- 91. Connection between depressive state and perceived social support among people aged 40 to 60 years
Investigation of the impact of social support received on people and the reduction of the likelihood of depression. Statistically significant differences between men and women in experiensing depressive state and their perceived social support.
Analysis of integrative interpersonal theory of personality, possibilities of its use in practical psychology and psychotherapy. Implementation of an interdisciplinary approach to the diagnosis, therapy and treatment of pathopsychological conditions.
In this article the psycho-emotional and personal changes of police officers after their return from the zone of armed conflict are analyzed. The destructive effect of combat stress on the formation of a complex of the symptoms of increased excitability.
Аналіз можливих ризиків розвитку посттравматичного стресового розладу у медичних працівників та людей, які перехворіли на тяжку форму коронавірусу. Визначення переліку психічних розладів, які було діагностовано у пацієнтів з позитивним тестом на COVID-19.
Connection of intellectual and creative abilities of future specialists. The place and role of intelligence in the structure of creative activity and creative potential of an individual. Highlighting the main forms of manifestation of creative activity.
Analysis of the influence of cultural variables on cognition from a neurological point of view as a subject of cross-cultural neuropsychology research. Assessment of some of the cultural variables of paramount importance in this area, research areas.
- 97. Culture shock
Determination of essence of culture and cultural shock. Senses of man, changing the place of the stay, possible disorders and fears. Studies of language and traditions, help and support of monogynopaedium and friends, and also exchange by experience.
The socio-psychological characteristics of subjective well-being of an individual, analyze its main indicators, structure, mechanisms and functional components. The formation of subjective well-being on the mechanisms of social perception and evaluation.
Highlights the peculiarities of cyberbullying as a deviant form of personal behavior in the Internet space. Analysis and defines the peculiarities of its origin, basic provisions, scientific views and concepts for understanding the said phenomenon.
- 100. Cемейная педагогика
Специфика особенностей семейного воспитания в семьях, вырастивших одаренных детей, путем решения некоторых задач. Воспитание как процесс целенаправленного формирования личности. Семья как главный институт воспитания. Собственный стиль поведения родителей.
Особенность стрессовых процессов человека. Возникновение эмоционального явления и понятия гештальтпсихологии. Основная характеристика динамического состояния и напряжения личности в жизненном пространстве. Критический анализ психологического поля особы.
Основний теоретичний огляд сприйняття як пізнавального психічного процесу. Особливість сутності фізіологічного бачення. Характеристика формування першого враження щодо іншої людини. Аналіз механізмів міжособистісної перцепції та форм існування матерії.
The concept of extremism in connection with the concept of meaning in the case of trauma, stress, loss, transient research. Integrative description, classification and systematization. Extreme, manifested in metapseichological and ontological horizons.
Means of determining gender identification in girls engaged in boxing, their impact on the training and competitive process. Analysis of signs of masculinity by FPI test. The ratio of gender types between individuals involved in martial arts and boxing.
Analysis of the factors of the personal growth of the child in the educational environment of the institution of additional education. Features of the theoretical analysis of the phenomena of creativity and the creative orientation of the individual.
Psychological and linguistic features of senior pre-schoolers reasoning in spontaneous speaking. Difficulties which appear in children in the process of semantic perception and production of reasoning. Listening comprehension and production of reasoning.
Anatomic brain imaging studies of normal and abnormal brain development in children. Typical and atypical human functional brain development. The study of psychopathology in adolescence: integrating affective neuroscience with the study of context.
Consideration of conscripts and candidates for military service. Revealing the peculiarities of the level of aggressiveness and latent extremism as a commitment to extreme and radical views, methods of action (in politics and the military sphere).
Actions that constantly accompany student dialogue options. Formation and updating of meaning, nurturing feelings in the educational process. The most significant characteristics of dialogue in education. The choice of sensual priorities in the dialogue.
The evolution of investigations related to the role of the cognitive and emotional intelligence in enhancing the quality of life. The meaning and the functions of the cognitive and emotional intelligences. The role of the mind sets in cognition.
Investigation of the types of frustration reactions associated with the situation of extremism, the threat of terrorist attack and involvement in extremist groups in the youth environment. Differential analysis: reaction types, age, gender, profession.
Обзор проблем, связанных с распространением информационно-коммуникативной среды и интеграцией её в социокультурное пространство детства. Анализ мифов, которые существуют в обществе в связи с проблемой digital-детей. Изменения в когнитивной деятельности.
Необхідність мобілізації внутрішніх ресурсів людей для їх самореалізації. Розкриття креативного потенціалу digital-технологій для творчої самореалізації особи в умовах духовної кризи. Психологічний вплив цифрового мистецтва на прояви творчої уяви.
- 114. Digitalization of social contacts - risks for women seeking a spouse through dating sites and apps
The problem of risks of digitalization of social contacts (fraud; sexual harassment; stalking) when searching for marriage partners through dating sites. Addiction occurrence of negative psychological consequences on the personal characteristics of women.
The role of dispositional forgiveness in overcoming helplessness and practical linkages of the mechanism of its therapeutic effect with his role in the restoration of manageability of the situation. Forgiveness as a resource for psychological well-being.
The Workplace stress is probably the most common problem. Confirmation of the emergence of the workplace stress and to detect the dominant categories of stressors in the Macedonian institutions. The dominant categories of stressors in state institutions.
Therapy of dopamine, metabotropic glutamate and schizophrenia. Presymptomatic and symptomatic stages of intracerebral inclusion body pathology in idiopathic parkinson's disease. Glutamatergic neurotransmission in sensitiza and neurodegeneration.
The processing of information into the memory. The retention of encoded information over time. Process of getting information out of memory. Ebbinghaus’ Retention Curve. Beneficial effects of distributed practice for repetitions. Types of Encoding.
The study of internal and external causes of the intensive development of economic psychology. Analysis of the differences between the basic concepts of economic psychology: economic consciousness, behavior, group. Dual status of economic psychology.
A study of the mental characteristics and learning behavior of Chinese students in higher education. Psychological and pedagogical methods of overcoming stress. Formation of learning behavior and its impact on motivation to improve academic performance.