- 1711. Vivien Leigh
Childhood and education of Vivien Leigh. Her life as actress. What films did she take part “gone with the Wind”. She disease of Vivien Leigh. Hove did her life connect with Russian literature. Her last appearances on the theatre stage. Laurence Oliver.
Рассмотрение конструкций с инфинитивными глагольными формами. Определение структуры комплемента, а также классификации глаголов согласно их потенциальной способности к комплементации. Проведение исследования частоты употребления VOSI конструкций.
Дослідження VOSI-конструкції в функції комплемента одноперехідних дієслів з контролюючим суб’єктом дії, комплексно перехідних і двоперехідних дієслів у ранньоновоанглійській мові. Частотність уживання VOSI-конструкції, її аналіз і лінгвістична оцінка.
- 1714. Washington Irving
Washington Irving was an American author, essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. His historical works include biographies of George Washington, Oliver Goldsmith and Muhammad, and several histories of 15th-century Spain.
Consideration of the main approaches to the study of the features of the scientific style of speaking English by students and cadets of non-philology majors. Ways of learning professional terminology. Work with terminological and translation dictionaries.
Creation of the Ukrainian state, relations with other countries. Translation acts as a link between languages, cultures. The milestones in the life and work of famous translators: Yu. Klen, M. Orest, I. Kostetsky, S. Hordynsky, Y. Lutsky, O. Zuevsky.
In Germanic languages, including English, weak verbs are by far the largest group of verbs, which are therefore often regarded as the norm, though historically they are not the oldest or most original group (three classes of Old English weak verbs).
Развитие познавательной и коммуникативной деятельности учащихся с помощью Интернета. Обучение ознакомительному виду чтения с изложением содержания текста, составлению рассказов на заданную тему. Знакомство с материалами телекоммуникационного проекта.
- 1719. Welsh traditional music
Wales is the only Celtic nation with a completely unbroken tradition of harp music, where the music, technique, and style have been passed down orally from harper to harper over the centuries. Research of distinctive features of a folk music in Wales.
- 1720. What does mean slang
The language of the previous centuries. The wealth of English language, ambiguity of its vocabulary and the most common rules of slang usage in Britain. Analysis of the different points of view on slang, its history and the types and language features.
Phraseology is a branch of linguistics which deals with all kinds of formulaic language and phrasal collocations. Paremiology deals with collecting and classifying proverbs and tracing the origin of proverbs. Some definitions and usage of proverbs.
The concept of tolerance as respect and tolerance for religion, age, sex, opinion and ideology of other people and groups. Assessment of the role and importance of quality in today's society, the need for its development in itself. Stages of the process.
- 1723. What is franchising?
Franchising - arrangement where one party grants another party the right to use its trademark or trade-name as well as business systems and processes, to produce and market a good or service according to specifications. Its regulation and significance.
- 1724. Who are the Cockneys?
The special accent and unusual rhyming slang of the residents of London's East End. Acquaintance with a secret language that allowed "initiates" to confuse and deceive strangers, policemen and other lovers of eavesdropping on other people's conversations.
Principles of the linguistic turn in its analytical interpretation provided by Rorty. The commonality and difference of Frege’s and Husserl’s positions regarding key issues of their concepts. Connection of the philosophers ideas with the linguistic turn.
- 1726. Why the European Union?
The issues Safety and security in Europe. Construction of European Union for providing of economic and public solidarity. History steps in construction of European Economic Community. Integration in overcoming of age-old enmity between European countries.
The Structure Of The British humor. Nonsense verse is a form of poetry, normally composed for humorous effect. The nursery rhymes are a part of nonsense poetry and sometimes they are nonsense. A limerick is a short, often humorous and ribald poem.
- 1728. Wie feuer und wasser: відмінності і подібності образних порівнянь в німецькій і українській мовах
Огляд основних понять фразеологічних порівнянь німецької мови, проблеми їх перекладу. Порівняльний аналіз компаративних фразеологічних одиниць в німецькій та в українській мовах. Структура фразеологічних порівнянь, семантичне наповнення їхніх компонентів.
- 1729. William Shakespeare
Although the amount of factual knowledge available about Shakespeare is surprisingly large for one of his station in life. Early life in Stratford. Career in the theatre. Private life. Early posthumous documentation. Chronology of Shakespeare’s plays.
- 1730. William Shakespeare
Shakespeare the man, his early life in Stratford and career in the theatre. Early posthumous documentation, chronology of Shakespeare's plays and publications. Poetic and dramatic powers. Romeo and Juliet as a most famous play by William Shakespeare.
- 1731. Windows 98
The desktop of the computer and installed default programs. Working with Windows 98: folders, files, drives. The control display with information in the right panel. The difference between cutting and deleting. Using the clipboard as the storage area.
Dynamics and factors of the formation of new words. The concept of word-formation, transformation and transmission as the main processes. Classification, types and basic methods of formation of new words. Characteristics of word-building models.
Word-formation and other ways of nomination in modern English. Principles of morphemic analysis and its basic units. Derivational analysis and basic units of derivational system. Affixation: general concept, characteristic and specific classification.
- 1734. Word Structure
Segmentation of Words into Morphemes. Principles of Morphemic Analysis. Types of Word Segment ability. Historical Changeability of Word-Structure. Classification of Morphemes. Derivative Relations. Derivational Bases, Patterns and Affixes. Semi-Affixes.
The language of each people is a system in which social processes are reflected. Sociectic measurement of a language consisting of linguistic sub-standards of varying degrees of codification, including slang. Study of productive means of word formation.
Studying word, word-formation, inflection and derivation. Identifying morphemes and establishing word-formation rules Possible and actual words, complex words in the lexicon, measuring productivity. The phonology-morphology interaction: lexical phonology.
Definition and features of word-formation, productivity. Types of word-formation: affixation, conversion, shortening, composition, secondary ways. Justification their value and effectiveness. Main results of practical research, analysis and value.
Excerpts from the play "Dangerous Corner" of contemporary dramatist John Boynton Priestley. Exercising to the text. Translate Russian and English sentences, the use of word combinations and indirect speech. Answers to questions. Work with vocabulary.
Ability to communicate in writing in a foreign language. Results of exams aimed at assessing the writing skills of Ukrainian schoolchildren and students of higher educational institutions. Determination of the level of foreign language proficiency.
Formation of the communicative and social competence at students with a basic knowledge of English. Information about the life and problems of youth. Actual problems of society. Еxercises for future social workers, analysis of specific situations.