Maxwell’s equations and the equations governing charged particle dynamics. The relevant entities in these equations. Ambiguities in the definitions of the electromagnetic fields. A related term in the energy equation. Geodesics and Lorentz force.
- 182. Electronic Circuits
Identification of asymptotic dependence of the impedances on frequency for very low frequencies and for very high frequencies, and explanation of this dependence physically. The proof of that a studied network works in a sinusoidal steady condition.
- 183. Electronic editions
Social "pocketbook" events for the popularization of book reading in Ukraine. Features of architectonics of modern student printed periodicals. Language game as f feature of postmodernism in journalist's text. Show programs communication TV technologies.
The use of digital evidence in the process of investigating looting during the war in Ukraine. Separation of looting from other crimes against property. Legal qualification of criminal offenses committed during of martial law or state of emergency.
Creation of favorable conditions for the use of digital data in Ukrainian justice. Introduction to the procedural codes of Ukraine of the institution of electronic evidence. Creation of the information and telecommunication system of the Unified Court.
The concept, meaning and essence of a digital work, the use of technologies and equipment in the digitization of works. Features of converting a work into a digital format. Study of the main recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union.
The protection of personal data is considered as a modern law that provides a system of checks and balances to protect an individual if his personal data is processed. Data processing must comply with the basic requirements of personal data protection.
The main functions, advantages and possibilities of using Internet resources in the educational process. Characteristics of mobile applications "Deutsche Welle", "Goethe-Verlag", "Phased". Use of electronic dictionaries in learning the German language.
The use of digital technologies in the system of providing social services in Ukraine. Technological and software support for the organization of social services through online services in the system of social protection and services for the population.
Характеристика программного продукта Electronics Workbench - средства моделирования, тестирования и отладки электрических цепей. Интерфейс программы и его компоненты. Функциональное назначение меню Circut. Размещение элементов схемы в рабочем поле экрана.
Effect of polymerization copolymers on selenophenes and thiophenes. Analysis of electrosynthesis of selenofen-thiophene copolymers at a constant electrode potential. Stability of oxidation-reduction activity in electrolyte solution based on acetonitrile.
The regimes of internationalization of the sphere of science, technologies and innovations and methods of increasing the competitiveness of positions in the world market of goods and services. Principles of constructing an innovative economic model.
Outline of Nervous Systems. Organisation of Synapses, Neurons in the Brain. The Conformation of Informational Macromolecules. Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structure. Molecular Chaperones. Nucleic Acids. Antisense and triplex oligonucleotides.
Discusses the Norwegian language textbooks for foreigners Stein pa stein and Her pa berget. Singles out several lexical ideologemes, the so-called "values", which can be considered especially significant in the self-presentation of the Norwegian nation.
Automotive brand press recipient and reader category, which plays an important role in branding, the process of building and establishing the brand’s image. Suitable formulation of reader address and its impact on increase of the gained clients count.
Conformism as a way of political elite existence. The economic and political transformations in the country. The necessity of assessing the conformism level among the high-rank public servants. The features of the Ukrainian political elite formation.
- 197. Elliptic curves
Affine plane curves. A brief introduction to the p-adic numbers. Regular functions on projective curves. Plane projective cubic curves with a rational inflection point. Reduction of an elliptic curve. Cohomology of finite, infinite Galois groups.
- 198. EM-алгоритм с большим числом компонент как средство построения непараметрических оценок плотности
Исследование стохастической структуры хаотических информационных потоков в сложных телекоммуникационных сетях. Целесообразность применения EM-алгоритм и его модификаций для решения задачи статистического оценивания параметров смесей (разделение смесей).
- 199. Embedded robotics
Robots and controllers: interfaces, operating system. Binary, analog, position sensor. Kinematics, driving program. Balancing robots: simulation, double inverted pendulum. Micro mouse contest. Maze exploration algorithms. Real-time image processing.
Analysis the history of creation and development of antiaircraft artillery during the World War I. Study circumstances of the emergence of new equipment. The use of aviation for military purposes. Creation of air defense and antiaircraft artillery.
Characteristics of the provisions of pragmatism. Investigation of the theories that preceded it. Early Pragmatists and Emerson's Philosophy. Stages of the revival of pragmatism. The definition of pragmatism in Rorty's book The Consequences of Pragmatism.
Исследование сущности этнопсихологии - своеобразия проявления и функционирования психики представителей различных этнических общностей. Рассмотрение подходов к этническим исследованиям в зарубежной психологии – эмического (emic) и этического (etic).
Analysis of scientific works for the period from 1996 to 2016 on emotional regulation of preschool children. According to the results of the study, it is proposed to include this subject as a subject of research for master's and doctoral dissertations.
Rationale and the main reasons for the rise of anxiety disorders, and epileptic phenomena in Ukraine. Investigation of the clinical course of using patopsihologicheskih methods. Analysis of the level of personal anxiety, neuroticism and depression.
The results of empirical research about gender, age differences of managers. The "control over own emotions" as the most vulnerable component in the structure of emotional intellect of the managers. The level of selfcontrol, responsibility for behaviour.
Emotional intelligence as a manager's ability to understand his own emotions and of others. Its importance is in leadership. Evaluation of the level of emotional intelligence of managers in the organization according to the methodology of D. Goleman's.
The role of the emotion of surprise in English poetic texts. Emotions as a psychosomatic process, their reflection in the form of emotives. Analysis of emotional situations in English poetic texts that cause the appearance of the emotion of surprise.
The intersection of social enterprise and artificial intelligence presents an unprecedented opportunity to address societal challenges effectively. This impact and potential of integrating AI technologies within the realm of social entrepreneurship.
- 209. Empathy, intentionality and "other mind": from phenomenology to contemporary versions of naturalism
Discusses researching the nature and basic structure of acts of empathy. The research is based on the problems set by the phenomenological tradition and the developed analytical philosophy, which found their continuation in the philosophy of mind.
The problem of the development of interpersonal relations of senior schoolchildren in a multicultural educational environment in the context of the instability of international relations. Characteristics of the main methods of mathematical statistics.