Study lesson plan for teaching the subjunctive in Castilian. Feature pravilgo use of verbs in Spanish. Selection of the indicative mood with the help of epistemic predicates. Analysis of calculation of alternative semantic meaning of a sentence.
Development of new technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases system, which is the main cause of sudden death. Features of its appearance, depending on the operating conditions and the professional duties of the employee.
The phenomenon of suffix truncation, which is a productive way of word formation in English slang of the beginning of the 21st century. A combination of apocope and suffixation within one word-forming act. Exceptions that contradict the given trends.
- 1384. Sugar corn hybrids productivity of different ripeness groups depending on plants standing density
The main feature the establishment of the influence of planting density on the biometric parameters, tillage power, leaf area and productivity of individual plants of different groups of sweet corn maturity - Spocusa, Surprise, Glamour and Kabanets SV.
Analysis of suggestiveness in the communicative system "The lay of Igor’s campaign". The contribution of suggestion to the description of poetic images and plots, literary motifs. Suggestiveness as a type of speech act in the model of a literary text.
Highlighting specificity of suggestive linguistics as a highly demanded science that studies the influential, suggestive function of communication. Sufficient methods of influence utilized within the network of suggestive linguistics are characterized.
The language of Wales belongs to a branch of Celtic, is a distant cousin to Irish and Scots. Despite its formidable appearance to the uninitiated, that language whose spelling is regular and phonetic, you can learn to read it without too much difficulty.
The eighth wonder of Wales is the survival of language in the face of almost impossible odds. The journey far back into history that to account for the abrupt linguistic change from English into Welsh. Nationalism of Wales is the civilization of Wales.
- 1389. Swiss Banks
Analysis banking system of Switzerland. Banking law of 1934. Electronic payments. Major banks. Monetary Policy. Financial System Stability. Swiss Banknotes and Coins. Taxation. Money laundering. Swiss Banks and World War II. International competition.
Postpositions give words a new meaning, which is due to their lexical meaning. The postpositions may reflect various semisological phenomena, one of which is synonymy. Synonyms of postpositions are not equal with synonym of independent lexical meaning.
- 1391. Synonyms and antonyms
The synonyms as words different in sound-form, but identical or similar in meaning. The classification of synonyms by Smirnitsky. Antonyms as words belonging to the same part of speech, identical in style, expressing contrary or contradictory notions.
The distinction between synchronic and diachronic treatment. The pattern of stylistic relationship. Problem of classification of synonyms. The criterion of synonyms` interchangeability in context. A modern and an effective approach to the classification.
General definition of the phenomenon of synonymy in Modern English. Kinds of synonyms, their specific features. Distributional features of the English synonyms. Changeability and substitution of meanings. Semantic and functional relationship in synonyms.
The role and importance of idioms in the English language, a variety of idiomatic expressions and their use in various spheres of life. The complexity and versatility of the values and different forms of idioms. Use idioms in a lively conversation.
The Sentence from a Stylistic Point of View. Stylistic study of the syntax. Stylistic Inversion and Detached Constructions. Parallel Construction and reversed parallelism, the necessary condition in parallelism. Partial or complete parallel constructions.
Study of patterns "structure-antioxidant activity", structural analogues of which have found application as medicines with a wide spectrum of biological action. Inhibition of the rate of ascorbate-dependent peroxidation of endogenous lipids in rat liver.
- 1397. Synthesis of heterometal copolymer complexes with fragments of Mn(II) and Zn(II) b-diketonates
The main peculiarity of the heterometallic half-dimensional complexes with b-diketonate fragments. Carried out in the process of blocking at the site of dimethylformamide at the presence in the attendance of the additive agent, benzohexperoxide.
The description of Synonymy and Antonymy as semantic relations that holds between two words in English practical usage. Classification of antonyms according to the word-derivational structure. Root (proper, complimentary) antonyms. Derivational antonyms.
The problem of creating linguistic and cultural competence as part of the social and cultural competence of students. Categories of the modern Hebrew dictionary that will facilitate the scientific specification of the choice of educational content.
- 1400. Taras Shevchenko
The biography of Taras Shevchenko – Ukrainian national bard and famous artist. His lyrical works and autobiographical poems. Shevchenko's political convictions in his works. Value of T. Shevchenko and his literary heritage in literature development.
- 1401. Taraz Vending Company
The market for the vending business. Business mission and strategy. Sources, uses of funds. Vending business in Kazakhstan. Marketing and pricing strategy of the Taraz vending company. Financial plan, seasonal data. Projected income statement, cash flow.
- 1402. Target language transformations in the translation of "The Lord of the rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien
Analysis of the question of lexical and grammatical problems of translation and ways of their solving in the translation of Tolkien’s work of genius "The Lord of the Rings". Features of lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical transformations.
Innovative approach to teaching students of higher educational institutions business English. Use of opportunities of cloud technologies, computer training, elements of systems of an artificial intellect and computer games at instruction of pupils.
The advantages of video in the learning process. Analysis of the Ted talk platform as a perfect tool for learning English. Its key features. Motivation as an important variable in language learning. Developing a model for a lesson to work with Ted talks.
The article describes the current situation in terms of teaching ESP English at a particular University - the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (Odesa, Ukraine) focusing on the general context in higher education in Ukraine.
- 1406. Teaching grammar games
The article basis of teaching grammar games. The advantages of using games. The role of games on languages lessons. The practical basis of teaching grammar games. Some main advantages of using games in the classroom. Learning grammar through games.
- 1407. Teaching listening
Listening as one of the most challenging skills for English learning students. The content of teaching listening with describing its techniques, strategies, developing activities, using textbook activities. Using authentic materials and situations.
- 1408. Teaching listening
Aims of the English language teaching. Psychological features of listening and its connection with other types of speech activity. The difficulties in understanding the oral speech. Use of listening at training to a foreign language in a modern school.
- 1409. Teaching pronunciation
Language as a complex sign system, naturally or artificially created and relate conceptual content and standard sound. When to teach pronunciation. Pronunciation teaching and its importance in the development of students listening and speech skills.
- 1410. Teaching the language of the mother drama from the lexical-semantic and morphological point of view
Husein Javid managed to bring the language of poetry to the stage in the verse drama "Mother". He is a master of strong artistic monologues. The playwright skillfully constructs monologues, inner peace of the hero, views of life, awe, excitement.