Analysis of the bronchial hyperreactivity indicators in 60 children suffering from asthma with exercise induced bronchoconstriction and without exercise induced bronchospasm. A phenotype of childhood asthma with exercise induced bronchoconstriction.
Examination serous ovarian cancer which characterized by the most aggressive clinical course with frequent relapses in the area of small pelvis and abdomial cavity. Research and analysis of the clinical and morphological factors of ovarian cancer.
Patients with definite Staphylococcus aureus infective endocarditis (IE) by the Duke criteria. The presumed source of infection was an intravascular device. Visualization of vegetations by provide prognostic information for patients with S. aureus IE.
Dynamics of Bcl-2- dependent anti-apoptotic activity in the hippocampal fields of rats with diabetes mellitus, global ischemia-reperfusion of the brain. Main role in pathogenesis of ischemic-reperfusion brain injuries and diabetic encephalopathy.
Study the effect of EMAP II, IFN- 2b and its medicinal preparations on the amount of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) protein in human cells in vitro. The effect of medicinal preparations. Changes in the methyltransferase gene expression.
Thyroid disorders - the most widespread endocrine pathologies, which influencing multiple organs, testes among others. Characteristic of the impact of maternal hypothyroidism on postnatal development of male reproductive system including its glycom.
Determination of abdominal perfusion pressure and its dynamics allows to predict the development of multiple organ failure and adjust therapeutic tactics timely. The impact of postoperative analgesia on the dynamics of intra-abdominal, abdominal pressure.
The initiation basidiomes formation of 29 macromycetes on different substrates in pure culture was studied. If mushrooms did not formed basidiomes on this substrate, they fastest it overgrown or developed primordia or sclerotium-shaped structures.
The ways of e-Health implementation into public healthcare management and introduction of services of the Electronic Health Care System in Ukraine. Development of innovative targets availability to medical services and better access to data for patients.
The state of functioning of the innovation ecosystem in the conditions of a pandemic. The experience of reorganization of highly efficient innovation ecosystems during the crisis, which contributed to the achievement of optimal conditions for functioning.
Results of the research work on development of intelligent millimeter-wave system for medical diagnostics.Control subsystem operates managing over scanning and measuring process by control and test signals for measurer switching, start and stop scanning.
Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the intensity of immunity to measles, tetanus and diphtheria. The study of antitoxic immunity by determining the titers of IgG / IgM antibodies to diphtheria and tetanus toxins, as well as to measles antigens.
- 253. Intentional replantation of a mandibular second molar with long-term follow-up: report of a case
Learning about mandibular molar that underwent non-surgical endodontic treatment and intentional replantation in an effort to relieve continued symptoms. A clinical examination revealed the patient to be asymptomatic, the tooth to be still functional.
Crown-root fractures difficult to trea have a bad prognosis. Replantation with tooth rotation consist of extraction, rotation and replantation, thus restoring the biological space. Features treating inflammatory resorption with calcium hydroxide.
Replacement resorption may be a significant complication after replantation ofavulsed permanent incisor teeth. Explaining the aetiology, diagnosis, management and current treatment options in ankylosis and then describes an alternative surgical technique.
The molecular nature of the new multiple forms Tks4. The formation of intracellular protein complexes. Methods of coupling affinity purification of interacting partners of cell lysates in combination with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.
To detect reactive and personal anxiety, the study used a special Spielberg- Khanin scale of reactive and personal anxiety, based on which patients with chronic circulatory failure who had a high level of anxiety (more than 46 points) were identified.
Elucidating the interrelation between fibrosis, angiogenesis and ductular reaction in chronic steatohepatitis and hepatitis C viral infection at the stage of cirrhotic transformation. Role of ductular reaction at the stage of cirrhotic transformation.
Intraspecific spontaneous mutation of the chromosomes of rodents. Common in various regions of azerbaijan, the influence of gamma radiation doses on chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow of rats. Intrapopulational spontaneous chromosomal mutations.
Potential predisposing factors. Clinical, radiologic and histopathologic features. Histologic appearance of an incisor tooth with invasive resorption. Non-surgical treatment. Invasive cervical resorption. Clinical features of invasive cervical.
Electrogastrogram acquisition procedure and engineering methods for EGG signal analysis and comparing the methods for the classification of normal subjects and abnormal subjects in order to guide the physician in the investigation system disorders.
Working memory as a cognitive and neural phenomenon is characterized by a short-term dynamic storage of information. Models of working memory, cortical activity and rhythmic brain activity. Non-invasive brain stimulation in the study of working memory.
Investigation of the diabetes mellitus type 2 is a chronic disease caused by decrease in sensitivity of the human tissues to insulin. attracted by a new compound that has a hypoglycemic effect on the model of alloxan diabetes in different routes.
Background and Development of the Iranian Model, its Characteristics. Demographics and Outcome Data of Renal Transplantations. Ethical Issues Surrounding the Iranian Model. Reasons for Adopting and Continuing Regulated Paid Kidney Transplantation in Iran.
The nature, causes and importance of the process of comparison of various methods for processing cord blood. Description and features to ensure high yield of cells. Distinctive features the basic characteristics of umbilical cord blood prior to treatment.
Математична динамічна модель для задач, що потребують імітації процесу газообміну в системі дихання на тривалих інтервалах часу за умов гіпоксії. Якісний аналіз отриманих результатів з метою удосконалення самої моделі, використання їх у медичній практиці.
Підвищення ефективності хірургічного лікування хворих з частковою посттравматичною аніридією. Застосування модифікованого іридофакопротезування з вуглецевим покриттям. Вивчення рівня переносимості різних видів лавсанових трансплантатів тканинами ока.
The problem and treatment of joint hypermobility syndrome of people in different ages, especially of children of the first year of life. The concept of screening and identifying the manifestation of joints hypermobility in individuals of different ages.
Представлено, что Ki-67 является маркером ответа на химиотерапевтическое лечение пациентов с эмбриональными опухолями. Прогноз лечения эмбриональных опухолей детского возраста. Исследованы типы опухолевого ответа на химиотерапевтическое лечение.
Прогностическое значение Ki-67 при эмбриональных опухолях забрюшинного пространства у детей на материалах отделения детской онкологии. Химиотерапевтическое лечение пациентов с эмбриональными опухолями. Прогностические факторы остеосарком у детей.