Features of socialization і individual expectation features

Peculiarities of socialization and individual expectations of an individual are considered as components of spheres of his life activity. It is shown that the peculiarities of the subject's self-attitude determine the main attitudes towards life.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 02.11.2022
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Zavatska N.Ye.

Bilianska A.Yu.

Ryndina L.V.

Shona V.Yu.


The article considers the features of socialization and individual expectations of the individual as components of its spheres of life. It is shown that the peculiarities of the subject's self-attitude determine the attitudes to life. Transforming, creative activity is one pole. The opposite pole - passivity, expectations, dependence. The result of psychological "tightness" is a feeling of failure. To solve the corrective tasks of forming an active life position, it is important that this transformative, corrective process begins with the analysis and work with self-assessment judgments. Individuals who have, in general, a fairly positive experience of social adaptation and selfrealization will tend to form positive, flexible, realistic and concrete expectations. At the same time, individuals who have experienced numerous disappointments and conflicts in the past will be more likely to have negative, rigid, unrealistic and diffuse expectations in their respective fields of activity. Accordingly, the selected indicators are expressed in the features of the expectations of the individual in such areas as significant interpersonal relationships, ideas about their own potential and prediction of the future. The role of individual expectations (as components of cognitive development), as well as their relationship with the process of self-determination of the individual, which provides an opportunity to develop new, more effective programs of socio-psychological adaptation of the younger generation.

Key words: specialty, socialization, examination, life.


socialization expectation individual

Особливості соціалізації і індивідуальні експектаціі особистості. Завацька Н.Є., Білянська А.Ю., Риндіна Л.В., Шона В.Ю.

У статті розглядаються особливості соціалізації та індивідуальні експектації особистості як складові сфер її життєдіяльності. Показано, що особливості самоставлення суб'єкта визначають позиції до життя. Перетворююча, творча активність - один полюс. Протилежний полюс - пасивність, очікування, залежність. Результатом психологічної «скутості» є відчуття власної неспроможності. Для вирішення корекційних завдань формування активної життєвої позиції важливо те, що цей перетворюючий, корекційний процес починається з аналізу та роботи з самооціночними судженнями. Індивіди, які мають, в цілому, досить позитивний досвід соціальної адаптації та самореалізації будуть тяжіти до формування позитивних, гнучких, реалістичних і конкретних очікувань. У той же час індивідам, які мають у минулому досвід переживання численних розчарувань і конфліктів будуть властиві скоріше негативні, ригідні, нереалістичні і дифузні очікування у відповідних сферах діяльності. Відповідно, виділені показники знаходять вираз в особливостях експектацій особистості щодо таких сфер як значущі міжособистісні відносини, уявлення про власний потенціал і передбачення майбутнього. Встановлено роль індивідуальних експектацій (як складових когнітивного розвитку), а також їх взаємозв'язок з процесом самодетермінації особистості, що надає можливість для розробки нових, більш ефективних програм соціально-психологічної адаптації молодого покоління.

Ключові слова: особистість, соціалізація, експектації, життєдіяльність.

Formulation of the problem

In recent years, numerous studies have been carried out on the conditions and factors of social maturation of the individual. These studies show that regardless of the region and place of residence, ethnicity and gender, the influence of intellectual development (primarily, indicators of social intelligence) on the ability of young people to constructively transform limiting life circumstances is of great importance.

Analysis of recent research and publications

In psychological science, there are various approaches to the problem of socialization and personality development. There is practically no single generally accepted theory that offers a clear understanding of this problem. K. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, when determining the structures of the life path and the characteristics of its subject (as a subject of activity, subject of communication and subject of cognition), tried to identify how the personality as a subject of life activity integrates these characteristics. In the process of his life, a person acts as either the subject of communication, or the subject of activity, being at the same time the subject of his life, uniting his life practice, worldview, and relations into a single whole.

Such mental phenomena as value orientations, subjective locus of control and self-esteem are some of the main structural formations of the personality selfregulation system. It is in them, according to B. Ananyev, that her various psychological characteristics converge.

Despite different approaches to understanding the nature of socialization, all researchers recognize that the features of the structure, content and functional interaction of these structural formations determine its direction and determine the position of a person in relation to certain phenomena of reality.

It is also generally recognized that these personal constructs play a major role in the regulation of social (in the broadest sense) human behavior, including the disposition of the personality, its attitudes, motives, interests, and even the “meaning of life”.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of socialization and individual expectations of a person as components of the spheres of her life.

Presentation of the main material and research results

One of the objectives of the study was to identify the nature of the relationship of such structural components of the socialization process as the features of value orientations, locus of control and self-evaluative judgments of respondents (students of higher educational institutions).

Based on the analysis of the data obtained to solve this question, we identified two of all groups of subjects: group "A" - girls and boys, characterized by integral emotional self-acceptance, internal congruence, ie. respondents with constructive self-esteem. And group "B" - girls and boys, characterized by integral emotional rejection of themselves, internal incongruity, ie. destructive self-esteem. The respondents of groups "A" and "B" differ, first of all, in the nature of the locus of control.

The constructiveness of self-esteem is associated with internality, in other words, with the ability of the subject to take responsibility for his actions. The respondents of groups "A" and "B" revealed differences in the characteristics of value orientations according to the Rokeach method.

The common terminal value for both groups is the value of health, vigor and activity (72% of respondents in group A, 67.8% in group B). We have identified the relationship between such mental formations as the locus of control, features of selfesteem, and features of value orientations.

Based on the interdependencies identified between these structural components of the socialization process, two types of socialization can be distinguished. The first type of socialization is characterized by taking responsibility for successes and failures on oneself, with an emotionally positive attitude to oneself, with the ability to be aware of one's real abilities and capabilities. This type corresponds to the constructiveness of self-evaluating judgments, the internality of the locus of control, i.e. a certain maturity of reflexive processes of self-awareness.

Another type of socialization is characterized by a passive-waiting position of the subject. In other words, the subject associates the successes or failures of his life with the circumstances, conditions, or the people around him. At the same time, the attitude towards oneself is characterized by destructiveness, i.e. rejection of oneself, internal contradiction to the extent that it causes discomfort and incongruence.

Based on the literature data, we assumed that it is the features of self-esteem, in general, forming the features of the locus of control, that determine the type of socialization. To prove the hypothesis, it was necessary to identify whether there is a significant relationship between variables such as the internality of the locus of control and the constructiveness of self-rated judgments, as well as the fact that the external locus of control is associated with destructive self-esteem. For this purpose, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used for dichotomous data (joint manifestation of pairs of values for two variables). For group "A" the coefficient is 0.77; for group "B" - 0.82. Thus, a connection has been established between the features of self-evaluating judgments (constructiveness - destructiveness) with such personal characteristics as locus of control (respectively: internality - externality).

At the same time, it should be recognized that the data obtained to date do not allow to clearly establish the role of individual expectations (as components of cognitive development), as well as their relationship with the process of personality self-determination, which makes it possible to develop new, more effective programs of socio-psychological adaptation. the younger generation.

To date, the general theoretical context of research into the problem of personality expectations is represented by J. Mead's interactionist concept of role socialization, V. Vroom's theory of expectations, J. Homans and J. Hemfield's interaction-expectation theory, R. Stogdill's theory of “strengthening expectations”, J. O's theory of expectations. 'Shaughnessy, the theory of "target behavior" M. Evans et al.

In terms of content, the concept of "anticipation" is directly related to such socio-psychological concepts as "role", "stereotype", "attitude", "anticipation" and a number of others. D. Horke, D. Jackson, L. Kohlberg, T. Kemper studied the mechanisms of acceptance and assimilation by a person of a role, as a prescription, of social expectation (expectation).

T. Parsons considered normative expectations as a mechanism of personality socialization, which determines the specificity of the socio-psychological response of the subject. In Russian psychology, such authors as A. Bodalev (the essence of group expectations), K. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, E. Gordienko (the nature of anticipation), N. Trofimova (the phenomenon of social expectations) were engaged in the study of the phenomenon of anticipation and related concepts.

With all the differences in approaches to understanding the problematics of personal expectations, most often, expectations are considered as a regulator of activity (D. Bruner, M. Weber, H. Heckhausen, D. McClelland), as a personal education (G. Andreeva, A. Prikhozhan , T. Snegireva, N. Trofimova), as a mental state of a person (I. Lingard, Yu. Sosnovikova).

Despite the lack of a unified interpretation of this phenomenon, most researchers are convinced that individual expectations of a person are an integral part of all spheres of his life.

Expectations, to one degree or another, reflect institutional and material values, social sanctions, as well as a system of normative relations that regulate the interaction of the individual with the social environment. However, it should be noted: despite the obvious conditionality of expectations by social factors, they ultimately have an individual and personal coloring. Making any choice, a person always consciously or unconsciously, to a greater or lesser extent, takes into account both his own expectations, reflecting his desires / fears, and the expectations addressed to him from other people. In this regard, the question arises about the dynamics of the formation of individual-personal expectations in the context of human interaction and the surrounding social reality.

An analysis of scientific research on the problem of expectations shows that human expectations, as a rule, change along with changes occurring in various spheres of social life and professional activity. In a generalized form, individual expectations can be combined into three main areas: expectations in the sphere of interpersonal relations (S. Belicheva, A. Bodalev, M. Buber, D. Jackson, T. Kemper, L. Kohlberg, J. Mead, J. Homans) ; expectations in the context of a life perspective (K. Abulkhanova-Slavkaya, B. Ananiev, A. Vallon, V. Vroom, R. Gelbakh, F. Keil, B. Lomov, J. Nyutten, E. Surkov); expectations in relation to their own personal potential (R. Burns, G. Kelly, D. K. McClelland, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, J. Rotter).

The nature of individual expectations of a person depends on many factors: both objective and subjective. The facts confirming that expectations are conditioned by the characteristics of the personality itself are presented in so many theoretical and empirical studies that it does not need additional substantiation.

At the same time, in our opinion, until now, such factors and indicators of the system of expectations have not been identified that, on the one hand, would reflect the corresponding characteristics of the person himself, and, on the other, take into account the cumulative influence of external circumstances by analyzing the social experience he received.

To solve this problem, it is advisable to express the indices of individual expectations by means of the following series of dichotomously expressed categorical concepts: positivity / negativity; flexibility / rigidity; realistic / unrealistic; diffuseness / concreteness.

Note that all the categories we propose have already been applied in the conceptual field of psychology. When identifying them in the context of this study, we proceeded from the following assumptions: individuals who, in general, have a fairly positive experience of social adaptation and self-realization, will tend to form positive, flexible, realistic and concrete expectations. At the same time, individuals who have experienced numerous fiascoes, disappointments and conflicts in the past will tend to have negative, rigid, unrealistic and diffuse expectations in their respective spheres of activity. Accordingly, the selected indicators are expressed in the characteristics of the personality's expectations regarding such areas as significant interpersonal relationships, ideas about one's own potential and anticipation of the future.


It is shown that the peculiarities of the subject's self-attitude determine the attitudes to life. Transforming, creative activity is one pole. The opposite pole - passivity, expectations, dependence. The result of psychological "tightness" is a feeling of failure. To solve the corrective tasks of forming an active life position, it is important that this transformative, corrective process begins with the analysis and work with self-assessment judgments. Individuals who have, in general, a fairly positive experience of social adaptation and self-realization will tend to form positive, flexible, realistic and concrete expectations. At the same time, individuals who have experienced numerous disappointments and conflicts in the past will be more likely to have negative, rigid, unrealistic and diffuse expectations in their respective fields of activity. Accordingly, the selected indicators are expressed in the features of the expectations of the individual in such areas as significant interpersonal relationships, ideas about their own potential and prediction of the future. The role of individual expectations (as components of cognitive development), as well as their relationship with the process of self-determination of the individual, which provides an opportunity to develop new, more effective programs of socio-psychological adaptation of the younger generation.


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5. Титаренко Т. М. Життєвий світ особистості: у межах і за межами буденності. К.: ДП Спеціалізоване видавництво «Либідь», 2003. 376 с.


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2. Ermolaeva, M. V., Lubovskiy, D. V. (2012). Teoretiko-metodologicheskiy analiz razvitiya vnutrenney pozitsii lichnosti na protyazhenii zhiznennogo puti (integratsiya vozrastno-psihologicheskogo i sub'ektnogo podhodov) [Theoretical and methodological analysis of the development of the internal position of the person throughout the life (integration of age-psychological and subjective approaches)]. Mir psihologii. 3 (71). S. 104 - 113. [in Russian].

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