- 691. English writers
Biography and work of the national poetry of England W. Shakespeare. Reasons for the popularity of the novel by C. Dickens. Analysis of detective stories C. Doyle. Discoveries and inventions of A. Bell. Foundation of the Royal Society of London R. Boyle.
Consideration of one of the masterpieces of Ashuz art, created in the literary environment of Karabakh - the epic "Valeh and Zarnigar" in the context of the informational genre. Characteristics of historical reality based on the ideas of the epic.
Обґрунтування думки, що М. Еджворт і Г. Квітка-Основ’яненко стали фундаторами жанрового різновиду сімейного роману-хроніки в англійській та українській літературах. Опис історичних трансформацій, які відбувалися з дворянськими родинами Ірландії і України.
The first studies of the poetics of the creative activity of Andrey Platonov were published in the writer’s native land in the late 1960s, because their printing became possible in the context of rehabilitation of the Soviet literature of the 1920s.
Many editions of the "Mullah Nesreddin" magazine contain satirical riddles belonging to the poet and even responses in the form of poems by the author himself or by his colleagues. The riddles in the form of satirical passage of the poet’s rich heritage.
Міркування про статус і деякі способи репрезентації обличчя в українській модерністській літературі. Обличчя як особлива складна категорія, що не обмежується візуальними прикметами і має значне семіотичне, символічне, соціокультурне навантаження.
Display of short prose by the Ukrainian modernist writer Pidmohylnyi. The search for artistic techniques aimed at bringing the aesthetic communication between the author and the reader to a new level. Prescriptive and narrative strategies in stories.
"Roses behind thorns. A confession about a women's prison" as a conceptually new artistic receptive model of the prison experience. Analysis of the traumatic experience of lack of freedom, which is directly or indirectly marked by human corporeality.
Summary of the early Roman legend of Anastasia. Analysis of the version adapted to Aquileia. Evaluation of the suppressed storylines related to the martyr Chrysogonus and belonging to her pious mother Anastasia Fausta. Her relationship with Bassill.
Die Struktur der Interpretation ist ein Begriff der Hermeneutik, der kulturhistorische Voraussetzungen impliziert, die den Charakter des Verstandnisses des Textes bestimmen. Kafkas Geschichte "Das Urteil" ist ein Beispiel fur einen mehrwertigen Text.
Description of the novel by J. Franzen "Amendments" both from the point of view of both its genre and conceptual content. Going beyond the canon of "postmodernist" prose that has developed in recent decades as the main achievement of J. Franzen.
Analysis of the heroines of the feminist prose Oksana Zabuzko. A study of the process of liberating women from the "I". The peculiarity of the study of postmodern literature. Signs of social maladaptation in the case of the protagonist of "Kosmitka".
Edgar Lawrence Doctorow is a rather popular American writer and author of the novel "Ragtime". TЕhe theme of the encroachment on the rights of Negroes. Stylistic features and the novel, the main characters and their fates, the difference scenes.
Linguistic analysis and reflection of the functional and stylistic characteristics of the epithet of modern prose of Great Britain on the example of the novel by the writer P. Hawkins'. Emotional coloring of the epithet as a verbal artistic tool.
Functional Styles of the written variety of language, with calculated to secure the desired purport of the communication. Imagery as lexical peculiarities of language culture. Advertisements and announcements, language of documents and communications.
Analysis of the description of nature, rain in E. Hemingway’s anti-war novel "Farewell to Arms", revealing their functional purpose. Display of different types of landscape: a static, balanced image of nature and the dynamic raging of elemental forces.
Lexical, lexical-semantic, grammatical features of the use of linguistic means that exist only in Paraguay. Review of paraguayanisms, which can be misunderstood and misinterpreted even by native Spanish speakers, and in some cases - incomprehensible.
The comparative analysis of the lyrics of Fyodor Sologub and French symbolist poets P. Verlaine and C. Baudelaire. The poetry is considered in context of the symbolist aesthetics, set forth in the works of Jean Moreas and lectures of Dmitry Merezhkovsky.
Study of gender roles of the main characters. Research of verbal portraits of heroes, namely their appearance, character traits, relationships with others, moral values and communicative styles. Evaluation of stereotypical norms of social behavior.
Интерпретация семантики заглавного топонима произведения Ф.М. Достоевского "Село Степанчиково и его обитатели". Анализ типа ойконима и его словообразовательной модели. Текстовая информация и подтекст произведения. Изучение смыслового наполнения ойконима.
Features characteristic of the novel" The Adventures of Tom Sawyer " as a type of epic. Viewing life's realities through the prism of laughter, using various comic means - from light irony to sarcasm. Parodies of adventurous novels about robbers.
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856-2 November 1950) was an eminent Irish playwright, literary critic, journalist, photographer and traveler. The story of his life and the main stages of literary creativity. Political views and activities of the writer.
- 713. George Gordon Byron
The great English poet George Gordon Byron was born in 1788in an old aristocratic family. The biography аnd creativity. In the Greek town of Missolonghi Byron fell ill with typhus and died in April 1824. His friends brought Byron's body to England.
Michel Leiris`s the new edition of Manhood with an essay in the form of a preface which constitutes the most cogent commentary on this work. In this essay "The Autobiographer as Torero" he illuminates perfectly the intentions to which we owe this book.
European traditions of hand drawn literature. Conditions for the creation of the Russian-Serbian comic strip "Cossacks" by M. Sholokhov, analysis of its structure, plot lines, characters of heroes. Events with an adventurous and adventurous narrative.
The study of the peculiarities of the literary creativity of H.K. Andersen Different views of scientists, literary critics on the specifics of the artist's creative output in the context of the development of the traditions of romanticism are analyzed.
The humanism of Hamlet, his options to choose between right and wrong and creating his decisions using intellect. The human nature and the dignity of humanity. Hamlet as a famous Shakespearean protagonist. Using of soliloquies to articulate emotions.
The study of the identity of the story of the writer H. Kroll in the novel "Subtenant". Contrasting the experience of the "Holocaust-Extermination-Shoah" to the traditional narration, which is based on linearity, weighty "beginnings" and "endings".
- 719. Hiding behind a mask
Acquaintance with a story the "Hidden woman". Study of problem of comparison of freedom and marriage. Description of reasons Irene to put on a mask and go on an opera ball, to know, whether she can to be near with other man physically and morally.
Изучение вопроса о том, является ли история об италийском происхождении сына Зевса Дардана в "Энеиде" инновацией Вергилия либо это отголосок маргинальной версии мифа. Политические мотивы Вергилия с целью создания версии троянского происхождения римлян.