• Blending learning methods, approaches, strategies for Language Learning. Pedagogically sound learning materials. The Teacher’s Role in the Blend. The Student’s Role in the Blend. Creating a supportive online community. Reviewing and self-correcting.

    учебное пособие (237,6 K)
  • Summarizing the results of the study of the experience of cooperation between teachers and students in the educational process of an educational institution. Disclosure of the theoretical and methodological foundations of blended learning technologies.

    статья (41,6 K)
  • Elaborating the scenario for organization of the students’ qualitative self-study, based on blended learning models: rotation, flex, self-blend and on-line driver models. The examples of their use. The most suitable concepts for full-time students.

    статья (292,7 K)
  • Понятие, признаки и характерные черты "обучающей технологии". Цель и планируемые результаты освоения программы повышения квалификации учителей "Медийная и информационная грамотность учителя" Пример практических заданий на учебной платформе moodle.

    статья (17,3 K)
  • Blind signature schemes as an important cryptographic primitive in protocols allowing to obtain a valid signature that guarantee the anonymity of the participants. Two new blind signature schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem are presented.

    статья (161,4 K)
  • The issue of many public key cryptosystems and application of embedded devices for this setup. Present an algorithm that also inherently thwarts differential side-channel attacks in finite abelian groups with only limited time and storage overhead.

    статья (112,9 K)
  • Block Code Elementary. Non-Systematic Encoder and systematic Encoder. Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem Code. Solving the key equation. Reed-Solomon Code (R-S). Convolutional Codes: general and polynomial definitions. Applications of EEC in Image Watermarking.

    контрольная работа (110,2 K)
  • Передумови розвитку Blockchain, принципи та специфіка функціонування системи. З'ясування потенційних переваг та виявлення проблем, які необхідно вирішити для ефективного використання Blockchain. Дослідження застосування Blockchain-технології в Україні.

    статья (77,7 K)
  • Details on the approach to remote learning Web 2.0 in graduate students of informatics at the Graz University of Technology. The influence of didactic concepts and technical implementations to increase training and teaching in educational institutions.

    статья (133,5 K)
  • Investigation of the Russian case of blood donation from the vector of corporality. Attitude to blood in relation to its belonging to body and its links to self. The motives to blood giving in Russia, especially, from the idea of blood perception.

    дипломная работа (141,1 K)
  • The main problems of blood flow through a narrow catheterized artery with an axially nonsymmetrical stenosis. The effects of hematocrit and the stenosis shape on increased impedance and other flow characteristics during the artery catheterization.

    статья (462,2 K)
  • Blood transfusion is the process of receiving blood products into one's circulation intravenously. Pre-transfusion procedures. A bag containing one unit of fresh frozen plasma. Compatibility testing. Neonatal transfusion. Massive transfusion protocol.

    реферат (32,6 K)
  • Analysis of the epidemiological situation on protozoal blood parasitic diseases of domestic animals in the Nakhchivan. Veterinary reporting, literature sources. The epizootic situation of protozoal blood diseases of animal in the Nakhchivan districts.

    статья (21,8 K)
  • The importance of physical education and sports for children with special needs and describes the personal experience of using bocce as a means of mental development of children and their active socialization. The results of the presented research.

    статья (18,5 K)
  • The features of anthropological and urban spatial symbolism in James Joyce’s "Ulysses". The symbolism of this modernist work as examin of using philosophical methods — hermeneutical and phenomenological. The text of novel as evaluated as "body centric".

    статья (18,6 K)
  • The next image of the harvest in the train known 20th century Ann Sexton, Silver Plate and Ed. Visibility of the main problems of women’s letters and nutrition, sexuality and their nature, typical rice of the other half of the twentieth century.

    статья (20,2 K)
  • Study vapor dynamics and growth of crystals in the solution of the two components chemically neutral - water and sucrose. The conditions under which crystals can be transformed into a solution. Conservation equations for interfacial interactions.

    статья (409,2 K)
  • Consideration of the laws dynamics and growth of vapor bubbles and crystals in the solution. Study of dynamic behavior of a three-phase, two-component medium in an axially symmetric channel. Analysis of the conditions necessary for the crystallization.

    статья (409,2 K)
  • Practical and social aspects of distance education, mechanisms of its effective organization, prospects and stages of implementation. Distance and blended learning experience of teachers of the Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk.

    статья (232,8 K)
  • The article is devoted to analyzing the essence and practical objectives of Academic language education and cultural understanding of research and academic world abroad, in English speaking countries in order to develop global awareness for PhD students.

    статья (25,7 K)
  • Analysis of the current state of innovation in Ukraine and key innovation factors. Recommendations for improving the business environment and innovation, which will be a key factor in the transition of the domestic economy to an innovation-based one.

    статья (226,8 K)
  • The depiction of territorial and metaphorical borders in the works of Laura Ingles Wilder. Classification of the border concept. Analysis of the figurative and associative cultural concept of the border, the role of verbalization of feelings and emotions.

    статья (27,2 K)
  • The derivative expansion of the QED effective action as a divergent but Borel summable asymptotic series, for a particular inhomogeneous background magnetic eld. A non-Borel-summable perturbative series for a time dependent background electric eld.

    статья (131,2 K)
  • Boris Godunov (about 1552-1605) was the Russian tsar since 1598; was the tsar Fedor Ivanovich's wife's brother and actually ruled the state instead of him. He strengthened the central authority banning on the nobility and supported peasants enslavement.

    биография (15,5 K)
  • Boris Godunov (about 1552 – 1605) was the Russian tsar since 1598; came to power in the time of “oprichnina”; was the tsar Fedor Ivanovich’s wife’s brother and actually ruled the state instead of him. Internal and Foreign Policy of Godunov’s Government.

    реферат (15,9 K)
  • Borland C++ Builder как выпущенное недавно компанией Borland средство быстрой разработки приложений, позволяющее создавать приложения на языке C++, используя при этом среду разработки и библиотеку компонентов Delphi. Среда разработки данного продукта.

    реферат (198,8 K)
  • Classification of borrowings according to the borrowed aspect, the degree of assimilation, the language from which they were borrowed. Borrowing of French, Italian, Spanish words. There are the following groups: phonetic, semantic, morphemic borrowings.

    реферат (16,3 K)
  • Borrowings as a way of replenishment of the vocabulary, сauses and сriteria, classification, grammatical and lexical assimilation. Historical Contacts between England and The world countries. Russian, French, German, Latin, Greek loan words in English.

    творческая работа (497,4 K)
  • The main problems of inter-language contacts in contemporary Polish linguistics. Uncovering of religious borrowings, existing in Polish, their lexical and semantic characteristics and lexical and semantic analysis of religious borrowings in Polish.

    статья (20,4 K)
  • Formation of the Ukrainian nation, nationally of the land of the country on the ear of the twentieth century. The development of the main strains of the spirits of B. Hrinchenko and D. Doroshenka in the cultural, political and journalistic spheres.

    статья (27,1 K)