- 211. Graves disease
Determination of the main causes of Graves' disease. Study of the main symptoms and causes of disease problems of diagnosis of Graves' disease. Use artytyreoyidnoyi medicine, radioactive iodine and surgical methods in the treatment of Graves' disease.
Bradykinin receptor 2 as an attractive therapeutic agent for glioma patients. A high antiproliferative activity in the human glioblastoma cells U373. Effect of nonapeptide bradykinin antagonists on U373. BKM-570 as a potential anti-cancer agent.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is arguably the most common disease encountered by the gastroenterologist. The following guideline will provide an overview of gastroesophageal reflux, and recommendations for the approach to diagnosis and management.
Justification of the Covid-19 pandemic as a global problem of all mankind, the relationship of health care with other global problems. Analysis of the possibility of self-organization of social and economic life in the context of the coronavirus.
Features of the health care system in the United States. General characteristics of the structure of the health system, familiarity with the features. Analysis of public health programs and financing system. Analysis of major government programs.
- 216. Health care technologies in creating optimal working conditions in higher education institutions
Study of clinical and instrumental aspects of neck-shoulder syndrome for the development of a preventive program and rehabilitation tactics. Manifestation of reflex syndromes of cervical osteochondrosis. Drugs that reduce irritative-paroxysmal phenomena.
Reviewed epidemiological, environmental state of the population. Analyzed data on provide of food and water, the level of diseases. Recommendations for vaccination, holding chemoprophylaxis of malaria, and rules of conduct, that reduce the risk to health.
Role of diseases of the circulatory system in the structure of diseases and rank significance, overall mortality in war veterans. Limitation of their communicative functions due to natural involutionary processes – the hearing loss and vision loss.
- 219. Healthy lifestyle
Consideration of the negative impact of stress on the human body. Basic rules of taking care of their physical and mental health. The importance of exercise, healthy diet, lack of bad habits, avoiding anxiety routine. The need to protect the environment.
Підхід до хірургічного лікування пацієнтів з виразковою хворобою шлунка і ДПК з огляду на присутність і тривалу персистенцію інфекції Нр в шлунку і можливість виникнення та прогресування дисрегенераторних змін в слизовій оболонці шлунка у хворих.
Связь течения H. Pylori-негативной язвенной болезни с более высокой кумулятивной частотой рецидивов и осложнений, длительными сроками рубцевания язв, рефрактерностью к проводимой терапии. Факторы риска, идентифицированные для H. pylori-негативной язвы.
- 222. HELLP-синдром
HELLP-синдром как редкое осложнение в акушерстве, возникающее, в III триместре беременности, на сроке 35 или более недель. Содержание тромбоцитов в крови. Генетические дефекты ферментов печени. Основные этапы развития синдрома при тяжёлой форме гестоза.
Классификация HELLP-синдрома на основании лабораторных признаков. Аутоиммунное повреждение эндотелия, гиповолемия со сгущением крови и образование микротромбов с последующим фибринолизом как этапы развития HELLP-синдрома при тяжёлой форме гестоза.
Гемолиз, повышение уровня печеночных ферментов, уменьшение количества тромбоцитов. Осложнение гестоза и угроза жизни матери и плода. Перинатальная смертность при Hellp-синдроме. Возможные причины развития заболевания. Изменения в системе гемостаза.
Synthesis of hexafluorosilicates was performed by the ion exchange reaction between methanol solutions of the corresponding hydrochloride. Determination of nitrogen content which according to Kjeldahl and silicon content by the photocolorimetric method.
Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ). Потенциал пьезоэлектрических материалов как источников ультразвука. Проведение радикальной простатэктомии. Результаты фокального лечения РПЖ с использованием HIFU. Эффективность HIFU в качестве первичной терапии при РПЖ.
Effect of extract of goutweed ordinary, tinctures goutweed ordinary and the infusion collection "Arfazetin" on the histological structure of kidneys and liver of mice with alloxan diabetes. Principle of action of drugs and effects of treatment of mice.
Частота гена DRB1, гаплотипа DRB1-DQA-DQB1 в популяционных группах России. Характеристика HLA DRB1 маркеров чувствительности, устойчивости к развитию заболевания сахарным диабетом. Аутоиммунные заболевания как возможный механизм действия отбора на HLA II.
Clinical criteria and additional technical examinations used in patient selection for antireflux surgery are lacking. Recommendations in selection of patients for antireflux surgery. Grading of recommendations assessment, development, evaluation system.
- 230. How to take the case
Analysis how to speak with a patient to make the patient feel free. Methods of physical diagnosis of patients. How to make a correct diagnosis and administer a proper treatment. The final stage of diagnostics – analysis of the anamnesis of a disease.
- 231. Hygienic requirements for the planning and organization of the internal environment of the hospital
Hospital hygiene is developing standards and requirements for placing, planning and sanitary-technical support of medical institutions. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, construction, re-profiling of health facilities buildings.
Evaluation of the clinical characteristics of patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hypertriglycerides. Complications of acute pancreatitis associated with hypertriglycerides. The need for constant laboratory monitoring in acute pancreatitis.
- 233. Hypertriglyceride-associated acute pancreatitis: clinical characteristics and treatment results
Evaluation of clinical characteristics of patients with hypertriglyceride-associated acute pancreatitis. Assessment of comorbidity index, body mass index, alcohol history, relapses and severity of the disease in patients with acute pancreatitis.
- 234. Identification of Resected Root-end Dentinal Cracks: A Comparative Study of Visual Magnification
Evaluation and comparing the effectiveness of visual enhancements as aids in identifying artificially created dentinal cracks in resected root ends. Clinician’s ability to diagnose fractures in the dentin of resected roots. Gates Glidden drills.
The reasons why immunoadsorption (IA) might be used at the place of plasmapheresis. The prerequisites needed to implement immunoadsorption. The four phases in the IA technique. The management of hemodialysis procedures and IA circuits simultaneously.
The impact of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on medical service utilization in rural China using an econometric accounting for selection and cen-soring problems in data. The results show the increases the number of outpatient visits per capita.
The use of biofeedback in arterial hypertension subjects allowed to achieve better control of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The positive dynamics of the integral BQI values has indicated a training effect of regulation systems.
The cumulative survival rate of 190 endodontically treated posterior teeth be assessed in a retrospective study. Survival rate - retention of both cusps. Number of endodontically treated and survival rate of the resin-restored teeth. Fracture pattern.
Methods for the detection of gastroesophageal reflux and association of symptoms in children. Commercial pH registration systems. Interpretation by experts of the multichannel intraluminal impedance of the esophagus. Antireflux therapy with inhibitors.
Study of TCDG as one of the leading innovative methods for diagnosing diseases of the central nervous system. Influence of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography on cerebral vessels in the course of physical rehabilitation using the Bobath therapy method.