, coordination of their actions with the actions of others, checks and rethinks acquired experience and acquires new ones.
The transformative function of experience is manifested not only in the fact that as a result of the activity there is a change in the properties and qualitative characteristics of its object. It is proved that at the same time it changes the subject itself, as it not only enriches but also restructures the motivational and value attitude to pedagogical activity, professional training, acquired knowledge, actualizes reflective processes, promotes, in the context of our research, development of its methodological culture.
In experience, the real (what needs to change) and the ideal (transformation plans) are always interconnected. Due to the awareness of new connections in pedagogical activity, as a result of comprehension and interpretation of social and personal experience, a qualitatively new personal experience emerges, the basic unit of which is meaning [11]. Thus, the meaning of this activity expands, because social meanings are able to expand personal experience, there is an ability to choose directions for new experiences.
As soon as the content of a new experience becomes a conviction and the individual «is able to predict what used to be a surprise» [3, p. 32], it becomes her inner heritage. It also presupposes the presence of a transformative function of experience, which is expressed in its future orientation, as it aims to transform the environment and the desire to control it in new directions.
It is the experience that contains the potential for continuous development and self-development of the individual, reveals the true meaning and quality of acquired knowledge and skills, integrates them, initiates the ability of future teachers to confidently use them to solve specific problems, solve situations in teaching and creates space for its implementation.
Conclusions and suggestions
Thus, the professional development of the future teacher involves the manifestation of his internal activity as a subject to determine the social and personal meanings of professional activity, understanding of pedagogical phenomena, analysis of methodological products. In this process, the decisive role is played by individual experience, which allows to master the social experience of pedagogical activities, to understand its content and inner essence.
Thus, gaining personal experience in methodological activities necessary for the analysis, selection and creation of methodological products, we consider as an important and influential factor in the professional development of future teachers in the process of professional training in higher education.
We see the prospect of further research in the development of pedagogical technology for future teachers to master methodological activities in the process of professional training.
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