Literature Review and Methodology. Influence of the global economic crisis on Shipping Industry. Relations between marine transportation, trade and the finance. The strategies of shipping lines operators. Approach for market strategy of Precious Shipping.
- 62. Choosing logistics service suppliers: customers` perspective in benchmarking container terminals
Development of a customer-oriented model that allows benchmarking of container terminals. This model takes into account the consumer's preferences regarding the importance of certain attributes of a port. Typology of consumers based on their preferences.
- 63. Classification scheme as a reflection of the social and communicative nature of document phenomenon
The purpose of this article is to study methodological approaches to drafting the classification schemes of documents. The methodology consists of general scientific methods and unique methods: analysis, synthesis, comparative and logical method.
Formation of a cluster model of the organization of rural tourism. Diversification of tourism in the conditions of globalization and post-crisis development of the pandemic. Using the Agile method, an innovative component of smart technologies and ICT.
Determine three blocks of characteristics that enhance to understand the nature of these types: economic characteristics, innovation activity and governance. Examination results of the comparative analysis of these development types is conducted.
The concept of competitive advantage, major misconceptions about the creation of competitive advantage. The basic nature of competition. The factors that determine the nature and degree of competition in an industry. The main flaws of strategic thinking.
The definition and formation of strategic alliances. Improving the competitiveness of an international company by the formation of a strategic alliance. The role of strategic alliance in modern conditions. The ability to maximize the value in risks.
A comprehensive review of the main problems of management in small enterprises, highlighting the peculiarities of marketing and management in small businesses. Consequences of deteriorating business conditions due to the military situation in the country.
- 69. Corporate Nietzsche: assessing prospects of success for managers with master and slave moralities
Gauge different morality types of the study subjects by calculating a morality quotient. Consideration of the association between work experience and morality type indicating adaptability of cross morality traits with increasing job experience.
Drawbacks and advantages of the main approaches of corporate social responsibility. The principles of CSR: features and problems. The global need for CSR. Analyze activity of the Sanofi company and characteristic to the Russian companies concerning CSR.
Approaches to the organization of methodical work as links of the system of continuous training of members of the teaching staff. Methodology for developing the creative potential of teachers. Methodical work in a secondary education institution.
Organisation crisis: its kinds, phases and consequences. The factors influencing occurrence of crises. Bankruptcy of the organisation: its kinds, the purpose and consequences. Analysis of indicators of productivity, performance and return on assets.
The crisis, except the sad moments, opens sluices for management system reorganization, for its development. Internal engineering of business processes, strategy and competitive struggle. Some theses, assumptions and hypotheses, assortment audition.
The relationship between the concepts of internationalization, employment, modern management technologies of higher education institutions, the concept of lean management. The paradigm of "internationalization at home" through educational programs.
Study the customers’ expectation levels of service quality in the food retail sector in the "Pick n Pay" supermarket. Features of demand management in the enterprise. Determination the service quality on stores in Pietermaritzburg area, South Africa.
Теоретичні основи формування оцінки персоналу підприємства. Вибір варіанту проведення атестації. Класифікація критеріїв ділової оцінки персоналу. Збір інформації про діяльність співробітника. Ціль та результати ділової оцінки персоналу підприємства.
Обеспечение компании высококлассными кадрами как главная цель системы управления персоналом. Элементы, методы (административные, экономические, социально-психологические) и оптимизация управления персоналом. Мотивация как важнейший элемент менеджмента.
Понятие и принципы построения организационной структуры управления на различных этапах жизненного цикла. Разделение труда между работниками, обеспечивающее творческий характер работы и нормальную нагрузку. Методы мотивации персонала и руководителей.
Корпоративная культура как один из факторов развития деятельности предприятия. Технология создания стандартов поведения и межличностного взаимодействия сотрудников. Основные составляющие корпоративной культуры: нормы и правила поведения работников.
Анaлиз пoдхoдов пo прoблeмe пcихoлoгичecкoгo климaтa кoллeктивa и влияниe нa нeгo cтиля рукoвoдcтвa. Рaзрaбoтка и oпиcaние cущнocти и прoцeдуры эмпиричecкoгo иccлeдoвaния в пcихoлoгичecкoм климaтe кoллeктивa. Фoрмулирoвка прaктичecких рeкoмeндaций.
Понятие и сущность управленческих решений и технология их принятия. Правила, методы, модели и критерии принятия решений в условиях неопределенности. Анализ условий и степени риска, уровня сложности задач при принятии решения менеджером организации.
Develop a decision maintenance system to support the procurement process in the company. Functions, structure of the management system. Analysis of the stages of the procurement process. Use of decision support system for working with suppliers.
Раскрытие сущности использования IDEF, моделей бизнес-процессов и стандартов моделирования деятельности в управлении организацией. Описание и общая характеристика основных принципов моделирования процессов управления организацией в стандарте IDEF0.
Land resource management is a sophisticated process which includes appropriate stages and procedures, while one of them is estimation of land value. Estimation of land value is a crucial process due to its role in the land resource management.
Management tools for managing credit risks. Indebtedness of buyers and existing customers on financial investments of companies. Factors that have a significant impact on the complex of credit risks. Analysis of the causes of losses of organizations.
Researching determinants of satisfaction with meals. How differs results of soldiers depending on their satisfaction with food, what are the determinants of feeling satisfied. Increasing in index of world food consumption. People's satisfaction with life.
The article substantiates the need to manage leasing transactions of enterprises with the use of innovative information technologies. The classification of leasing payments, methodical support of the analysis of leasing transactions has been presented.
Personnel selection process and the selection criteria. Analysis of the perspective of HR managers regarding diversity. The need to implement measures to support diversity awareness. Identification of factors affecting the diversity of human resources.
- 89. Diversity-sensitive personnel managemet — a quantiative analysis from the perspektive of HR managers
Conducting interviews with people from Germany to analyze the perspectives of HR managers in relation to diversity. The role of social categorization in the estimates of recruitment and selection of personnel selection range kachetve target group.
A methodological aspects of documentation. Presenting the main components of documentary culture in the comparative analysis of the definition of "documentary culture" and "corporate culture". Proper management of corporative culture potential.