Study of linguo-translational aspects of the English penitentiary discourse. Features of the penitentiary discourse in the English language, the history of its origin and research. Implementation of the analysis of examples of language interaction.
Practical-orientated approach as an important factor influencing the motivation of students to study general physics. Trait of development of interdisciplinary tasks. Feed compliance with such a didactic principle, as a link between theory and practice.
The research offers the historical background of its modern interpretation where it is strictly differentiated from intertextuality. The legal term "lawyer" is given an expended potential through it being realised via its closest counterparts or synonyms.
Functioning of terms related to the field of law. Historical stages of development and formation of the concept of interdiscursiveness of the legal term "lawyer". Actualization of meaning that is not inherent in the term within the legal discourse.
Identifying the exclamations that make up the idiolect of characters in the animated series"The Simpsons". Analysis of character replicas using corpus. Exclamations that affect the recognition of idiolect, reveal the character traits of the characters.
Research of methods of translation of political terms against the background of English-language political discourse. Tricks for translating abbreviations on examples of political texts. Using an equivalent Ukrainian abbreviation, using transliteration.
Research of methods of translation of political terms against the background of English-language political discourse. Analysis of interlingual transmission of political terminology. Characteristics of the main methods of translating abbreviations.
The study of international mechanisms for regulating civil wars, which are currently functioning. The peculiarity of conflict resolution by belligerents or with the help of a third party. Feature of the peacekeeping activities of the United Nations.
Raw Materials - а natural of semifinished god that is used in manufacturing or processing to make some other good. There is another definitions from the subject area of raw materials distinct from the above mentioned. Trade intermediates and natural.
Ambivalent manifestations of virtualization of reality in the worldview of modern man. Analysis of the habituation of human consciousness caused by its transfer to the virtual space. Studying the views of scientists on the problem of Internet addiction.
History of the Internet. American Research and Development Corporation аctivity. ARPANET - one of the "eve" networks of today's Internet. End-user-to-ISP connection. Function and necessity for filters on the network. The dangers of the Internet.
Freedom in choosing linguistic, stylistic means of translation - one of the main factors that contributes to the formation and development of translation creativity. Semantic fields - a method to create a faithful equivalent in the target language.
Translation is important part of today world. Transposition or so called translation is one of the ways to make Ukraine more visible for representatives of other countries and to present it on the international scene as one of the most knowledgeable.
In the article the attempt has been made to characterize the combination of traditional and innovative approach in the creation of a female image, the role of a woman in the family and society in the comedies. The raised important ethical problems.
A study of the social status of women and mothers in Kyrgyz society through the consideration of Zhypara Isabaeva's poem "My Mother". A review of the feminist approach to critical analysis of the themes, characters and poetic devices of the poem.
Evaluation of translation quality has always been a topical issue for both theorists and practitioners of translation. The objective of the article is to analyze the problems of quality of a translation in the diachrony of intercultural communication.
- 767. Intonation
Intonation is a language universal. Accentual and integral components of intonation. Two ways of using of prosodic attributes. The nuclear, pre-nuclear tones. Communicative function as the basic function of intonation. Pragmatic and rhetorical function.
Intonation in speech as a way to express emotions and feelings. Analysis of examples of falling and rising intonation in different types of sentences. The two compound patterns combine the meanings of falling and rising intonation in iconic meanings.
Linguistics as an object of study: terms, concepts, properties and problems of science. Communicating individuals, participants and role parts. Exploring expectations and orthoconceptions, advising the reader to take the comments made here as preliminary.
Identification of lexical and semantic, communicative and pragmatic features of the invective vocabulary in the Ukrainian media discourse and social networks as a specific verbal means of a psychological impact on the consciousness of the recipients.
Analysis of contexts with the stylistically marked inverted syntactic structures containing ethnically marked and imagery elements. The study of the factors of their emotiveness in the text, taking into account language and extra language parameters.
Изучение словообразования в иранских и славянских языках в сравнительно-историческом аспекте. Сопоставительный анализ лексем, имеющих общие индоевропейские корни, в синхронии и диахронии. Типологическая близость процессов модификации структуры слова.
Linguistic description of indigenous languages in the context of Eastern, European discursive practices that reveal the mentality, models of verbal and non-verbal behavior, understanding the world. Priority directions of development of modern linguistics.
Interpretation of the third person singular pronoun in a sentence structure or discourse. Basics of form, syntactic functions, lexical-grammatical valences and frequency of a linguistic unitt "it". Interpretation of the indefinite article "a" in English.
- 775. Italian loans in the course of time as the demonstration of democratization of italian language
Conducting a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the introduction of new lexical terms and units in the Italian language. Study of the process of democratization of language through the media. Credits as sources of lexical enrichment of vocabulary.
- 776. Italian Renaissance
Рассвет Ренесанса. Итальянский Ренессанс представляет собой одну из самых блестящих эпох в истории европейской культуры. Даже не идеализируя эпоху Возрождения, человечество всегда будет восхищаться культурными и художественными достижениями того времени.
Studying the biography of an American linguist - J. Greenberg. Consideration of his contribution to synchronous linguistics and the search for linguistic universals. The study of a set of languages, covering a wide geographical and genetic distribution.
Встановлено, що онтологічні характеристики нонсенсу чинять вплив на інтерпретацію лексем-нонсенсів і на створення перекладацьких відповідників. Провідною задачею перекладача є утворення функціональних відповідників лексичному нонсенсу в мові перекладу.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a fascinating individual whose unorthodox ideas and passionate prose caused a flurry of interest in 18 century France. Rousseau's greatest work were published in 1762. His natural political philosophy echoes the way of Lao Tzu.
Otto Harry Jespersen - Danish linguist who specialized in the grammar of the English language. He was an active developer of international auxiliary languages. He was involved in the 1907 delegation that created the auxiliary language Ido, and in 1928.