The study of the correlation of metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Steatal changes in the liver, which can act as an initiating component of the metabolic syndrome. Communication NAFTLD with hyperlipidemia noted by many researchers.
Frequency, anatomy, classification, diagnosis, and the most effective open methods of inguinal hernia’s operative therapy in adult patients. The recommendations of the Ukrainian association of surgeonsherniologists and the European European Hernia Society
The treatment of congenital hip dislocation in older children and adolescents as a problem of orthopedics, caused by a variability of anatomical changes and the degree of dislocation. Prospects for extra-articular operations on the pelvic and femur.
The system of health fitness has been operating only for 20 years in Ukraine. Our state adopts the cult of a healthy lifestyle, which is why a huge number of fitness clubs have appeared. Organizational aspects of the health fitness system of Ukraine.
Formation and growth of recurrent polyps, consisting mainly of edematous tissue infiltrated by eosinophils. Chronic disease of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Preconditions for the widespread use of laser therapy in the treatment of ENT diseases.
Распространенность и факторы риска функциональной диспепсии, синдром раздраженного кишечника. Характеристика факторов риска overlap-синдрома. Качество жизни при изолированных и сочетанных функциональных нарушениях. Терапия функциональных нарушений.
Молекулярная форма болезни Паркинсона — PARK8. Специфическое взаимодействие генетических и средовых факторов, определяющих особенности клеточной детоксикации и антиоксидантной защиты. Процессинг ряда нейрональных белков, интенсивность дофаминового обмена.
Analysis of foreign experience and medical reform in Ukraine regarding the issue of moral and legal principles of the patient-oriented model. Domestic understanding of the moral content of the category "patient-centered". Medical service method.
Рассмотрение особенностей проведения ранней диагностики рака предстательной железы. Определение уровня сывороточного простатспецифического антигена. Выполнение пункционной биопсии предстательной железы. Анализ гипердиагностики и избыточного лечения.
The state of free radical oxidation of lipids. The peculiarities of changes in the processes of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense in the lungs under conditions of the development of experimental bronchial asthma, experimental gastric ulcer.
Indicators of incidence of malignant tumours of the female population in Russia. Number of patients in oncology dispensaries. The problem of detection of oncopathology. The level of mortality from the pathology of the organs of the reproductive system.
Review the model of osteoarthritis in the rat line Wistar. Effect of the one-time injection of CH3COOI acid on the knee joint. Physiological, histological, cytological and radiological methods for diagnosing changes of the bones of the skeleton in human.
Mesenchymal stem cells are one of the most promising new treatments for human diseases. Morphometric study of microscopic parameters of the area in the fracture area in rats when using mesenchymal stem cells, the source of which was Warton's jelly.
Characteristic and research features of the liver which is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm. Identification and analysis of the difference in child liver. Familiarization with the basic functions of liver.
Investigation of the influence of mitoKATP activation by uridine on external respiratory function under experimental pneumonia. Сharacteristics of functional state of external respiration system. Parameters of the pattern of respiration and gas exchange.
The clinicopathological features of a series of four periapically located central giant cell granulomas that were misdiagnosed and treated as being of endodontic origin. Root canal treatment. Histological examination with a diagnosis of radicular cyst.
- 347. Periodontal destruction and tooth loss following pulp devitalization with Toxavit: report of a case
The sequelae of vital pulp devitalization with the paraformaldehyde-containing agent Toxavit. Marginal leakage of the temporary filling, iatrogenic perforation of the pulp chamber floor resulted in diffusion of the agent. Endodontic emergency treatment.
The role of the microcirculation in cardiovascular system. Component parts of the cardiovascular module. Transcapillary exchange is the primary function of blood. Factors contributing to the movement of blood through the veins. Types of blood circulation.
- 349. Pestl-аналіз сучасного стану державного управління паліативною та хоспісною допомогою в Україні
Дослідження проблеми організації надання паліативної та хоспісної допомоги в державі. Оцінка недоліків механізмів державного управління цією системою. Реалізація інкурабельними пацієнтами конституційно гарантованого їм права на медичну допомогу.
Вопрос о возможности применения pH-метрии пищевода в диагностике больных с рефлюкс-эзофагитом, осложнённым гастрокардиальным синдромом. pH-метрия пищевода как информативный метод в диагностике, оценке эффективности проведения консервативного лечения.
To evaluate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of YH1885, a novel proton pump inhibitor, a single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-rising, parallel-group study was conducted in forty six healthy volunteers. Dose study.
Monitored the most common physical activity performed by older adults, weekly frequency of the chosen physical activity, together with the prevalence of diseases of affluence. Consideration and characterization of medical conditions of older adults.
- 353. Physician Avicenna
Description of life and activities of the outstanding physician of his time Avicenna. An analysis of his works on medicine, the formation of philosophical views. Metaphysical doctrines and their importance in the scientific activity of the scientist.
Promotion in the pharmaceutical industry. The Role of Third-party payment. Choice and Proposed Models of Physician Behavior, Prior Research. The Benchmark: Nave Choice Model. Discussion and Implications, Conclusion for Future Research (Larry & Steve).
Characterization of hypothermia or cold therapy as topical or systemic application of cold for therapeutic purposes. Analysis of the use of topical application of cold to control the inflammatory process: pain and swelling, bruising, reduce trismus.
The female reproductive system. Ovaries, yellow body of the uterus or fallopian tubes. Anatomy and histology of the uterus. Endometrial, vaginal and mammary glands. The development of female sex hormones, phase of reproductive and menstrual cycles.
Feature research of paracrine secretion of РВМС cells in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) under the action of isolated from the blood plasma of healthy donors exosomes in vitro. The high novelty of research in this area, relevant the investigate.
The content of PNA+ receptors on the plasma membrane of intraepithelial lymphocytes and stromal lymphocytes of major salivary glands in newborn animals after intrauterine antigen action. A lower content of SBA+ lymphocytes in the experimental group.
- 359. Pneumonia in infants
Developing the extremely dangerous and a serious infectious illness in young children. The conditions of treatment in hospital in case of pneumonia. The functional diagnostics of disease in infants. The treatment of bacterial and viral pneumonia.
The analyze of the effectiveness of Polioksidony in the treatment of patients with chronic staphylococcus’s pharyngitis on background. It was found that the inclusion in the treatment of patients Polioksidony normalizes biotsinoz oropharyngeal secretions.