Systematization of the pseudonyms of the writer G. Chkhartishvili, the reasons for the plurality and the role in creating the writer's image. The intensity of pseudonymous speech creation as a sign of the author's intellectual and personal intrigue.
- 902. The Pygmalion myth in Ovid's "Metamorphoses" and William Schwenk Gilbert's "Pygmalion and Galatea"
Examines the ambivalent nature of Pygmalion myth in Ovid's Metamorphoses and William Schwenk Gilbert's Pygmalion and Galatea. Argues that myth serves as both reality and an illusion for the protagonists, blurring the lines between mythological worldview.
The novel "The Sun Also Rises" by E. Hemingway, portrays the life of the "lost generation". E. Hemingway’s depiction of the life of the young American and British people, who being disillusioned with their society’s values lead a bohemian style of life.
Specific structural features of tales written by K. Blixen, now considered to be the main Danish writer of the 20th century. Her first book, Seven Gothic Tales, was published in English in 1934. The narration in Blixen’s writings contains intense action.
The style of humanitarian sciences, of "exact" sciences and of popular scientific prose. Language peculiarities of English newspaper style. The most striking difference between the spoken and written language. Alliteration as a phonetic stylistic device.
Analyzing of the semantics of space in the novel "Crome Yellow" by A. Huxley. The determination of the functionality of spatial markers as components of the author’s conception of the artistic reality. The semantic meaning of the protagonist’s surname.
To show the Soviet regime’s literary diplomacy at the time when "the "operational weapon" was culture". Analyzing the aims of official propaganda through novels, one can consider the Soviet Union an "Empire by fiction", to paraphrase Geir Lundestad’s.
The peculiarity of studying the types of network connections correlated with the resort space of Europe. Analysis of "genre memory" by M.M. Bakhtin using network analysis methodology. Definition of clusters in the European artistic resort narrative.
Explore the semantics, representation mechanisms and the functioning of thanatological motifs and existential philosophy in both poetry and prose by Serhiy Zhadan. Investigate the system of the unique death-and-life-related images, created by the author.
- 910. The Temptation of Ulrich: the problem of true and false unity in Musil's Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften
Musil as difficult reading. The assemblies as the framework of the novel. The favorite quotation of the writer. The essence of the idea of the "Konigskaufmann". Arnheim's deference to hereditary nobility. Emotional dilemma for Arnheim in the Diotima.
Attention is paid to the definition of the grotesque and its semantics in the literary process. The role of the works of M. Bakhtin in the development of the theory of grotesque, which explored the originality of the grotesque in the Middle Ages.
The impact of Bulgakov’s heritage on many writers with a global repute. The article aims at The analysis of the modern literature in comparison with the legendary and mythological material. The character of "Bulgakov’s tradition" in the literature.
Richard Bach and his significance in American literature. "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" in the context of American literature of the 20th century. Historical background and creation of the fable in novella, its peculiarity. The main message in novella.
Features of the collected I.G. Sbiera collection of "Romanian folk tales" in Southern Bukovina in the XIX century. The subtle and individual Romanian love for humor and acute irony of some of the disadvantages of human beings in the works of I.G. Sbiera.
- 915. The åscape
William Somerset Maugham is one of the best known English writers, successful dramatist and short-story writers of the 20th century. The essence of “The Escape” is that main characters (Roger and Ruth) have diverse approaches towards the relations.
- 916. Themes creating the concept of american dream in the novel "The grapes of wrath" by John Steinbeck
Review by literary critics of the components of the American Dream concept. Analysis of J. Steinbeck's novel "Bunch of Wrath". The American Dream as a powerful idea that contains a manifestation of the preservation of national identity during the crisis.
The theory of traditional plots and images is interpreted as a segment of intertextuality, personosphere, narrative and their postmodern specificity. Authors metamorphize the genre matrix of the novel "Master and Margarita", while maintaining recognition.
An elegant hoax - a literary device that involves creating a detailed biography of a fictional author and including it in a real historical and cultural context. Ñharacteristics of the specific features of the peculiar poetic style of Ossian legends.
The work of the outstanding Ukrainian poet Vasyl Stus. The aim of the work is to analyze the literary influences on Stus's poetic texts and to correlate them with the poet's creative individuality. The artist's interest in the work of other authors.
The present article deals with the renaming of the toponymy of Tbilisi, Georgia, from as early as final years of Soviet rule in the country in the light of newly translated data from Georgian to English. It discusses the changes in the cityscape.
Research of literary tradition, continuity, dialogicity, intertextual connections. Research of forms and functions of intertextuality, as well as on the main ways of its formal expression in the text. Differences in the interpretation of these concepts.
An interdisciplinary approach to the study of the translation activities of Rosa Newmarch, writer and musicologist at the turn of the 20th century. The problem of the relationship between translation choice and method and its life-creating program.
The Forsyte Saga. The tragic story of the lives of loving couples. The memory of the deceased parents. Secret meetings with another woman. Inherited legendary hatred. Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Translations of stories in Russian language famous authors.
The objective of the article is to study the transformation of transposition application which allow the translator to reproduce a foreign text as accurate as possible, taking into account the principle of similarities and differences of two languages.
Quixote travels through America, accompanied by his son Sancho. A picaresque narrative that methodically analyzes the delusions of society, the modern world order. Threatening cracks in the social order. Widespread regression to atavistic atrocities.
An account of the history of Afghans in the tradition of Persian medieval historiography in the book Ni'matallah Haravi. The structure of the essay and the editorial remarks available in its text. Study of the editions of the book "Mahzan-i Afghani".
The study and analyses of the Ukrainian autofictional novel as a special type of autobiographical writing, in which fictionality and nonfiction are organically combined. Its common features with a traditional autobiography are the main characters.
The article is aimed at the deeper study into the "unconsciously" created subtext in Hryhir Tyutyunnyk’s literary works to better understand the way it is constructed, that is, to identify stylistic literary means used to build up the hidden meaning.
The authors of poems containing images from the era of the Crusades were, among other things, participants in the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939. and the Palestine war of 1947-1949, which aimed to mobilize the masses for the struggle with the help of poetry.
Triangle of contradiction - Nevatl`, Teopikski, and Teotl`. Ideological confrontation between Teotl` and Teopikski. Bryusov`s artistic theory and scientific poetry, his epistemic theory of art as trans-boundary aesthetics. The Earth as scientific poetry.