George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856-2 November 1950) was an eminent Irish playwright, literary critic, journalist, photographer and traveler. The story of his life and the main stages of literary creativity. Political views and activities of the writer.
- 692. George Gordon Byron
The great English poet George Gordon Byron was born in 1788in an old aristocratic family. The biography аnd creativity. In the Greek town of Missolonghi Byron fell ill with typhus and died in April 1824. His friends brought Byron's body to England.
Michel Leiris`s the new edition of Manhood with an essay in the form of a preface which constitutes the most cogent commentary on this work. In this essay "The Autobiographer as Torero" he illuminates perfectly the intentions to which we owe this book.
European traditions of hand drawn literature. Conditions for the creation of the Russian-Serbian comic strip "Cossacks" by M. Sholokhov, analysis of its structure, plot lines, characters of heroes. Events with an adventurous and adventurous narrative.
The study of the peculiarities of the literary creativity of H.K. Andersen Different views of scientists, literary critics on the specifics of the artist's creative output in the context of the development of the traditions of romanticism are analyzed.
The humanism of Hamlet, his options to choose between right and wrong and creating his decisions using intellect. The human nature and the dignity of humanity. Hamlet as a famous Shakespearean protagonist. Using of soliloquies to articulate emotions.
The study of the identity of the story of the writer H. Kroll in the novel "Subtenant". Contrasting the experience of the "Holocaust-Extermination-Shoah" to the traditional narration, which is based on linearity, weighty "beginnings" and "endings".
- 698. Hiding behind a mask
Acquaintance with a story the "Hidden woman". Study of problem of comparison of freedom and marriage. Description of reasons Irene to put on a mask and go on an opera ball, to know, whether she can to be near with other man physically and morally.
Изучение вопроса о том, является ли история об италийском происхождении сына Зевса Дардана в "Энеиде" инновацией Вергилия либо это отголосок маргинальной версии мифа. Политические мотивы Вергилия с целью создания версии троянского происхождения римлян.
The task of the artist is to create a construction of the appropriate architecture. Understanding genre as a category of literature that is formed in the process of its historical development and has relatively stable properties of form and content.
Особливості реалізації образу подорожі та мандрівця в ліриці Лесі Українки й Оксани Забужко - яскравих репрезентантів модерного та постмодерного типів світорозуміння в українській літературі. Піднесення в поезії митця до статусу надлюдини, творця.
В статье рассмотрена эволюция концепции счастья в советской и постсоветской литературе. Первоначально моделирование счастья и его построение на противопоставлении общественного и личного. Проповедование в советской мифологии любви не к человеку, а к идее.
Характеристика творчого доробку І. Франка як цінної спадщини для української культури. Визначення внеску письменника у перекладацьку та громадську діяльність. Встановлення особливостей відображення долі рідного краю й українського народу в поезії.
Анализ поэмы Владимира Аристова "Дельфинарий", выражение поисков "пространства всеобщей родственности" и общего языка, общей телесности. Понятие "idem-forma" как способ миропонимания, техника создания стихотворений, метод анализа художественных текстов.
This work is dedicated to the analysis of works of the "Cold" war period writers, who contributed much to the forming of the spy novel genre. Analyze the development of the spy novel genre, its ideological background in the context of historical events.
Consideration "Anglo-Indian literature" as a body of literature in English that arose from the interaction of the British with India, as opposed to their interaction with America, Australia or New Zealand. Identifying differences from "Indo-English".
Studying the problem of human existence in the information society. The role of the interactive book in modern humanities. Analysis of the novel by M. Kidruk with an interactive application as an option to bridge the gap between the author and the reader.
The intertextual, metaextextual and intermedia features in the novel "The Atlas of Misty Continents" by Ihsan Oktay Anar. Вescartes' ideas and intertextuality connections with Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot" in the novel "The Atlas of Misty Continents".
Investigation of the peculiarities of the translation of J. Webster's play "The White Devil" by I. Aksenov. Mysterious components in essence and narrative of the play. Study of the phenomenon of "displaced text" in the practice of literary translation.
Аналіз стану, обговорення теоретичних, методичних та організаційних засад створення освітянськими бібліотеками України інтегрованого галузевого інформаційного ресурсу. Виступ керівника Інтернет-проектів. "Інноваційний розвиток шкільних бібліотек України".
- 711. Jack London
Biography and creativity John Griffith "Jack" London. The writer's works, which brought him fame. Political views. London joined the Socialist Labor Party in April 1896. Brief description of literary works "The Call of the Wild" and "Martin Eden".
Gaining worldwide popularity and vast fortune from Jack London's literary activity in fiction. Key topics and works in the literary legacy of Jack London. Gold rush and first success of Jack London. The story and theme of the novel "Martin Eden".
The study of the tragedy of the creative person in the novel by J. London "Martin Eden." Consideration of the features of the literary style in the creation of a psychological portrait with the help of artistic detailing. A critical analysis of the novel.
A novelist Kazuo Ishiguro is one of the most celebrated contemporary Japanese-English fiction authors in the English-speaking world, having received four Man Booker Prize nominations, and winning the 1989 prize for his novel "The Remains of the Day".
The English writer, poet, philologist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien: childhood and youth. Memories of the war years. Stages of development of scientific and literary career. The influence of his works on world culture. Posthumous publications of the author.
A study of the professional language personality of Boris Johnson. Consideration of linguistic personality from the point of view of linguistic-political personology. A combination of individual and institutional communicative and verbal factors.
Analysis of the author's reception of sagas in a text of K. Blixen's novel "The Bear and the Kiss". Consideration of a receptive theory of V. Ysera. Hierarchy of predecessor texts incorporated into the text of the novel. Metaphors and artistic analogies.
Features of the origin and formation of the ideology of waveguide. Consideration and analysis of the childhood and youth years of Nikolai Khvylevoy. The process of combining two incompatible trends "Bolshevism" and "nationalism"in their worldview.
The article traces the formation of Language school of poetry in the US from the standpoint of its publishing and context. The author points out that the collective projects were part of a larger tendency to create alternative publishing platforms.
Focuses on the work of Namik Kamal, one of the prominent figures of the "Tanzimat" (reform) literature, touching on the issues such as mobility, Islamism and the purification of language. Determination of his role in the revival of Turkish poetry.