The article explores the process and circumstances of understanding war as a political phenomenon in Soviet Russia 1917-1922, describes impact on practice and theory development. Identifies the causality between the attitudes of the Soviet leadership.
Analysis of the work of the classic of Chinese literature, Lu Xin - an outstanding writer, publicist and public figure of the beginning of the 20th century. Evaluation of the system of artistic images, socio-historical context, key stylistic innovations.
Some aspects of giftedness and creativity, the conditions of their formation and development, social approaches. Standards and subjective norms intellectually creative behavior. Social, cultural and historical factors of the development of talent.
Multidimensional data distributions with complex topologies and variable local dimensions. A new type of low-dimensional "principal object": a principal cubic complex. The method of topological grammars with the minimization of an elastic energy.
The problems of quantum gravity, the search for consistent schemes for the equations in quantum field theory. Perturbation theory and the Schwinger-DeWitt technique. A regular covariant method is for expanding the one-loop action in powers of curvatures.
Development of examples in support of philosophical positions, the value of a reference point for a "random stranger". Analysis of the use of examples in the controversy about the substantiation of evidence between reductionists and anti-reductivists.
The role and importance of globalization in the development of small and medium enterprises. Characteristics, specifics of the internationalization of small and medium enterprises. A description of the types of stereotyped models of internationalization.
Содержание понятия "системы бизнес-интеллекта", его родовидовые признаки и функциональные преимущества. Влияние соответствующе й системы на изменение маркетинговой политики с учетом актуальных данных, полученных из внутренних и внешних источников.
Translation analysis of the tragedy of W. Shakespeare's "King Lear" and its five Ukrainian-language translations made by Panteleimon Kulish, Panas Mirnyi, Maxim Rylsky, Vasyl Barka and A. Gryaznov. Isolation in the text-sources of biblical archetypes.
Consideration of the eschatological model of the post-apocalyptic world proposed by the creators of films of the post-apocalyptic genre. The division of the genre into apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic conditional, made on the basis of storylines.
Formation of students’ research competencies is an essential component of Master’s programs, which all realized in the process of carrying out actual research and scientific communication. Bibliometric analysis is a tool for studying research output.
The aim of this study is to highlight the aspect of bibliotherapy in helping children and young people affected by war. The study consists of an analysis of selected texts, extracted from fantasy literature, which are helpful in trauma overcoming.
Аналіз розвитку технологій Великих даних та можливість інновацій для бібліотек. Закордонні дослідження щодо реалізації проектів, заснованих на масивах великих статистичних даних. Впровадження Big data як додаткового завдання для бібліотечних працівників.
Theoretical and methodological research based on big data. Social consequences caused by inequality in access to data. Ethical issues arising from the collection and analysis of large data sets. Application of big data analytics in various research areas.
Розглянуто поняття Big Data як основний фактор переходу до персоніфікованого підходу в дослідженні поведінки споживачів. Доведено вигоду споживача від поширення технології Big Data. Виявлено ризики і проблеми, якими супроводжується використання Big Data.
Рассмотрение областей IT - Информационных технологий, как Big Data, Data Science (Наука о данных) и Machine Learning (Машинное обучение). Ознакомление с данными областями и сферами, уточняется их актуальность и применение в современных бизнес-процессах.
- 107. Bill Gates
Biography of Вill Gates is an American entrepreneur and philanthropist, one of the founders and the largest shareholder of Microsoft. His invention: the Basic programming language, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, Windows. His charitable work.
- 108. Bill Lynch
History of formation of Irish businessman Bill Lynch, - the winner of competition of the international business. Stages of development of the small South African auto dealer and his transformation the huge company having business on three continents.
Информационное моделирование сооружений (BIM) – процесс коллективного создания и использования информации о сооружении, формирующий основу для всех решений на протяжении жизненного цикла объекта (от планирования до проектирования, эксплуатации и сноса).
BIM и государственное регулирование в РФ. Поэтапное внедрение технологий информационного моделирования в строительстве. Стандартизация в BIM. Устранение проблем и ошибок на этапе проектирования. Проблемы внедрения BIM-технологий в отечественных реалиях.
Рассмотрение особенностей информационного моделирования здания. Основные преимущества ВIM проектирования. Автоматизированная проверка модели на соответствие строительным нормам и правилам, правильности применения расценок и подсчетов объемов работ.
The methods of binary concepts analysis in modern linguistics. Combinatorial properties, synonymous series of lexemes "happiness", "unhappiness" as a means of expressing the analysed concepts. Conceptual characteristics of the binary concepts "happiness".
Consideration of new forms of binary representations of Boolean functions. Analysis of single algebraic and non-inverting classic models of the Reed-Muller. Using technology "EDM - Extended Data Mining". Characteristics of main data mining algorithms.
Characteristics of the main binary oppositions related to universal archetypal oppositions. Features, the essence of shared and individually-author's peculiarities of the implementation of universal binary oppositions in Desna substantive bnamh.
The etymological, morphological, syntactic, cognitive and structural characteristics of Latin terminological units with the basic seme "Erythema". Verbal codification of selected terminological phrases in modern medical encyclopedic dictionaries.
Research of syntactic constructions in modern English. Consideration of the concept of binary phrases and their hierarchical relations between components of sentence structures. Analysis of semantic load of proper nouns, verbs and substantive phrases.
Development of Ukrainian lawmaking in the field of health care. Legal aspects of activities related to human biological material. Definition of the concept of biobanking as an economic activity. Protection of intellectual property rights to medical data.
Investigation of biochemical and cytomorphological changes in the oral mucosa of rats when deprived of plant food. Study of the effect of long-term deficiency of plant polyphenols in the diet of experimental animals on the state of the oral mucosa.
- 119. Biodiversity
Value and elements biodiversity. Extremes of high and low diversity. Populations, individuals and genetic diversity. The scale of the human enterprise. General measures for conservation and sustainable use. Sustainable use of components of diversity.
Gastropoda is a class in coastal waters in Central Vietnam. The interaction between microorganisms and Gastropoda mainly consists of symbiotic and parasitic relationships. Biodiversity of microbial communities on some species of Gastropoda is evaluated.