Базовая идейная структура право-радикальных идеологий в современной России

Концептуальная схема правого радикализма: эвристическая схема, концептуальные блоки. Контент-анализ программ сайтов политических партий и националистических организаций. Морфологический подход и идеология. Реконструкция системы смысла А.Г. Дугина.

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130. Copsey N. Au Revoir to “Sacred Cows”? Assessing the Impact of the Nouvelle Droite in Britain // Democracy and Security. 2013. V.9. pp. 287-303

131. Copsey N. Changing course or changing clothes? Reflections on the ideological evolution of the British National Party 1999-/2006 // Patterns of Prejudice. 2007. V.41, №1. pp. 61-82

132. Copsey N. Changing course or changing clothes? Reflections on the ideological evolution of the British National Party 1999-2006 // Patterns of Prejudice. 2007. V.41, №1. pp. 61-82

133. Copsey N. Sustaining a mortal blow? The British National Party and the 2010 general and local elections // Patterns of Prejudice. 2012. V.46. №1. pp. 16-39

134. Corduwener P. The Populist Conception of Democracy beyond Popular Sovereignty // Journal of Contemporary European Research. V.10, №4. pp. 423?437

135. Costa Pinto A., Larsen S.U. Conclusion: Fascism, Dictators and Charisma // Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2006. V.7. pp. 251-257

136. Costa Pinto A., Rezola M.I. Political Catholicism, Crisis of Democracy and Salazar's New State in Portugal // Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2007. V.8. pp. 353-368

137. Cronin M. Catholicising Fascism, Fascistising Catholicism? The Blueshirts and the Jesuits in 1930s Ireland // Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2007. V.8. pp. 401-411

138. Dagnino J. Catholic Modernities in Fascist Italy: the Intellectuals of Azione Cattolica // Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2007. V.8. pp. 329-341

139. Dandeker C. Fascism and Ideology: continuities and discontinuities in capitalist development // Ethnic and Racial Studies. 1985. V.8. pp. 349-367

140. Davey N. Unquiet Understanding. Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics. - NY: State University of New York Press. 2006. 311p.

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167. Eatwell R. Introduction: New Styles of Dictatorship and Leadership in Interwar Europe // Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2006. V.7. pp. 127-137

168. Eatwell R. Jean-Marie Le Pen, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the Rebirth of the Extreme Right1 Charismatic Leader? // APSA 98th Annual Meeting. Boston. 2002. Panel 11-34

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170. Eatwell R. Reflections on Fascism and Religion // Totalitarian Movements & Political Religions. 2003. V.4. pp. 145-166

171. Eatwell R. Ten Theories of the Extreme Right // Right-Wing Extremism in the Twenty-First Century Ed. by P. H. Merkl and L. Weinberg. - London: Taylor & Francis. 2005. pp. 45-71

172. Eatwell R. The Concept and Theory of Charismatic Leadership // Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2006. V.7. pp. 141-156

173. Eatwell R. The dynamics of right?wing electoral breakthrough // Pattern of Prejudice. 1998. V.32, №3. pp. 3-31

174. Eatwell R. The extreme right in Britain The long road to`modernization'// Western Democracies and the New Extreme Right Challenge Ed. by R. Eatwell and C. Mudde. - London: Routledge. 2004. pp. 62-81

175. Eatwell R. The Nature of 'generic fascism': 'the fascist minimum' and the 'fascist matrix' // Comparative Fascist Studies. New Perspectives Ed. by. C. Iordachi. - London: Routledge. 2010. pp. 134-163

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177. Eatwell R. Towards a New Model of Generic Fascism // Journal of Theoretical Politics. 1992. 4. pp. 161-194

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180. Edwards G.O. A comparative discourse analysis of the construction of `in groups' in the 2005 and 2010 manifestos of the British National Party // Discourse & Society. 2012. V.23, №3. pp. 245-258

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191. Evans J., Whitefield S. The Evolution of Left and Right in Post-Soviet Russia // Europe-Asia Studies. 1998. V.50. pp. 1023-1042

192. Falina M. Between `Clerical Fascism' and Political Orthodoxy: Orthodox Christianity and Nationalism in Interwar Serbia // Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2007. V.8. pp. 247-258

193. Falk A., Kuhn A., Zweimuller J. Unemployment and Right-wing Extremist Crime // Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2011. V.113, №2. pp. 260-285

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196. Farneti R. Cleavage lines in global politics: left and right, East and West, earth and heaven // Journal of Political Ideologies. 2012. 17(2). pp. 127-145

197. Feldman M. Between Geist and Zeitgeist: Martin Heidegger as Ideologue of `Metapolitical Fascism' // Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 2005. V.6. pp. 175-198

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202. Fieschi C. European Institutions: The Far-Right and Illiberal Politics in a Liberal Context // Parliamentary Affairs. 2000. 53. pp. 517-531

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207. Ford R., Goodwin M.J. Angry White Men: Individual and Contextual Predictors of Support for the British National Party // POLITICAL STUDIES. 2010. V.58. pp. 1-25

208. Ford R., Goodwin M.J., Cutts D. Strategic Eurosceptics and polite xenophobes: Support for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in the 2009 European Parliament elections // European Journal of Political Research. 2012. 51. pp. 204-234

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210. Freeden M. Editorial: Emotions, ideology and politics // Journal of Political Ideologies. 2013. 18:1. pp. 1-10

211. Freeden M. Editorial: Essential contestability and effective contestability, Journal of Political Ideologies. 2004. 9:1. pp. 3-11

212. Freeden M. Editorial: Fundaments and foundations in ideologies // Journal of Political Ideologies. 2005. 10:1. pp. 1-9

213. Freeden M. Editorial: Ideological boundaries and ideological systems // Journal of Political Ideologies. 2003. 8:1. pp. 3-12

214. Freeden M. Editorial: Political ideology at century's end // Journal of Political Ideologies. 200. 5:1. pp. 5-15

215. Freeden M. Editorial: The comparative study of political thinking // Journal of Political Ideologies. 2007. 12:1. pp. 1-9

216. Freeden M. Editorial: What fails in ideologies? // Journal of Political Ideologies. 2009. 14:1. pp.1-9

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263. Griffin R. Europe for the Europeans: Fascist Myths of the European New Order 1922-1992 // A Fascist Century Essays by Roger Griffin Ed. by M. Feldman. - NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008 pp. 132-181

264. Griffin R. Exploding the Continuum of History: A Non-Marxist's Marxist Model of Fascism's Revolutionary Dynamics // A Fascist Century Essays by Roger Griffin Ed. by M. Feldman. - NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008 pp. 46-71

265. Griffin R. Fascism's New Faces (and New Facelessness) in the `post-fascist' Epoch // A Fascist Century Essays by Roger Griffin Ed. by M. Feldman. - NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008 pp. 181-203

266. Griffin R. Fascism's new faces (and new facelessness) in the „post-fascist“ epoch // Griffin R., Loh W., Umland A. (Eds.) Fascism Past and Present, West and East An International Debate on Concepts and Cases in the Comparative Study of the Extreme Right. - Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag. 2012. pp. 29-69

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