On grammar aspects in foreign language teaching
The goals and objectives of teaching grammar are one of the general goals of teaching a foreign language in high school - to involve students in practical skills in all activities, the ability to combine words correctly, change the means of speaking.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.10.2022 |
Размер файла | 22,0 K |
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On grammar aspects in foreign language teaching
Про граматичні аспекти вивчення іноземної мови
Hasanova Gular,
PhD in Philology,
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methods Azerbaijan University of Languages
Grammar is one of the key aspects of learning a foreign language, as well as an integral part of language learning activities and communication skills. Experience has shown that the methodology of teaching foreign languages, on the one hand, tends to abandon any grammar, on the other hand, has a negative impact on the results of practical language skills, which consider their role in the educational process important. The choice of grammatical material has special features, because, unlike the grammatical meaning, it is a closed system. A language without grammar cannot have oral communication. The goals and objectives of teaching grammar are one of the general goals of teaching a foreign language in high school - to involve students in practical skills in all major activities, the ability to combine words correctly, change the means of speaking, to use language as a means of communication. We consider the training of qualified specialists with communication skills in connection with the changes taking place in various spheres of society in modern times to be a topical issue today. Increasing the number of educators, improving the quality of education, ensuring high competitiveness, training professionals who meet the requirements of international standards are opportunities to enter the world education market. Thus, changes in information technology, the development of the global labor market, the exchange of international projects - all this requires the training of highly professional, creative, socially oriented professionals who can adapt to a rapidly changing world with advanced skills and team. This task stimulates the search for new approaches in the preparation of students and occupies one of the leading positions among them. It is now generally accepted that the acquisition of a language as a means of international communication is not possible without knowing the social characteristics of a particular country.
Key words: foreign language, teaching, grammar, globalization, communication skills. grammar language teaching
Граматика є одним із ключових аспектів вивчення іноземної' мови, а також невід'ємною частиною діяльності з вивчення мови та навичок спілкування. Досвід показує, що методика викладання іноземних мов, з одного боку, має тенденцію відмовлятися від будь- якої граматики, з іншого боку, негативно впливає на результати практичних мовних навичок, які вважають свою роль у навчальному процесі важливою. Вибір граматичного матеріалу має особливості, оскільки, на відміну від граматичного значення, це замкнена система. Мова без граматики не може мати усне спілкування. Цілі та завдання викладання граматики є однією із загальних цілей викладання іноземної мови в середній школі - залучення учнів до практичних навичок до всіх основних видів діяльності, вміння правильно поєднувати слова, змінювати засоби говоріння, використовувати мову як засіб спілкування. Нині ми вважаємо актуальною проблемою підготовку кваліфікованих спеціалістів із навичками спілкування у зв'язку зі змінами, що відбуваються в різних сферах суспільства в наш час. Збільшення кількості освітян, підвищення якості освіти, забезпечення високої конкурентоспроможності, підготовка фахівців, які відповідають вимогам міжнародних стандартів, - це можливості виходу на світовий ринок освіти. Таким чином, зміни в інформаційних технологіях, розвиток світового ринку праці, обмін міжнародними проектами - все це вимагає підготовки високопрофесійних, креативних, соціально орієнтованих фахівців, які можуть адаптуватися до швидко мінливого світу з передовими навичками та командою. Це завдання стимулює пошук нових підходів у підготовці студентів і займає одне з провідних позицій серед них. Нині загальновизнано, що оволодіння мовою як засобом міжнародного спілкування неможливе без знання соціальних особливостей певної країни.
Ключові слова: іноземна мова, викладання, граматика, глобалізація, комунікативні навички.
Although it is possible to achieve contextual discourse, intercultural competence is the ability to manage events with the participation of people who think differently and speak different languages [3, p. 121]. The formation of communicative skills still occurs in high school in the process of active speech activity of students in the classroom. An important task of the teacher is to teach the structure of a foreign language in the teaching process through real, imaginary communication through games, discussions, creative projects.
To investigate the current topic, some methods are considered to be appropriate. The main one is the method of observation. In order to study the topic in more detail, the foreign language teaching abilities of the students were observed. In addition, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction were used.
The following sources were cited in conducting and writing the research:
Globalism: International encyclopedic dictionary [1]; Sherba L.V. Meaning of mixing languages / V. Sherba, Language system and speech activity ; Galskova N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages: A teacher's guide [3]; Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages: Linguo- didactics and methodology [4]; Passov E.I. Conditional speech exercises for the formation of grammatical skills [5]; assov E.I. Formation of grammatical skills. Voronezh: NOU “Interlingua” [6].
Discussion. The teaching of any foreign language in higher education allows students to get acquainted with different cultural values and get acquainted with the characteristics of modern life in a particular country. In recent years, information about society has become increasingly important in the learning process, and the materials obtained are of great importance for the development of students' communication skills. It is necessary to enrich language knowledge with specific information from different spheres of society, to demonstrate language documents as a source of information in intercultural texts and to develop the ability to use them communicatively. Thus, the presentation of the laws of speech, which are the most important aspects of the theory of communication in a foreign language, and their role in expressing the communicative content of the sentence is considered necessary. First of all, the grammatical nature of the communicative structure of the sentence is emphasized. Each sentence has a certain communicative value: subject and meaning. The communicative value of words is expressed by certain grammatical means. In order to convey a language logically and effectively in a foreign language teaching, the teacher must, of course, know the structure of the language well. It should be noted that the grammatical information in textbooks is often divided into aspects for didactic reasons, ie the related topic is presented gradually, not completely. In such a process, a broad taxonomy and relationship is often lost. In addition, different terms and interpretations are chosen from different materials for grammatical events. Grammatical aspects in the process of preparing for a lesson show what difficulties teachers face without grammar, and this difficulty is often reflected in the activities of students after class. However, it should be noted that grammar is the theoretical basis of language, the stage of language learning and the arrangement or regulation of language communication.
Acquisition of grammatical knowledge and skills in language acquisition is an important aspect of the process of teaching foreign languages and plays a key role in the creation of speech communication. As can be seen, in the process of globalization, languages interact with each other, and the interaction of languages also leads to the confusion of languages. Prominent scientist LB Sherba writes in his research: “If we look at the facts about the mixing of languages by different authors, we see that all of them are divided into 3 categories [2, p. 21]:
words taken in the true sense of the word (taken from any foreign language);
changes in the language as a result of the influence of a foreign language;
a possible consequence of the fact of incomplete mastery of any language.
These facts are more common in everyday life. However, very rare facts from this series have acquired the status of social significance, ie language mistakes made in a certain environment, which are within the generally accepted norms, are of this kind. In the context of globalization, it is necessary to distinguish the concept of language in the process of generalization when considering the composition, development trends and results of languages. The International Encyclopedic Dictionary on
Globalization describes the globalization of language as “an extremely active interaction of languages in the globalization dominated by English” [1, p. 10-11].
If we study the influence of one language on another, then language is considered as a subject of globalization, because then its role is active and influential. If the consequences of globalization are studied for the development of language, in other words, if language is studied as a result of the influence of other languages, then language is studied as an object of globalization, because then its role is passive and unknown.
In recent years, there have been differing views on the development of more productive methods of teaching foreign languages. Methodists and teachers prefer to use more active teaching methods to make the learning process more qualitative and interesting when solving the tasks facing secondary and higher schools. These methods should both enhance the learning process and allow you to complete a series of tasks without spending extra time. Currently, it is important to have knowledge of at least one foreign language. However, having a foreign language does not mean knowing grammatical rules, words or phrases. It is important to communicate in such a language. This is due not only to the knowledge of the language, but also to the ability to use it in real communication, that is, to develop practical knowledge of the language and “communicative skills”, to have a culture of speech. At the same time, language skills and their components - grammatical skills and abilities play a leading role in achieving this goal. There is no doubt that communication is possible when there are language skills based on grammatical skills and abilities.
It is clear that the current problems of the modern school are the most effective means for students to be interested in languages, to develop communication skills (not just to speak, but also to listen to others), to have a culture of speech to express their views. Communicative learning involves the conscious assimilation of both lexical and grammatical numbers. Grammar is one of the most important aspects of foreign language teaching. Without grammatical knowledge, complete communication cannot be established. Grammar is the structure of a language and translates it into words.
The main purpose of learning a foreign language is to develop students' ability to use language as a multifunctional means of communication. Therefore, every teacher should make an effort to achieve the grammatical culture of the student's language.
In foreign language teaching, the grammatical goal is to use the acquired grammatical material as a productive activity, primarily as a means of speaking and writing, and as a receptive activity, as a means of learning to speak and write aloud. In the methodological literature, grammatical material is mastered as a reason for the development of both productive and receptive skills. It should be noted that obtaining the information needed to develop productive grammar skills is different from using receptive grammar skills. Thus, in order to develop productive skills, it is necessary to know the use of grammatical form in certain cases. For the development of grammatical skills, in addition to knowing the grammatical form, there is also a need for recognizable features of this or that grammatical phenomenon in the text, and this includes the productive activity of grammatical materials. As a result of learning a foreign language in secondary schools, students can use grammatical knowledge (special forms of verbs, modal verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs of comparison, pronouns, numbers, words) in practice and in everyday life. In particular, students should master the following skills in the classroom:
Productive skills of oral and written grammatical structure of the prepared text - consists of grammatical forms and constructions; to choose and use grammatical constructions depending on the state of communication; can change the grammatical structure of expression while changing communicative intentions; to interpret their meanings and translate the main grammatical categories into the native language; form a grammatical rule based on a scheme; distinguish between grammatical structure of oral and written texts;
Receptive grammatical skills (listening, reading) - recognizes / distinguishes grammatical structures in listening and connects them with a specific meaning; to distinguish and identify grammatical events (according to formal signs and active words); relate the meaning of grammatical forms / constructions to the context; to establish the main groups of sentence members; determine the structure of a simple sentence; complex structure, can determine its types; to be able to make connections between the elements of sentences expressing purpose, time, cause and effect; to establish connections between sentences or complex syntactic units with reference to connectors [4, p. 306-307].
Recently, the issue of restricting the choice of grammatical material has raised many questions. Similar views and opinions of Methodists are explained by the traditional situation. They prove that the full description of the grammatical system of the language being taught is explanatory, because for decades the grammatical system has been explained in this way. At present, a sufficiently advanced system of selective principles for productive and receptive grammatical minimum is applied, and the object of selection is grammatical forms and constructions.
The choice of grammar is based on the already selected vocabulary, and therefore lexical minimums should be taken into account when choosing grammar for educational purposes.
Systematization of grammatical material, as well as lexical material is possible with the development of communicative activity. Such systematization is based on communicative and functional cues. In the research of N.D.Galskova and N.I. Gez distinguishes the following grammatical means - descriptions of concepts, events, objects; quantitative expressions; comparison; expressions of actions in composing text; temporal, cause-and-effect, logical and other related expressions; expressions of action, features of actions; reading expressions; logical-semantic expression; expressions of spatial and conditional relations; expressions of desire, suggestion, advice; purposeful expression of action [4, p. 306].
In order to select a productive grammatical minimum, first of all, noisy speech patterns in the language are used, as well as artistic patterns that reflect the transmission of words in the language. These expressions form the basis for the acquisition of grammatical knowledge in the process of teaching grammar in a foreign language.
The goals and objectives of mastering grammatical knowledge in foreign language teaching are communicative learning of the language on the topic we are studying. The main tasks of mastering grammatical knowledge in a foreign language are to discover the basic concepts of the studied topic and to increase motivation to learn the grammar of a foreign language.
Let's look at the general provisions on the main purpose of mastering grammatical knowledge in a foreign language. As one of the important aspects of language, grammar has always been at the center of scientific research, and discussions have been held on its place, role and importance in the teaching of foreign languages. According to J.L. Whitley's article “Modern Problems of Grammar of Foreign Languages”, the concept of “grammar” encompasses various parts of linguistics, e.g. covers word form and phonetics, as well as writing, lexicology, phraseology, and stylistics. In his book “Fundamentals of Foreign Language Teaching Methodology”, E. Passov reflects the definition of grammar and notes that grammar is the scientific structure of language and this system. In turn, RK Minyar-Belorucev believes that grammar is the structure of a language and the aspect that translates it into words. In P.Ur's book “Language Teaching Course” (CUP, 1996), he defines the grammar of the language as a method of substituting words to form a correct sentence. As we can see, these are simplified definitions, but at a good starting point, it's an easy way to explain it to students. Let's look at the concepts in grammar:
Grammatical ability means “knowledge of the grammatical elements of a language and the ability to use it in speech”. Formally, the grammar of a particular language can be considered a set of rules that allow you to create a chain of other elements, that is, to build sentences;
Grammatical knowledge is a structured language material that includes not only knowledge of a word form and its meaning, but also other information necessary for the use of this language material, ie a kind of building material for skill;
Grammar skills include measures for selecting formal words and particles, forming important words, or selecting them from paradigms. Grammatical skills are understood as special skills needed to serve the communication and speaking process;
Grammatical structure is a special example of grammar. Examples of grammatical structure are: past tense forms, degrees of comparison of adjectives, sum of nouns, etc. Not all languages have the same structure:
Experts believe that the optimal option and more successful outcome in language learning is to use the work of professional educators who know the language as a mother tongue. Thus, today for the Azerbaijani school, which has passed to the new education system, mastering the language with modern learning is relevant. However, today the school needs new staff, not a teacher who teaches grammar and traditional methods.
It is not unreasonable that the issue of teacher training is the main task of higher pedagogical universities. Because the teacher's personality, his moral and positive qualities are the decisive factors influencing the effectiveness of the teaching process at school. The high qualities of future language teachers must begin when the student enters the walls of the university. This process should be carried out during the teaching of all academic subjects, including the teaching of a practical course of a foreign language. The feasibility and necessity of such an approach is ensured in accordance with the generally accepted principle of interdisciplinary communication in didactics at different stages of the curriculum.
It is known that the process of mastering a foreign language and building knowledge, skills and habits in this area creates more difficulties for adults. Therefore, in a country where the mother tongue is predominant, an artificial environment is created in universities where foreign languages are taught in order to dominate the language we are learning. The creation of such an environment serves to develop and improve language skills in students, as well as the acquisition of pedagogical skills to teach the language to other learners.
Numerous studies have been devoted to the process of professional language learning and the “pedagogy” of language teaching. The main subjects of these studies were the specific aspects of language acquisition: “expressiveness”, “professional communication” and “types of professional tasks”. In fact, there is still a need to study these important components of language learning and the relationship between them, the learning activities of language learners, and professional language tools.
Well-known methodologists, authors of existing programs and textbooks, who are engaged in a practical course of learning a foreign language, believe that the formation of a new type of teacher in the training of bilingual teachers, the development of students' creativity should be based on a unified concept.
Grammar is a pillar of language. Just as a solid foundation is needed for a building to stand firm, so language becomes an impossible tool without grammar. Learning grammar means facing certain difficulties.
Grammar is one of the key aspects of learning a foreign language, as well as an integral part of language learning activities and communication skills. Experience has shown that the methodology of teaching foreign languages, on the one hand, tends to abandon any grammar, on the other hand, has a negative impact on the results of practical language skills, which consider their role in the educational process important. The choice of grammatical material has special features, because, unlike the grammatical meaning, it is a closed system. A language without grammar cannot have oral communication. The goals and objectives of teaching grammar are one of the general goals of teaching a foreign language in high school - to involve students in practical skills in all major activities, the ability to combine words correctly, change the means of speaking, to use language as a means of communication. Teaching foreign language grammar involves the formation of special grammatical mechanisms for a particular language, and at the same time students have certain grammatical knowledge and skills. In order to achieve this grammatical goal, it is necessary to consider grammar not as a result in itself, but as a means of entertainment, word formation, and the study of ways of word placement. Thus, one or another topic is to form the content as a means of mastering the methods of structural structure of the word.
The word grammar itself is ambiguous. On the one hand, the word is used in the sense of grammatical arrangement, which language speakers follow intuitively and understand and learn in depth in the teaching process at school.
Grammar, on the other hand, is the theoretical basis of language, the stage of language learning, the arrangement or regulation of our language communication. Based on the original meaning of the word, speech communication cannot take place without knowing the grammar. A child of school age learns grammatical order in the process of activity or communication. The formation or manifestation of thought in speech takes the form of imitation or perception of speech patterns. The child remembers what he hears and responds in the way he is addressed or told. Later, the child learns grammar at school as a theoretical basis of language. This leads to correct speech communication, intuitive correction of what is learned and the formation of grammatical knowledge, skills and habits. Thus, the study of grammar in a foreign language means the formation of a specific grammatical mechanism of the language being studied, while the student or pupils at the same time form certain grammatical knowledge and skills.
The article puts forward scientifically, pedagogically, methodologically substantiated new ideas on the formation of schoolchildren foreign language abilities in school. These are the scientific innovations of the article.
The article contains new ways of forming foreign language abilities of schoolchildren, areas of practical activity. They can benefit from school teachers, researchers in this.
Research has shown that learning a foreign language takes time and patience. Therefore, each of us wants an answer to wait for the learning outcomes and reach the required level. To do this, it is necessary to think in advance what difficulties may arise and how to solve them in the chosen method of training.
It should be noted that learning is the interaction of student and teacher (teacher, methodology, school). In this process, the student has personal characteristics, and the teacher has his own method, and they do not always match. These are the realities in the problem to be discussed. In different schools, teachers mainly talk about students' problems, and they do not always know exactly how to solve these problems for each student.
Globalism: International encyclopedic dictionary. (2006) M., SPB, New York, p. 10-11.
Sherba L.V (2007) Meaning of mixing languages. Language system and speech activity, M. : Kom.Kniga,
p. 60-61.
Galskova N.D. (2003) Modern methods of teaching foreign languages: A teacher's guide. M.: ARKTI, 192 s.
Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. (2004) Theory of teaching foreign languages: Linguodidactics and methodology.
M.: Publishing Center "Academy”, 336 p.
Passov E.I. (1978) Conditional speech exercises for the formation of grammatical skills. M. : Education,128 p.
Passov E.I. Formation of grammatical skills. Voronezh : NOU "Interlingua”, 2002, 40 p.
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