Experimental testing of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competence of primary school teachers
The experimental verification of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work and diagnosing the levelof the professional competence.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 30,3 K |
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Experimental testing of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competence of primary school teachers
Batsula Natalna,
Postgraduate student of Pedagogy, methods and management education of Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogics Academy, Ukraine
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed the Concept of implementation of state policy in the field of general secondary education reform "New Ukrainian School" for the period until 2029, new educational standards are being prepared and implemented. In this regard, there is a need for highly qualified personnel capable of creative work and professional development. This is what directed our research to the experimental verification of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work and solving the issue of diagnosing the level of development of the professional competence of primary school teachers. The experimental verification involved several stages of scientific research: exploratory and theoretical, experimental, generalized, each of which was aimed at solving specific tasks.
Based on the above, we clarified the concept of "organizational and pedagogical conditions": it is a complex of interconnected and mutually conditioned components that ensure the continuity of the teacher's professional growth. We considered organizational and pedagogical conditions as: macro conditions, meso conditions, micro conditions.
In order to carry out constant observation, fixation and determination of the level of development of professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work, we have developed: a basic factor-criterion model for determining the effectiveness of methodical work in relation to the development of professional competence of primary school teachers, a factor-criterion submodel for determining the level of development of professional competence of primary school teachers in system of methodical work; factor-criterion submodel of determining the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work. Experimental verification of the level of development of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work involved the identification of the level of its development: low (algorithmic), medium (partially searching); sufficient (creative), high (adaptive and innovative) and based on defined criteria: informational and technological, adaptive and active, communicative and pedagogical, analytical and reflective.
Keywords: experimental verification, methodical work, "organizational and pedagogical conditions", development of professional competence of primary school teachers, factorial and criterion model.
Бацула Наталія Володимирівна
аспірантка кафедри педагогіки, методики та менеджменту освіти
Української інженерно - педагогічної академії м. Харків
Міністерством освіти і науки України розроблено Концепцію реалізації державної політики у сфері реформування загальної середньої освіти «Нова українська школа» на період до 2029 року готуються та впроваджуються нові освітні стандарти. У зв'язку з цим стала потреба у висококваліфікованих кадрах, здатних до творчої праці та професійного розвитку. Саме це і спрямувало наше дослідження на експериментальну перевірку організаційно-педагогічних умов розвитку професійної компетентності вчителів початкової школи в системі методичної роботи і розв'язання питання діагностування рівня розвитку професійної компетентності вчителя початкової школи. Експериментальна перевірка передбачала кілька етапів наукового пошуку: пошуково-теоретичний, експериментальний, узагальнюваний, кожен з яких був спрямований на вирішення визначених завдань.
Виходячи з вище зазначеного нами уточнено поняття «організаційно - педагогічні умови»:- це комплекс взаємопов'язаних та взаємообумовлених компонентів, які забезпечують неперервність професійного зростання педагога. Організаційно - педагогічні умови нами розглянуто, як: макроумови, мезоумови, мікроумови.
Для здійснення постійного спостереження, фіксації та визначення рівня розвитку професійної компетентності вчителів ПШ в системі методичної роботи нами було розроблено: базову факторно - критеріальну модель визначення ефективності методичної роботи щодо розвитку професійної компетентності вчителів ПШ, факторно - критеріальну субмодель визначення рівня розвитку професійної компетентності вчителів ПШ в системі методичної роботи; факторно - критеріальну субмодель визначення професійної компетентності вчителів ПШ в системі методичної роботи. Експериментальна перевірка рівня розвитку професійної компетентності вчителів початкової школи в системі методичної роботи передбачала виявлення рівня його розвитку: низький (алгоритмічний), середній (частково-пошуковий); достатній (творчий), високий (адаптивно-інноваційний) і на основі визначених критеріїв: інформаційно-технологічний, адаптивно-діяльнісний, комунікативно-педагогічний, аналітико-рефлексивний.
Ключові слова: експериментальна перевірка, методична робота, «організаційно - педагогічні умови», розвиток професійної компетентності вчителів початкової школи, факторно - критеріальна модель.
professional competence primary school teacher
The current situation in the field of education in Ukr aine is characterized by active restructuring of the Ukrainian school. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed the concept of implementation of state policy in the field of general secondary education reform «New Ukrainian School» for the period until 2029, new educational standards are being prepared and implemented - everything is aimed not only at updating the structure of the Ukrainian school, but primarily at the implementation mechanisms competence training. Only a teacher who is constantly improving himself in the conditions of intensive development of science, technology, information space, who strives to work with the use of innovative approaches to the development and training of the individual, creatively approach the soluti on of everyday pedagogical situations, is capable of realizing such tasks.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Research on the problem of increasing and developing the professional competence of primary school teachers has been significantly intensified, due to the urgent need for highly qualified personnel capable of creative work and professional development (H. Yelnikova, H. Kravchenko, A. Kryzhanovskyi, L. Martynets, Z . Ryabova, E. Sofyants), to the organization of methodical work with pedagogical workers (O. Virolainen, I. Horbachova, A. Yermola, A. Zevina, L. Nazarenko, T. Sorochan, I. Spivakova, Yu. Shabala) . Th e interpretations of the terms «condition», «pedagogical conditions» and « organizational and pedagogical conditions» can be seen in the scientific studies of such scientists as: Yu. Babanskyi, V. Belikova, H. Vasylieva, R. Hurevich, M. Zverevai, I. Zyazyuna. Khutorskyi, L. Filippova, N. Yakovleva. At the same time, the study of the theory and practice of improving the qualifications of pedagogical personnel of education showed that today there is an insufficient number of studies, the subject of which would be the theoretical justification and approval of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work. In fact, the question of diagnosing creative, personal and business qualities remains unsolved, the specifics of the psychologization of teachers' independent training in the system of professional development have not been revealed.
Presentation of the main material
The analysis of scientific literature and recent psychological and pedagogical research has shown that most scientists and researchers do not have a common vision of the content and approaches to the formation and development of teachers' professional competence in the system of methodological work of primary school.
To solve this problem, we conducted an experimental study in which we tested the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of primary school teachers' professional competence and analyzed the results.
The majority of authors define organizational and pedagogical conditions as an interpretation of the circumstances of the pedagogical process that organize and coordinate the interaction of the subjects of the educational process, who jointly implement a certain program or goal.
We consider «organizational and pedagogical conditions» as a set of interrelated and interdependent components that ensure the continuity of a teacher's professional growth.
Based on the research of O. Chepka [9], in our study we will consider the organizational and pedagogical conditions as:
- macro conditions - social order of society for motivated and professionally trained teachers, development and coordination of regulatory documents;
- meso conditions - development of professional competence of teachers, adaptation and improvement;
- micro conditions - individually - educational trajectory of the development of professional competence of primary school teachers, active involvement in scientific and research activities [11].
Experimental work on the outlined problem was carried out during 2021 -2023 on the basis of: Kharkiv General School of levels I-III № 72 of Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv Region, Kharkiv Specialized School of levels I-III № 109 of Kharkiv City Council of Kharkiv Region, Kharkiv Specialized School of I -III levels № 142 of the Kharkiv City Council of the Kharkiv Region, «Kochetotsky Lyceum» of the Chuhuyiv Town Council of the Kharkiv Region, Municipal Educational Institution «Oleksiiv Lyceum of the Oleksiiv Village Council», «Vvedensky Lyceum» of the Novopokrovsk Village Council of the Chuhuyiv District of the Kharkiv Region, Municipal Institution «Bohoduhiv Lyceum № 1» of the Bohodukhiv Town council of the Bohodukhiv district of the Kharkiv region and included several stages of scientific research: search and theoretical, experimental, generalized, each of which was aimed at solving specific tasks (Table 1.1)
In the course of the research, we used a complex of general scientific methods:
- theoretical: comparative and comparable and structural and functional analysis of scientific sources for generalization and systematization of materials on the research problem; method of pedagogical modeling;
- empirical: included the study of regulatory and legal documents, practical activities of general secondary education institutions to establish and generalize experience on the development of professional competence of primary school teachers, questionnaires, testing, interviews, expertise, analysis of the results helped in the development of methodological recommendations;
Table 1.1
Stages of the experiment
Stages |
Tasks |
Stage I research and theoretical |
1. A qualitative model of the effectiveness of methodical work regarding the level of development of professional competence of primary school teachers was theoretically generalized and developed, and it was formalized in the Excel table editor. 2. Theoretical and practical training of primary school teachers in the use of factor-criterion submodels was carried out and computer support for recording, processing and analysis of the obtained results was provided. 3. The priorities of the pedagogical team regarding the components of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work according to the Delphi method were determined. 4. An analysis of the state of development of teachers' professional competence was carried out and the level of this competence was determined. 5. A plan for conducting the experiment, selection of stages and determination of the purpose of their implementation has been developed. |
Stage II experimental |
1. The ascertainment stage of the experiment was conducted and its results were analyzed. 2. The model for the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers and the organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at the development of the professional competence of teachers in the system of methodical work of primary schools are substantiated. 3. Prioritization of parameters for the development of professional competence of teachers was carried out. 4. The formative stage and experimental verification of the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions in the system of methodical work were carried out. 5. A special course aimed at developing professional competence for teachers of experimental educational institutions involved in the experiment was organized and conducted. 6. A feedback mechanism was created on the state of development of professional competence of primary school teachers in the methodical work system. |
Stage III generalizing |
1. The obtained results of the experimental and control groups were compared and the effectiveness of the model of professional competence development of primary school teachers in the methodical work system was determined on this basis. 2. The received materials were processed and systematized and the research results were interpreted using the methods of mathematical statistics. 3. Seminars-consultations were held for primary school teachers in control educational institutions. 4. Conclusions on the research problem are summarized. 5. Methodological recommendations have been developed for heads of educational institutions, employees of various levels of educational management bodies and post-graduate pedagogical education institutions regarding the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions and a model for the development of professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work. |
- methods of mathematical statistics: to process the results, qualitative calculations were used to objectify and ensure reliability.
In order to determine the level of development of professional competence of primary school teachers, we have developed a framework in which the criteria are substantiated: information and technological, adaptive and active, communicative and pedagogical, analytical and reflective, their indicators and levels are low (algorithmic), medium (partially searching); sufficient (creative), high (adaptive and innovative). The parameters and assessment factors are formulated in accordance with the defined criteria. To carry out constant observation, recording and determination of the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work, we developed: a basic factorial and criterion model for determining the effectiveness of methodical work in relation to the development of professional competence of primary school teachers (Table 1.2), a factorial and criterion sub-model for determining the level of professional development competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work; factorial and criterion submodel of determining the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work.
The qualitative method of information processing regarding the state of professional competence development of primary school teachers is applied.
During the experimental verification, we involved 32 people for testing, who were asked to answer three test tasks (see Table 1.3). Task 1. Testing The answer number is marked with the numbers 1,2, 3, which are assigned according to the rules of the order scale according to the descriptive characteristics, for example, the first task had 4 answer options and did not provide a clear choice, in this case the respondent could prefer two or more answers This task was evaluated with the maximum number of points - 128. T ask 2 involved a clear choice of answer: «yes» or «no». That is, the respondent had to choose between two answers and give preference to only one. This task was evaluated with the maximum number of points - 32. In task 2, «Yes» answers were assigned 1, and «No» answers - 2.
Table 1.2
Factorial and criterion (qualimetric) model of determination the effectiveness of methodical work on the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers (based on the corresponding qualitative model byH. Yelnikova)
Param eters |
Importan |
Factor s |
Importan |
Criteria |
1. The degree of ensuring the condition s of methodic al work. |
1. Material and technical support. |
1. Constant updating of educational and methodological literature and online resources focused on new methodological approaches and trends. |
2. Access to computers, interactive boards, software and other modern technologies. |
3. Organization of regular trainings, advanced training courses and master classes for teachers on the use of the latest pedagogical tools. |
2. Scientific and methodological support. |
4. Provision of opportunities for participation in scientific conferences, symposia and pedagogical forums. |
5. Creation of mechanisms of financial and organizational support for teachers to conduct their scientific research and experiments. |
6. Involvement of experts and scientific staff for consultations and joint projects. |
3.Development of a professional network. |
7. Creation of pedagogical interschool networks and professional communities where teachers can exchange experience, share best practices and receive support from colleagues. |
8. Organization of a mentoring system, where experienced and qualified teachers help young professionals develop professionally. |
9. Conducting regular pedagogical conferences, symposia and events with the involvement of scientists and specialists in related fields. |
2. The degree of achievem ent of the goal of methodic al work. |
4. Psychological and pedagogical education and self-education. |
10. Continuous professional development of teachers according to an individual plan, which includes regular trainings, seminars and master classes focused on adaptive teaching methods. |
11. Ensuring access to modern educational resources and materials that will help teachers deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of adaptive learning according to an individual plan. |
12. Development of a feedback and mentoring system so that teachers can receive constructive online comments and advice on improving their professional competence. |
5. Teacher's research work and pedagogical research. |
13. Conducting scientific research in the field of adaptive teaching methods for elementary grades (for example, studying the effectiveness of various approaches and methods). |
14. Conducting pedagogical monitoring on the effectiveness of implemented methods. |
15. Conducting pedagogical monitoring to determine the level of development of professional competence. |
6. The level of formation of the teacher's professional competence. |
16. Ability to work creatively. Flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to fastmoving circumstances. |
17. Degree of ICT proficiency. Ability to work with various technologies and software. |
18. The degree of mastery of communication skills and the ability to work in a team. |
19. Degree of mastery of analytical and research skills. |
3. The degree of effective ness of the teacher's activities. |
7. The results of the activity of the primary school teacher: self-analysis, reflection. |
20. Effectiveness of participation in professional competitions and pedagogical exhibitions and fairs. |
21. Various speeches at conferences, pedagogical councils, meetings, methodological associations. |
22. Social and pedagogical activity of the teacher through mass media (blog, website, YouTube channel, Telegram channel). |
22. Dynamics of professional competence development indicators. |
23. Rating of the image of a primary school teacher based on the results of monitoring by stakeholders. |
Overall assessme nt |
1, 00 |
The third task had three answers.When processing the results, we created a matrix of test results and, using the Excel editor, determined the relative indicator of the test results.
Table 1.3
An example of processing test results
Number of test tasks |
response № |
The number of responses |
Maximum number of points for an answer |
Relative indicator of of results (R) |
1. |
1 |
30 |
128 |
0,23 |
2 |
5 |
0,04 |
3 |
19 |
0,15 |
4 |
28 |
0,22 |
2. |
1 |
24 |
32 |
0,75 |
2 |
8 |
0,25 |
3. |
1 |
12 |
32 |
0,4 |
2 |
- |
0,00 |
3 |
20 |
0,6 |
Finding a relative indicator of test results is important when determining priorities in the development of the professional competence of a primary school teacher. In order to check the effectiveness of the organizational and pedagogical conditions regarding the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers, the results of the input and output diagnostics were determined in the methodical work system.
Matrix of test results «Assessment of the level of development of the professional competence of the teacher of primary school» (Table 1.4).
Table 1.4
Matrix of test results «Assessment of the level of development of the professional competence of a primary school teacher»
Indicators of the level of development of the professional competence of the primary school teacher |
Score in points |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Ability to integrate technology into learning. |
Ability to develop critical thinking and information literacy. |
Ability to scientific and research activities, to team and individual reflection. |
Ability to teach students with educational needs, to communicative interaction. |
Ability to develop emotional intelligence (self-management), psychological adaptability and social skills. |
To determine the indicators of the dynamics of the state of development of the professional competence of the primary school teacher, methods of mathematical statistics were used, such as finding relative values, the arithmetic mean, and methods of qualitative data processing.
We used the average arithmetic value to calculate the average value of the characteristic of the level of professional competence of primary school teachers. As a rule, when calculating the average value, the total volume of the characteristic in the aggregate remains unchanged.
In order to confirm the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions regarding the development of professional competence of primary school teachers, we used an index assessment. Since the measurements according to the qualitative model were carried out only in the experimental group, in the control groups the sections were made according to the «input-output» model. The obtained results of the sections in both the control and experimental groups were processed using an index assessment.
Index assessment is used to compare two states of the same phenomenon. In our case, with the help of calculating the index assessment, we confirmed the dependence of the changes that occurred in the development of the teacher's professional competence when applying the organizational and pedagogical conditions proposed by us. The difference in the results of the measurements at the beginning and at the end of the experiment shows the effectiveness of the experimental work, which is associated with an increase in the level of professional competence of primary school teachers. Reported and basic data are used for index assessment. Reported data means those data that need to be evaluated, and basic data means those with the help of which the comparison takes place.
Experimental verification of the level of development of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the methodical work system involved identifying the level of its development based on the criteria we defined (Table 1.5). For this purpose, we used questionnaires, questionnaires, and tests.
Table 1.5
Levels of criteria formation of professional competence development during the experiment
Levels |
The beginning of the experiment |
The end of the experiment |
CG |
EG |
CG |
EG |
Information and technology criterion |
High (adaptive and innovative) |
6% |
3% |
8% |
16,3% |
Sufficient (creative) |
27% |
23% |
38,4% |
45% |
Medium (partially searching) |
55% |
62% |
46,1% |
35,4% |
Low (algorithmic) |
12% |
12% |
8% |
4% |
Adaptive and functional criterion |
High (adaptive and innovative) |
7 |
12% |
13% |
23% |
Sufficient (creative) |
31% |
34% |
35% |
41% |
Medium (partially searching) |
53% |
47,2% |
46,1% |
33% |
Low (algorithmic) |
9% |
7,3% |
6% |
3% |
Communicative and pedagogical criterion |
High (adaptive and innovative) |
15,3% |
17,2% |
19,2% |
25% |
Sufficient (creative) |
42% |
41% |
46,1% |
50% |
Medium (partially searching) |
39,4% |
40% |
33% |
25,4% |
Low (algorithmic) |
4% |
2% |
2% |
0% |
Analytical and reflexive criterion |
High (adaptive and innovative) |
15,3% |
17,2% |
20,1% |
27,2% |
Sufficient (creative) |
46,1% |
43% |
49% |
55% |
Medium (partially searching) |
33% |
36,3% |
29% |
18% |
Low (algorithmic) |
6% |
4% |
2% |
0% |
So, in the experimental group, positive dynamics were found at all levels of formation of the criteria of professional competence of primary school teachers in the methodical work system. No significant dynamics were found in the control group. The analysis and systematization of expert measurement data gave us the opportunity to analyze the obtained results and adapt the research to the given conditions. Individual and group consultations on the exchange of experience made it possible to use the analytical results of the research to develop methodological recommendations for: participants of the experiment, heads of educational institutions, scientists of postgraduate pedagogical education institutions.
So, the experiment we conducted proved that it is possible at the level of educational institutions to create organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work and to provide an opportunity to carry out a comprehensive study of the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers, both by the administration of the educational institution and the teacher self-development, evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogical activity, determine prospects for further development.
To conduct the experiment, the goal and main tasks were defined.The experiment consisted of three stages: exploratory and theoretical, experimental, generalized, each of which was aimed at solving specific tasks. During the experiment, we used a set of general scientific methods: theoretical; empirical; methods of mathematical statistics. Seven educational institutions from the city of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region were involved in the experiment, in which the following were held: a special course, seminars and consultations, trainings on the development of the professional competence of primary school teachers in the system of methodical work. Individual results of such studies may be made public when preparing documents for the attestation examination of an educational institution, or for prestige with advertising purposes.
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Використана література
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