• The explore the principles of teaching Turkish vocabulary to native Russian speakers by means of using modern visual and auditory aids and related materials. With the development of educational tools in teaching foreign languages the audio-visual methods.

    статья (19,6 K)
  • Plain English, Simplified English, and Controlled Language are three terms used to describe attempts to produce English that is easily readable, accessible. Simplified English is the term used by the European Association of Aerospace Industries.

    статья (13,0 K)
  • Consideration of methods of intercultural communication within the framework of linguistic and cultural theory. Research of the role of the cultural factor in process of technical translation. Establishment of effective interaction between specialists.

    статья (21,2 K)
  • Analysis of the means of speech expression in Arab diplomatic communication on the example of speeches by Arab representatives of the diplomatic corps and political figures at various UN venues. Тexts of speeches by permanent representatives of the Arab.

    статья (689,2 K)
  • Set of professional and personal qualities that should ideally possess a modern translator to operate successfully in its segment of the translation market. Definition of qualities that determine suitability for professional translation activity.

    презентация (301,8 K)
  • Специфіка вербалізації комунікативних стратегій і тактик виступів у форматі TED. Жанрова специфіка лекцій і промов у форматі TED як мультимодального текста, який містить параметри комунікації у вигляді живої інтерактивної лекції. Огляд їхнього характеру.

    статья (27,7 K)
  • Scheme of distribution of the durations of stressed syllables in a phrase. The nature of the quantization of the temporal structure of the phrase. Comparative analysis of the duration and intensity of vowels pronounced with neutral and emphatic stress.

    статья (1,7 M)
  • Temporal constructions of the modern German language as a means of temporal interpretation of sentences. The main characteristic of infinitive sentences, which are arguments of predicates of the relation, and do not contain tense forms of the verb.

    статья (23,2 K)
  • Characteristic essence, functions of strategic planning. The purposes of the organization. An estimation and the analysis of an environment. Administrative research of internal factors of firm. Studying strategic alternatives and a choice of strategy.

    реферат (19,9 K)
  • Peculiarities of adaptation, functioning and use as a motivational base for term formation of computer verb terms of the non-equivalent type translated into Ukrainian. Consideration of verb terms in computer terminology as self-sufficient lexical units.

    статья (35,1 K)
  • Description of modern translation practices in the field of philosophy and identification of the reasons for the uniqueness of these practices in philosophical discourse. Using elements of the House model in assessing the quality of translation.

    статья (28,2 K)
  • Consideration of the tasks of cognitive terminology as a new direction of linguistic research. The importance of methods of cognitive analysis and the construction of specific cognitive models for the processes of formation, functioning of term systems.

    статья (27,7 K)
  • Standard English as the official language of Great Britain taught at schools and universities, used by the press, the radio and the television and spoken by educated people. Familiarity with the major groups of dialects are used in Ukrainian language.

    контрольная работа (20,8 K)
  • Functional stilistics and dialectolodgy. The specific fiatures and dialects. General notions of British dialects. Local varieties on the British isles. Social variation. Territorial varieties of the english pronunciation. Welsh english. Scottish english.

    курсовая работа (1,3 M)
  • Визначення основ зіставлення при порівнянні неспоріднених мов. Аналіз основних структурних рівнів української і корейської писемностей. Розробка комплексного підходу до вивчення неспоріднених писемностей у контексті компаративної графіки і орфографії.

    статья (170,0 K)
  • Theoretical bases of testing. The history of testing and the meaning of testing methods. Types of tests. Testing as a method of motivation of pupils in teaching English language. Сlassification of tests and description their advantages and disadvantages.

    курсовая работа (532,1 K)
  • The characteristic of models of interruption and technique for testing for nondeterministic final automatic machines. Algorithm for carrying out of tests of a condition of a way of the final automatic machine and a parity in case of way default.

    реферат (1,2 M)
  • Schematic outline of text analysis and some general recommendations. Glossary of literary and stylistic terms. Some phrases which may be helpful while preparing the analysis. Adjectives applied to literary characters and sample text for analysis.

    методичка (39,5 K)
  • The article discusses advantages of applying cognitive approach research practices to the study of peculiarities of representation of knowledge formats in the narrative. The author analyzes the regularities of objectivization of structured knowledge.

    статья (20,4 K)
  • Проблеми лінгвістичного аналізу тексту мовної особистості в аспекті загальної теорії комп’ютерної лінгвістики. Специфіка створення лексикографічної системи за допомогою інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, алгоритм створення програми TextAnalizator.

    статья (311,6 K)
  • Epistolary text as a conceptually, informationally and pragmatically significant written speech work. Its categorical features are: polythematicity, standard structure, special role of presupposition and extralinguistic factor - the sender's involvement.

    статья (24,8 K)
  • Methodological and theoretical problems of speech influence. The category of personality different roles of the addresser depending on his communicative aim as a means of the suggestive influence employed in the texts of the analysed channelings.

    статья (25,2 K)
  • A feature that reflects the complexity and variability of James Joyce's perception. Using paradigmatic analysis of text information. Analysis of text paradigms in the context of their way of expressing, relevance, configuration and relationships.

    статья (20,4 K)
  • Analysis of the JOURNEY concept in the space of P. Modiano's pseudo-autobiographical prose, which is characterized by pronounced psychological introspection. The pseudo-autobiographical genre as a postmodern form of defining the narrator's problems.

    статья (62,2 K)
  • The role and value of immigrants and their children in creating American jobs and driving economy of the country. Ways of perfection of the immigration system for keeping the highly skilled workers from around and stopping the loss of foreign students.

    статья (2,2 M)
  • Determination of onomasiological significance and factors of linguistic productivity. Analysis of the process of understanding and perception of new vocabulary. Assessment of the predictability of naming under the conditions of their free interpretation.

    статья (23,8 K)
  • The American Dream that based on an ideology that everybody can be successful through own efforts, increasing the standard of living and achieving a better future for themselves and children. The right to pursue goals with a minimum of state control.

    доклад (13,4 K)
  • The stylistic component and its lexicographical reflection. Stylistic neutrality and stylistic colouring. The word and its meaning. Lexical, stylistic transformations in translating. Stylistic Analysis of “The Great Gatsby” from lexical and grammatical.

    курсовая работа (109,9 K)
  • The methods of teaching for pupils, who study English as second language. The Silent Way as the method of teaching. Communicative Approach for Ukrainian teachers, professors and instructors or combine different methods. Functional Categories of Language.

    статья (18,0 K)
  • The feature of attracting as many needs as possible to increase the level of activity motivation. Analysis of the research of the human motivational sphere from the point of view of its development through the use of breadth, flexibility and hierarchy.

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