Legal english and adapted legal texts in the aspect of translation into ukrainian

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of legal English and adapted legal texts in the aspect of translation into Ukrainian from English-language sources. Note that the translation of English legal texts into Ukrainian requires.

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Legal english and adapted legal texts in the aspect of translation into ukrainian

Rybina N.V.,

PhD in Philology,

Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages Department West Ukrainian National University

Koshil N.Ye.,

PhD in Philology,

Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages Department West Ukrainian National University

Hyryla O.S.,

Senior Lecturer at the Foreign Languages Department West Ukrainian National University

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of legal English and adapted legal texts in the aspect of translation into Ukrainian from English-language sources. The authors note that the translation of English legal texts into Ukrainian requires in-depth knowledge of the subject area to which the translation relates in general, as well as understanding the meaning of terms in English and knowledge of terminology in the native language in particular. It was established that while translating legal literature from English into Ukrainian, the interaction of the actual term with the context is important, thanks to which the meaning of the word is revealed. The authors also claim that if a separate word is used as a term in the system of another special field of knowledge, then it is also unambiguous, semantically clearly separated from its meanings, which are manifested both in non-terminological functions in general and in terminological functions in particular, but in another field of knowledge. As a result of the research, it was found that legal terms have specific features and possibilities of translation from English to Ukrainian, which is sometimes similar to the corresponding phenomena in the translation of terms from other fields. The article claims that the main problem of translation of legal terms and phrases is their ambiguity not only between different branches of science, but also within the legal sphere of the text, both original and adapted. The style of most legal texts should not cause additional associations and distract attention from the essence of the document, it lacks any individual author's signs. The authors note that the entire legal text is characterized by a number of stylistic features, which are expressed in a great saturation of special terminology in the presence of special idioms and combinations of expressions and phraseological combinations, not used or rarely used in the general literary language, in the use of set-phrases in the official office style, in the use verbs in the passive state, in the use of Latinisms.

Key words: legal English, adapted legal texts, translation, legal terms, translation strategies. legal english text translation


Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей юридичної англійської мови та адаптованих юридичних текстів в аспекті перекладу українською мовою з англомовних джерел. Автори зазначають, що переклад англійських юридичних текстів українською вимагає глибокого знання предметної галузі, якої стосується як переклад загалом, так і розуміння значення термінів англійською мовою та знання термінології рідною мовою зокрема. Було встановлено, що при перекладі юридичної літератури з англійської українською мовою важлива взаємодія власне терміна з контекстом, завдяки чому розкривається значення слова. Автори також стверджують, що якщо окреме слово вживається як термін у системі іншої спеціальної галузі знань, то в ній воно також є однозначним, семантично чітко відмежованим від своїх значень, які виявляються як у нетермінологічних функціях загалом, так і в термінологічних функціях зокрема, але в іншій галузі знань. У результаті проведення дослідження було виявлено, що юридичні терміни, як правило, мають специфічні особливості та можливості перекладу з англійської українською, що інколи схоже з відповідними явищами у перекладі термінів з інших сфер. У статті стверджується, що основною проблемою перекладу юридичних термінів і словосполучень є їх неоднозначність не тільки між різними галузями науки, а й у межах правової сфери тексту як оригінального, так і адаптованого. Стиль більшості юридичних текстів не повинен викликати додаткових асоціацій і відволікати увагу від суті документа, в ньому відсутні будь-які індивідуальні авторські ознаки. Авторами зазначається, що весь правовий текст характеризується низкою стилістичних особливостей, які виражаються у великій насиченості спеціальною термінологією в наявності особливих ідіом і поєднань виразів і фразеологічних сполучень, не вживаних або рідко вживаних в загальнолітературній мові, в вживання зворотів в офіційно-канцелярському стилі, у вживанні дієслів у пасивному стані, у вживанні латинізмів.

Ключові слова: юридичної англійської мови, адаптовані юридичні тексти, переклад, юридичні терміни, стратегії перекладу.

Problem statement

Legal language as a special "subtext" has its own meaning and a number of specific properties that differ depending on the language system. However, the vast majority of language characteristics are determined by the influence of historical, cultural, social and political factors on its speakers. However, despite these characteristics, the translator faces the task of translating the information contained in the original and conveying it to the receptor of the translation, because he cannot only assert the phenomenon of untranslatability. Modern processes of globalization to a certain extent erase these cultural, social and historical features, which facilitates the translator's work. However, this does not mean that the translator does not need to know all these features.

Literature review. Scientists pay a lot of attention to the interpretation of the term "translation strategies", but it cannot be said that there is a satisfying description of the concept of legal translation and all its aspects have been covered in scientific research. The works of L. Kolomiets, T. Pastryk, H. Heniga, P. Kussmaul, L. Venuti, A. Vitrenko, V. Komisarova, I. Alekseeva etc give some ideas in this area whereas Ukrainian translations themselves are studied only in a small number of periodicals.

The aim of work is to identify the peculiarities of the translation of English legal texts into Ukrainian.

Results and discussions

General language characteristics of legal texts in English and Ukrainian have certain common features. The language of legal discourse is typically ritualistic and archaic, it is subject to very strict stylistic norms regarding the manner of expression and register, and is also characterized by a high degree of codified genre structures, etc. The style of most documents should not cause additional associations and divert attention from the essence of the document, it lacks any individual authorial features. Moreover, neutral presentation of legal norms increases the effectiveness of legal regulation.

The legal text determines the behavior of recipients - countries, organizations, institutions, citizens. The text of the law regulates, prohibits, allows, recommends, changes, describes the real world and the behavior of people. The communicative influence of the legal text is based on the factors of power, the powers of the forces expressed in these texts. Legal texts are a class of texts that are united by a common communicative purpose, are used in typical communication situations, have the same pragmatic institution and have common linguistic and stylistic features. The entire legal text is characterized by a number of stylistic features, which are expressed in a great saturation of specialized terminology in the presence of special idioms and combinations of expressions and phraseological combinations, not used or rarely used in the general literary language (the jury finds guilty, legal consequences, preliminary stipulations, etc.), in the use of inflections in the official clerical style (power and authority, terms and conditions, to have and to hold, etc.), in the use of verbs in the passive state (P should be acquitted, the record was read out loud by the investigator, the criminal case was initiated by the Prosecutor's Office, etc.), in the application of Latinisms absente reo (the defendant being absent), ex curia (out of court), falsi crimem (The crime of falsification, etc.)) and abbreviations (cc. (Chapters), CB (casebook), COA (court of Appeals), CIF (Coming into Force), J (Judge)) [2, p. 38]. In addition to the listed properties, the legal text is characterized by an almost complete absence of punctuation, the use of adverbs (hereof, thereof, whereof, etc.), such forms as (the same, the said, the- forementioned), as well as the use of so-called linguistic doublets and triplets - by and between; full faith and credit; null and void; name, constitute and appoint. Translational transformations (substitutions) occur due to the incomplete commonality and difference of languages [3, p. 42].

In legal texts, unlike others, there is no attitude of the author of the text to objective reality and meaningful information, reproduced by creating associative and connotative meanings, which are not characteristic of legal texts. In these texts, unequivocal meaning, concreteness and clarity are the main principles, a prerequisite for adequate reproduction and understanding, which leaves no room for subtextual information.

Texts of legal journalism are significantly different from other types of legal texts. Journalistic texts are a means of legal information and systematically provide the population with information about legal existence. They affect the level of awareness and legality of behavior, their performance civil duties and the possibility of special use of rights and freedoms, which largely depends on the level of his legal awareness. Journalistic texts together with information shape public opinion and contribute active action and decision-making [3, p. 22].

An important feature of the analyzed texts is the availability of legal information. This includes the use of terminology and special categories that provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the general content of the legal material provided to them, rather than spending time on understanding metalanguage that has nothing to do with the linguistic content of the printed media [7]. Unlike all other types of legal texts, the vocabulary of legal journalistic texts is characterized by emotionality, phraseological and metaphorical richness. In addition to legal terminology, there are also general scientific and socio-political, abstract words and easy-to-remember language cliches.

When translating a legal text, the problem of choice arises an adequate counterpart in one language for another. The choice of a translation option is influenced by the presence or absence of an equivalent in the target language. If it exists, the procedure is reduced to the usual replacement of the equivalent, but in its absence - to the careful selection of one of the variant counterparts, taking into account a number of linguistic and extra linguistic factors.

Local issues, in our opinion, include taking into account the legal field and defining the genre of the legal text. Legal analysis of the text, qualification of the concept and selection of a similar term of Ukrainian law can also be considered local translation strategies. So, when translating English legal terms, it is necessary to ensure that different concepts of Ukrainian and British legislation are not used, which may be indicated by similar terms. For the formation of new English term intended to convey specifically Ukrainian realities in English, you can use a non-terminological unit available in the English language or resort to tracing a Ukrainian terminological phrase or descriptive translation. One should take into account the trend towards the use of simple and understandable English (Plain

English Campaign), which arose among English speakers. For the formation of English-language equivalents of Ukrainian legal terms should avoid polysemy, take into account the scope of the meanings of each unit, take into account the entire thematic group (sphere of the legal field) as a whole, check the terminological combination according to the Plain English criterion [4, p. 64].


Translation of English terms into Ukrainian requires knowledge of the subject area to which the translation relates, understanding of the meaning of terms in English and knowledge of terminology in the native language. When translating scientific, technical and legal literature from English to Ukrainian, the interaction of the term with the context is important, thereby revealing the meaning of the word. If the word is used as a term in the system of another special field of knowledge, then it is also unambiguous in it, semantically clearly separated from its meanings, which are manifested both in non-terminological functions and in terminological functions, but in another field of knowledge. While conducting this research, we found that legal terms, as a rule, have the same possibilities of translation from English to Ukrainian as any other term. The main problem of translating legal terms and phrases is their ambiguity not only between different branches of science, but also within the legal sphere of the text either original or adapted one.


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2. Артикуца Н.В. Мова права і юридична термінологія / Н.В. Артикуца. Київ: Стилос, 2004. 266 с.

3. Гамзатов М. Г. Техніка і специфіка юридичного перекладу / М. Г. Гамзатов. СПб., 2004. 78 с.

4. Ходаковська О.О. Стратегії перекладу англомовного юридичного дискурсу. Закарпатські філологічні студії. Випуск 13. Том 3. С. 61-65.

5. Шаблій О. Юридичний переклад у сучасній юридичної діяльності. Актуальні питання державотворення в Україні : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практич. конф. (20.05.2016 р.) / ред. : І.Гриценко, І. Сахарук (відп. ред.) та ін. У 3х т. Т. 3. Київ : ВПЦ «Київ. Ун-т», 2016. С. 304.

6. Sosoni V. Law and language in the EU Insights from the Greek Eurolect. Language and Nation: Crossroads and Connections. eds. Barstad G.E., Hjelde A., Kvam S., Parianou А, Todd J. Munster-New York. Waxmann Verlag GmbH. 2016. 320 р.

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