Presenting of results of the Kyoto global consensus meeting, which was convened to develop global consensus on classification of chronic gastritis and duodenitis, clinical distinction of dyspepsia caused by Helicobacter pylori from functional dyspepsia.
Аналіз інформативності визначення рівня L-аргініну та сполук оксиду азоту в якості додаткового тесту оцінки ефективності терапії інтерфероногенами хворих на гострий гепатит. Виявлення змін рівня L-аргініну у крові, залежно від етіології гепатиту.
LASIK (акроним Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis — "лазерный кератомилёз") – современный вид коррекции зрения при помощи эксимерного лазера. Тонкий срез роговицы, изменения её формы в ходе процедуры. Эффективная коррекция аномалий рефракции.
Determiation of the leptin level in blood serum of obese women during the third trimester of pregnancy as compared to healthy pregnant women. Сorrelating the leptin content in in blood serum of obese pregnant women with the severity of their disease.
Osteochondrosis as a degenerative-destructive spinal cord injury, systemic lesion of vertebrae, ligamentous apparatus, intervertebral discs. Analysis of quality of life, anxiety and the presence of depressive disorders in patients with osteochondrosis
- 276. Lobular Pneumonia
Characteristics of the inflammatory condition of the lungs, affecting mainly microscopic air sacs, known as alveoli. Determination of signs and symptoms of pneumonia. Assessment of possible risk factors. Study of the main ways of treating the disease.
Successful management of pain emergencies is a strong component of clinical excellence. The major and main mechanisms of local anesthetic failure and focuses on available evidence for developing effective and efficient approaches in local anesthesia.
Histological studies of inflammation of fibrous connective tissue. The surgical removal of a painful process. Drug encapsulation technique in the root canal periapical region of the left central incisor tooth. Analysis of representation of the case.
- 279. Louis Pasteur
Scientific achievements of the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Identifying the causes of childhood diseases and infant mortality, the use of vaccination. The acquisition of a degree in the physical sciences in the Higher Normal School.
- 280. Lung Abscess
Lung abscess is necrosis of the pulmonary tissue and formation of cavities (more than 2 cm) containing necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection. Organisms. Causes. Signs and symptoms. Diagnosis and Management. Complications. Prognosis.
Характеристика особенностей когнитивных нарушений, которые наблюдаются при нейродегенеративных заболеваниях. Характеристика водорастворимого Lynxl как препарата, потенциально способного улучшать когнитивные процессы при нейродегенеративных заболеваниях.
Periapical lesions - an expression of the reaction of the organism, which actively prevents the spread of bacteria from the infected root canal in the surrounding tissue. Qualitative and quantitative cell research. The composition of periapical granuloma.
A study of the results of epidemiological surveillance as of October 2012 on the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis, documented in the countries of Brazil, China, S. India and South Africa. Analysis of the main methods of combating the disease.
To define and characterize the accessibility and organization of health promotion in recreational activities for persons with physical disabilities. To discuss the leisure needs and possibilities of satisfaction of persons with mobility impairments.
Dens evaginatus as an odontogenic anomaly characterized by an enamel covered tubercle. A typical example of a maxillary premolar. Main observed values in the treatment groups. Adoption of the selective enamoplasty-preventive resin restorative method.
Evaluation of options for clinical scenarios for the treatment of patients with persistent symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Non-invasive treatments, selection of H2 receptor antagonists for the treatment of elevated EAE, behavioral therapy.
Characteristics of the basic principles of clinical practice in the reproduction of horses. Introduction to the theory of reproductive management of horses, including management of stallions, mares and newborn foals. Management principles mares.
The comparative analysis of protocols of medical care for patients with brain injuries. The ability of Ukrainian producers to provide the necessary level of visualization of medical care in the treatment of traumatic brain injury in military men.
This report describes the clinical, laboratory, and epidemiological findings on 27 cases of Mayaro virus (MV) disease, an emerging mosquito-borne viral illness that is endemic in rural areas of tropical South America. Description of symptoms.
Delineation of the aspects of what medical care as the art of medicine can and should achieve. Justification of the need for reform in medicine, based not on its scientific and technical dimension, but on the understanding of medicine as an art.
- 291. Melazma
Melazma is an disorder of macular hyperpigmentation limited to face. Affecting to the female gender. The disease is asymptomatic, a source of cosmetic misiance, psychological stress for the patients. The main factors are hereditary and ultraviolet rays.
Symptoms of meningitis. Clinical signs of meningeal irritation tissues. Increased intracranial pressure. Methods of its medical treatment. Description of possible complications. The mechanism of resistance to the pneumococcus. Infection control measures.
The methodology for assessing the risks of professional burnout was used to justify the role of psychophysiological indicators in determining pre-pathological conditions in workers of certain professions. Risks of developing burnout by frequency.
The therapeutic dosage forms based on standardized biologically active substances of bee products. Prevention and treatment of ulcer diseases of the gastroduodenal area. The share of capsules at the pharmaceutical market compared to other dosage form.
Examination of patients with liver cirrhosis with manifestations of hepatic encephalopathy. Clinical manifestations of the disease in patients for correction of microbiocenosis of intestines in addition to the prebiotic was administered probiotics.
Analyze of methods that may be used in speech therapy for children to stimulate the development of speech or to improve the situation of children with speech disorders. Opportunity of patients, for whom traditional speech therapy proved to be failed.
Analysis of several methods that can be used in speech therapy for children to stimulate the development of speech or to improve the situation of children with speech disorders. Identification of the reasons for the failure of traditional speech therapy.
- 298. Micro-Hip – an advanced technique for minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty for clinical routine
Analysis of several operative techniques for minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty. Research of a technique for the operation procedure, which enables to reach the joint without cutting any muscle. Radiographic evaluation of treatment outcome.
Justification of the conclusion that for asymptomatic bacteriospermia potentially pathogenic microorganisms which adhere to the sperm cells, can reduce the fertile properties of ejaculate. Optimal diagnosis and medical treatment of male infertility.
Extraradicular Flora of Refractory Apical Periodontitis. Sampling of Periapical Lesions. Periapical Samples with Sulfur Granules. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The diagnosis of asymptomatic apical periodontitis, treatment, and prevention.