About mechanisms of the suicidal behavior formation and the possibilities of its prediction taking into account some personal dominants

Preserving the mental health of the growing generation of Ukraine. Research of the psychological state of the Ukrainian population during martial law. Establishing a correlation between indicators of anxiety; frustration and the level of suicidal risk.

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Дата добавления 19.03.2024
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About mechanisms of the suicidal behavior formation and the possibilities of its prediction taking into account some personal dominants

Arshava Iryna Fedorivna,

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,

Baratynska Anastasiia Volodymyrivna,

Masterof Psychology


Due to the situation of a full-scale invasion of the aggressor country on the territory of our state, Ukrainian society has been living in extreme conditionsfor more than ayear, experiencing the terrible consequences of the war - a situation of loss, occupation of territories, destruction of entire cities and towns, forced resettlement; in turn, constant shelling, bombings, explosions, siren sounds, long blackouts and many other things have become the realities of today.

Anxiety, chronic stress, manifestations of depressive states, fear for loved ones and relatives and for the future in general are characteristics of psychological state for all Ukrainian population of various age categories, among which teenagers has a special place.

Since adolescence is the most complex and controversial period of the ontogenetic development, knowledge about the mechanisms of formation of suicidal behavior among adolescents and the possibility of its prediction, taking into account personal dominants, are not only extremely important, but necessary for preserving the mental and physical health of the growing generation of Ukraine. psychological suicidal ukraine frustration

With the help of using such psychodiagnostic methods as "Test for detection of suicidal risk SR-45" (P. I. Yunatskevich); "Self-esteem of mental states" (H. Eysenck); "Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire" (R. McCrae - P. Costa); "Beck Depression Inventory"; "Method of diagnostics of social and psychological adaptation" (C. Rogers, R. Diamond) in the frame of the empirical research, the following results have been found: a statistically significant positive correlation between indicators of anxiety; frustration and the level of suicidal risk of teenagers; statistically significant negative correlation between indicators of extraversion; emotional stability and the level of suicidal risk in adolescents.

It is important to note that there is a statistically significant negative correlation between measures of adaptation, selfacceptance, emotional comfort and the level of suicidal risk in adolescence and, accordingly, a statistically significant positive correlation between the level of suicidal risk and such scales as self - rejection and emotional discomfort of teenagers. It was found that such personal indicator as self-control, together with the presence of the so-called emotional comfort, has a certain influence on the level of formation of suicidal behavior in adolescence.

Key words: suicidal behavior, psychotraumatic situation, personal dominants, emotional stability, adolescence.


Про механізми формування суїцидальної поведінки й можливостях її предикції з урахуванням особистісних домінант

Через ситуацію повномасштабного вторгнення країни - агресора на територію нашої держави, українське суспільство більше року проживає в екстремальних умовах, зазнаючи страшних наслідків війни - ситуацію втрати, окупацію територій, руйнування цілих міст та селищ, вимушене переселення; в свою чергу, постійні артобстріли, бомбардування, вибухи, звуки сирени, затяжні блекаути та багато чого іншого стали реаліями сьогодення. Тривожність, хронічний стрес, прояви депресивних станів, страх за близьких та рідних та за майбутнє в цілому є характерним для психологічного стану українського населення різних вікових категорій, серед яких особливе місце посідають підлітки. Оскільки підлітковий вік є найскладнішим та найсуперечливішим періодом онтогенетичного розвитку, знання про механізми формування суїцидальної поведінки серед підлітків та можливості її предикції з урахуванням особистісних домінант є не просто вкрай важливими, а необхідними для збереження психічного і фізичного здоров'я зростаючого покоління України.

За допомогою використання таких психодіагностичних методик, як «Тест на виявлення суїцидального ризику СР-45» (П.І.Юнацкевич); «Самооцінка психічних станів» (Г. Айзенк); «П'ятифакторний особистісний опитувальник (Р. МакКрає - П. Коста); «Опитувальник депресивності» (А. Бек); «Методика діагностики соціально - психологічної адаптації» (К. Роджерс, Р. Даймонд) в ході емпіричного дослідження встановлено: статистично значущий позитивний кореляційний зв'язок між показниками тривожності; фрустрації та рівнем суїцидального ризику підлітків; статистично значущий негативний кореляційний зв'язок між показниками екстраверсії; емоційної стійкості та рівнем суїцидального ризику. Важливо зазначити, що існує негативний статистично підтверджений кореляційний зв'язок між показниками адаптації, самоприйняття, емоційним комфортом та рівнем суїцидального ризику в підлітковому віці і, відповідно, статистично підтверджений позитивний кореляційний зв'язок між рівнем суїцидального ризику та такими шкалами, як неприйняття себе та емоційний дискомфорт підлітків. Виявлено, що такий особистісний показник як самоконтроль разом з наявністю так званого емоційного комфорту, мають певний вплив на рівень формування суїцидальної поведінки у підлітковому віці.

Ключові слова: суїцидальна поведінка, психотравмуюча ситуація, особистісні домінанти, емоційна стійкість, підлітковий вік.

Situation of war in Ukraine has led to the appearance of a large number of displaced persons and refugees, including a lot of children who have experienced psychotraumatic events, the consequences of which can significantly affect the child's mental development and behavior.

At the same time, today many children spend lots of time alone, some parents don't pay enough attention to their children. All above mentioned factors, as well as the feeling of uselessness, the search for adrenaline, also often lead children to suicidal actions. However, one of the possible reasons of suicide among teenagers is the appearance of signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Adolescence is the most difficult and controversial period, at this age the individual is most vulnerable to the surrounding influences.

This is the stage of the ontogenetic development when moral values and life perspectives of a teenager are formed, there is awareness of himself, his capabilities, interests, the desire to feel and become an adult, the desire to communicate with peers, the formation of general views on life, on relationships between people, in other words, the personal meaning of teenager's life is formed.

Clarifying the motives of suicidal tendencies is the key to understand this phenomenon and, accordingly, prerequisite for the prevention of suicides. The complexity of the suicide phenomenon arises first of all in understanding the state of a person who commits suicide - it is extremely difficult as each individual case has its own individual characteristics.

It is impossible to single out one or several motives and reasons, we are always talking about a complex set of reasons, features and nuances that lead to committing suicide [1; 2; 3; 4; 5].

Various aspects of suicidal behavior and suicide have been studied in the works of many scientists. Suicide as consequence of social and psychological maladptation of the personality in the conditions of a microsocial conflict experienced by a person is considered in the concept of A. H. Ambrumova (1980). Researcher A. E. Lychko noted in his works that suicidal behavior of teenagers is a problem of psychiatry; noted at the same time that 10% of teenagers have a real desire to commit suicide, and in 90% of cases suicidal behavior is "cry for help" [6]. Analyzing different approaches to the study of the problem of suicide, it is possible to say about multifactorial and multifaceted nature of the reasons of suicide [2; 7].

The objective of the article is to determine the specifics of the connection between the adolescent's psychological characteristics and manifestations of suicidal tendencies.

The role of personal characteristics in the formation of autoaggressive behavior is undeniable. Undoubtedly, the choice of behavior strategy in this or that stressful situation, the dynamics of personal changes in crisis periods of life and number of other factors (in particular, the style of upbringing in childhood, the type of self-determination of the individual), take part in the formation of the personality, exert a significant influence on the solution of the question of suicidal behavior. At the same time, age characteristics can significantly influence the course of suicidal behavior.

Within the framework of the psychological approach to explain the risk of suicidal behavior, it is noted that the type of deviation, for example, violent or self-destructive, is determined by the content of the personality.

A. E. Lychko notes the connection between the type of accentuation of teenager's character and suicidal behavior. Manifestations of suicidal behavior in half of the cases are combined with unstable, hysteroid, hyperthymic types, and suicide attempts - 63% with the sensitive type and 25% with the cycloid type, respectively.

At the same time, other data on suicidal behavior are given in favor of schizoid, psychasthenic, sensitive, excited and epileptoid types of character accentuations. Some authors agree that individuals with asthenic, hyperthymic, unstable accentuations among teenagers are practically not prone to suicide attempts.

Personal and characterological features often play important role in the formation of suicidal behavior of an individual. Increased risk of suicide is characteristic of disharmonious diseases, while personal disharmony can be caused both by the increased development of certain intellectual, emotional and volitional characteristics, and by their lack of expressiveness.

When considering the characteristics of adolescent suicidality, it is necessary to take into account such characteristic age-related manifestations as the presence of emotional disorders, or depression, which is based on the depression of all mental and physical manifestations of a person; depression in adolescents has significant features that distinguish it from that in adults.

It can be said that suicidal behavior in adolescence differs by certain age characteristics [8]. This is due to the specificity of the physiological and psychological processes of the formation of individuality, as well as the specificity of psychopathological disorders in the puberty period, in particular, those caused by psychotraumatic situations [9].

In the study of N. V. Dmytrieva and co-authors (2015), teenagers were found to be underdeveloped in such important regulatory personal characteristics as flexibility and independence. In dynamic, quickly changing environment, such individual feels insecure, it is difficult for him to get used to changes in the life, to changes in the surrounding environment, that's why there is inability to adequately respond to the situation, actively and timely plan activities and behavior.

In the research of M. V. Danilova, attention was paid to gender differences in the manifestation of suicidal risk in adolescents and the nature of suicidal attempts in the adolescent environment. It was established that female - teenagers are more prone to suicidal tendencies than male ones. It was revealed that the absolute majority of the interviewed teenagers are prone to demonstrative suicidal attempts, although the differences in the nature of suicidal attempts between boys and girls are not statistically significant. This indicates that most of the suicide attempts of both female and male adolescents are demonstrative [6].

A. Beck's research shows that the combination of feelings of hopelessness and depression is the most dangerous sign of the risk of committing suicide. At the same time, it is emphasized that the feeling of hopelessness is more dangerous risk factor for completed suicide than general depression itself. The author's research found that hopelessness can be a predictor of future suicidal behavior [10].

In the emergence of suicidal intentions, the lack of future prospects and the inability to make independent choices are very important factors. According to the American researcher H. Klum, teenagers with limited problem-solving skills are in a situation of greater suicidal risk, facing significant life stresses, than their coevals with better problem-solving skills [11].

The empirical study was conducted on a sample of 60 students (aged 14-15). The following psychodiagnostic methods were used: "Test for detection of suicidal risk SR-45" (P. I. Yunatskevich); "Self-esteem of mental states" (H. Eysenck); "Five- Factor Personality Questionnaire" (R. McCrae - P Costa); "Beck Depression Inventory"; "Method of diagnostics of social and psychological adaptation" (C. Rogers, R. Diamond)

To establish the level of correlations between the manifestation of suicidal behavior and psychological characteristics of adolescents, r - linear Pearson correlation coefficient was used. To determine the role of the influence of certain psychological features of adolescence on the development of the level of suicidal behavior, regression analysis of the obtained data was applied. Statistical processing of the results was done using the SPSS 23.0 program.

The results of the correlation analysis are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Analysis results of correlation between indicators of "Self-esteem of mental states", "Beck Depression Inventory", "Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire" and "Test for detection of suicidal risk SR-45"

Scale of methods

The level of suicidal risk according to the SR-45 method

"Self-esteem of mental states" by H. Eysenck






0,567 *


0, 556*

"Beck Depression Inventory"

Level of depression


"Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire " by R. McCrae - P. Costa







Emotional stability


Openness to experience


Note: * - statistically significant differences at p <0,05 ** - statistically significant differences at p <0,01

As we can see from Table 1, there is a positive correlation between such indicators as anxiety and frustration with the level of suicidal risk according "Self-esteem of mental states" by H. Eysenck. The obtained result is also explained by the fact that the sample consists of teenagers; it is period when children experience feelings against the background of constant changes in their emotional state about their own appearance, which changes. On the background of these feelings (especially if they have long-term nature), more and more thoughts are about how to stop this constant worrying, driving the child into "the corner".

A positive correlation between frustration indicators and the level of suicidal risk was also obtained. Teenagers with an increased level of frustration also have a higher level of suicidal risk. Frustration manifests as anxiety, irritation, and even despair, and in this state, individuals still continue to struggle to get what they want, even if they don't know exactly what it's necessary to do to succeed. Therefore, it can be assumed that frustration is also one of the factors in the formation of the mood of teenagers, on the background of which suicide may be committed, or thoughts about it can appear.

No significant correlations were found between rigidity, aggression and the level of suicidal risk. As it's known, a rigid personality is more resistant to stressful situations, he is characterized by less susceptibility to external influence, using his protective mechanisms. Also, no statistically significant correlation of aggression with the suicidal risk indicator was recorded as aggression is most often directed to the environment of the individual and not to himself.

About establishing connection between the level of depression according to "Beck Depression Inventory" and the level of suicidal risk according to the questionnaire "Test for the detection of suicidal risk SR-45" by P. I. Yunatskevich, no definite correlation was obtained. This can also be explained by the fact that among the testees of our sample there were no teenagers with a moderate or severe degree of depression. Correlations were also obtained between the indicators according to "Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire" by R. McCrae - P Costa and the level of suicidal risk according to the questionnaire "Test for the detection of suicidal risk SR-45" by P. I. Yunatskevich. A negative correlation was found between such indicator as extraversion and the level of suicidal risk. An extroverted personality is less disturbed by failures and more resistant to stressful situations, which already speaks of the extrovert's resistance to the manifestations of suicidal thoughts and plans.

Such teenagers are often insecure and have low self-esteem, together with the presence of adolescent physiological and psychological changes, they feel their insignificance, which, perhaps, gives impetus to the emergence of suicidal intentions. The indicators of emotional stability and the level of suicidal risk have statistically significant negative correlation. We can assume that adolescents who have manifestations of emotional stability are not prone to suicidal actions and thoughts, and manifestations of emotional instability is the factor that form the basis for the development of suicidal risk. Teenagers with emotional instability feel helpless, unable to cope with life's difficulties, anxiously expect trouble, and in the case of failure, they easily fall into despair and depression.

The hypothesis that a teenager with a high level of self-control has a low level of suicidal risk is confirmed by a statistically significant negative correlation between self-control and suicidal risk. A teenager who knows how to control his behavior and actions is not capable of harming himself in difficult life situations. Students with a low level of selfcontrol, don't show persistence in achieving the goal, tend to commit antisocial acts. It is often various types of antisocial acts that contribute to the emergence of self-aggression and suicidal thoughts in children. A low level of selfcontrol especially in adolescence contributes to the formation of deviant behavior in a teenager. A teenager can be often influenced by surrounding people, without having his own point of view, which is also important for the formation of suicidal tendencies.

In addition, correlations between the indicators of inventory "Method of diagnostics of social and psychological adaptation" by C. Rogers, R. Diamond and the level of suicidal risk according to the questionnaire "Test for detection of suicidal risk SR-45" by P I. Yunatskevich were analyzed (see Table 2). As a result, a negative correlation between such indicator as adaptation and the suicidal level was obtained - the higher the adolescent's level of adaptation, the lower the level of suicidality. It is important to note, that a teenager who can exist in the society and meet its needs, and at the same time doesn't feel anxiety and fear, is not prone to the appearance of suicidal intentions, thoughts and actions.

It's possible to observe a positive relationship between the adolescent's maladjustment and suicidal level. In adolescence period goals and principles in life are often not established, therefore teenagers can be influenced by the environment, remain alone with their problems and believe that no one understands them and no one will help them, so on this background suicidal thoughts and intentions can appear with the hope of solution their problems in this way. A negative correlation between the self-acceptance indicator and the level of suicidal risk was found. A teenager with a high level of self-acceptance has a low level of suicidal intentions accordingly.

Table 2

Analysis results of correlation between indicators of "Method of diagnostics of social and psychological adaptation" by C. Rogers, R. Diamond and the level of suicidal risk

Scale of "Method of diagnostics of social and psychological adaptation"

The level of suicidal risk









Acceptance of others


Rejection of others


Emotional comfort


Emotional discomfort










Note: * - statistically significant differences at p <0,01

If an adolescent adequately perceives himself, satisfied with his character, abilities and external features, all these factors allow him to communicate normally with other people, set goals and plans for life.

Conversely, adolescents who feel inferior, do not feel their own value, have low self-esteem, often think about how their relatives will pity and worry if something happens to them.

This, perhaps, can indicate that such teenagers have lack of attention from their parents and don't have support from the closest people, as a result - children absorb into themselves and do not understand why they live.

Regarding the obtained data, we can also talk about a negative correlation between the indicator of emotional comfort and the level of suicidal risk. This result allows us to state that the higher the level of emotional comfort of a teenager, the lower the level of suicidal risk.

Emotional comfort depends on many factors, which directly include self-acceptance, selfesteem, and emotional stability. In adolescence, most psychological factors are just beginning to form, and if a teenager does not feel comfortable among family and friends or feels anxious and insecure, all this can lead to a change in the emotional background and the appearance of depression.

The high level of emotional discomfort can cause the increasing in the level of suicidal risk. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was found that teenagers who have a desire for self-development and leadership characteristics do not show signs of suicidal behavior. In turn, adolescents who choose a subordinate position and feel comfortable when they are controlled, perhaps together with some other character traits (such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem) and on the background of serious life problems, may be prone to the appearance of suicidal thoughts and intentions.

For a more detailed analysis and clarifying the role of psychological characteristics of adolescents in the development of the level of suicidal risk, we conducted a regression analysis of the obtained data.

Regression analysis allows us to assess the contribution of the level of certain psychological characteristics of the individual to the development of the risk of suicidal behavior. With the help of regression analysis, a model was established, which is presented in Table 3.

Thus, a model includes suicidal risk, emotional comfort and self-control. The value of R-squared (coefficient of determination) is equal to 0.373.

This means that part of the dispersion of the outcome Y (level of suicidal behavior) is explained by the regression of emotional comfort and self-control. The calculated regression model is significant according to F-test (F = 16, 948).

Table 3

Model of regression analysis of the level of suicidal risk and indicators of psychological characteristics of adolescents

Instrumental values

The regression coefficient

Student's t-test










Suicidal behavior = 20,185 - 0,808* Х1 - 1,004*X2 where Х1 - self-control;

X2 - emotional comfort.


The analysis of the research results shows the following. Teenagers with a high level of anxiety, frustration, depression, maladaptation and emotional instability also have a high level of suicidal behavior. The results of the regression analysis allow us to state that the contribution of the level of self-control and emotional comfort of a teenager to the formation of the level of suicidal behavior is 37%. It was proven on the sample of subjects that low levels of self-control and emotional stability of adolescents affect the level of manifestation of suicidal behavior to a greater extent than other indicators of psychological dominant personality.


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