Study of problems of family relations. Formation of individual and personal qualities of younger schoolchildren in the family and school. Means of control and influence on babies. Development of a test-questionnaire of parental attitudes towards children.
Consideration of the results of an empirical study of the relationship between the features of interhemispheric functional asymmetry of the brain in participants of polygraphic tests with information signs in the detection of hidden information.
Disclosure of the essence and directions of the integration processes of modern social psychology. Presentation of an ordinal approach to the study of organizational culture as an integration of strategies of struggle and cooperation in social psychology.
Intellectual development of the younger generation as an important factor in the development of society. Reading books as a factor in the intellectual growth of a person. Roles of families and educational institutions in organizing children's reading.
Determination of the relationship of the coherence of expectations, personality traits and characteristics of self-attitude. Identify the nature of the relationship, the functions of the coherence of expectations in the context of personal health.
Intercultural misunderstandings and conflicts - complex phenomena that include culture, perception, identity, ethnocentrism, relationships, trust-building and conflict management. Development of a methodology for the prevention of intercultural failures.
The essence and psychological basis of the development of helplessness, its special significance during the teenage crisis. External social factors as a source of personal trouble - a state of helplessness, as well the emergence of non-adaptation.
- 188. Interrelation of the system organization of self-control with professional reliability of teachers
The essence and components of the teacher's professional reliability. Characteristics of self-control as a universal mechanism of this category. Levels and loopholes of self-control, the main criteria for assessing the teacher's professional reliability.
Study of the accuracy of metacognitive monitoring of tasks of students of higher educational institutions. Accuracy of metacognitive monitoring: prospective and retrospective assessments of confidence. Influence of internal, external and mnemonic factors.
The influence of isotherapy on the emotional well-being, mental health of the elderly. The imaging technique, "active imagination". Mechanisms of psychological art influence. The multifunctional isotherapy capabilities. Wellness aspects of works of art.
Краткий обзор наиболее известных зарубежных компьютеризированных программ тренингов способностей в сфере социального познания. Данные об эффективности данных программ, возможности и ограничения их использования в тренингах, перспективы применения.
Исследование фрагментации травматического дискурса, связанного с Пражской весной в Чешской Республике. Реконтекстуализация травматических нарративов, которые артикулируются в публичных и в приватных дискурсах, в контексте кризиса культурной памяти.
Regulation of social relations based on legal instruments accepted by the union of states by a global legal institute. Explication of the determinants of the development of legal institutions within the framework of modern socio-philosophical discourse.
- 194. Learning and memory
An overview of the full range of current knowledge about learning and memory. Capture advances in the ever-changing fields of memory, neuroscience, and cognition. Autobiographical memory, collective memory, dejavu, schizophrenia and memory and more.
Social safety theory and life history orientation approach. The psychological ability embedded in human sociality to form and maintain lasting social bonds. The link between social behavior, psychosocial stress and human health when considered.
The analyzes a new generation of students who have specific abilities and skills to work with modern digital devices. The term "digital natives", determined by the American researcher M. Prensky, has its synonyms - generation Z or network generation.
The methods of the speaker's communicative influence on the addressee. The study of the practical side of oral judicial discourse, certain linguistic aspects of the language of law and jurisprudence and the pragmatic component of legal discourse.
The psychological problems of organizing internal company education at Russian enterprises. The organizational principles of the internal company educational system are given, uniqueness principle, of investigation by action and learning through action.
Familiarity with the peculiarities will manifest the psychomotor impotence of the sub’єct of extreme behavior. Zagalnuyu characteristic dіyalnіsnogo p_dhodu as a methodological basis for the continuation of the psychomotor behavior of the sub’єkt.
- 200. Meaning-Making, Forgiveness, and Gratitude: Nurturing a Healthy, Peaceful, and Prosperous Haiti
The results of this work has addressed the ultimate question in resolving emotional and psychological scars and promoting meaning, healing, hope, reconciliation, and trust. The author asked the question what lessons we learned from our traumatic past.
- 201. Memory
Determination of nature, research of structure and study of types of human memory as a psychical function and type of intellection. Storage, accumulation and reproduction of information from memory. Features of vocal memory and research of hypnosis.
Encoding Verbal Information. Short-Term and Long-Term Memory. Prolonged strengthening of potential neural firing. Implicit and Explicit Memories. Identification of items previously learned. Context Effect. Forgetting As Retrieval Failure. Interference.
Analysis of psychological grounding techniques to simplify the process of interaction between teacher and student, increasing his psychological comfort. Review of criteria for psychological health of students in distance (or face-to-face) classes.
The manifestation of the mental properties of the personality of athletes in taekwondo. Methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and specialized sites, G. Eysenck's personal questionnaire, V. Boyko's diagnosis of communicative tolerance.
The modern social structure and the necessity of the system revision of psychological bases of the latest humanitarian schools towards making practical steps in solving this range of problems. The features and results of carrying out primary trainings.
Principles of diagnosing the formation of the leading spiritual values of a young person during his professional development: dignity, responsibility, tolerance, mercy, self-sufficiency. Analysis of a technology for evaluating the formation of values.
Reinterprets the notion of "mind engineering" from a more neutral standpoint and offers a totally new approach to the phenomenon. The "mind" is defined as a set of beliefs, and the latter, following Charles Peirce, is interpreted as the set of habits.
- 208. Model of medical and psychological support of ostomypatient at the stage of outpatient treatment
Evaluation of the effectiveness of an integrated interdisciplinary approach to assisting different patient categories, including patients with cancer. Development of a medical model of care with elements of psychocorrectional and psycho-preventive work.
The model of social-psychological technology of a change of organizational culture, the order technology is represented. The questions of development and in transformation of business organizations in constantly varying conditions of a market competition.
Value-semantic relations of man to money. Consideration of types of friction and components (motivational, cognitive, emotional, conative) value-semantic relations to money. The definition of monetary behavior, its types (expenditure, accumulation).