A philosophic notion of performativity. The analysis of approaches of John Searle, John Austin, Lyotard and Foucault to notion of performativity. The role and value of performativity in education. Differences between constatives and performatives.
The market segment as a basic factor that used for indicating and emphasizing social stratification in the perfume and cosmetic nominative space. The appellative nominative register - one of the most inexhaustible source for creating perfume names.
The clinicopathological features of a series of four periapically located central giant cell granulomas that were misdiagnosed and treated as being of endodontic origin. Root canal treatment. Histological examination with a diagnosis of radicular cyst.
- 184. Periodontal destruction and tooth loss following pulp devitalization with Toxavit: report of a case
The sequelae of vital pulp devitalization with the paraformaldehyde-containing agent Toxavit. Marginal leakage of the temporary filling, iatrogenic perforation of the pulp chamber floor resulted in diffusion of the agent. Endodontic emergency treatment.
The role of the microcirculation in cardiovascular system. Component parts of the cardiovascular module. Transcapillary exchange is the primary function of blood. Factors contributing to the movement of blood through the veins. Types of blood circulation.
Reveal the features of J.N. Darling's travel texts as peripheral genres. Analysis the deep structures of the travelogues chronotope. The features of the chronotope of travelogues are the peripheralization of space, the transformation of places into space.
Analysis of the adaptation of the deontic modality of the English discourse of international soft law in Ukrainian translations. Identification of peripheral means of translation adaptation, which weakens the legal force of international legal documents.
Specifics of adaptation of deontic modality in the Ukrainian translations of English-based international soft law discourse. Peripheral means of translation adaptation of modality resulting in de-intensifying the legal force of the legal documents.
The history of the persecutions on the Ambursky skete of the Old Believers-Filipovites in 1879-1880. A denunciation by a local priest to the Arkhangelsk police department, a petition from Permyakov and Prugavin addressed to the Arkhangelsk governor.
The life path, activities and creative heritage of the well-known Ukrainian architect, cultural and public figure of the Ukrainian diaspora of the USA, a member of the famous Ukrainian family of Sicinsky-Chekhov-Sichinsky-Shandor Yaroslav Sichinsky.
Placement of a personal brand in the context of increased dependence of Russian higher education institutions on social media. Promoting a personal brand to the career development of the academic faculty. Use of social media by Russian universities.
The main characteristics of directors in resolving conflicts of interest between managers in public companies with dispersed ownership structure. In the corporate governance system independent directors have become an integral part of boards of directors.
Development of a structural-functional psychological model of biological, social and individual-personal determinants of personality. Identification of the influence of intrapersonal structures on improving the efficiency of Russian youth doing sports.
The problems and personal determinants of the woman career success. Modern division of professional roles of the woman and criteria of success at performance of these roles. Components in the structure of personal determinant of the women career success.
The uncovering sensitive period of learning in higher education. Specifics of psychological training of physicians and its necessity in the performance of professional functions. The formation of the moral and ethical qualities of future physicians.
The reveals the peculiarities of personal reflection and responsibility in the conditions of constant social changes. It is shown that the evolution of socially significant knowledge involves a change in approaches to its reproduction, in particular.
Studies of personal remittances sent to Ukraine from abroad in the period from 1996 to 2016, according to the World Bank. The importance of remittances for families of Ukrainian labor migrants and for the state. Funds received from banking institutions.
Security tax police employees: concepts and principles. The peculiarities of legal regulation of performance tax police employees at present. Analyze and guarantees legal protection of the tax police. Deficiencies in the legal protection of tax.
- 199. Personal Selling
Familiarity with the basic stages of personal sales: prospecting, handling objections, closing the scale. Personal selling as a promotional method in which one party uses skills and techniques for building personal relationships with another party.
Migrant status of war-related migrants and conflict-of-laws rules applicable to their personal status. Personal status issues of migrants covered by the Convention. Law applicable to a personal status of war-related migrants not covered by the Convention.
Getting to know persistent conceptual and methodological issues in personality assessment. Peculiarities of the dispositional approach to job attitude, an empirical and conceptual review. The main features of personality and organizational culture.
Study of students' attitudes towards digital educational technologies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study of motivational and personal characteristics of university students related to their attitude to digital educational technologies.
The role of the artist in the processes of nation-building. Lesya Ukrainka's interpretation of the poet as a guardian or custodian of spiritual treasures. Creation of symbolic images by a Ukrainian poetess on the basis of Schopenhauer's voluntarism.
Research of role of unique personality traits in creative activity. Studing a person's ability to create metaphors. Analysis of the relationship between the sensual and the rational during self-actualization. Implementation of coping strategies in art.
The introduction of a credit-modular system of education in higher education, the main characteristic of which is the transfer of the center of gravity in the educational process from teaching to independent learning activities in education technologies.
Self-efficacy of psychology students as an resource of their training and work. Personality-related form of self-efficacy in the system of professionally valuable qualities. Interrelation between the levels of self-efficacy and professionally qualities.
The study of modern trends in the development of the HR service, the formation processes and the efficiency of the use of the company's personnel in the conditions of the latest challenges. Quality factors of personnel management in the organization.
Analysis of the education system and higher school in Ukraine. Implementation of the provisions and principles of the Bologna Process in Ukrainian educational institutions. Teacher training and exchange of experience with universities in other countries.
Perfect implementation of an inclusive green economy and its further effective development as a factor in the sustainable and stable development of the country's economy. The main factors of strategic environmental protection and population protection.
Consideration of the tendency of development of industrial and technical practice of ecologically pure plant products in the system of organic farming. Study of the possibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles in biological plant protection technologies.