Factors of personality psychological well-being

Analysis of the factors of psychological well-being of the individual by means of multiple regression analysis.The empirical study of factors of well-being concerning the consideration of this phenomenon in the system of psychological phenomena.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 11.10.2018
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Factors of personality's psychological well-being

Nataliia Karhina

The paper presents a fragment of the empirical study offactors ofpersonality's psychological well-being concerning the consideration of this phenomenon in the system ofpsychological phenomena by using multiple regression analysis. It has been found that among the factors of psychological well-being the leading ones are fatalistic present, reflex- ivity, happiness, self-efficacy, subjective vitality, intelligence, suspicion, self-understanding, consciousness, radicalism, satisfaction with life, involvement, responsibility, and comprehension.

Keywords: well-being, psychological well-being, personality, factors of psychological well-being

Наталія Каргіна,


У статті наводиться фрагмент комплексного емпіричного дослідження чинників психологічного благополуччя особистості, що стосується розгляду даного феномена в системі психологічних явищ за допомогою використання множинного регресійного аналізу. Дослідження проводилося на базі Одеського державного аграрного університету. Основну експериментальну вибірку склали 408 осіб - студенти денної форми навчання різних спеціальностей віком від 16 до 24 років. Проводився кількісний та якісний аналіз первинних даних. Математи- ко-статистична обробка даних здійснювалася за допомогою комп'ютерної програми IBM SSPS Statistics 21.00 for Windows. У дослідженні застосовувався комплекс різноманітних методик, який включав як загальновідомі діагностичні інструменти, так і розроблену авторську методику спеціально для дослідження особливостей психологічного благополуччя особистості, що складається із 120 питань. Установлено, що серед чинників психологічного благополуччя провідними є фаталістичне теперішнє, рефлексивність, щастя, самоефективність, суб'єктивна вітальність, інтелект, підозрілість, саморозуміння, свідомість, радикалізм, задоволеність життям, залученість, відповідальність, зрозумілість. Переживання особистістю фаталістичного теперішнього, рефлексивності, відчуття щастя та задоволеності життям, рівень інтелекту, відповідальності за власне благополуччя тощо можуть виступати специфічним маркером вираженості у людини психологічного благополуччя. Отримані результати множинного регресійного аналізу виявляють специфіку чинників психологічного благополуччя. При цьому поглиблене та конкретизоване дослідження самих чинників, безсумнівно, уможливить розшифрування певних аспектів та дозволить здійснювати інтерпретацію особливостей психологічного благополуччя людини. Дослідження чинників психологічного благополуччя на сьогоднішній день є досить затребуваним та потребує більш поглибленого розгляду й вивчення. Перспективу подальших досліджень вбачаємо у виявленні чинників, які впливають не на рівень, а на специфіку переживання психологічного благополуччя.

Ключові слова: благополуччя, психологічне благополуччя, особистість, чинники психологічного благополуччя



Since the middle of the last century, the issue of psychological well-being has begun to attract the attention of scientists, and now is considered as a constitutive part of mental and physical health of a human being. The wellbeing of a person is very important for the preservation and strengthening of his/her sanogenic potential. If a person loses a feeling of satisfaction, has tension, emotional blocks, there is incongruence in actions and operations, which in turn affects psychological well-being, which is noticeably diminished. It is impossible to speak about well-being abstractly, detached from all other aspects of life, because it exists only in the context and in association with various components of human existence. The experience of well-being, in turn, is influenced by various aspects of the person's being, attitude towards oneself and the environment.

It is the concept of psychological well-being that is used in conjunction with the concepts of subjective, emotional, physical, mental, ontological, sexual, social, economic, spiritual, material, family, professional, personal and general well-being, quality of life, satisfaction with life, happiness, prosperity, and emotional comfort.

For the domestic psychological science, the study of the features of psychological well-being and its restoration is quite relevant today and requires multilateral consideration in connection with the need to overcome psychological consequences of military aggression and the rapidly growing social and informational tension in the Ukrainian society. In addition, its relevance is also due to the expansion of self-determination, the ability to become the subject of one's own life and socio-economic and social changes, constructively overcome various difficulties, and remain psychologically healthy, happy and safe.

Historical retrospective of the study of the psychological well-being phenomenon shows that its examination was initiated by Western psychology in the second half of the 60-ies of the last century.

Psychological Well Being published in 1969 (Bradburn, 1969). In the works of the author the phenomenon is considered primarily as a sense of happiness or misery. Besides, the concept of an affective component of psychological well-being was introduced by him. The ideas of the researcher have been followed in the scientific circles till now.

One of the most important tasks in the study of wellbeing is the differentiation of the main factors that determine the states of psychological well-being, systematization, and the identification of their correlative significance. Individual-typological peculiarities of the individual, subjective activity, the motivational and need sphere, the environment, are interrelated factors in the well-being of a person, but most researchers focus on one of the aspects listed. For example, I. Dubrovina (Dubrovina, 2000), when conceptualizing the notion of psychological health, speaks of the so-called internal subjective factors of the individual, which affect the “harmony, balance” - these are the concepts that are described by her as psychological health, also touching upon the issues of psychological well-being.

The factors of psychological well-being are considered from the standpoint of objective (psychology of health), subjective and psychological (personal approach), psychotherapeutic and spatial-environmental approaches. The most studied ones are the factors of the personal approach, based on the relationship of psychological wellbeing and such personality characteristics as extraversion and altruism. Less studied ones are the issues of spatial and environmental factors of psychological well-being (Idobaieva, 2013).

In our opinion, a theoretical model of factors of personality's well-being by N. Baturin, S. Bashkatov and N. Gafarov (Baturin, 2013) is worth attention. In general, the level of external factors is represented by a unit of the following three groups of generalized components of external constituents of psychological well-being: biological, social and material benefits. All external benefits act as factors that influence psychological well-being in the form of their subjective significance (assessments). The level of subjective-personality factors is generally represented by a unit of three groups of personality structures that determine its psychological well-being: features of temperament, basic personality traits and positive character features. All these hierarchically organized components provide positive psychological functioning, which is the psychological basis of human psychological wellbeing. The level of interpersonal factors is represented by a unit of three groups of generalized components of interpersonal components in the form of results of positive interpersonal activity: positive actions, achieved favorable interpersonal relations and a set of socially significant achievements. The level of subjective-personality factors provides the formulation of generalized and relatively stable experience of psychological well-being in the form of emotions, assessments and judgments about the results of their positive activity, as well as the subjective level of external factors of well-being in particular (Baturin, 2013).

However, despite the polysemy of psychological well-being concept existing in science, the research and the search for the main individual and personal determinants of this phenomenon, as well as the selection and classification of factors, with respect to the possibilities of their further empirical research in the domestic science to date, remain relevant and necessary. In turn, the generalization of the data of literary sources makes it possible to consider psychological well-being as a coherence of mental processes and functions, a sense of internal integrity and balance. As a holistic subjective experience, psychological well-being is important for everyone because it is associated with basic values, such as happiness, prosperity, optimism, etc. Consequently, psychological well-being is a basic experience, is purely subjective and is expressed in person's understanding of the value of his/her existence. Thus, a rather broad conceptual range of interpretations in the works of various authors has directed the empirical part of our work at finding factors of psychological well-being.

Aim and Tasks

The paper aims to study factors of psychological well-being of the individual by means of multiple regression analysis.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: 1) to find a set of psychodiagnostic methods for the study of psychological well-being; 2) empirically verify the factors affecting psychological well-being of the individual.

Research Methods

The research was conducted on the basis of the Odessa State Agrarian University. The experimental sample involved 408 people: full-time students of different specialties aged from16 to 24. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the primary data was carried out. Mathematical-statistical data processing was performed using IBM SSPS Statistics 21.00 for Windows.

The study was conducted using a number of techniques, which included both well-known diagnostic tools, and the techniques designed specifically for the study of personality's psychological well-being, consisting of 120 questions. Consequently, psychological well-being was investigated with the help of our method “Test- Questionnaire of Personality's Psychological Well-Being” (N. Kargina). This technique consists of the following eleven scales of psychological well-being: I - psychophysical, II - socioeconomic, III - ethnocultural, IV - existential, V - worldview, VI - value, VII - emotional, VIII - behavioral, IX - cognitive, X - volitional. In order to avoid social desirability and other negative effects, the XI scale of falsehood was provided.

The diagnosis of mental phenomena associated with psychological well-being was carried out with the help of the following methods: 1) Purpose in Life Test (Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1964, modified by D. Leontiev); 2) Connection Test by A. Antonovsky, in adaptation of E. Osin), 3) Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Test, 4) Self-Sufficiency Structural Components Test (AS Buhaitsova), 5) Viability Test by S. Maddi, in the adaptation of D. Leontiev, 6) Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, in the adaptation of O. T. Sokolova, O. V. Mitin, 7) General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer Ralph and Matthias Jerusalem, in the adaptation of V. Romeck), 8) The Subjective Vitality Scale by Ryan and Frederick in the adaptation of L. A. Alex Wood, D. Leontiev), 9) Rosenberg's (1957) Faith In People Scale, 10) The Existence Scale by A. Langle, 11) Identity Styles Questionnaire by M. Berzonskyi, in the adaptation by O. Belinska, I. Bro- nin), 12) Just World Scale by Dalbert, Montada, & Schmitt, in the adaptation of S. Nartova-Bochaver, A. Khokhlova), 13) Subjective Happiness Scale by S. Lubo- mirski, in the adaptation of D. Leontiev and E. Osin), 14) Dispositional Optimism Test by M. Seyer, C. Carver, in the adaptation of T. Hordeieva, O. Sichova and E. Osina), 15) Reflexivity Scale by A. Karpov, 16) Satisfaction with Life Scale by E. Diener, R. A. Emmons, R. J. Larsen and S. Griffin, in the adaptation of D. Leontiev and E. Osin).

Research Results

psychological well being factor

The results of the diagnosis by means of the above- mentioned methods were used as the initial data for conducting multiple regression analysis after the correlation one.

The pre-made correlation analysis has made it possible to determine the range of variables associated with experiencing psychological well-being. In order to determine the extent of the impact of every variable on the level of psychological well-being and the possibility of predicting it by the severity of certain psychological features, we applied a multiple regression analysis. The establishment of a number of common personal determinants of psychological well-being (dependent variable) is accomplished through the construction of the multiple regression equation by solving the issue of model specification, which in turn determined two sets of tasks: the selection of variables and the regression equation (Nasle- dov, 2006).

The selection of factors (variables) was carried out theoretically (scientific literature review) and empirically (preliminary pilot studies, carrying out correlation analysis of variables, etc.).

An index of the experiencing psychological wellbeing (general psychological well-being - GPW) has been measured, and this variable was considered as a dependent, and all other methods involved in the experiment were regarded as independent indicators.

It should be noted that the search for factors of psychological well-being can be realized basing on data on situational or relatively stable personality characteristics of a person. This aspect was empirically investigated by means of the multiple regression analysis, which included the parameters of psychological well-being and other psychological characteristics according to the psychodiagnostic techniques used in the study. The index of general psychological well-being was chosen as a dependent variable, and all other variables were considered to be independent. The construction of multiple regression equations was performed by selecting factors (variables) and choosing the regression equation. The variables were represented in an interval scale. Each variable is associated at a significant level with the indicators of psychological well-being, there is no functional relationship between them. Variables that are derived from others are not included in the analysis.

Consequently, the interpretation of the received data on the MCC (multiplicity correlation coefficient) for the GPW model is 0.875, the value of MDC (multiple determination coefficient) is 93.813 and the value of the F-test is 228.756 with a level of significance of 0.000. The obtained formal calculations of MDC show that the GPW regression model explains 94% dispersion, the results of the model can be taken into account and after the meaningful interpretation used to predict factors of psychological well-being of the individual.

Below we present the obtained equation of multiple regression for the general indicator of psychological wellbeing of the individual. Standardized coefficients are indicators of the degree of influence of independent variables on the dependent one. In the regression equation, the coefficients are given by decreasing their significance in predicting the severity of the dependent variable:

PW = 93.813 + 10.696 (FFP) + 4.163 (R) + 2.759 (H) + 2.594 (SE) + 2.094 (SV) + 1.402 (I) - 1.399 (S) + 1.355 (SU) + 1.122 (Con) + 1.079 (Rad) + 0.771 (SL) +650 (I) + 0.526 (Res) + 0.480 (Com)

As we can see, the results of the multiple regression analysis show that the following factors significantly affect the level of psychological well-being (GPW) on the level of manifestation on experiencing psychological well-being: focus on the fatalistic present (FFP), reflexivi- ty as a subjective position in social relations (R), happiness as an emotional component (H), self-efficacy as a socially significant category (SE), subjective vitality (SV), intelligence (I), suspicion (S), self-understanding (SU), consciousness (Con), radicalism (Rad), satisfaction with life (SL), involvement as a belief in the fact that life has a purpose and meaning (I), responsibility (Res), comprehension (Com).

It should be noted that in the studies of A. Antonovsky, salutogenic factors, in particular, consciousness (Con) and comprehension (Com) are protective, which can have a positive effect on the psychological well-being of a person. Consequently, these factors contribute to maintaining and promoting well-being, often contrary to the objectively powerful influence of various biological, psychological and social factors, and also help the subject not only to maintain his/her own well-being, but also to remain a harmonious person, despite the traumatic past experience (Antonovsky, 1986). In turn, a low level of comprehension and consciousness leads to a high level of hostility and depression and is a psychological factor in health disorders and psychological well-being in particular (Antonovsky, 1986).

The involvement factor (I), which is a component of vitality, helps not only to withstand stress and negative environment, but also to reach psychological well-being (Maddi, 2006).

Reflexivity as one of the factors of psychological well-being of a person is characterized by the fact that by directing reflexivity the subject can allocate the fragment of reality necessary for him/her at the moment and make it an independent object by modeling it. It seems fair to admit at least some of these models, which are the result of reflection. At the same time, it should be remembered that the unclear understanding of the boundaries of the system or the incorrect transition from one subsystem to another can lead to distortions that prevent the subject to move to higher-level systems, leading to a decline in wellbeing. Reflexivity helps a person to model ideas and implement them in life, reinforcing psychological well-being (Abdalina, 2011).

Focus on the fatalistic present (FFP), which is part of the time perspective, is a very important factor in experiencing well-being, because the temporal competence, characterized by the desires of the fatalistic present, when people believe in the fate, thinking that any changes are impossible, has a significant impact on the experience of psychological well-being in the temporal continuum, especially in the present-day realities of life, when the past experience may be traumatic, which undoubtedly can affect person's psychological well-being experiencing (Syrtsova, 2008).

A. Bandura believes that people who are aware of their self-efficacy make more efforts to accomplish complex cases than the unconfident ones. In turn, high selfefficacy, which is associated with expectations of success, leads to a good result and promotes self-esteem, and at the same time affects the experience of psychological wellbeing. Thus, self-efficacy of a person is a strong factor influencing the behavior and well-being in particular (Bandura, 2000).

Responsibility, being one of the factors of psychological well-being, is based on personal maturity, which makes it possible to see and accept one's own essence as it is, and the essence of the other - without condemnation and the desire to change something. Hence, responsibility supports the psychological well-being of a person by helping him/her to be a socially active and mature while being responsible for his/her health and well-being (Perlz, 1993).

Satisfaction with life as a factor of psychological well-being depends primarily on the subjective reproduction of external conditions that correlate with a problem situation and subjective obstacles preventing from moving forward. In turn, satisfaction has a “two-fold” impact on the level of human experience of psychological wellbeing: it either completes activity or vice versa, prompts it. In such a way, satisfaction is a factor in the activity and strength, sustainability promoting psychological wellbeing (Bailey, 2007).

Consequently, all the equation factors are significant in the experience of psychological well-being by a person. In turn, psychological well-being cannot be fully depicted on the basis of only one factor. In addition, different factors can have various impact on certain groups of people, allocated according to different parameters.


Thus, the following list of leading factors of psychological well-being has been empirically established: fatalistic present, reflexivity, happiness, self-efficacy, subjective vitality, intelligence, suspiciousness, selfunderstanding, consciousness, radicalism, life satisfaction, involvement, responsibility, and comprehension.

Accordingly, the experience of fatalistic present, re- flexivity, a sense of happiness and satisfaction with life, the level of intelligence, responsibility for one's own well-being, etc. can act as a specific marker of expression of psychological well-being in a person.

The results of multiple regression analysis reveal the specificity of the factors of psychological well-being. At the same time, an in-depth and concretized study of the factors itself will undoubtedly make it possible to decipher certain parties and interpret features of psychological well-being of a person.

The further research is going to cover the issue of identifying factors that affect not the level, but the specificity of the experience of psychological well-being.


1. Bandura, A. (2000). Teoriya sotsialnogo naucheniya [Theory of Social Science]. Saint Petersburg: Eurasia [in Russian].

2. Baturin, N.A. (2013). Teoreticheskaya model lichnostnogo blagopoluchiya [The Theoretical Model of Personal Well-being]. Vestnik YuUrGU - The Bulletin of the YuUrGU, 4, 4-14 [in Russian].

3. Dubrovina, I.V. (2000). Psihicheskoe zdorove de- tey i podrostkov v kontekste psihologicheskoy sluzhbyi [Mental health of children and adolescents in the context of psychological service]. 4th ed. Yekaterinburg: Business Book [in Russian].

4. Idobayeva, O.A. (2013). Psihologo- pedagogicheskaya model formirovaniya psiholog- icheskogo blagopoluchiya lichnosti [Psychological- pedagogical model of the formation of psychological well-being of the individual]. Extended abstract of doctor 's thesis [in Russian].

5. Nasledov, A.D. (2006). Matematicheskie metodyi psihologicheskogo issledovaniya. Analiz i interpretatsiya dannyih [Mathematical methods of psychological research. Analysis and interpretation of data]. Saint Petersburg: Rech [in Russian].

6. Perlz, F., Hefferlin, R., Goodman, P. (1993).

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