The issue of psychological and pedagogical support of children affected by the russian military aggression in Ukraine. The survey of Ukrainian and Polish students with pedagogical experience of dealing with temporarily displaced persons due to the war.
The defined issue of psychological and pedagogical support of children affected by the russian military aggression in Ukraine (2022-2023) is substantiated in the article based on the analysis of scientific literature and monitoring of media resources.
The integration of Ukraine into world community necessitates the reform of the national system of higher education. This reform should be focused on personality development of future specialists, ensuring their high level of health and physical fitness.
New concept - pedagogy of ethics, which will correlate with moral education through the implementation of the transcendental Methodology of ethical pedagogical training of intelligence at the level of teachers, supplemented by methods of moral education.
Особливості освітньої технології peer-to – peer, ("рівний-рівний"), що діє за аналогією взаємодії комп'ютерів у мережі. Ключові принципи, дослідження прикладів її використання на різних рівнях: школа, університет, післядипломна, корпоративна освіта.
Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse was an English satirist, author and a comic novelist who created the famous fictional characters of Bertie Wooster and Reginald Jeeves. Biography of the satirist, his childhood and education. The most Notable Works.
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. Pentecost is part of the Moveable Cycle of the ecclesiastical year. In the Orthodox Tradition, the liturgical color used at Pentecost is green, and faithful carry flowers.
Native Americans in the United States. The European colonization of the USA. Federally recognized tribal governments in the United States. Cultural aspects and certain elements. Society, religion and gender roles. Terminology differences of some Indians.
- 159. Peoples of America
The People of North America. Sub-ethnic groups in the state of Morelos tlauika. The main traditional occupation of the Aleuts. Algonquin Indian people groups in Canada. A characteristic feature of the ethnic history of the American people in the USA.
Широкое географическое распространение Peponia fenneriae в эоценовых осадках разных океанов и полушарий. Морфологическая характеристика и методы использования для биостратиграфических и палеогеографических целей видового разнообразия рода Peponia.
Значення аргументативної практики відомого політичного діяча та історика Стародавнього Риму, застосованої ним у полемічних творах, що порушували тогочасну актуальну політико-правову проблематику. Імперативний метод регулювання суспільних відносин.
Relation with semantically contiguous syntagms. The development of deverbal prepositions in Latin: morpho-syntactic and semantico-pragmatic factors. Complex spatial prepositions from Latin. On the role of context in the modern grammaticalization.
Establishing the hypothesized relationship between adopted organizational politics and job stress by using structural equation modeling. Conducting a survey among civil servants in Zamfara State. Determining the impact of resilience on work engagement.
Study of the meaning, purpose of the Cycladic statuettes of the canonical type. Comprehension of the phenomenon of ancient images and their influence on modern man from the standpoint of the theory of the collective unconscious and archetypes of K. Jung.
Study of Les Taniuk's diary "Life line" in terms of comprehension of writers' and artists' perceptions, specifically, O. Honchar's perception. Study of the characteristics of the author's narrative, its correlation with the content of historic realities.
The conception of image as a phenomenon of interpersonal relationship. Methodological and theoretical bases of this conception creation. The image bases itself on the I-conception of subject. The research on formation and modelling the person’s image.
Cultural distance as the degree of similarity or difference in norms and values between two cultures. Power distance, linked to the different solutions for the fundamental problems of human inequality - the characteristic of culture-specific emotions.
Highlighting respondents' perspectives on fake news: perceptions and attitudes towards it, perceptions of interaction with it and opinions on countering it by different stakeholder groups. Threats from fake news. Assessment of credibility of news.
Study of the influence of communication technologies on the emotional and mental state of a person. Regularities of the relationship between the sender and the recipient of information. The role of language, text and virtual figures in intercourse.
The transition from theory to practice is usually associated with stress of a higher education institution. In medical education, acutely due to rather stressful and responsible working conditions that a "newly trained" specialist finds himself in.
At the end of 2019 there were large-scale protests in India against amendments to the Citizenship Act 1955. They touched upon an important issue for Indian society — the issue of religion. Many actions were characterized by appeals to various forms of art
The purpose of this study was to identify the features of the perception of social maturity criteria and values associated with this perception among the younger generation (Y), as well as the perception of these values by the older generation (X).
The collision of public consciousness with a new layer of vocabulary that arose as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the problems of the new language culture perception. The ways to transfer the pandemic vocabulary from English into Russian.
The paradigm of scientific cognition in security sciences is the scientific method, application of cognitive assumptions allows you to organise, conduct research according to scientific rigours, which is the basis for creating new or updated knowledge.
Development of variable competence of education seekers. Research on the level of tolerance regarding the perception of national variants of the German language. Setting pronunciation variants of the German and Austrian national language variants.
A novel method of digital modulation with a high spectral efficiency, called the Angle Modulated M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. The main advantage of EM-MQAM is an ability to transmit a multilevel MQAM constellation as a constant envelope signal.
Identify typical genre-stylistic of E. Goossens's composition in the context of the development of the concert style of oboe performance. Have marked the overcoming of the formality of rondeau nature by the continuity of performance form-creation.
The article examines the performance and semantic features of Borys Liatoshynsky's chamber music style, focusing on the Sonata for Violin and Piano (1926), a landmark work of the composer's modern period. Actively inspired by new expressive components.
Activities of the artistic group GAZ (V. Grublyak and O. Zolotar). The connection between performance and sculpture in the work of the collective in the context of sociopolitical art of Ukraine. Implementation of the conceptual principles of art actions.
Comprehension of performative practices as a phenomenon of modern culture and art, main directions of research. Identification of the concept of "performative practices" in humanities. Consideration of performative practices from different positions.