Modernization of the educational process by teaching ESP. Creating methods of teaching foreign languages for specific purposes. Research of students' problems while reading professionally oriented texts due to misunderstanding of language phenomena.
Review of physical education in the US education system. Program and normative standards of this process. Algorithm for determining school programs, sources of their funding. Stages of development of the physical education curriculum at the local level.
The problem of project activity in the educational environment, which allows in practice to consolidate and test the theoretical knowledge of pupils, to work on practical skills, ensures a productive connection between theory and practice in the learning.
Introduced of the project technology as a way of managing students' autonomous work when teaching. Expands of professional horizons and improves teaching skills. Presented and analyzed the model of managing autonomous work, its stages and constituents.
Tо theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the system of organizational and pedagogical conditions of project designing, which is regarded as a mechanism for creating the reflecting thinking in the students of psychology and education.
Basic consideration of the problem of project methodology in foreign language classes. The basis is the characterization of the influence of the method on students' communicative abilities and the level of their practical knowledge of a foreign language.
The problem of design methodologies at foreign language lessons. Various aspects of design methodologies, its stages are given. The influence of the method on students’ communication skills and the level of their practical knowledge of a foreign language.
Analysis of the training process for future stationed officers at the time of their internship. Upgrading of professional skills and time for completing the duties of the head of the group of operational and technical activities of information systems.
Active learning is necessary for the teaching of critical thinking. Critical thinking should be integrated into every aspect of the educational process. Students should be made aware of the thinking process. Critical thinking must be taught explicitly.
The essence, place and role of rational time management in education, especially its proper use. The value, meaning and meaning of a student's free leisure time with benefits for physical, mental, moral and cognitive development, interpersonal relations.
Research prospects of information and communication technologies in the development of distance learning systems. Improving the training of all stakeholders: society, learning, teachers. Realization of individual students' learning trajectories.
Description of ways of social and corporate responsibility and commitment of universities and strengthening social cohesion of the public. Characteristics of the reform concept, bases of a long-term vision for the development of domestic higher education.
The purpose of the study is to conduct a psychodiagnostic study of dialogue in a culturally oriented environment during school education. It has been proven that there is a linguistic and psychological understanding of dialogue and a role aspect.
The article stresses the need for the teacher to use pedagogical creativity and the latest methods of teaching a foreign language in order to create prerequisites for effective improvement of the educational process at institutions ofhigher education.
The approaches to increase the efficiency of the development of the future translators’ critical approach to the solution of terminological problems, as well as the specialized bilingual terminology acquisition, in online teaching and learning.
The structure of the teacher's social intelligence. Revealing and substantiating the psychological determinants of the development of the educator's individual personal qualities. Features of the use of cognitive styles of performance by teachers.
Studying in a modern higher education institution requires meeting the specific and individualized educational needs of an individual, focused on the acquisition of knowledge, abilities and value orientations necessary for mastering the prominent social.
Ukraine's involvement in the world experience of socialization of children with mental and physical disabilities. Using the American experience in implementing inclusive education in Ukrainian general secondary and vocational education institutions.
Psychological and pedagogical components of the linguodidactic strategy of teaching Russian as a foreign language in Russian universities. Features of the initial stage of training. The main factors that determine the vectors of pedagogical activity.
The reform of the educational sector actualizes the need to solve modern educational tasks aimed at modelling a psychological environment favourable for the highly effective amateur activity of the individual. During the profile training students.
English as the language of international communication in science, education and culture. Proficiency bands in countries of Europe. Intellectual need - a component of the motivational sphere student that implemented by means of a foreign language.
Justification of the management model for the development of distance learning in institutions of higher education in the conditions of the pandemic. Growing role and importance of distance learning, understanding management activities in education.
Theoretical analysis of psychological features of moral self-consciousness in preschool, primary school and adolescence. Awareness of yourself, your values. Regulation of one's own behavior and moral self-improvement during the educational process.
Determine the psychological components of pedagogical communication; the most successful ways of organizing discussions in classes in institutions of higher education. Use of colloquial language elements, various vocabulary, stylistic interruptions.
Analysis of the psychological foundations of creating smart maps (mental maps) as one of the important and relevant tools in the learning process. Characteristics of strategies for using maps for teachers that can be effectively used in teaching English.
The characteristics of the psychological capacity of the secondary school graduates that promotes the selection of the market trade. Analyze of the principles of the integrity in choosing of entrepreneur professions. he concept of the effective actions.
Features of the pyramid technique in school. Possible model of online learning in higher education. Modern methods of distance learning in the corporate sector. An innovative method of forming educational programs is described in the Russian Federation.
Вибір мови Python як засобу навчання основ алгоритмізації учнів, її характеристики, які ілюструються конкретними прикладами. критерії, за якими обирається та чи інша мова програмування як засіб навчання основ алгоритмізації. Певні особливості мови Python.
Analysis of the problems of interaction of public organizations with higher education institutions. Influence of public organizations on education. Public relations of non-governmental expert organizations in the field of quality assurance of education.
Setting the context for a discussion of quality measures, the demographic landscape early care. Programs that support early language and literacy development. Defining quality in childhood that promote dual language learners’ development and learning.