- 961. New Opportunities
Based on feedback from teachers and students around the world, Opportunities now comes with new features and components to make lessons even more motivating and successful. New Reading and Listening texts motivate students to speak and think in English.
New substitution trends in the vocabulary of the modern Azerbaijani language. Functional features of words that passed from Turkish to Azerbaijani. Lexico-terminological updating due to the internal possibilities of the language and borrowed words.
Current innovational processes on the lexical level in the English language. Studying the peculiarities of the formation of neologisms that have been announced the winners of the Word of the Year by the Oxford Dictionary. Derivational types of words.
Manhattan - the centre of American finance, advertising, art, theatre, publishing, fashion. History of the Financial District of New York City. The Lower East Side and its neighborhoods. Greenwich Village and the East Village - the places of excitement.
- 965. New Zealand
New Zealand is a country in Southwestern Oceania, southeast of Australia in the South Pacific Ocean, with two large islands (North, South, Stewart) and numerous much smaller islands. Landscape, demography, politics, history, economy, life in General.
- 966. New Zealand
Characteristics of geography, time zones, landscape, flora and fauna, climate and nature of New Zealand. The study of the current demographic situation, cultural characteristics, the political system (constitution, form of government) in New Zealand.
- 967. Nierentoxikologie
Anatomie, physiologie blutversorgung der Niere. Mechanismen der Nierenschдdigung. Kreatinin ist ein Abfallprodukt des Muskelstoffwechsel. Die Niere ist pradestiniert fur toxische. Schadigung der Niere durch Gifte, Medikamente, Myoglobin, Hamoglobin.
Технічний розвиток як причина поступового зникнення інструментальних найменувань землеробської й тваринницької галузей. Аналіз іменників зі значенням інструментальності. Особливості функціонування суфікса -ло в іменниках на позначення знарядь дії.
To determine the detailed nature of language impairments in patients with schizophrenia. Analysis nominal and verbal predicate use produced by schizophrenic patients and control group during their speech as both predicates require different processings.
- 970. Nonce words in the ukrainian translation of the shakespearean tragedy "King lear" by vasyl barka
The Translation Studies analysis of W. Shakespeare s tragedy "King Lear" in the Ukrainian translation by Vasyl Barka. The ways of creation of neologisms. An example of the nonce word formation with a semantic change/shift in the source and target texts.
Studing potential stress- and straindependent creep or stress relaxation behavior in the rabbitMCLmodel. The aim - the rates of stress relaxation and creep are dependent on strain and stress, in the rabbit MCL within a physiologic range of loading.
Types of nonverbal communication and body language: facial expressions, body movements and posture, gestures, eye contact, touch, space, voice. Cultural differences in non-verbal communication. General appearance and dress, body Movement and posture.
Representative research of the pattern of fears between children of preschool age. Observation of the trend to calm children with another element with a positive shade. Formation of the immanence of self-regulation processes of a sense of anxiety.
The study of some lexical elements that may indicate the influence of some Euskaro-Caucasian language (or language family) on the Greek language. Description of the list of "pre-Greek" words compiled by Furne and Beekes, later cultural borrowings.
From the number systems of Babylonian civilisation came the base of 60, that is the sexagesimal system. The Egyptians numerals hieroglyphs are little pictures representing words. The Incas had developed a method of recording numerical information - quipu.
Национальные особенности общения военнослужащих в России. Воинский речевой этикет как совокупность правил поведения, общения военнослужащих в служебных и внеслужебных сферах деятельности, межличностных отношений, носящих ритуальный характер обращений.
- 977. Old English
The history of Old English and its development. The Old English Substantive. The Old English Adjective. Examples of Celtic influence in place names. The Old English Pronoun, Numeral, Adverb. The Old English Verb. The Old English Auxiliary Words.
Modern estimates of the total vocabulary of old English. The old English vocabulary, its etymology, word structure, word building and stylistic differentiation. Using of derivation and word-composition in old English. The mutation of the root-vowel.
Consideration of the Ancient Frisian expletive vocabulary, analysis of simplices and compound words attested in Ancient Frisian sources. Important linguistic and historical features of the ancient Germanic material on a very limited lexical sample.
History of creation Olympic and Paralympics games. What games were played original Olympic games and that play today. What is the sports for invalids? Comparison of these kinds of competitions, the analysis of features and development of both games.
Consequences of accepting the proposition as the semantic concept characteristic of semantics and it is discussed that such an approach does not mean a limitation for discursive dynamics. Inclusion of the concept of variable context in dynamic pragmatics.
General characteristics of the main methods of linguistic semantics and quantitative analysis. Analysis of the results of the intermediate stage of the experimental study of psycholinguistic features of the understanding of extremist polycode texts.
The goals and objectives of teaching grammar are one of the general goals of teaching a foreign language in high school - to involve students in practical skills in all activities, the ability to combine words correctly, change the means of speaking.
The northwestern fringe of the Tibetan-speaking area, now forming a part of the Jammu and Kashmir state of India and of Pakistani-controlled Northern Areas, of intensive ethnic and language contact. The the dialectal distribution of Indo-Iranian.
Legislative regulation of educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Theoretical analysis of the concept of "freedom" in modern legal science. Contradictions between the norms of law and review orders. The direction of the Belarusian citizens.
The article substantiates the organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of professionally oriented communicative competence of future sailors. The quality of professionally oriented foreign language training.
Pragmatic peculiarities of the English advertising, the purpose of which is to sell products. New ideas and methods, broadly using the innovative approaches of information providing. Lexical and terminological features of English advertising language.
- 988. On some specific aspects of teaching versatile translation at higher educational establishments
The general theory of translation is an interdisciplinary field, mainly linguistic, but also closely related to psychology, ethnography, and regional studies. It is based on the application of linguistic theory to a special type of speech behavior.
The article "On Temporaland Spatial Conceptualization in Typologically Distant Languages" continues the series on working by O. Taukchi. Explores the process of the world conceptualization and internal reflective experience in English, Ukrainian, Russian.
The study of figurative verbs of the Yakut, Tuvan languages to identify semantic equivalents, features of their functioning in epic texts. The distribution of verbs according to semantic meanings is made according to the classification of L. Kharitonov.