The concept of the financial market and studying elements included in its structure, current condition of the financial market of Ukraine and role in the country. The kinds of the financial market: currency, valuable papers and loan capitals or money.
Methodology of linguopoetic analysis, cognitive linguistics. Taking into account the achievements of the methodology of fractal modeling in the reflection of the poetic model of the world. Methods of constructing a fractal poetic model of the world.
Revolutionary attempts to take advantage of the situation created by the war were made in various French towns. The movement which culminated in the declaration of the Commune of Paris was hazy in its objective, and was not the work of any single.
- 1504. The Frigate
The frigate is any of several types of warship, the term having been used for ships of various sizes and roles. The history of development of Naval Forces of the Russian Federation. Modern understanding the fighting ships of average displacement.
Examines the status of the so-called "absolute" units functioning in text corpora referred to the discourse of belle-lettres. Consideration of such language units as verbs in infinitive form, verbs in imperative sentences, reflexive and reciprocal verbs.
Factors of communication and functions of English language: presence and hierarchy factors. The correlation between the poetic and referential functions, the changing functional balance. A closer look at some functions. The emotive or expressive function.
Study of cognitive, functional, semantic-cognitive and communicative qualities of the future category in modern English based on scientific and literary literature. Analysis of language means for expressing the meaning of the future tense in English.
- 1508. The Future Tense
The absolute value of the future tense. The future tense "Going to", "Shall or Will" Or Future Indefinite Tense, "Shall be or Will be". Importance of the Auxiliary Verb. Future Continuous and Future Perfect. The relative value of the future tense.
The study of phraseological systems of various languages, particularly English, from the gender point view facilitates the understanding of the history, culture, psychology and the world outlook of people, thereby making communication clear and effective.
The Word as the Central Unit of the Language, Lexical and Grammatical Meaning of the Word. Their Usage in English Language and Phraseological Units and Idiomatic Expressions. Grammatical meaning is defined as the expression in Speech of relationships.
Ensuring the protection of the UK's national interests. Study of directions of foreign policy activity and linguistic means of the English-speaking political space. Communicative characteristics and genre typology of diplomatic discourse documents.
The gerund as a non-finite form of the verb with some noun features. The grammatical meaning of the gerund. Syntactical functions of the gerund. The gerund as part of the compound nominal predicate. The characteristics of the gerund and the verbal noun.
The grammar-translation method of foreign language. The audiolingual method for teaching foreign languages. Repeating grammar patterns after the teacher. The characteristic of the grammar-translation. Learning the rules of grammar and their application.
Study of the process of the grammaticalization theory to the Russian prepositional system. Reconstruction of the grammaticalization path "noun - preposition" and for 8 prepositional units including somatic noun "eye" on basis of their grammaticalization.
The applications of linguistics with real world data with the purpose of further understanding language and evaluating theory. The investigation for language use and the ameliorating social problems. The practical solution of the communication issues.
Halloween a contraction - a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the West Christian feast of All Saints Day. The decoration of the courtyards with witches, skeletons, tombstones - a feature of this holiday.
- 1517. The history of Alaska
The history of Alaska – history, which connects two great powers: Russia and the USA. Origins of Alaska’s Groups: Eskimos, Aathabascans, Aleuts. Alaska today: geography, government, business, transport. The most important dates in the history of Alaska.
The first American literature was the work mainly of immigrants from England in the form of poetry, essays, or fiction, mixture of travel accounts and religious writings. Description creativity of famous writers and their works. Short excerpts from them.
- 1519. The history of cinema
The stages of the origin of world cinema. The history of development of cinema and TV-revolution in America. The pioneers and the stages of the Ukrainian cinema art. A. Dovzhenko - the begin of the national cinematography. Film Festivals and Awards.
- 1520. The history of Cornwall
Introduction to the history of creation of the ceremonial county of Cornwall,since dobrytanskyh times. The coming to power of King Arthur, the legends of his reign. The national language, literature and folklore, religion and art of the country.
- 1521. The history of english
History of development and feature of English language at different stages - from the Celtic times to language of the Middle Ages and modern English. Riches of literary and folklore language of Englishmen, features of English proverbs and tongue twisters.
Characteristic features of internet slang which refers to a variety of slang languages used by different communities on the Internet. Definition of the essence Letter homophones. Analysis onomatopoeic spellings. The study of values of internet slang.
The punk subculture. Modern subculture borders. The goth subculture, origins and development. Gothic ideology. Historical and cultural influences. Hip-hop culture. Modern hip hop fashion. Hip hop music. Fashion & music. The rocker of the 21st century.
A review of the history of the English language in the periods from 5 to 20 century. The literary representation and historical monuments, which reflect the language context of the described period. The history of runic alphabet and old manuscripts.
Britain in the reign of Elizabeth. Description and basic features of development of Great Britain in the period of XVII-XX centuries. Artistic and cultural life in Great Britain. Universities and Colleges in Great Britain. The Modern British Economy.
Each era is characterized by specific changes in translation history. The developments of translation in the western world are not the same as those in the Arab world, as each nation knew particular incidents that led to the birth of particular theories.
The study focuses on the coexistence of the military constructs and the military metaphor in the obd, which thereby rethinks the priorities of semantic dominance of the military language constructs to the military metaphors, foregrounding the content.
The presence of a socio-cultural context that determines the choice of the image of a particular enemy that will appear in the text like a feature of D. Trump's public speeches. The role of the political speaker in communicating with his audience.
A case study of the impact of a European language (English) in a former colonial territory (Pakistan). As Pakistan is a frontline state helping the United States to fight terrorism while, and having an educational system too, which can create terrorists.
The importance of extralinguistic factors to maintain the prestige of political parties. Development of programs of education English language, the reasons for increasing its role in globalization conditions. Ensuring the interests of local communities.