The methods used in the subsequent proofs. The usefulness of the side-by-side multiplication. Proving geometric inequalities where is the area, an arbitrary triangle ABC and what follows: sides, semi-perimeter, medians, angle-bisectors, altitudes.
The interpretations of aesthetic ideas in the whole collection of fairy-tales "A House of Pomegranates" by O. Wilde. Study of the moral issues in the short story "The Young King" and the artistic value, embedded in the vicissitudes of the characters.
- 63. Before Christmas
Christmas Day how a merry family holiday for all the people of Great Britain. The main tradition and organization of celebration. Christmas trees in houses, in the streets and churches. Turkey with cranberry sauce and plum pudding - a typical lunch.
Identification of patterns and behavioral factors in the investment decision-making process. Identification of the main causes of irrational behavior of investors, analysis of the impact on its of the crisis phenomena, economic and political instability.
Advantages of young parents. The reasons that young couples have children sooner. The large gap between children and parents. Common interests, active sports, music, games. Solution of the problems of children in communicating with the opposite sex.
Research and characterization of the capabilities of the transhuman, as his attitude accordingly. Analysis of the influence of Nietzsche on the growth of transhumanism and posthumanism. Study and analysis of the overman as a creator of new values.
The views of Italian thinkers on food and its role in culture and religion from primitive beliefs to Judaism and Christianity. Food rituals and traditions; their essence, symbolic and religious significance, impact on social and cultural development.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by T. Kuhn like one of the most influential book of XX century and landmark event in the history, philosophy, and sociology of scientific knowledge. Analysis of central idea of a "paradigm shift" in the sciences.
Изучение деятельности Дж. Верди и Р. Вагнера. Женские персонажи и типология певческих голосов. Сохранение вокально-педагогических традиций классического bel canto в условиях эстетики музыкальной драмы. Исследование развития итальянской вокальной школы.
От Россини до Мейербера: принципы классического bel canto в опере первой половины XIX века. Женские персонажи и типология певческих голосов. Вокально-исполнительская практика и теория сольного пения эпохи романтизма. Описание процесса постановки голоса.
Bialowieza forest is a large primeval lowland forest. The state national Park, which is located in the Republic of Belarus, is a single natural complex of the Bialowieza National Park in Poland. Ecological-economic and scientific-research institution.
- 72. Below The Line
История появления терминов Above The Line и Below The Line на российском рекламном рынке. Характеристика основных составляющих BTL: паблик рилейшнз, прямой маркетинг, личные продажи, выставки, упаковка. Понятие стимулирование сбыта, его основные задачи.
The views on the definition of the concept of sustainable development in the enterprise management system. The possibilities of using benchmarking in the formation of benchmarks for the development of an enterprise in predicting the financial condition.
Active use of the latest information and communication technologies, as well as the World Wide Web. The problem of expediency of introducing pedagogical innovations, in particular a detailed analysis of educational applicants in the online format.
The latter offers numerous benefits for students'soft skills improvement. It requires to actively participate in the education process, promoting engagement with the material to be gained. Interactive learning often involves problem-solving activities.
- 76. Benelux
Benelux is а political, economic and customs Union of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The history of its formation and development, current trends and prospects of further expansion. Rights and obligations of members. Signing the contract.
- 77. Benetton в ситуации кризиса, падения производства, сокращения рабочих мест. Сохранение основной идеи
Описание компании "Benneton", ее основных характеристик и свойств. SWOT-анализ, определение сильных и слабых сторон товара, возможностей и угроз. Выбор стратегии позиционирования товара. Расчет бюджета рекламной кампании, оценка ее эффективности.
Исследуется группа французских прецедентных онимов со значением "катастрофическая неудача" и ставится вопрос о феномене слова Berezina - более частом, в сравнении с другими членами синонимического ряда, использовании его в разных областях культуры.
The individual self and freedom. Identity of nature. Bergson's point of view so eloquently set forth is not a system but a philosophical vision. Mechanism regards "the future and the past as calculable function of the present", and claims that is given.
An interpretation od Bergson's doctrine, which resolves the contradiction and can briefly put in such ways: intuition is intellectual process, which puts us in direct touch with reality and on the other hand, gives us knowledge through concepts.
Determination of the Employee Profit Contribution. Projection to the Employee Cash Flow. Possible application and interpretation of the results. Hierarchy of indices of the potential perspective "employees". Berliner Balanced scorecard Approach.
"Mathematical Logic as based on the Theory of Types" - the greatest and most original of Russell's works. Contributions which Russell made to the philosophy of physics. Causality as a matter of regular sequence. Logic as "the essence of philosophy".
- 83. Beryllium
There are history, etymology, characteristics, production, applications, toxicity (inhalation, ingestion, dermatological effects, effects on children, detection in the body, industrial release and occupational exposure limits) in Summary about beryllium.
Physical-chemical characteristics and isotopes of beryllium. Productions and commercial use of beryllium, his applications (radiation, mechanical, magnetic, electronic). Toxicity, chronic disease, industrial release and occupational exposure limits.
This article describes how students through metacognitive monitoring can acquire new habits of thoughts and qualities of mind which will enable them to learners. Teacher perceptions of critical thinking among students, its influence on higher education.
Analysis of the financial reasons for the genesis of the lottery business and the development of the betting business. Comparison of the experience and practice of the leading European lottery business markets with the conditions prevailing in Bulgaria.
Relation between entrepreneurship, lifestyle and consumption. Vegan business in Saint-Petersburg. Veganism - a philosophy and way of living. Procedures of grounded theory: open and axial coding. Representation of Saint-Petersburg vegan business in media.
- 88. Between me, my younger self and the whole world: letters to one's younger self as epistolary genre
Consideration of letters to a young self posted on the Internet as an epistolary genre with characteristic linguistic and pragmatic features. The autobiographical component of the letters, an exploration of the possibility of observing the process.
- 89. Between me, my younger self and the whole world: letters to one's younger self as epistolary genre
Letters to yourself young, posted on the Internet, as an epistolary genre with characteristic linguistic and pragmatic features. Assessment of the author's identity at different times. Expressing the mentor's position using special linguistic means.
Opening of maintenance of metaphysical doctrine is in interpretation of modern philosophy. Description of properties of veritable metaphysical objects and phenomena. Research of conceptions of metaphysical true and properties of metaphysical motion.