The relationship between philosophy and literature in the works of Taras Shevchenko. The views of Ivan Fizer on the consideration of fundamental studies of the relationship between philosophy and literature in the literary creativity of Shevchenko.
Сильвічні рукописи як елемент культури сарматизму. Політична риторика в обороні православ'я. Між публічним і приватним: "література" на службі соціуму. Повсякденний побут шляхти та козацької еліти. Опис збірника І. Груші "Silva Rerum", його аналіз.
- 843. Sir Thomas More
Life of Sir Thomas More, venerated in the Catholic Church as Saint Thomas More. English lawyer, judge, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. Scholarly and literary work. History of literature work, religious polemics.
Skepticism in literature as mode, in opinion Hume and Musil. Literature whichis without regard for truth, seeks to excite emotion. The essay is in search to make communication possible, that accomodates the motivation. "The second dimension of thought".
- 845. Social and political agendas of American society in the new millennium (Salman Rushdie's Quichotte)
Research of the artistic interpretation of social and political problems in Salman Rushdie's novel Quichotte. Identify and describe those social and political triggers that, on the one hand, define today's agenda of the American post-truth society.
Valuable specificity of modern prose of the Persian Gulf countries in the scientific works of European scientists. Analysis of the work of the Kuwaiti author Saud al-Sanusi, the novel "Bamboo Stem" and the Emirati writer Noura Al-Numan, the novel "Ajwan".
Collection and generalization of scientific works of European scientists, which are devoted to the analysis of the work of Arab writers. Study of aspects of modern Arabic literature in the context of social problems and the dimension of being in prose.
Review of trends in the development of the genre of socio-psychological novel in modern Azerbaijani literature. A review of novels with deep social content from the independence period. Perception of socio-psychological novels by a wide readership.
The study of problem of spirituality in R. Ivanchenko's tetralogy about Ancient Russia as a set of conflicts that manifest themselves as opposition to various interests and views. Complications accompanied by complex collisions at socio-political level.
Discussing of the essential strategies in writing academic essays. The purpose of academic writing and the most common reasons for writing. Main types of academic definitions writing. Analysis of the main advantage and disadvantage essay samples.
Peculiarities of considering the plot and composition of M. Morozenko's novels "Ivan Sirko, the great sorcerer" and "Ivan Sirko, the glorious Koshovoy" from the standpoint of plotology. Analysis of the problem of good and evil in the plot of the story.
Illumination of the basic stylistic features of the writer used in her fantasies. Analysis of Le Guin's Wizard of the Earth at each level of language: morphological phonographic (antithesis, climax, comparison), lexical (metaphor, epithet), syntactic.
This tackles a string of similes in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica 4. 682-688. To secure the possible sources of what seems to be a successive simile, I discuss the semantic complexity of the expression detorquet in ilia, the syntactic function of invito.
- 854. Taras Shevchenko
Biography ukraine’s national bard and famous artist - Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko. Autobiographical poems and lyrical works. Shevchenko's literary. Poet's political convictions. Value of T.H. Shevchenko and its products for literature development.
Общая характеристика наиболее актуальных проблем литературной компаративистики. Б. Чемберлен как профессор японского языка в Токийском университете, один из первых "наивных" компаративистов, сопоставивших японский жанр хайку с европейской эпиграммой.
The paper is dedicated to John Milton’s poem @Samson Agonistes@ (published in 1671) and its two translations: the Ukrainian translation was done by Ivan Franko (1912; published in 1913), and the Slovak translation was rendered by Marian Andricik.
The quantitative ratio of general literary vocabulary and literary terminology in professional texts of Japanese literary studies. The percentage of supra-disciplinary, disciplinary and inter-disciplinary literary terminology. The stylistic means.
Сущность основных проблем изучения новейшей литературы в школе, пространственно-временная организация темы дороги. Идейно-художественное своеобразие цикла "Любовь в 7 вагоне". Исследование диапазона смыслов темы пути в железнодорожных рассказах.
The following article analyzes the category of expressiveness and its components: emotionality and imagery in scientific texts. The emotionality is a characteristic of personality, his/her condition, qualities and level of his/her emotional sphere.
Role of the environment in the spiritual and intellectual development of the protagonist in the novel "A portrait of the artist as a young man." Deep psychological portrait of the protagonist; a moral and sensual foundation formation of human character.
Comparative analysis of the expression of the connection of architectonic components in short and novel prose. Demonstration of the concepts of segmentation of the alternative history meta-genre in short fiction by T. Fermes, O. Menshov, V. Kozhelianko.
Dissatisfaction of the population with the living conditions under the new government, which gave rise to nostalgia for the colonial past. An examination of the expression of this nostalgia in contemporary literature and postcolonial Yemeni romance.
The features of colour paradigm in Yurgis Baltrushaitis’ artistic world, to outline the similarity and difference in the use of colour images in Y. Baltrushaitis ’ poetic works in the context of the Russian Symbolists of older and younger generations.
- 864. The comic effect in David Lodge’s "campus trilogy": linguistic means and extralinguistic factors
The research is based on the study of three main comic forms - humour, irony and sarcasm, with parody determining the structural and plot ideas of the overtly comic-satiric sequel to the first novel which is predominantly humorous and mild ironic.
Study of inclination of Russian writers to the cultural and philosophical understanding of historical processes. Based on the works by Solzhenitsyn, in a cultural and philosophical context consistently reveals concept of the writer's historical process.
Survey of how a literary concept of a prominent ukrainian german studies expert Oguy has been developing on the pages of a scientific journal "Problems of Literary Criticism" from 1993 till 2013. Development of post-non-classical methodological strategy.
Identification of features of the interpretation of primitivist tendencies in the work of D. Lawrence "Lovers". The representation of primitivism through the naturalness, purity, sincerity and authenticity of the relationship between a man and a woman.
Conducting a comprehensive study of the concept of sacred praise in magical realism: based on the work entitled "The Unfinished Manuscript" written by Kamal Abdullah. Definition of magical realism, the period of its formation. The work of Borges and Eco.
Actualization of the concept of a flower in the novel "Lady Chatterley's Lover". The concept of a flower in the author's picture of the world. Flower utopia as a reflection of human aspirations. Characterization of heroes in the light of floral images.
The name of Ibn Tabatab, one of the famous critics of the Abbasid era. Consideration of poetry and prose style, their similarities and differences. A study of the importance of rhyme and the artistic structure of the ode and its external structure.