Linguistic portrait of specialists in public administration

The analysis of communicative culture formation of civil officials is carried. Tasks directed on mastering of knowledge and abilities to use language tools. The removal of Russianisms, inappropriate loan translation and introduction of Ukrainian words.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 12.01.2023
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Linguistic portrait of specialists in public administration

Tymkova V.A., Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Vinnitsa Institute of Trade and Economics of the State University of Trade and Economics; Lebedieva N.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior teacher of the Department of English Philology Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named by Mychailo Kotsubynsky


The article substantiates the relevance of communicative culture study of specialists in the field of public administration, because communication is the main component of their culturological competence. It is the ability to express their views correctly, clearly and concisely. The skill of public speach art is a component of public manager image, it determines his or her rating and contributes to professional and personal development. The essence of the concepts is clarified: language, speech, language culture, communicative culture; the basic principles of communicative culture are highlighted; identified features of communicative culture, which must be followed by a specialist in public administration in their work; the key problems of the public official's communicative culture are singled out and the ways of their solution are suggested; the importance of forming the communicative culture of a public sphere specialist is substantiated.

The analysis of communicative culture formation of civil officials is carried out, the separate exercises and the tasks directed on mastering of knowledge and abilities to use language tools and on checking degree of their formation are given; appropriate and conscious choice of a word or word form in accordance with the purpose of communication, syntactic compatibility of words in a sentence and compositional design of the text as a higher communicative unit; mastering synonyms, other groups of vocabulary and grammatical material of professional speech. One of the methodological directions for improving the communicative culture should be the purposeful removal of Russianisms, inappropriate loan translation and the introduction of Ukrainian words. It is emphasized that a proper communicative culture is evidence of a developed intellect and a high general culture of personality. Only through the high of communicative culture are manifested the inexhaustible potential of language, the harmony of its functions, because the modern sphere of public administration belongs to the sphere of high communicative responsibility.

Key words: communicative culture, norms of literary language, professional speech, public administration specialists, government officials.


Мовний портрет фахівців у сфері публічного управління

Тимкова В., Лебедева Н.

У статті обґрунтовано актуальність дослідження культури мовлення фахівців у сфері публічного управління, адже вона є основною складовою його культурологічної компетенції. Саме уміння правильно, ясно й чітко висловлювати свої думки, володіння мистецтвом публічної мови є складовими іміджу публічного управлінця, визначають його рейтинг і сприяють професійному та особистому становленню. З'ясовано сутність понять: мова, мовлення, культура мови, культура мовлення; висвітлено основні принципи культури мовлення; визначено комунікативні ознаки культури мовлення, яких має дотримуватися фахівець публічного управління у своїй діяльності; виокремлено ключові проблеми культури мовлення публічного діяча та запропоновано шляхи їх вирішення; обґрунтовано важливість формування культури мовлення спеціаліста публічної сфери.

Здійснено аналіз формування культури мовлення державних службовців, подано окремі вправи і завдання, спрямовані на оволодіння знаннями і вміннями використовувати мовний інструментарій і на перевірку ступеня їх формування; доречний і свідомий вибір слова або словоформи відповідно до поставленої мети спілкування, синтаксичної сполучуваності слів у реченні та композиційного оформлення тексту як вищої комунікативної одиниці; засвоєння синонімів, інших груп лексики та граматичного матеріалу професійного мовлення. Одним із методологічних напрямів підвищення культури мовлення повинно стати цілеспрямоване вилучення росіянізмів, невиправданих кальок і запровадження до вжитку власне українських слів. Наголошено, що належна культура мовлення - це свідчення розвинутого інтелекту і високої загальної культури особистості. Тільки через високу культуру мовлення проявляються невичерпні потенції мови, гармонія її функцій, адже сучасна сфера публічного управління та адміністрування належить до сфери підвищеної комунікативної відповідальності.

Ключові слова: культура мовлення, норми літературної мови, професійне мовлення, фахівці публічного управління, державні службовці.

Formulation of the problem

The determining factor in reforming politics and culture of Ukraine is its economic growth. However, during the war, Ukraine's economy not only lost a significant share of the potential for value added, but also underwent significant structural changes. The Russian-Ukrainian war divided our lives "before" and "after". Therefore, the development of our country largely depends on the level of formation of the professional communicative culture of future public administration specialists. The priority for educators today is to provide educational services of high quality, in accordance with certain educational programs and plans to ensure the educational process.

At the present stage, the policy in the field of public administration is gradually changing. Today, the priority is the professionalization of the civil service and the formation of professional competence of civil officials, which requires, inter alia, increasing the requirements for the effectiveness of their communication as a factor in establishing links between state and public institutions, between public authorities and the public. In this regard, the problem of attracting skilled workers to the public administration, who, among other professional qualities, must be able to effectively and quickly overcome various communication barriers, establish business relationships with representatives of higher authorities and with citizens - the main consumers of public administration services. Thus, the importance of the communicative component of the activities of civil officials is growing, which is becoming an important element in building trust and partnerships between the community and the government. Taking into account these factors, there is an urgent need to form a high communicative culture of civil officials, which involves, above all, the study of theoretical aspects of the problem.

In this context, V Loznytsia, author of the textbook "Psychology of Management", notes: "The success of business relations largely depends on the effectiveness of business communication. The ability to achieve the goal with minimal costs and time - a great art that requires not only deep professional knowledge and skills, but also mastery of modern techniques of business communication" [1, p. 32].

Communicative culture is one of the most important indicators of civilized society. After all, the process of mastering the language and its culture is associated with the acquisition and development of skills to speak and write correctly, the ability to formulate and express their opinions accurately, use language skills in communication and apply them actively and competently.

Perfect mastery of the communicative culture is an important component of training in the field of public administration, as the creative use of language totaly reveals the professional talents of the public manager, promotes his or her self-creation and selfexpression. The relevance of the research topic is that the communicative culture of the public manager is the main component of his or her culturological competence. After all, one of the main requirements for admission to the civil service is proficiency in the state language. According to linguist L.T. Masenko, "the success of the revival of national languages and cultures experiencing a long period of oppression depends on a combination of two factors: the collective will to independence and the conscious efforts of the national elite, which implements a language policy of protectionism to its culture" [2, p. 95]. It should be noted that language is also one of the main means of training, skill and excellence of professionals. Wilhelm von Humboldt also noted that it is not people who master language, but language masters people.

Mastering the knowledge of stylistic riches of the Ukrainian language, first of all, by public managers who use the word as "tools, information carrier, professional verbal weapon and means of spiritual influence" [3, p. 10] contributes to the rise of culture and spirituality of the nation in general.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The problem of the public administration's communicative culture has attracted the attention of many experts. Communicative culture, according to Didkivsky V P., is a reliable support in the expression of independence of thought, the development of human feelings, in the education of active, true patriotism. After all, the culture of language involves the development of ethical norms of interethnic communication, which characterize the general culture of our contemporaries [4].

When talking about the communicative culture, it is also necessary to find out what this concept entails. Language is the most universal means of human communication, accumulation and transmission of information, teaching and education, one of the most important components of human spiritual culture.

We can single out L. Pashko, who in her works pays attention to the study of business communication in the field of public administration, O. Kozievska, who studies the formation of communicative culture in the professional activities of civil officials. Kudryavtseva Z. devoted most of her works on the purity of speech as a component of professionalism of civil officials, national features and norms of etiquette in the culture of business communication are studied by Prykhodko O. The training of civil officials is revealed in the works of Kostyuk I. The communicative culture as a component of professional competence and the culture of business Ukrainian communication was studied by Plotnytska I. The problem of culture of civil officials as a necessary component of efficiency of functions is considered in the works which studies the problem of speech communication as a factor in the professional success of civil officials. Scientific research by I. Gruzynska, N. Demedyshyna, N. Drahomyretskaya, Y Malik, S. Khadzhiradeva and other researchers intensified the discussion of various aspects of communicative activity of civil officials.

The modern sphere of public administration belongs to the sphere of increased communicative responsibility. Inadequate understanding of oral and written communication of the sender and recipient can lead to serious management failures, causing a variety of errors, misunderstandings and conflicts. According to the specifics of his or her activity, a civil official has not only to operate according to the law, to be guided by job descriptions, but also to explain, prove and persuade. A civil official constantly interacts with citizens, helping them to solve social, economic and personal problems; communicates with entities belonging to different social strata and groups; contacts with representatives of various socio-political forces and formations; discusses issues related to the performance of official duties, decision-making, organization of events, etc. Modern civil officials are required not only competence, education, but also the ability to work with people at a high level of cultural, professional, moral and ethical requirements. That is why he or she must be a "professional communicator", have a high communicative culture [5, p. 153].

The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the concepts: language, speech, language culture, communicative culture; highlighting the basic principles of communicative culture; determining features of the communicative culture, which must be followed by the public manager in his or her activities; identifying key issues of public speaking and identifying ways to solve them.

Presenting main material

No wonder the expression of the famous philosopher Socrates "Speak, so that I may see you" has not lost its true meaning even through the ages, because, indeed, no matter how we try to take care of our appearance, surround ourselves with various objects, create for everyone the illusion of their image and our aesthetic tastes, but it will tell about us everything, how we have a speech apparatus and know how to keep ourselves in front of the audience will say much more about us, will say the main thing - who we really are, will show the level of our awareness, professionalism, literacy and experience.

Language is an important component of a person's general culture. Only he or she who learns the language culture in all its totality and multifacetedness, is able to become a creator of language values and fully realize themselves as individuals in any field of social activity. Speech is a language activity, a specific speech that takes place over time and is manifested in sound (including internal speech) or writing. Communicative culture is the possession of the norms of literary language, the ability to use all its means depending on the conditions of communication, purpose and content of speech.

Communicative culture is the observance of stable language norms of oral and written literary language, as well as conscious, relaxed, purposeful, skillful use of linguistic and expressive means depending on the purpose and circumstances of communication. According to Marusych N., the communicative culture is also a common language etiquette: typical formulas of greetings, farewells, wishes, invitations, and so on. They change depending on the situations of communication, social status, educational, age level of those who communicate [6, p. 33].

Norms of literary language - accepted in the social practice of people the rules of pronunciation, use of words, grammatical forms, construction of phrases and sentences [4, p. 187]. The level of language culture, as noted by researcher Redin P., is determined not by the depth of assimilation of norms, and the ability to possess all the riches of literary language [7].

According to Hrytsenko T.B., human speech is a kind of identity card, it is evidence of the level of education of a person, his culture, and at the same time, through the combined speech practice of speakers - it is an indicator of cultural. But the communicative culture is a system of requirements, regulations regarding the use of language in speech activity (oral or written) [5, p. 21].

Proper communicative culture is evidence of a developed intellect and a high general culture of personality. Only through the high communicative culture are manifested the inexhaustible potentials of language, the harmony of its functions.

Communicative culture is of great national and social importance: it provides a high level of speech communication, effective implementation of all functions of language, ennobles relations between people, promotes the general culture of the individual and society as a whole. Through the communicative culture is the cultivation of language itself, its improvement [6, p. 36].

The communicative culture is based on the basic principles, among which Shevchuk S. distinguishes the following: correctness, consistency, logic, expediency, correctness, relevance, economy [8, p. 12]. The public manager in his activity must comply with the basic requirements of speech, his speech must be meaningful, which consists in a clear and complete understanding of the topic by the speaker; the language should be rich and rich in various means for expressing one's opinion, avoiding tautologies and similar words and phrases; accurate, for quick understanding and correct transmission of thought; expressive and appropriate.

Most errors are the result of interchangeability of words close in meaning (synonyms), which require different cases: призвести (до чого?) до ускладнень - спричинити (що?) ускладнення; навчатися (чого?) мови - вивчати (що?) мову; опанувати (що?) аудит - оволодіти (чим?) аудитом; оплата (чого?) проживання - плата (за що?) за проживання; відповідно (до чого?) до наказу - згідно (з чим?) з наказом; властивий (кому?) службовцям - характерний (для кого?) для службовців; зважати (на що?) на ситуацію - враховувати (що?) ситуацію; наголосити (на чому?) на факті - підкреслити (що?) факт; повідомити (кому?) директорові - інформувати (кого?) директора; повідомлювати (що?) факти - інформувати (про що?) про факти.

In business professional communication, there are often mistakes related to the subordination a dependent word in a certain case, sometimes a preposition. Subordination is prepositional and non-prepositional, for example: non-prepositional subordination - вжити (чого?) рішучих заходів; свідомий (чого?) обов'язку; немає (чого?) звіту; опанувати (кого?) себе; зрадити (кого?) ідеї, друга; прийменникове керування - чекати (на кого?) на співробітників; сподіватися (на що?) на допомогу; знатися (на чому?) на мистецтві; бачити (як?, яким чином?) на власні очі; чути (як, яким чином?) на власні вуха; вважати, ставати, правити (за кого?) за господаря.

A common mistake is to use prepositional constructions instead of non-prepositional ones and vice versa: зрікатися від ідеалів (замість зрікатися ідеалів); відступитися ідеалів (замість відступитися від ідеалів); оплатити за проїзд (замість оплатити проїзд); приурочувати відкриттю (замість приурочувати до відкриття); не поступатися за красою (замість не поступатися красою).

The high level of communicative culture of public administrators is a factor in the further development of society as a whole, as it ensures the practical implementation of the functions of the Ukrainian language in public administration. The need of high quality communication requires a public manager to master the norms of modern Ukrainian literary language, the ability to use language in accordance with the purpose and content of communication.

After all, the country's language policy is always developed and implemented by the elite. As the famous English sociolinguist Bell T notes on this issue: "So far we have not paid attention to the question of who has a decisive voice in language planning in developing countries... The answer can only be one: the elite" [9, p. 221].

As early as the sixth century BC, the Chinese sage and ruler Confucius argued that those who undertake to govern the state should take care of their moral and cultural level, self-education, be able to speak well, be a role model for others. Knowledge of the native language, the basic requirements of business communication, phonetic, lexical, grammatical norms, stylistic features is essential for every public official. The public manager in his activity must adhere to the communicative features of thecommunicative culture, among which the scientist I. Plotnytska singles out:

correctness of communication is observance of norms of modern Ukrainian literary language. The correctness of speech is the appropriate use of certain grammatical forms, syntactic structures in a particular context;

accuracy of communication - a business person is a clear correspondence of the meaning of words to objects, actions, signs or phenomena of reality (conceptual accuracy) and compliance with the expression of the producer's intention (objective accuracy), the ability to express opinions so that they are unambiguously perceived by the recipient ;

logical presentation - is expressed in the way of organizing a business text, its composition, in the correct construction of phrases, sentences, in the accuracy of words, in the meaningful connections of language tools that express the relationship between parts and components of thought;

purity of business communication - implies the absence of non- literary elements (dialectisms, colloquial words, brutal vocabulary, jargon, vulgarism, professionalism, foreign words, if there are Ukrainian equivalents, surzhik words, word forms, syntactic structures, parasitic words, parasitic words, etc.) language;

conciseness of communication is a clear and concise presentation of the content of a business text. If the speaker chooses the words correctly, he will not be verbose. Since extra words do not carry new information, with the help of a minimum of language tools you can clearly formulate an opinion, express the maximum amount of information;

relevance - is the selection and organization of language tools that make the language appropriate to the purpose and content of the text, communicative situation, individual traits of any business person [10, p. 11].

Unfortunately, today we see a rather low level of proficiency in the culture of the Ukrainian language among public officials. There are many ways to linguistic perfection. But they all begin with love for the native language, the desire to master it, with a sense of responsibility for the native language.

In order to effectively address the issue of raising the level of communicative culture in the professional activities of public administrators, this problem should be considered as a complex one, which requires the joint efforts of linguists and public administration specialists. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the settlement of language issues at the legislative level, the preparation of textbooks that would improve the language level of public officials, and we must not forget to improve the general culture of the Ukrainian people.

Conclusions from the study and prospects for further research

Communicative culture of civil officials is a complex spiritual and practical education of the individual, which includes social norms and requirements for professional communication, developed mechanisms of communicative interaction with people, gained practical experience of communicative activities. Communicative culture is formed under the influence of social, psychological and cultural conditions, it is certainly based on the norms and requirements that society puts forward at a certain stage of its development to civil officials who are called to adhere to them in their professional activities.

Finally, we recon that such a complex phenomenon as "communicative culture" objectively requires further comprehensive theoretical and methodological research on the problems of its formation and provision.

Taking into concideration the urgency of improving the communicative culture of public officials in the future there is a need for more thorough study of the language portrait of public officials with clear recommendations for improving knowledge of Ukrainian literary language, because our language is a kind of our identity card.

communicative culture official russianism


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