Study of the specifics of the correct coding and decoding of refusal statements in English dialogic speech and their intonation patterns. The peculiarity of taking into account the importance of the communicative context in which they are actualized.
The study of nation-building processes, which are a fundamental condition for the development of any civil society. Analysis of the structure of the Ukrainian literary intelligentsia in the context of socio-political processes in Galicia and Bukovina.
Analysis of the development of early Ukrainian modernism. Using the methodology of psychoanalysis to rethink mythological and archetypal images in creativity of I. Franko. Highlighting the transformation of Freud's ideas in the works of art of the writer.
Analysis of the artistic world of S. Protsyuk's novel "Infection". Investigation of a priori matrix schemes of a work of art. Psychological states and complexes of the protagonist. Explaining characters' intersex relationships using the Anima archetype.
An analysis of the psycho-linguistic and narratological aspects of the various levels presented in the body of the composition of the graphic novel. The role of visualization in comics. Separation of focalization into a visual subject and verbal object.
The comparisons of the images of Anna Karenina and Katyusha Maslova. Karenina remains at the level of the unconscious in the portrayal of heroes and in their comprehension of life facts. Katyusha rises to the level of reflection on the unconscious.
Analysis of the most important features of the individual style of writing a text by Charles Dickens, features of understanding this text. Psychological ways of textual reality caused by language expressive and stylistic means in author's texts.
Re-examines Lev Tolstoy's novel War and Peace in light of recent research in the field of translingual literary studies. Acquaintance with the explanations of the presence of the French language in the text - realism, characterization and de-migration.
A new approach to historical and comparative studies of Indo-European poetics. A corpus approach to the reconstruction of the Proto-Slavic thesaurus of epic poetic formulas. Russian epics, Ukrainian Dumas, Bulgarian, Serbian and Croatian geological songs.
The researching how medieval English reality of Geoffrey Chaucer’s "The Miller’s Tale" is brought across to the present-day reader in modern English translation. Singles out major reality-building constituents that make up the world of the famous story.
An overview transformation of sacred and profane motifs in the work of S. Zhadan. Comparative analysis of early poems, modern poetry. Sacred, profane images, which acquire a new meaning in an authentic author's reading. Philosophical, intimate lyrics.
Consideration of problem of the vertical context in literary works and its role in translation. Cultural and historical nationally marked features of a literary text. Analysis of the fairy drama "The Forest Song" by Lesia Ukrainka and its translations.
Comprehensive study of linguistic style features of copyright retreat. Determination of the status of indents as composite units of English-language artistic prose texts. Text inserts that focus the reader's attention on the information they need.
Cosmopolitanisation of german literature and culture through german-turkish texts. Rewriting as a boundary shifting literary strategy. Two forms of rewriting: mimicry and parody, which stand in a conflicting relation with the concept of the nation.
Features of the poem "Haydamaky" as a lyric-epic poem, built on the principles of romantic discourse. Analysis of the relationship with the genre of the heroic epic and the specifics of the narrative distance between the narrator and the events depicted.
A brief historical and social contexts of English romanticism. A list of the main ideological components of prosaic, poetic and dramatic literature in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Acquaintance with the most famous works of this period and their authors.
А significant modernist movement is the literature of the "stream-of-consciousness" that is justly considered to be "the epitome of modernism". The initial goal of the literature of the "stream-of-consciousness" is to reproduce the complexity of human’s.
A study of horror literature. Comparative and genre analysis of horror literature in the USA and Russia. The study of some narrative strategies used by the authors of this genre. Characteristics of the basic principles of teaching horror literature.
The birth of the "theater of the absurd" as a new trend in literature, evaluation of its contribution to the development of Beckett. An analysis of the character of the Waiting for Godot". The opposition as an structural element of the composition.
Beginning of literary career, twain’s first successful experiences. Marriage and wife’s influence on Mark Twain’s literary works. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" as the most significant work. Critical analysis of "The adventures of Tom Sawyer".
Returning to myth - one of the important aspects of the modern literature process. The neo-mythology as actual problem of lingustics studies, that analyses pecularities of Scandinavian literature that functioning in contemporary postmodern discourse.
Scenario creation is considered as a secondary procedure of "heuristic logic". Creating a scenario is an extreme case of a heuristic-logical procedure. The procedure involves the construction of certain sequences of fictional statements of certain goals.
The issues of the scientific, creative heritage and the stylistic originality of Academician M. Kushjanov, based on the observations of the creative work of a scholar by literary critics. The character, composition, conflict in the analysis of the work.
Summary of the results of research on the use of the Scots language in modern Scottish prose and poetry. Identification of the functions of text fragments written in the Scots language and included in poems, poetry and prose texts written in English.
The influence of the narrative strategy of the text on the realization in the work of the phenomenon of the writer's alienation from his own colonized "I". Definition of types of narration, expression in the history of time, representation of discourses.
The cycle of poems by Ravil Bukharayev is analyzed. An attempt to reveal the functioning features is made for the first time in the modern Russianspeaking poetry on the material of A Wreath of Wild — Growing Sonnets, a cycle of poems by Ravil Bukharayev.
Demonstrate process of transformation of semantic paradigm of musical interpretations of Taras Shevchenko's poetry in context of the russian-Ukrainian war. Describes how interpretations expand the paradigm of meanings in diachrony - after a certain time.
The presented article under consideration is devoted to the actual topic in modern society, which is investigated through the scope of Ukrainian and English intellectual novels "Misto" by V. Pidmohylnyi and "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by O. Wilde.
Gothic tradition as one of the most essential trademarks of english identity. Dramatic landscapes and scenes, supernatural phenomena and situations as one of the main features of the influence of Shakespeare's literary creativity on Gothic culture.
William Shakespeare as the father of English literature and drama of the 16th century. His work: classification and chronology. Language creativity and its morphological features. Development of his style and literary device works. Examples of poems.