История формирования Евросоюза и его отношений с Китаем, роль Великобритании в них. Сотрудничество КНР со странами Европы на современном этапе. Возникновение Brexit и переговоры о выходе из ЕС. Реакция Китая на выход Великобритании из Европейского союза.
Виявлена досвідним шляхом закономірність причинно-наслідкових зв’язків. Теоретичне осмислення причин та наслідків Brexit. Надання додаткового імпульсу європейським політикам замислитися над майбутнім спільного політичного та соціоекономічного простору.
Європейський Союз це економічний і політичний союз 28 європейських країн. Референдум щодо виходу країни з союзу. Наслідки виходу Великобританії з Європейського Союзу. Фінансовий крах, безробіття, знецінення майна. Референдум у Північній Ірландії.
Рассмотрение причин и последствий выхода Соединенного Королевства из Евросоюза. Изучение особенностей британо-европейского взаимодействия. Анализ последствий референдума для Евросоюза и Великобритании. Оценка возможных вариантов отношений после Brexit.
Безперешкодне переміщення товарів і капіталу як умова глобалізації. Огляд сценаріїв, що стосуються умов переміщення товарів через митний кордон, у разі прийняття остаточного рішення щодо виходу Великобританії зі складу митного союзу Європейського Союзу.
Анализируется прошедший в Великобритании референдум о членстве страны в Европейском Союзе. Дается анализ предпосылок, приведших к референдуму, контекста, в котором он происходил, аргументы как сторонников, так и противников членства страны в ЕС.
The role of BRIC countries in international relations. Predicting the likelihood of us troops intervening in the event of an escalation of the conflict. China's perception of the Russian-Georgian war as a dividing line in international relations.
Analysis of the Fortal Declaration and the environment of global financial and credit institutions, including the BRICS of the New Development Bank. Aspects of overcoming the economic imbalances and risks of the BRICS countries in decision-making.
A study of the current alarming policy of Turkish President R. T. Erdogan and his associates towards Greece and the Republic of Cyprus. Features of the process of making foreign policy decisions by the political regime of President R. T. Erdogan.
Observing the global trend towards integrating mobile devices into the school environment through Bring Your Own Device technology. Students' use of BYOD technology to improve the learning process. Expanding learning opportunities outside of school.
Consideration of problems of training and educationsuccessful member of society means encouraging students toactive social life. The idea of informing parents about the ways to make students successful is really worth using. Value assessment in learning.
This paper aims to build a bridge between a personal teaching philosophy statement and Translation Studies as an academic interdiscipline that forms the translator's professional mindset and reflects the change in the translator's role in the world.
Description of the status and collections of the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, which include: geology, oriental art and the history of Bristol, including English software, sections on natural science, as well as national and international archeology.
History of TV. TV: is it a good thing or not. Television in Britain. Television in Russia. Newspapers the British Press. Development of Radio Technology. Interesting Fact about Britain Radio. About Radio in Russia. Media education is a quest for meaning.
The origins of music in Britain, folk songs and dance music. The emergence and spread of British pop culture - popular music, commercially produced in the country in the mid-1950s as a softer alternative to rock'n'roll and, later, commercial rock music.
The problem of defining British and American English. Some peculiarities in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Differences in the organization of education and grammatical words. Features pronunciation of English communication in America and Britain.
History and main directions of journalism British Broadcasting Corporation. The history of the formation and television broadcasting and role in these processes BBC. Free-to-air BBC Channels. The activity of international BBC television channels.
- 198. British cuisine
Learning of practice and traditions of cooking in the United Kingdom. Analysis of the influence of the cuisine of Indian culinary tradition in the UK. Features description of British kitchen stigma – a hearty breakfast and traditional Christmas lunch.
- 199. British cuisine
Definition of British cuisine as a specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. Description and history of the formation of British food as unpretentious dishes made from local ingredients with simple sauces.
The British have many traditions, manners and customs of which they can be proud. The features of historical, modern, state, family and royal traditions. National and religious holidays, public festivals, traditional ceremonies, national kitchen.
- 201. British dialects
General notions of british dialects. The classification of british dialects according to their location. Midlands english: east and west midlands, east Anglia. Southern, scottish english, wenglish, hiberno-english. Divergences from rules of pronunciation.
- 202. British Heritage
The famous places of World Heritage Cities in Britain: Canterbury Cathedral of the Anglican community, Oxford modern university center, Stratford-upon-Avon literary and cultural center, Durham Castle and museums, Stonehenge monument, Loch Ness area.
- 203. British monarchy
Familiarity with the history of the British monarchy. The Royal Prerogatives as action of the Government that gets its legitimacy from the crown. Consideration of peculiarities constitutional role of the Queen, general characteristics of its tasks.
- 204. British Parliament
The three elements in British Parliament: the Queen, the House of Lords and the elected House of Commons, their function and roles. The effectiveness of Political Party System. The structure of Her Majesty's Government: Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
Полномочия Парламента, его функции. Монарх как глава государства. Состав Палаты общин и лордов. Британская Конституция, ее основные отличия от конституций других стран. Содружество Британской империи и Великобритании. Система Политической партии.
- 206. British tradition
Traditionally the English have 4 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner (description). An Englishman’s home is his castle. The English like their Queen. The red color is very important and popular in England. The English national sport is cricket.
Short biography and beginning of a career of Britney Spears. A leading role on "Shou Mickey Mouse". Conclusion of the contract with the largest recording studio. First albums and the most popular singles of the singer. "Child once again", platinum awards.
Communication constructive proactive coping strategies with the characteristics of self-development. The relationship of someinvaliduser as non-constructive proactive coping strategies with the conditions and general characteristics of self-development.
The analysis of the completion of the brothers Ivan, Mikola and Petro Sokolsky will fit in on the sidelines of the Odessa ministry. The essence of the colossal collective offspring of the motherland in the enormous and cultural development of the city.
- 210. Brute force
Consideration of the state of US policy in the area of private and public encryption of data. An analysis of the legality of the use by the state of private information about their citizens fininsah. The study of features the standard encryption.