Examining personality viability resources through the example of euromaidan movement during 2013-2014 in ukraine
Identify resources of the personality viability associated with the events of the Euromaidan in 2013-2014. Find out the features of coping strategies manifestation depending on the activation ofpsychosocial resources of the viability of an individual.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 411,0 K |
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UDC: 159.923.3-044.372
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24195/2414-4665-2018-1-19
Tetiana Larina,
Zhanna Sydorenko
The paper aims to identify resources of the personality viability associated with the events of the Euromaidan taking place in 2013-2014 in Ukraine; as well as to find out the features of coping strategies manifestation depending on the activation ofpsychosocial resources of the viability of an individual. The following research methods were used: The Ways of Coping Questionnaire by R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, adapted by T.L. Kriukova, Mann-Whitney U-test. Besides, a questionnaire on viability resources was designed. The survey was conducted using Facebook in 2017. Those who wanted to take part in the survey filled in an online Google Forms document. Considering the events of Euromaidan as potentially traumatic, the actualization of such psychosocial resources of viability as tolerance to risk, optimistic attitude to the future, readiness to take an active public position; expectation of family support, were revealed in the respondents. Among the leading forms of psychosocial control over risks there were the desire to hold one's own life positions, the possibility of further implementation of life plans. Some features of the manifestation of coping strategies were identified, depending on the activation ofpsychosocial resources of viability. For example, the Euromaidan activists tended to use “confrontational coping” aimed at “finding social support', “positive revaluation” in the process of coping with difficulties. The respondents who monitored the events of Euromaidan in 2013-2014 also used strategies for confrontation and social support seeking, but at the same time they demonstrated an appeal to such copings as “self-control”, “acceptance of responsibility” and a tendency to “escaping/avoidance”.
Keywords: psychological health, psychosocial resources, viability, traumatic events, risk, coping strategies.
personality viability ofpsychosocial resource
Стаття присвячена дослідженню соціально-психологічних ресурсів життєздатності, що сприятимуть екологічному переживанню потенційно травмуючих ситуацій, конструктивному опрацюванню життєвих труднощів та відновленню психологічного здоров'я людини. Життєздатність розглядається як синонім психічного та соматичного здоров'я, як змістовна характеристика саногенного потенціалу. Ресурси життєздатності людини грунтовно вивчаються представниками позитивної психології та концепції посттравматичного зростання. Було визначено, що соціально-психологічні форми контролю над ризиком та пошук соціальної підтримки можна розглядати як ресурси життєздатності, що виконують реабілітаційну функцію і активуються у фатальні, потенційно травмуючі моменти життя. Метою дослідження є визначення ресурсів життєздатності особистості, що пов'язані з подіями Євромайдану 20132014 рр.; одним із завдань - виявлення особливості прояву копінг-стратегій залежно від активації соціально- психологічних ресурсів життєздатності особистості. У якості методів дослідження було використано опитувальник “Способи опанувальної поведінки” Р. Лазаруса, С. Фолкмана, адаптований Т.Л. Крюковою та ін., масове анкетування, аналіз та інтерпретацію описових статистик, непараметричний критерій Манна-Уітні. Для досягнення мети дослідження було розроблено анкету ресурсів життєздатності. Анкетування відбувалось за допомогою онлайн-сервісу соцмережі Facebook у 2017 році. Бажаючі взяти участь у анкетуванні заповнювали онлайн-документ Google Forms або електронний бланк. Розглядаючи події Євромайдану як потенційно травмуючі, серед опитуваних було виявлено актуалізацію таких соціально-психологічних ресурсів життєздатності як толерантність до ризику, оптимістичне ставлення до майбутнього, готовність зайняти активну громадську позицію, що, зокрема, виявилось у контрольованій пильності респондентів; очікування підтримуючої поведінки від сім'ї та родини. Серед провідних форм соціально- психологічного контролю над ризиками досліджуваних є прагнення захистити те, що є, зберегти власні життєві позиції, можливість подальшої реалізації життєвих планів. Було визначено деякі особливості прояву копінг-стратегій залежно від активації соціально-психологічних ресурсів життєздатності. Активісти Євромайдану 2013-2014 рр. частіше звертаються до “конфрантаційного копінгу”, орієнтовані на “пошук соціальної підтримки”, на “позитивну переоцінку” під час опанування труднощів. Респонденти, що спостерігали за подіями Євромайдану 2013-2014 рр. у віртуальному просторі, також використовують стратегії конфронтації та пошуку соціальної підтримки, але, водночас, вони демонструють звернення до таких копінгів як “самоконтроль”, “прийняття відповідальності” та схильність до “втечі-уникнення”. Виявлено, що респонденти, які обирають захисні форми соціально-психологічного контролю над ризиками, частіше звертаються до втечі від вирішення труднощів.
Ключові слова: психологічне здоров'я, соціально-психологічні ресурси, життєздатність, травмуючі події, ризик, копінг-стратегії.
Stressful and traumatic events that have taken place in Ukraine in recent years have a negative impact on various spheres of the citizens' lives, in particular, have a detrimental effect on their mental and psychological health. According to V. O. Lefterov, psychological health of a man and the society directly depends on historical epochs (Lefterov, 2013). Thus, in today's conditions of economic and political instability, the additional stressor in the life of many Ukrainians is the Euromaidan movement taking place in the recent past and the continuation of hostilities in the East of the country (antiterrorist operation), which are conditioned by the threat of the territorial integrity of the state.
The guidelines of hopelessness and helplessness that can be formed as a result of life problems, destructively affect an individual, increase the threat of mortality, lead to various forms of psychogeny. Today, the concern is that every third Ukrainian suffers from neurological disorders, and Ukraine is ranked first in the number of mental disorders in Europe (Lefterov, 2013).
Thus, there is an urgent need to study psychosocial resources of viability contributing to the ecological experience of potentially traumatic situations, the constructive processing of life difficulties and the restoration of human psychological health, as well as the establishment of leading coping strategies and the peculiarities of their manifestation, depending on the activation of psychosocial resources of viability.
Aim and Tasks
The paper aims to examine individual's viability resources through the example of the Euromaidan movement in 2013-2014.
The following tasks are set:
1) to distinguish indicators of actualization of rehabilitation resources of viability in a potentially traumatic situation.
2) to present a questionnaire for determining the resources of the personality viability associated with the events of the Euromaidan in 2013-2014.
3) to determine the features of actualization of such socio-psychological resources of viability.
4) to reveal the peculiarities of the manifestation of coping strategies depending on the activation of psychosocial resources of the viability of an individual.
Theoretical Study Results
Before distinguishing the indicators for actualization of the rehabilitation of viability resources in a potentially traumatic situation, we believe it is reasonable to consider the views of scientists on this issue.
The issue of viability in the Soviet psychological literature was first articulated in the works of B.G. Ananiev. Then it was determined that the main indicator of the viability of long-term people is the long-term preservation of general performance, since in human activity, its main resources are not only realized but also reproduced (Ananiev, 2001).
Investigating the psychology of health, G.S. Nikiforov considers viability as a synonym for mental and physical health. He determines viability through a resource of psychological stability, whose particular aspects are balance, stability and ability to withstand life difficulties, to maintain health and ability to work in different trials (Nikiforov, 2006).
In the Ukrainian science, viability is considered as a meaningful characteristic of sanogenic potential. From the point of view of the systemic-communicative approach to understanding the sanogenic potential offered by L.Yu. Osadko, viability is interpreted as the ability to manage the resources of one's own health in socially acceptable ways (Osadko, 2014). In the study of psychosocial peculiarities of setting life tasks in psychological health by Zh. V. Sydorenko, viability has the following criteria: axiological attitude to health; viability; subjectivity, ability for goal setting; prognostication; positive thinking; satisfaction with life, emotional well-being (Syd- orenko, 2011).
Thus, viability, psychological resilience in the broad sense, is a dynamic process of positive adaptation of a man to problems. This ability for surviving and optimal adaptation, the ability to plan rationally and act effectively under certain conditions, is a combination of system stability and its adaptability (Mahnach, 2016).
As for the study of human viability resources, it should be noted that this issue is also thoroughly considered by the representatives of positive psychology and the concept of post-traumatic growth.
In this regard, M.E. Seligman emphasizes that longevity is mediated by such a feature of character as optimism. After all, optimists consider problems to be a temporary, situational phenomenon, something that can be corrected. Pessimists, on the other hand, are sure that they are endless and cannot be solved (Seligman, 2011).
Similar ideas are expressed by David B. Feldman and Lee Daniel Kravetz who argue that people are not helpless in the face of tragedy and suffering. Although about a quarter of extreme situations participants have post-traumatic stress, depression or anxiety, but most survivors after the injury eventually recover. In some cases, there is more than a recovery. People reorient their energy to a new vocation, a new mission, or a new way (Feldman David B.).
Consequently, traumatic events do not always lead to devastating consequences. S. Joseph, a representative of positive psychology, states that a wide range of traumatic events can act as catalysts for positive changes in life, strengthening relationships, changing their attitudes towards life, and identifying internal forces (Joseph, 2015).
The authors of the concept of post-traumatic growth
R. G. Tedeschi and L. G. Calhoun note that the facing of complex life crises results in qualitative changes and personality transformation. Manifestations of post- traumatic growth are as follows: awareness of the value of life, the strengthening of interpersonal relationships, the growth of self-efficacy, the transformation of life priorities, the enrichment of the spiritual and existential component of life (Tedeschi, Calhoun, 2004).
S. Joseph notes that the main factors of post- traumatic growth are stress resistance, individual characteristics and choice of coping strategies, optimism, extraversion and self-efficacy, social support. All these factors make it possible to use internal spiritual and emotional resources to overcome traumatic events (Joseph, 2015).
Usually human viability is studied post hoc when there are consequences of the strong influence of certain risk factors. Consequently, assumptions are made retrospectively about the level of force of risk factors and the factors of protection (Mahnach, 2016).
Consequently, every stressful or catastrophic situation causes a certain type of coping behavior, the activation of adaptive, protective and stabilization resources. Effectiveness and compliance of the factors of protection and stabilization affects the life-design, psychological health and well-being.
That is why activity as a manifestation of subjectivity is distinguished as a significant characteristic of viability, since it provides high social activity of the individual, aimed at transforming the external natural and social environment and formation of oneself in accordance with the tasks set (Laktionova, 2013).
Ukrainian psychosocial school of thought by
T.M. Tytarenko distinguishes the individual's ability for normal life-design among the main conditions for the preservation of psychological health and well-being. The normal designing of one's own life involves readiness for changes, the return of lost role flexibility, the ability to integrate into various social groups. This is the adoption of one's own new identity, the search for new meanings, readiness to see life prospects, and restore interest in life as such (Tytarenko, 2015).
Among the factors of optimizing the person's viability in the modern world, preserving psychological comfort and well-being within the conceptual approach of T.M. Tytarenko, the ability to manage risks, that is, psychosocial stabilization, is emphasized (Larina, 2012). The nature of these psychosocial stabilization practices of the person's life is based on proactive social regulation. The notion of proactive social regulation is characterized by the fact that, firstly, the risk integrates into the human's living space and appears as justified and realized; and secondly, the success of self-identity and self-building in the process of life-design depends on the minimization of risks. Investigating the peculiarities of structuring the risk-narrative, the following psychosocial forms of risk control are distinguished: security assurance; “flirting” with danger; designing a perfect future; trying oneself (Larina, 2017).
Thus, we believe that psychosocial forms of risk control can be considered as viability resources that perform rehabilitation functions in potentially traumatic situations.
It should also be noted that the indisputable condition for the preservation of psychological health is dialogue communication built on the principle of trusting interaction with the Other. Involvement of a person in a circle of trust and mutual understanding heals, promotes the restoration of one's integrity. Supportive behavior performs both psychotherapeutic and stabilizing functions in terms of experiencing the effects of traumatic events. Confirmation of this provision is found in S. Cobb's works, who indicates the role of social support as a buffer for stressful influences (Cobb, 1979).
Consequently, the hypothesis of our study is the assumption that rehabilitation resources of personality viability are activated in fatal, potentially traumatic moments of life and are manifested in the form of seeking social support and psychosocial forms of risk control.
As resources of viability are fully disclosed in potentially traumatic situations, we turned to the revolutionary events of the Euromaidan (2013-2014). It is important to note that these events appear to be potentially traumatic, but at the same time they attract attention as an example of the high viability of Ukrainians, their willingness to be engaged in in volunteering, demonstrate patriotism and devotion to the Motherland.
Referring to the report by V. Kovalsky within the framework of the project called “Further Strengthening of the Capacity of State Authorities and Civil Society Organizations in Ukraine within the Framework of the Implementation of the Law of Ukraine `On Public Associations'”, M.V. Mordavets states that at the end of 2013- early 2014, the level of protest activity in the capital of Ukraine was considered to be revolutionary. The events of November-February 2014 “activated” even passive Ukrainians, whose energy resulted in non-conventional forms: seizure of state institutions, armed uprising, automobile picketing, etc. (Mordovets, 2014).
Research Methods
The research is based on the following techniques: questioning, The Ways of Coping Questionnaire by R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, adapted by T.L. Kriukova, Mann-Whitney U-test.
In order to examine the indicators of viability resources activation we have designed a questionnaire (see table 1).
Table 1.
Formulation and Substantiation of Questionnaire Questions
№ |
Question |
Type of question |
Variants of answers |
Aim of the question |
1. |
What is your attitude to socio-political transformations in Ukraine, which began with the events of Euromaidan 2013-2014? |
Close-end |
- positive; - neutral; - negative; - undecided; - other. |
Determining the attitudes to social and political transformations in Ukraine, to situations of uncertainty and changes |
2. |
What part did you take/do you take in the transformation of the Ukrainian statehood? |
Close-end |
- I was an active participant of Euro- maidan and now I am a volunteer; - I took active part in Euromaidan via internet; - I observed the Euromaidan events in mass media (internet, TV, radio, etc.); - I did not participate. |
Determining types of social activity during social and political transformations of the Ukrainian state |
3. |
Do you plan to study or to work in Ukraine in the nearest future? |
Close-end |
- yes, I do want to study/work in Ukraine; No, I do not want to study/work in Ukraine; - undecided |
Finding out if the respondents associate their future with Ukraine |
4. |
How do you usually react to risky events in your life? |
Close-end |
- I try to protect first and foremost the realization of my life goals; - I try to ignore danger; - I try to focus on planning the desired ideal future; - I regard risk as an opportunity to check |
Determining psychosocial forms of control over risks |
and try myself; - other. |
5. |
Whose support do you usually seek in case of unforeseen problems? |
Close-end |
- family; - friends, acquaintances; - internet community; - doctors, psychologists; - usually I rely on myself; |
Determining main recources of social support |
The study involved 100 people aged from 17 to 80 years (82 women, 18 men). According to the age characteristics, the respondents were divided as follows: 17-34 years - 47 people, 35-80 years - 53 people. Concerning the educational characteristics, they were divided as follows: secondary education - 11 respondents, undergraduates - 8 respondents, university graduates - 81.
The survey was conducted using Facebook in 2017. Those who wanted to take part in it filled in the question naire via online Google Forms document or, if desired, an electronic form.
Empirical Study Results
According to the results of descriptive statistics, the following features of the manifestation of resources of viability have been revealed. Distribution of answers to the question: “What is your attitude towards sociopolitical transformations in Ukraine, which began with the events of Euromaidan 2013-2014?” is as follows (see figure 1).
As one can see, more than half (54%) of the respondents have optimistic expectations about positive changes in the country, they have positive opinions of the situation of socio-political transformations in Ukraine. Taking into account that any changes and adjustments endanger the usual comfort zone and the experience of uncertainty, it can be assumed that the majority of the respondents demonstrate a sufficient level of tolerance to uncertainty.
To determine the types of social activity during the Euromaidan events, we analyzed the distribution of answers to the question: “What part did you take in the transformation of the Ukrainian statehood?” (see figure 2).
According to the results of primary statistics, 25% of the respondents took an active part in the events of 20132014, and another 8% participated in it via Internet. So, in general, one third of the respondents in a critical time for our country have shown an active civic position, indifference and willingness to change the situation for the better. It should be noted that almost half of the respondents (48%) observed events in the virtual space, that is, one can suppose that the socio-political situation caused a rather high level of curiosity. We believe that such a manifestation of social activity is a demonstration of vigilant control.
The distribution of answers to the question: “Do you plan to study and work in Ukraine in the near future?” is shown in Fig. 3.
Based on the answers, most of the respondents (71%) associate their future with Ukraine, despite the uncertain and unstable situation.
In order to determine the leading psychosocial forms of risk control inherent in the respondents the distribution of answers to the question: “How do you usually react to risky life events?” has been considered as well (see figure 4).
According to figure 4, almost half of the respondents (48%) in a risky situation seek to save what they have, their life positions. And 24% of the surveyed demonstrate readiness to try themselves. It is important to note that 20% of them in the situation of uncertainty try to project the desired ideal future, that is, they are inclined to rely on predictive abilities. Only 4% of the respondents ignore danger and show social irresponsibility.
The distribution of answers to the question “Whose support do you often seek in the event of unforeseen problems?” helped us to explore the resources of social support, which are usually used by the respondents (fig. 5).
The analysis of the answers to this question shows that most of the respondents (55%) seek their families' support in case of having problems. But almost a third of the respondents (32%) rely mostly on themselves.
In order to examine the peculiarities of the manifestation of coping strategies, depending on the activation of certain psychosocial resources of viability, we applied The Ways of Coping Questionnaire by R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, adapted by T.L. Kriukova. This technique is focused on the definition of coping mechanisms, methods of overcoming difficulties in various spheres of mental activity, coping strategies.
This questionnaire has the following eight situational-specific coping strategies: confrontational coping; planning problems solving; self-control; detachment; positive revaluation; acceptance of responsibility; avoiding (Kriukova, 2007).
In the statistical analysis of the validity of the difference between groups, Mann-Whitney U-test was applied. The SPSS statistical program 13.0 was used to process the results.
Thus, the statistical calculation has made it possible to identify some significant differences between the respondents.
“Confrontational Copying “ Scale.
The respondents who answered that they were the participants in the events of Euromaidan and are volunteers now, as well as those who observed the events in the virtual space (Internet, TV, etc.) as compared to those who did not participate, with a significant difference (p <
0. 05), more often turn to aggressive efforts to change a situation, have a certain degree of hostility and readiness for risk. The average score for the given scale for those who took an active part and observed the events of Euro- maidan in the virtual space was 9, and for those who did not take part in it - 7.
“Searching For Social Support” Scale
As in previous coping, the respondents who participated directly and monitored the events of Euromaidan in the virtual space are more likely to use social support and make efforts to gain emotional comfort and information from others in difficult life situations. The average indices of activists are 11 (p < 0.05) as compared to those who did not participate (9).
“Problem Solving Planning” Scale
The respondents who answered that they wanted to study / work abroad, as compared to those who wanted to study / work in Ukraine or were undecided, are (p < 0.01) more likely to use problem-focused efforts to change the situation, applying an analytical approach to problem solving.
“Self-control” Scale
According to this coping, it can be noted that the respondents who observed the events of Euromaidan in the virtual space, as compared to the active participants, have a more mature self-control, the ability to regulate their own feelings and actions in difficult situations (p < 0.01). Also among those respondents who depend on the support of friends and acquaintances, those who usually rely on themselves, as compared to those who rely on their families, have a higher level of self-control in overcoming difficulties.
“Detachment” Scale
The respondents who want to study / work abroad, as compared to those who want to study / work in Ukraine are characterized with a desire to detach themselves from the situation and ignore its significance (p < 0.05).
“Positive Revaluation “ Scale
There have been found no significant differences among the various groups of the respondents, but at the level of the tendency it can be noted that the Euromaidan activists are more focused on self-development, on positive rethinking of difficult situations as compared to those who took a passive position in the events.
“Acceptance of Responsibility” Scale
It has been found that the Euromaidan movement internet observers more fully recognize their role in capturing life difficulties and ways of solving difficult situations (p < 0.05) as they have got higher scores as compared to those who did not take part in these events.
“Escape-Avoidance “ Scale
The respondents who try to secure their life plans use this strategy more often as compared to those who regard risk as an opportunity to try themselves (p < 0.05). Consequently, protective behavior leads to escape from solving problems in contrast to the desire to try oneself. Internet observers have higher indicators (p < 0.05) as compared to those who did not participate in the events at all. Thus, the Internet space may create conditions for an emotional buffer of a certain escape from reality, eases stress load and provides a person with a sense of some kind of security.
In modern studies, the correlational relationship between viability and social forms of activity, in particular volunteering, is confirmed. For example, Ye. H. Shubnikova emphasizes the decisive role of volunteer activity in shaping the viability of the individual (Shubnikova, 2014).
According to the concept of I.M. Ilinskyi, a viable personality is ready to form life sense regulations in accordance with the goals set, takes an active civic position, meets the needs of the society. The author defines the viability in line with such qualities as: devotion to the Motherland and the national idea, the will to achieve the goal and solve life problems, responsible attitude to one's own activities, the desire for success (Andruschenko, 2017).
Consequently, the hypothesis of our study has been confirmed. Considering the events of Euromaidan as potentially traumatic, such psychosocial resources of viability as tolerance to risk, optimistic attitude to the future, readiness to take an active civic position have been revealed in the respondents, which, in particular, was manifested in their vigilance, expecting supportive behavior from their families. Among the forms of psychosocial control over the risks the leading ones are the desire to protect what one has, save one's own life positions, the possibility of further implementation of life plans.
Euromaidan activists usually apply the confronting coping, are focused on seeking social support, positive reevaluating in case of difficulties. The respondents who observed the events of Euromaidan in the virtual space use the confrontation and search for social support, too, but at the same time, they tend to use such copings as self-control, acceptance of responsibility and predisposition to escape-avoidance. This may be due to a feeling of intense emotional stress and an attempt to mitigate the impact of stress factors. The respondents who choose the protective forms of psychosocial risk control tend to avoid when solving difficulties, which may be due to a high level of anxiety for their own future and the desire to accumulate resources to overcome the expected difficulties.
The respondents who want to study / work abroad are characterized by the detachment, they try to ignore the problem, trying to radically change the situation and their own living conditions.
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